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The Office Christmas Party Setup Ch. 02

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Christmas at home is suddenly much different this year.
27.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/17/2023
Created 11/09/2018
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Authors note: This is a continuation of "The Christmas party setup". If you haven't read that yet, please go do so or this story may not make much sense.

I'd never spent a night with two women, let alone three. While Denise, our department's senior secretary, had expected and planned on only having sex with me one more time, Evelyn, being the true to her promise to the two of them, kept Denise involved throughout the night. By the time I'd finally unloaded my final shots into Evelyn at about two-thirty in the morning, each of the three of them, Denise, Betsy and Evelyn, had climaxed at least twice and in Betsy's case, four times. Denise was the most reserved of the group, but Betsy was able to coax even her into one of the many girl-on-girl positions that helped make the night such a resounding success for all of us.

When morning came, Evelyn ordered room service, and Betsy, being the most daring of our little group, didn't hesitate to answer the hotel room door completely naked, giving the guy delivering the food a good look at not only her but the other girls as well.

While we ate breakfast, Evelyn played twenty questions with me, coaxing all of my Christmas plans from me, including which days I was doing what and what days my two girls were coming to visit. I was surprised at how comfortable I had become with her, being as high in the company as she was. But after spending a whole night enjoying her body, I suppose I should be comfortable. I answered her questions as I would for any good friend, even though I had no idea what she had in mind, and she didn't seem about to tell me. By seven-thirty, we were all clean, but dressed in the same things we'd worn to the party, riding down the elevator together. The guy at the desk gave me a grin as I walked by with the three of them, Evelyn dropping the door key card off on the way by. Betsy made some comment about being the first time she'd ever had to make the walk of shame, which I didn't understand until she explained it on the drive to my house.

I finally walked into work at nearly nine o'clock, almost an hour and a half later than usual. I got a few looks from some of my people as I walked in and settled into my office.

"Good Morning Michael!" Amanda said as she walked into my office half an hour later. "I see you finally made it in!"

"Yeah, It was a late night." I agreed evasively.

"I don't wonder. I would have thought keeping Betsy occupied all night would have been job enough, but you took on three. Says a lot."

"Took on three?" I asked, trying to play innocent.

"Oh come on. It wasn't a surprise that you went up the elevator with Denice and Betsy, but Miss Jenkins too? I didn't think you had it in you to play with the big girls!" She said with a smile. "Word was that the ladies were each completely naked when they got off the elevator." I groaned and rubbed my face in embarrassment. "Well, well. It was true. I thought he made that part up. I'm impressed."

"Good lord. Who else knows about this?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, a few people." She said with a grin as she moved around my desk. "Now that I have you completely embarrassed, maybe we should talk work?"

"Good idea," I answered.

"You want to pull up that file we were working on yesterday? I made those changes you asked for and I think we ought to take a look at them."

"Yeah, sure," I answered turning to my computer. It didn't take too long for me to get the cad program opened and the file loaded she was talking about. She stepped around the side of the desk so she was standing next to me. She reached down and pulled my right hand to the back of her bare leg below the hem of the gray skirt she had on, and as she bent over to look at my computer screen, pulled my hand up, pulling the hem of the skirt up as my hand slid up her bare thigh.

"Now that I know you like to play." She whispered, pulling my hand up until my fingers, wrapped around the inside of her left thigh, pressed against a surprisingly bare pussy. "I think you should know that I never wear underwear with a dress."

"Amanda. This isn't appropriate." I whispered, wanting to pull my hand from under her skirt, but also, not wanting to at the same time. She held my hand against her lips until I gently started to move my fingers, stroking her pussy slightly, working the side of my pointer finger between her round outer lips and the small bit of protruding inner lip I could feel there.

"That's better." She cooed softly. "You know, from now on, when I come in, I expect you to tease me." She whispered. "Unless you want to do more than tease. I'd take that too."

"Amanda," I whispered, looking past my computer to the door, to make sure no one was coming. "Why would I want to get into that kind of trouble?"

"Let's just say that if you don't, Evelyn might be disappointed."

"Evelyn? Why would she be disappointed?"

She looked back at me and wiggled her butt. "Who do you think has been keeping her informed about you?"

