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The New Slave Ch. 22


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“Hold still baby, this is going to hurt. I’m just helping them get ready for the inevitable,” she said, taking great relish as he struggled from her torture. She would tighten and loosen her grip around his neck, allowing him to breath freely, and then to struggle for air. If she tightened her legs too much, he would pass out from the reduced blood flow to the brain.

“Just relax baby, this is going to feel so very good … to me,” she said, grinning at the frenzied audience. Some of the women had come closer to the arena, just to see close up what was taking place. Using both hands, she pulled his ball sack down away from his body. She squeezed the neck of the sack, forcing both balls down into the bottom. There, trapped against the now tight smooth skin, she pinched them off. Using her thumbs and forefingers, she felt around the top of each ball, till she found what she was looking for. The jerk in his body told her that she was holding the correct spot. She was pinching off the huge tube, the vas deferens and squeezing it. As she squeezed harder, she would slide her fingers forward putting pressure on the epididymus. Within a few seconds of this manipulation, a large glob of sperm seeped out of his swollen cock head.

“Ummm, now that is what I was wanting,” she said, her upper body rolling forward over him. Her mouth immediately engulfed his cock head and she hungrily sucked in the creamy globs. His body twitched hard, his hands grasping the carpet tightly. She sucked for several moments then sat upright on his chest. His cock was now rock hard.

“Anyone want a snack,” she said laughing out loud. Grinning at the crowd, they could see the smeared blood from her busted mouth and nose, along with a shine on her lips from his cum.

She again pulled his balls out away from his body, again squeezing off the two orbs. Using her fingers, she expertly felt along the top of each ball, finding the vas deferens and the epididymus and squeezed them hard. As before, he jerked hard about the same time more globs of his sperm oozed from his cock head. She again leaned over and sucked on his cock head, taking the sperm into her mouth.

“Ummm, he’s tasty. I do love older men. Their cum is richer and not so bitter as young men,” she said, almost laughing. She again began manipulating his balls to get more sperm out of him. After several moments, it was obvious that he wasn’t able to pump out the globs.

“I think they’re sleeping. I’m going to have to wake them up,” she said, pulling his cock back to his stomach. “Balls this big have a lot stored up inside.” She brought her right hand up over his body and then came down hard, slapping the fleshy sack. He jerked hard, a muffled groan coming from him. She examined his balls for a moment and then brought her hand up again. This time she slapped his sack harder, forcing them to separate outward, both balls flopping around wildly. He was struggling but she soon stopped him by pressing harder with her legs. She waited a moment, watching the balls settle back into their fleshy sack, and then raised her hand up again. This time she formed a fist and punched him hard, right in the middle of the bloated sack. He cried out loudly from the pain.

“There we go. Now they’re awake,” she said, laughing. She immediately bent over and began suckling from the quivering cock. He was hard and his cock was pumped up, the veins bulging outward. Her mouth worked on him several moments, sucking on him. The motion of her hard swallowing told the audience that he was pumping out more than the globs that he had shown before. She was slowly draining his balls.

“That was fun, but I said I was going to punish you,” she said, looking back over her shoulder at the trapped Ross. “This hasn’t been the punishment. I’m going to leave you marked. You’ll think of me every time you look at your cock.” He was rock hard. One of her hands had hold of one ball, the other hand grasping the quivering cock.

“Hold on baby, this is going to hurt a lot,” she said to the wild audience. They were all yelling and hollering, egging her on. Some of them were hiding their eyes, afraid to watch. Others were beside themselves, frenzied by the sexual event in front of them. They wanted more.

She grasped his cock hard and squeezed it upward, forcing the foreskin up over the head in a tight bundle. She leaned down and kissed the foreskin several times, then opened her mouth wide. Moving her mouth down, she bit down hard on the loose skin. Immediately his body rose up off the carpeting, his legs jerking wildly, trying to get loose from her. She quickly brought her thighs together tightly, effectively restraining him. He quickly lay still while she inspected her bite marks, his legs shaking hard. His fists were tightly clawing at the carpet.

