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The Oathkeepers Ch. 06

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Zoe and Aegis go on a trip.
9.1k words

Part 6 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/17/2021
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Aegis stirred, forgetting for a moment where he was. But then he felt her velvety hands against his chest, her heated body pressed against his. She murmured softly in sleep and clutched at him and Aegis felt ready to burst with pride. His cock jerked and he shifted his hips so it didn't disturb her. As he dipped his head to brush a kiss along her brow he felt the other presence in the room. He froze, his lips a breath from her skin.

"Kiss her and I'll have to find a place to make that lovely skin of hers pay for it," Paragon's voice cooed from across the room.

Aegis stiffened and then achingly slow pulled from her. She grumbled sleepily, but then turned and her breaths turned deep and restful again as he slipped from the bed. "She needed comfort after Bastion," he whispered as he padded across the room to Paragon.

The Gilded lazed on the chaise, a low fire burned in the fireplace and lit Paragon's face molten, flickering gold. His eyes were dark though. "I know," he murmured as he followed Aegis with his gaze. Aegis stood across from him. Waiting for a lecture. It seemed it was all he received from Paragon lately. But Paragon's eyes softened as he glanced away, out the window. "You know I could not deny him. He is War Warden. Placed there by my mother."

Aegis dropped his head, he did know. But Bastion, as always, had gone too far. Had pushed too hard. And Paragon let him get away with it as his half-brother. Bastion was the eldest son of the last Gilded queen. As an Onyx, he could not lead their people like a Gilded, but his spot was nearly as revered as Paragon. "He's not happy brutalizing the humans at the front. He must come to Homeworld. Throw his weight by taking a taste of Paragon's human as well."

Paragon rose, his wings twitching anxiously at his back as he swept out onto the terrace. Aegis followed him. As much harm as Paragon might inflict on his human, there was always a sense of restraint, of balance. Yes, he enjoyed dominating them, but more so, he enjoyed how they learned to crave him. He'd had hundreds of years of practice and was an expert at it. Bastion though...there was no balance. There was only domination. Pain and fear and grinning cruelty.

"I won't let him touch her again," Paragon forced out. Aegis swallowed. Did his cousin reassure him? It was most un-Paragon like. He turned to Aegis and his eyes were dark, haunted. "Do you think I should let her ago?" he asked again.

Aegis stood stiff, his emotions fought. His need to protect this strange, lovely human warring with Paragon's promise that she could be his in a year if he convinced her of Homeworld's appeal. "No," he grated out again.

Paragon nodded, unsurprised. "What is it about her? Why are you so drawn to her?"

"Why are you?" Aegis shot back.

Paragon chuckled as he smoothed his hands over the railing overlooking the Boundless Abyss. "I found her service records. She's an orphan. Has middling marks on her flight courses, but deeper in her files her instructors noted her advanced intellect, her ability to control her emotions. She was being under-utilized. Too smart and snarky for her own good," he smiled wistfully. "Also I love her hair. It reminds me of what I've lost. The Gilded that are now all but gone from this world." He turned back to Aegis. "And you?"

Aegis looked away, pondering. As always, he kept tabs on Zoe's mind as she slept. She floated in a serene sleep. He liked to imagine he had a bit to do with it. "Her mind feels like my own Oasis. I want to fall into her."

Paragon laughed, "And her tart little body doesn't hurt."

Aegis gritted his teeth in embarrassment. The image of her on Paragon's lap as she was pawed over by the Oathkeepers at the Gala left him nauseated with jealousy and resentment. But he'd fallen into her eyes as he'd fucked the other females, it was Zoe he buried himself in and her eyes—and rippling emotions—had told him she felt the same. It was astounding. It was like she could separate mind and body like he'd never encountered in another human. Yes, Paragon's cock had been inside her, but it was Aegis that she fucked.

"Go, sleep." Paragon interrupted his flitting thoughts. "I promise, I will not touch her again unless you're there...or she reaches for me," he smirked. "I can't say I understand it, but she feels safe when you're near, so I will let her have that safety. I know you think me cruel, but I'm no Bastion. I want her to learn to love us."

Relief and gratitude flooded Aegis as he bowed his head. Turning, he padded back into the room. He couldn't resist creeping to Zoe before he left though. He crouched beside the bed, ran his fingers feather-soft along her cheek. "Sleep well," he murmured and then hurried from the room.