"Informed about me?" I asked, stopping rubbing my finger on her pussy. "Why would she even WANT to be informed about me, and just exactly what have you been informing her of?"

"Well. Sometimes girls talk. She got a bit curious a few months ago and started asking about you. She was more than a little surprised and even somewhat excited when she heard about you and Miss Fensing in the conference room."

"Why would you tell her something like that, even if you did know about it?"

"She can be very persuasive." She whispered back. "Especially when she has me ohhhh so close to climaxing."

"You? And Evelyn?"

"I'll just leave that to your imagination." She grinned. " But, don't you love that little heart tattoo right next to her pussy?" If I needed any proof that Amanda was telling the truth, that seemed to be enough. She did have a very little heart tattooed on her pubic mound, ever so close to her pussy. I'd seen it the night before and briefly wondered who the lucky tattoo artist was since there was no way it was done without her completely exposing herself to him. "It's cute, isn't it? I dared her to get it last year. She had to take off all her clothes and lay there while he tattooed it on her."

"Oh, wow," I answered a little stunned.

"I have one just like it." She whispered. "You can see it any time you want."

"And you dared her to do it?"

"I did. I also dared her to take you to the ladies' room and have sex with you at the party. Did you enjoy that? I know she did. VERY much!"

"Wait. You dared her to do that? It wasn't her idea?"

"I can be very persuasive, especially when I have her sooooo close to climax." Amanda grinned. "She was tired of dating those stuffed suits and wanted something a little different. I couldn't resist daring her to play with you, especially not after I heard about you and Denise in the conference room. You both needed a little push. All I did, was, push a little. The rest, the night in the hotel? That was all her idea. I wouldn't have expected her to be so bold as to invite Denise and Betsy along."

"Well, she did."

"I hope you all had fun."

"I would say we did," I answered her. I slid my hand around her thigh a little further and rubbed her pussy lips with my thumb, and then gently pushed it up at her, slowly spreading her lips and forcing it up into her vaginal depths. "I might have to find a way to thank you. If you're into guys that is."

"Ohhhhh fuck yes I'm into guys." She moaned as I started to work my thumb in and out of her pussy, fucking her slowly with it. "I think every girl loves the feeling of a nice big cock in her pussy, even the ones that love a girl's lips on hers."

"Well, since you like to be daring, let's see if you can find someplace naughty to finish this. If you're naked, I'll let you not only see it but put it right here." I said wiggling my thumb.

"Ohhhhhhhhh. How about right here, right now?" She moaned.

"Uh uh," I said, going back to teasing her pussy, rubbing my finger across her clit as I pushed my tumb back up into her. "Not with a mostly glass door. You can do better than this. You're the daring one, right?"

"You'll come if I call?"

"Any time tomorrow. I think my dick needs a rest today, and that gives you all kinds of time to think about it."

"You are so bad You're going to make me come, aren't you?." She moaned as I rubbed my finger harder on her clit as I stroked my thumb in and out of her pussy. In and out I pushed it, using it like a little dick, my finger rubbing across her clit with each stroke. It didn't take too many more minutes before I felt her pussy clench around my thumb, her legs trembling and shaking. "Ohhhh fuck yes." She moaned softly as she climaxed. She pulled my hand from between her legs, lifting it to her mouth as she turned to face me. She sucked her juices from my thumb and then smiled. "I'm not so sure your dick really needs much of a rest." She said as she bent over and reached for my lap, squeezing my surprisingly hard dick through my pants. "Be sure I'll come up with something." She said before fixing her skirt and then walking from my office.

I was a little surprised not to see Betsy at all Thursday. Not that I needed to see her, but I honestly expected to. She almost always stopped at least once a day. When quitting time came, I headed home, planning on going to bed early.

It was Friday, my last day at work before the long holiday week of Christmas and New Year's. I'd planned on taking the whole week and a half off. I still had to finish Christmas shopping for my girls and put up the tree. For the last three years I hadn't done a tree. I just didn't feel like it. It was always something Marie and I did together, and it just didn't feel very happy thinking about doing it without her. My girls had given me a hard time about it, so this year I'd decided I had to do it one way or the other.

I had a long list of things I needed to get done before I was out of the office for that long and was buried in that list when Betsy walked into my office.