“Now that is really tasty,” she said, looking up at the crowd, a shiny smear of fresh blood covering her lips. They crowd went crazy, moving in closer to watch the action. They could see a small amount of blood on the pursed foreskin. She kept a tight grip on the skin. She leaned down and licked the bunched up skin, several times.

“See, pain is a very effective stimulant. His cock says that he’s very much aroused, wouldn’t you agree?” she said, looking into the closely gathered on lookers. His cock was still rock hard. Bleeding, but hard.

“Oh baby, relax. We’re just getting started. We have a ways to go before I pop those nuts,” Her eyes were almost glazed over, a wild look on her face as she closely examined his cock. The hardness and the blood on the foreskin mesmerized her. She slowly pulled the foreskin down to the swollen base of his cock, watching closely as a drop of blood ran down him from the bite in the foreskin. She covered it with her mouth, sucking hard. After several moments, she pulled the foreskin back up tightly, covering the head. She immediately bit him hard again, on the other side of his bunched up foreskin. Again, he jerked hard, muffled cries coming from between her clenched thighs.

“I just had to match those marks up. Don’t want you to look lop sided.” She again went back to examining what she had done to him. She was trancelike in her action, her eyes closely looking at his cock.

“Now this one is really going to hurt,” she said, stretching his rock hard cock back, flat against his stomach. She leaned down, turning her head slightly sideways and opened her mouth wide. She looked more like a vampire, her open mouth slowly moving down toward his outstretched cock. Her mouth covered the foreskin, directly below the underside of his head. She bit down hard then covered the bite marks with her mouth. He was jerking wildly, his legs kicking as the pain shot through his cock.

The audience watched transfixed, her mouth moving as she continued sucking the spot that she had just sunk her teeth into. Her sucking motions looked like a vampire gorging herself on his cock. She continued sucking for several moments while he continued to struggle. The audience could see her tighten up her thighs, causing him to momentarily stop his struggles.

“Ummm, you taste great. Now I’m going to feed on that fat thing, then I’ll finish off with your nut milk for desert,” she said as she leaned over his cock again. This time, as her face neared his cock, he quickly brought his arms up, catching her under her thighs. He grabbed hard and using all his strength, shoved her hard toward his feet. As she flipped forward, he scooted back, out from under her. She fell forward, face first into the carpet, her butt high up in the air. Scrambling, he moved in behind her and caught her around the throat with his right arm. Pulling her into his chest, he pushed his left arm under her armpits, pinning her arms behind her by grabbing and holding her right bicep. She struggled for a moment, unable to pull her arms free.

“Now what were you saying,” he whispered into her ear, his face pressed up against the side of her face.

“You fuck. I’m not through with you. You better hope I don’t get free, you’re going to be hurting badly,” she said, the fury obvious in her voice. “Let go of me now and I might not hurt you too much.”

“Really. I’m just getting started with you,” he said. “I think it’s time I pay you back for everything you’ve done to me,” he said, still whispering in her ear. The crowd had jumped back as soon as he broke free from her. They couldn’t hear the conversation that the two were having. He jerked her arms back hard, just to remind her that he was holding her. She winced as her shoulders jerked back painfully. He still had his right arm around her throat, tensing it slightly, cutting off her windpipe. She gulped as he tightened up.

Shifting his weight, he kept a tight hold on her and knelt down, pulling her down in front of him. Her back was against his chest, his arm between them, keeping a tight grip on her arms. Her hands were grasping and clawing, trying to reach his cock or his balls. Every time she would even get close, he would tighten up the arm around her throat, causing her to immediately stop her groping.

“Just relax baby, as you’ve been telling me. It will hurt more if you struggle,” he whispered into her ear. She again struggled but he again tightened up on her throat and her arms. Her shoulders were beginning to hurt badly from being pulled back. She was pinned up against him, his knees out in front of him, her butt resting on his thighs. By the way he was holding her, her inner thighs were pressed tightly against the outsides of his legs. She was literally pinned to him. By keeping his knees spread wide, he forced her legs to spread open.