Zoe slept late the next morning. When she awoke, she'd found Paragon stretched next to her, dead to the world. She tried to remember the night before, how had she come to be here? The vision of the brutal Bastion intruded and she shivered, pushing him away. Arms had wrapped around her, carried her to safety. Had held her as she fell asleep. She glanced to Paragon. Not his arms. She looked around the room for Aegis, he was gone. But she hadn't imagined it. He'd held her well into the night. Gave her the comfort she'd needed. She ground her teeth. He could comfort her after she was violated, but would do nothing to stop it.

"It's too early to have such a racing mind," Paragon murmured as he reached for her. She went limp, let him drag her naked body towards his. He was thankfully clothed though and seemed content to just tuck her against him and warm his cool body against hers.

"That's what happens when you're assaulted in front of a crowd of aliens," she whispered. She knew she shouldn't provoke him, but now almost welcomed his hard eyes over the tenderness with which he held her. It seemed so false after what he'd let Bastion do to her.

"You don't understand our ways. I would have insulted Onyx, my ancestors, if I'd refused him the small concession."

"The small concession," she parroted, her words dripping with venom.

"You are quite small," he chuckled as he nuzzled his face into her shoulder. "You're also strong Zoe, for a human. I think you will do much to survive. What is servicing that brute in the scheme of your life?"

"So my dignity, my body, mean nothing to you?" she snapped.

"They mean the world to me. And I think they are just fine this morning," he said softly, though his voice hardened slightly. He was losing his patience with her. "You seem intent to not let me sleep any further and I've promised Aegis I will not touch you unless you ask..." he trailed off and ground his stiffening length against her. "And you don't seem inclined to do that," he chuckled and rolled from the bed. "So I'll be off for the day. Rest up my love." He stretched his golden body in the morning sun as he ran his eyes over her naked form. "Aegis says you're enjoying your library. Have him take you to the Silverwing Falls today though. I can't bear to imagine you locked inside all day."

She lay in the bed until he tossed on some fresh clothes and swept from the room with a gentle smile. When she was satisfied the door had clicked locked behind him she slid from the bed. Padding towards the bath she stood in front of the large mirror on the edge of the room and took inventory. The bruises were still dark on her neck and wrists. Her lips were red and chapped. Her nipples also red, swollen and tender. She felt at her head, it was tight and achy from Bastion's grip on her hair the night before. Anger pulsed in her stomach at her state. At Paragon's light reaction to it. He was a sociopath, she decided.

Turning from the mirror she dropped into the pool. Though she vaguely remembered bathing the night before. Or Aegis bathing her...? She couldn't get clean enough. She didn't let her mind dwell on Bastion or the dozens of other Oathkeepers that had touched her body at the gala. 'Just a body, just a body,' became her mantra as she scrubbed at her skin until it was beet red. She swiped at her sex with the cloth, cringing from how sensitive and sore it felt.

Paragon's large, ridged cock hadn't left her entrance for most of the night, filling her over and over again with his molten seed. She reddened. She'd never let a man fuck her without protection before. It was a death knell to a pilot's career to fall pregnant. At thirty she'd managed to fuck her way through the academy and ranks of pilots without incident. She'd lied—of course—to Paragon. No woman ever revealed their true number of partners. Where men always exaggerated, women always under-sold. 'Oh, you're the most impressive cock I've ever seen.' 'Oh COURSE I've only had ten partners.' She laughed harshly to herself. It was easily twice that number.

The sound of the door opening rocked her back to the present. She dropped down in the pool, peaking over the ledge to find Aegis slip into the room. He glanced around, his eyes falling on her and he straightened, averting his eyes. "I'll go wait on the terrace," he gruffed and paced across the room.

She watched him go, then rose reluctantly from the tub. The night sat heavy against her. Her manic arousal at the hands of Paragon left her ashamed. And Aegis had watched all of it. As he'd fucked female after female he'd watched her, lust in his eyes. She shook her head, pushing at the confusing feelings. She was a prisoner. Aegis was nothing better than a guard who treated her slightly better than the others. It was normal for her to want to turn to him...

She wrapped a towel around herself and quickly dressed. A light golden dress again. Paragon certainly had a taste for her. She tied the dress at her neck and sopped at her thick, damp hair. It would dry in lovely ringlets, the one, strange mercy of being a prisoner of the Oathkeepers is that she could wear her hair loose for once. As a pilot she'd always had it tied tight against her scalp.