"Michael." She said as she walked in with a huge smile on her face. "Merry Christmas!"

"Betsy. Hey! I missed you yesterday."

"I was busy." She said as she walked to my desk and set down a brightly wrapped box.

"Too busy to see me?"

She sat down in the chair across from me. "To be honest, after the other night, I kind of got the feeling that maybe three people interested in you was pushing you a bit too hard."

"Three people?" I asked curiously.

"Uh-huh. Me, Denise and Evelyn."

"Evelyn? She isn't interested in me. Hell, I'm not even in her class. She's an executive, I'm just and engineering manager. All she was interested in with me was a quick fuck because of some dare."

"The dare doesn't have anything to do with it," Betsy said quietly. "I watched her with you in that hotel room. When she was sitting on you, riding you? That was more than a quick fuck. She was getting very emotionally into it. It was becoming more than just sex. She was TRYING to please you, not just make you come."

"That's silly. I'm not even on her radar." I said with a frown.

"You can tell yourself that. But I don't believe it for a minute. Anyway, I thought that maybe three women trying to date you at once might be a bit much. I'm glad that you're opening up, but for the moment, I think I need to take a step back."

"I'd rather you didn't," I answered her. "I like our time together."

"I know. I'll still come by and tease you, maybe even flash you a little something now and then. But if you're dating two other women, you need to concentrate on them. So I want you to take that box and put it in your drawer. Don't open it unless you want to date me for real. And I don't mean as one of three. If you open it, you'll know what to do with what's in it and I'll know that you really want to date me for me, not just because you like having sex with me. Okay?"

"I guess so," I answered as she got up and stepped around my desk. She pushed my chair back and climbed into my lap, straddling me. She wrapped both arms around my neck and pulled our faces together and gave me a very long wet kiss that had my dick hard as a rock by the time we broke the embrace.

"Just something to think about." She whispered before pushing off my lap and walking away. I couldn't help but be disappointed. She was quite a bit younger than me, but I did enjoy her company.

It was lunch time when Amanda walked into my office wearing one of the most unprovocative outfits I'd ever seen her in. It was what I'd heard called a sack dress. It didn't highlight ANY of her curves. If anything it seemed designed to hide them. "Come with me." She said, stepping around my desk and pushing my chair back. She held a hand out for me and waited.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I took her hand.

"You'll see." She said, taking my hand and pulling me toward the office door. She led me by the hand through the work area, half way across the building, upstairs using an elevator and then down a wide hallway with large opulent-looking wooden doors. I recognized the executive office suite when I saw it. I'd only been here once. She led me past a desk, pushed a door open and pulled me inside one of the offices. She closed the door behind us and walked to the large floor-to-ceiling office windows. She pushed the curtains apart until the entire office wall was exposed glass windows. Inside the office was a large desk, several sitting chairs and a sofa. She took my hand again, pulled me over to the sofa and pushed me down onto it. She stood in front of me and quickly skimmed the sack dress off, leaving her in a metallic look bikini. "Ever had a lap dance?"

"Once," I admitted as she turned on some music on her phone and set it on the corner of the desk.

She turned to me and started to sway and move to the music. "Did she let you take her top off?" she asked as she turned around and settled her butt on my lap, rubbing side to side and back and forth, teasing my hardening dick through my slacks.

"She did."

"You can take mine off I know you'd like to see my tits, wouldn't you?"

"I would." I agreed, reaching up and pulling the strings on the bikini top, pulling it off and setting it aside. She stood up off of me and turned to face me. Her breasts weren't that large, Maybe a nice full B cup with small round dark, almost black, areolas and two hard perky nipples that were equally dark. She crawled onto my lap, straddling me, rocking her hips to grind her pussy against my crotch, her bare chest inches from my face. "I bet she didn't let you suck her nipples, did she?"

"Actually, she did, for a rather hefty tip."

"I won't even charge you a tip." She whispered, still moving her body to the music, but pushing her chest closer to my face. I took the invitation and slid my hands up her back, pulling her closer and drawing one of her rock-hard nipples into my mouth. She moaned softly as I sucked and teased one nipple, and then moaned again as I moved to the other. "Tell me, Did she let you take her bottom off?"