“Ummm, you do smell good,” he said mockingly, whispering into her ear as he nuzzled her neck. By this time he was furious because of what she had done to him. Ross was a quiet and good man. He wasn’t aggressive or the type to take advantage of anyone. He had been that way his entire life and had no reason to change now. But he wanted to teach Darcy a lesson. Her arrogance and aggressiveness created an evil nature in her. He would give her a quick lesson in life.

Without saying a word, he shifted his weight, his hardness bouncing under her, against her vulnerable and spread pussy. She flinched as she felt it bounce against her. She was sopping wet from the torture she had inflicted on his cock. Her pussy lips had unfurled, thick and aroused, her juices seeping out of her freely. She had been close to cumming, from the biting she had enjoyed just minutes before. But the tables had turned. She felt his cock moving between her spread thighs.

“What are you going to do, fuck me?” she hissed. She wasn’t struggling now. As a matter of fact, she was more than willing for him to slide his cock into her. She knew that she would cum within seconds, because she was that aroused. She would actually welcome it. Torturing his cock and balls had sent her to the edge. She now welcomed what would be one very intense orgasm deep within her.

“I won the first round. If you think you can make me cum, go ahead and try. If I do, I still win. It’s a tie. I’ve never been defeated and a tie doesn’t mean defeat. So I still win,” she said, a grin spreading across her blood stained lips. Having her arms pinned back as they were, her breasts were pushed outward. Her nipples told everyone that she was very aroused. They were rock hard and sticking out. She had not worn her nipple jewelry for the fight. Her arousal was more than obvious in both her nipples and the wet smears covering her upper thighs and pussy. The crowd could see the head of his cock sticking out from between her spread thighs. It was huge and flared, raw and oozing a steady stream of pre-cum. The audience loved it.

“Ok, you win,” he whispered to her, his cock now beginning to slowly move back and forth between her spread lips. She was so wet that he easily moved between the fleshy lips. He moaned slightly as he could feel his own arousal build up quickly. His foreskin still hurt from the fresh bite marks, but his cock was ignoring that. He was now sopping wet just from her juices. He continued softly thrusting back and forth, even as her head dropped back against his face, her arousal more evident. She relaxed, waiting for him to push into her.

He again shifted his weight, moving the arm around her throat to under her right armpit. He did it quickly, his left arm letting go of her right bicep. Both of his arms were now under her armpits, his hands moving upward in front of her shoulders, and clasping behind her head. He maneuvered her body so that she was locked into what is called a full-nelson hold. His arms were tightly supporting her upper body, her arms pinned above her shoulders, her chest thrust outward. He continued the sensual soft thrusting between her overly sensitive fleshy lips.

“Go ahead and get it over with, empty your nuts in me,” she moaned, her arousal so obvious now. Even her supporters were disappointed in how she was waiting for him to fuck her. Others in the audience were yelling for Ross to fuck her, to do her, to ‘make a deposit in her bank’. They were the ones that had tired of watching her arrogance, week after week.

“I plan to, baby. Just relax and let me show you a little trick,” he said, still whispering into her ear. Her head had relaxed back on his shoulder. It looked more like a love scene from an XXX movie, rather than sexual combat. His cock was still moving slowly between her outstretched thighs. They both were sopping wet, their juices dripping onto the carpet. The women in the audience had again moved closer just to see close up what was going to happen.

With a single move, Ross shifted his weight again, his cock pulling back out of sight. He jerked somewhat as he maneuvered to enter her. Darcy’s eyes flashed open, a look of fright on her face. Her mouth formed a big open O as she began to struggle. Her head popped forward and her arms began fighting, trying to free herself. Ross’ had pulled back just far enough that his cock head was poised at the puckered entrance to her butt. He held it there for just a moment as he began to ease it into her. She immediately knew that he was going to fuck her in the butt. She struggled, feeling the head push into the clenched entrance. He continued to slowly force it into the already gooey entrance as she struggled harder.

“No, No, No,” she started yelling, struggling more. She was fighting hard as he continued inch by inch into her. The pain was shooting through her stomach and thighs as he stretched her open. He was only about half way into her, the head flared huge from the increased tight sensations that he was feeling. Her anus was virgin territory. She had never had anything inside of her, through that opening. She was fighting hard, trying to free herself from being impaled.