She returned into the main chamber and already Aegis was turning, sensing her approach. His eyes ran over her and then he was gritting his teeth and avoiding her eyes. He moved to the mantle and dropped another of the tiny pills into his palm. Zoe wanted to laugh. It felt like an awkward morning-after. Though Aegis wasn't the one she'd fucked last night, she might as well have for what he'd witnessed.

"Paragon recommends the Silver Falls," she said as she bit into a bite of her favorite quiche.

"Silverwing?" he asked, turning back to her.

"Sure," she shrugged.

Aegis gave her a curious look as he stepped forward to drop the pill into her hand. "He said that we should go there today?"

"He did." She paused in her chewing to consider Aegis. He seemed reluctant. Or maybe it was just Aegis being Aegis with his gritting teeth and intense eyes. The image of him the night before again intruded, and Zoe's heart leapt into her throat. Gritting her teeth in imitation of her severe guard she pushed the vision of him fucking the pale Ivory from her mind. "So, is it far?" she asked him, resuming her chewing.

Aegis slowly shook his head as he glanced out the window. "It's not. Just a few minutes' flight."

Zoe perked as possibilities swirled. If he was taking her to a shuttle she might be able to look around, sneak onto one later to escape eventually. Oathkeeper tech was insanely advanced, but she was confident enough in her pilot skills to be able to figure out one of their ships...given enough time.

"Well I'm ready to go when you are," she said and jumped from the chaise, brushing quiche crumbs from her fingers.

Aegis cocked his head at her enthusiasm, but then a smile pulled at his mouth. "All right, come on," he said, but then surprised her by turning back to the terrace. He crossed towards the railing and turned to her, raising an eyebrow.

Realization dawned and Zoe frowned. A few minutes' flight...by Oathkeeper. She followed behind him slowly, her brows knitting as she tried to think of an idea. "I thought...we'd go by shuttle or something?"

"Why?" he asked.

Her frown deepened as she stepped into the sun on the terrace. "You're just...going to carry me the whole way? What if you get tired?"

Aegis barked a laugh as he coaxingly reached a hand for her. "I won't. My battle armor weighs more than you."

Zoe grimaced as she let him pull her towards him. "Just don't let me fall."

He dipped his head and met her eyes in what she assumed was his attempt at a reassuring look. "Never. Now hold on."

He bent and swept her off her feet, tucking her tight against his chest in what was becoming a normal mode of transport for her it seemed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and then they were lifting from the ground. His giant black wings beat in slow, steady strokes as they lifted from the terrace. Zoe gasped and clutched at him, watching the ground fall away. Higher and higher they rose until they hovered over the tallest spire of the palace. Stretching endless in one direction was the shimmering ocean. Craning her neck, she looked the other direction. The huge river delta the palace sat upon churned with sprays of white from the waterfalls. The massive river stretched north, a azure winding serpent.

"Wow," she murmured, forgetting for a moment she sat in the arms of her alien kidnapper.

"We're following the river several miles," he said and she looked up at the smile in his voice. He looked down at her, pride in his eyes as she marveled at the view. His ebony skin gleamed in the sun as his wings lazily flapped. A beautiful, terrible demon, and she clung to him. Zoe swallowed as she met his eyes, and then they were moving again, swooping quickly north.


Aegis swelled as he flew north, Zoe held lightly in his arms. She clutched at his vest, her knuckles turning white as the wind whipped at her air. He considered flying, on and on, spiriting her away from the palace and Paragon. He glanced down to her face, her eyes darted delightfully, soaking in the view and for once her mind seemed to flow as freely as the air around them.

Silverwing Falls roiled just ahead. A high, majestic waterfall frequented by lovers. Where the Oasis was Paragon's garden for much needed release and riotous pleasure...Silverwing was where you brought your mate. Your chosen partner. The beauty of the falls was the perfect backdrop for romantic strolls and declarations of love. Aegis's mood darkened as he tried to think of what game Paragon was playing at. Was it just more torture for Aegis? Likely. Zoe would only see the loveliness of the view, not know that here is where Aegis's parents had declared their undying love for each other.

He gritted his teeth as he touched down at the base of the falls and carefully set on her feet. "Silverwing Falls," he said.

Zoe patted at her wild hair as she spun in a slow circle, taking in the view of the falls. They stood on one end of the large clear pool the falls fell into. The foaming, white water churned across the pool, dancing over the smooth rocks. "Well, it's lovely," she said simply as she turned back to him. "Why do you think Paragon wanted me to come here?"