"She did," I said as I moved back to the first nipple. "But it was a very expensive tip."

"Well, you can take mine off, but it'll cost you." She groaned softly.

"Yeah? What?" I asked.

"You have to let me do this on your bare lap. Nothing between your hardon and my pussy." She said as she rocked herself on my lap, grinding herself against my hardening cock.

"I wouldn't mind that." I agreed with a grin. I reached for the ties on her hips and pulled, untying them and pulling the bikini off of her, leaving her in nothing but high heels. Her pussy was completely shaved, her outer lips dark, but not nearly as dark as her protruding inner lips, which were almost black. She ground her bare pussy against the front of my pants for several more minutes and then slipped off my lap, reaching down to undo them. In a few moments, she had my pants undone and was pulling on them. I lifted off the sofa enough to let her pull them down and then she was turned around, grinding her bare pussy against my dick. I wasn't sure who she was teasing more, me or her.

Her grunts and moans grew as she danced and ground herself against me, finally reaching between her legs to guide my rock-hard cockhead between her wet lips. "You want this?" She moaned, rocking side to side with just my head between her lips.

"As if I'd say no at this point." I groaned.

"Yeah. Me too." She said as she stopped moving and held herself over my head. She slowly pushed down on me, forcing her body to expand around my fat mushroom head. Ever so slowly she forced more of me into her incredibly tight vagina, her body squeezing me as she worked me deeper. "Oh my god. You're so big." She moaned softly as she finally pressed her firm little ass cheeks against my thighs. Up and down she started to bob her butt, twerking herself on and off my cock faster and faster with each passing moment. Her ass slapped loudly against my legs, the music forgotten, her motions nothing but fucking with abandon.

I slid my hands up her body and squeezed her nipples, drawing a gasp from her, her pussy clenching around me even harder. "Oh god. Gonna come. Gonna come." She moaned as she pumped herself wildly up and down my cock, my own climax close in her heels.

"Ohhhhh damn." I groaned as my body stiffened and spasmed, pumping shot after shot of cum into her. I let my head rest back as my body continued to occasionally jerk, panting for breath after the intense climax.

"Maybe next time you should ask before using my office." I heard Evelyn say from behind us.

Amanda and I jerked out heads around and saw Evelyn and another young woman standing in the now open office door.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry." Amanda said quickly, covering her breasts and looking around on the sofa for her bikini top.

"That'll be all for now Darcy," Evelyn said, clearly dismissing the young woman. She closed the door and walked over to us. She had on a cream-colored button-down blouse and a dark gray pencil skirt that came nearly to her knees. She stood in front of us and unzipped the skirt and dropped it to the floor. She stepped out of it while she was unbuttoning the blouse. "You know I can't let this go unanswered."

"No. I don't suppose so." Amanda said as Evelyn tossed the blouse toward her desk. She reached behind herself undid the bra she had on and tossed it to her desk as well. She had on black silk-looking panties, a garter belt and stockings. She pushed the panties down, leaving her sexy body framed in just the stockings, garter and heels.

Evelyn stepped to us and then knelt down in front of us. She pushed on Amanda until she leaned back, my softened cock slipping from her lips. "I usually like to take this from the source. But I'll make an exception this time." She said as she leaned her head down between Amanda's legs.

"Oh god," Amanda moaned softly as Evelyn began to lick her pussy, collecting my leaking cum from her. She stayed on her knees for several minutes before standing up and backing up to her desk.

"Okay, young lady. Now it's your turn."

Amanda nodded and slipped off my lap. I watched her step to the corner of the desk and kneel down in front of Evelyn. She began to lick and play with Evelyn's pussy, sliding one finger into her pussy while I watched. In and out her finger moved, clearly working with experience to push Evelyn quickly toward an orgasm.

"Oh yeah. Right there. That's it, sweetie. Right there. Oh yeahhhh. Oh my. Almost. Almost!" Evelyn moaned loudly, her body starting to tremble and shudder. I watched Evelyn climax on Amanda's face, almost as if it were a normal occurrence. "Mmmmmmmm. That a girl. You know just how I like it." Evelyn whispered as Amanda pulled her fingers from her and gently kissed over and around her pussy. "You look confused," Evelyn said as Amanda stood up from between her legs.


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