“No, please, stop. I’m sorry, don’t’ do this to me,” she screamed. He thrust his lower body upward, while at the same time jerking her upper body downward, pushing fully into her. Her entire body jerked as she felt his cock bury itself deep inside her butt. She was fully impaled on his cock. Her head dropped to her chest, no longer fighting. It looked as if she had passed out. As he thrust deeper into her, her head popped up again, fighting and struggling to free herself from his cock. He held her tight. His hips were beginning to thrust, a sloshy sound coming from her stretched entrance. She was conscious but could barely fight him. He continued pumping into her, his balls swaying between his outstretched thighs. They were still hugely swollen, but they had drawn up tight, indicating that they were about to pump his thick milk into her.

“Relax baby. I’ll be through in a minute,” he said still whispering into her ear. He was beginning to pant, his thrusts becoming faster. He was using his thighs, quickly tensing and relaxing as he thrust faster into her. She was slumped against him, completely unable to resist. She was not feeling anything in her lower body as he held onto her tightly, not allowing her any movement. He thrust upward hard, burying his cock all the way in her, then jerking it back hard, all the way out of her. She moaned occasionally as she felt it push through her battered and stretched entrance.

“Unnnggghhh, Unnnggghhh, Unnnggghhh,” came the quick panting moans from him as he pushed one last time, deep into her. His entire body suddenly stiffened, his cock fully flexed, swollen and hard. The first hot gush shooting into her tender butt caused her eyes to flutter open as she realized he was pumping his thick goo into her. His body shuddered as more and more of the male milk emptied into her body, quickly filling the tight space. Her eyes opened wide as she felt the thick milk flood her untouched cavity. Win lose or tie, she didn’t care anymore. It just kept pumping into her. She could feel the head flaring wide with each gush out of his cock. It just kept coming, thick and warm.

His body slowly eased down, the pulsing in his cock now diminishing. He had slowly relaxed his hold on her arms, allowing them to drop to her sides. She wasn’t fighting him at all. She just sat there, impaled on the still hard cock inside of her. His milk was seeping out of her butt, huge globs running down her thighs, a large pool of the stuff spilling onto the carpet. He was finally spent, his cock quickly softening inside of her. She was sickened and in pain. She flexed her PC muscle one time hard, forcing the half hard cock quickly out of her. Even the audience could hear the sloshy ‘plop’ as it slid out of her bruised orifice. She slowly climbed off of his legs and rolled over onto the floor, holding her thighs tightly together. She thought she would throw up, the feeling of his cum still pouring out of her.

He sat there, exhausted, his cock quickly softening, his legs still spread open. There was still blood on his cock head, but no one knew if it was from her bites or from him forcing it into her butt. Large globs of cum continued to drip from the swollen head. The bite marks were red and raw looking on his foreskin.

“It appears that I lost round two,” Ross moaned to Mistress Francesca. She just stood there, her mouth hanging open. No one expected what had just happened. Some were in shock at the performance; others were wildly ecstatic over the arousing show.

“I’m not so sure about that. No one has ever done that to Darcy.” The Mistress was visibly shaken. She wasn’t sure who had won the round.

“She won, I lost,” Ross said as he crawled over to the prone Darcy. Kneeling over her, he pushed her legs apart with no resistance. He reached down and scooped a large handful of cum from between her butt cheeks. He reached out, showing the gooey mess to the Mistress. Darcy could only lie there, staring blankly. “Do you want to see the proof?” Ross asked in a hostile tone.

“Round two goes to …. Darcy,” the Mistress said hesitantly.

“Let her keep her title,” Ross said sarcastically.

“Get him out of here,” the Mistress ordered her security people. “Take him to the infirmary, he still has more performing to do,” she said, a slight smile beginning to form on her face.

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NiceGuyInVaNiceGuyInVaover 18 years ago
What A Thrill Ride

That was the most incredible action packed sexiest story/ chapter I have ever read. What a super battle between two worthy foes. I loved how Darcy was kicking Ross's ass, but equally loved how Ross was beating the hell out of Darcy. Incredible action, and I was in a fever pitch just like the audience. Great job as usual!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

It was AMAZING! I loved this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago


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