Aegis forced a shrug. "The view I imagine. And likely just to get you out of the palace. Bastion is still skulking though I hear he's heading back to the front today."

Zoe's expression darkened and she turned away from him, strolling towards the water's edge. She lifted the hem of her dress and stepped into the water, walking along the shoreline. "He's the face of your people. The ruthless, terrifying Oathkeepers that take slaves and brutalize humans."

Aegis swallowed as he followed behind her. "Yes. Paragon's leash is...long on Bastion. He feels he cannot check him as it would be a contradict his mother's commands."

"The last, dead Gilded queen," she glanced back to him.

Aegis nodded.

Zoe stopped and turned to face him, her eyes strident. "Why not make peace with the Confederation? You have so much power. Why doesn't Paragon allow any peace treaties, anything?"

Aegis sighed. Little, naïve Zoe. Small, short lived humans. "We have. Hundreds of years ago when your people were first dipping your toes into the stars. Oathkeepers welcomed them, tried to guide them. But then we realized how small your lives are. A treaty made with a government would be forgotten, swept aside in the space of a breath to us. The Gilded grew weary of trying to help, of treating with one king or president or Confederation only for them to die and all their work with them."

Zoe furrowed her brow, looking up into his face as if she might map the history of her people. "You've seen the rise and fall of all of that? We left earth nearly two thousand years ago. In all this time you've just watched?"

Aegis nodded. "Little, clever humans that wanted to explore the stars. Like a pack of wolves that has grown ravenous. We are too different. The only thing your people, your governments understand is power. So we hold our borders. We watch you scrabble and grow. And then a few hundred years ago Paragon grew curious, took his first human pet."

Zoe surprised him by laughing. "So it really is like wolves. He's working on domesticating us. Turning us into his loyal dogs."

Aegis couldn't resist. He reached a hand for her, ran it along her arm. She shivered. "I would not see you tamed Zoe."

She sucked in a breath, turned her enchanting face up to him. Those eyes of hers welled. "If I am it's because of you. If Paragon breaks me it's because you've brought me here. Because you let him hurt me." Her words were accusing, her eyes sad. He knew her strength, he felt her mind ripple with it. But she was also smart. She could fight back as much as her brave mind allowed, but eventually Paragon would break her. Would turn her into another of his devoted human pets. She knew this. Whether it took a year or twenty, Paragon had all the time in the world. Zoe did not.

"I cannot disobey him," he rasped as he gripped her arm tighter. Did he search for her forgiveness?

Tears slipped down her cheeks as she turned away. "I know you can't."

He watched her pick her way along the shore. She made for the waterfall up ahead. As he watched, misery bubbling within him, she found a spot on one of the large rocks next to the churning water. She perched, turning her face up with closed eyes to feel the gentle, cool misty spray of Silverwing Falls. And finally, he let himself wonder. Could he? Could he disobey Paragon? In this place where his mother and father had revolted and sworn to love only each other, could he find that strength in himself? To be called Oathbreaker?

No, not even for Zoe. Like with all humans her life would be snuffed in the blink of an eye and then he'd be alone. Forever an Oathbreaker. And what hope was there? Could he let her escape? Paragon's fury would be terrible. Aegis had no doubt he would go to the ends of the galaxy to retrieve his pet. No human Confederation could stop a force of Oathkeepers intent on carrying out Paragon's bidding.

No. The only safe place for Zoe now was here, where at least Aegis could offer some level of protection. After all, she only had to survive a year. Aegis sighed as he watched her bask in the mist. A year. He prayed she'd choose to stay, but deep down, he knew if she did it would likely be because of Paragon. He was inimitable, inevitable. He'd seen it too many times. The adoring eyes of Paragon's pets as they came to crave him.

And then her eyes turned to him. The blue shone, nearly the exact color of the pool she sat next to. She stared at him, unblinking and for a moment, he had the feeling she could feel his emotions like he could hers. He blinked as they stared at each other across the shore. "I'm going swimming," she chirped.

She stood, pulled her dress over her head and dropped it in a golden puddle at her feet. She stood a moment, still holding his eye and her pale skin glowed in the sun. His heart rambunctiously hammered within his chest as he took her in. Full hips, a milky smooth stomach, perfect round breasts, the nipples bright against her skin. His cock surged to attention as he ran his eyes over her. Her thick golden hair fell in waves over her shoulders. She smirked and then dove into the water.

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