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The Perfect Alpha Ch. 11

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The Werewolf who is not what she seems...
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Part 11 of the 12 part series

Updated 04/21/2024
Created 03/30/2024
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"What do you want?" Dad demanded before Jasmine could respond to the man.

"We are tired of the game, you will hand over any Agents still alive, Jasmine as well.." he began saying and then looked at me, "Along with this young Lady." he added. I rumbled lowly in my chest as did Jasmine and Cloe. If he was surprised, he didn't show it.

"The Agents?" Dad asked and shook his head, "You must have sent them to someplace else, we have not seen a single person and as for Jasmine, she and my daughter began dating a while ago and she seems quite content to stay with us."

"Jasmine?" the Man demanded even though it sounded as a question.

"Sorry Sir, apparently in my love for Raven, I may have sent my resignation letter to the wrong address. I will be sure to forward it to the proper address later." Jas responded and smiled.

"Storm you will see to it they are secured and ready for transport within the next five minutes." he demanded of my Dad who narrowed his gaze at the man.

"Or WHAT and who the hell are you anyways?" my Dad shot back as his anger began to rise steadily.

"I am Agent in charge of this District and I work for the CIA." he replied evenly.

"First, you did not answer my question, your name was asked for and Second is it against several major laws that the CIA ever does anything on US soil. That means you are breaking the Law by even being here. You have now lost your right to be here and you are trespassing with out invite or even probable cause. I suggest you leave." Dad responded and waved his hand in a dismissive motion.

"I have more then a hundred Agents ready to storm this compound and take what we want. No one will know of it or do anything about it." he retorted and began to lift a mic up to his lips.

"Make that call, two seconds later every news station in this State will have a copy of everything you have said and done. Two minutes later and every news station in the US will have it. Five Minutes later every Nation on the planet will have it. I can see the headlines now, CIA unlawfully attacks Nature Lovers Compound because they did not hand over two women to be kidnapped. Yes you and your superiors will look lovely to the President while he admits he had no idea what you were doing on US soil against it's own Citizens. Look around, I am sure you can spot a few of the many Camera's. They tracked you as you unlawfully cut down our fences, cut into the locks on our gate and trampled our No Trespassing signs. Care to envision how your career goes at the next meeting once all of this gets out?" Dad asked sarcastically.

"Fine, this isn't over by a long shot." he growled at my Dad angrily.

"Take your people and get off our property." Dad growled back at him. The man lifted the mic once again and gave the order to clear out. The mind linked was buzzing with confirmed reports the agents were leaving. The Patrols had been watching them all along waiting on the go order to put a stop to them.

"Jasmine come along." the man said as an order. I stepped before her and glared at him.

"All Agents who resign or quit, must come in for a final debriefing before they are allowed to leave the CIA." he said as a slow smile moved over his lips. If anything he would get at least one of those he wanted out of this.

"Are you admitting she was under orders to act on a mission on US soil?" Dad asked in reply.

"I said no such thing, but she was on several missions out of the Country." he replied.

"And was she debriefed after each and every mission?" I asked.

"Of course, it is standard procedure." he answered as his eyes narrowed.

"Then why would she need to be Debriefed now when she has been on US soil sense her last debrief?" I asked and smiled at him.

"It is standard procedure young Lady, now move aside." he demanded angrily.

"You will not take her." I replied evenly.

"You have come with no warrant and No jurisdiction, you all need to leave now before we call the Sheriffs." I added and pulled out my phone.

"They have no power over us." he argued.

"Lets find out.." I said and started dialing. He spun and yelled at his people to load up, they were leaving. We watched as they shot down the road.

"Who did you dial?" Cloe asked and I held out the phone as I hit the speaker function.

"At the tone, the time will be.." I hung up on the automated voice, as everyone laughed aloud.

After the all clear was given and everyone was brought up from the fall out shelter, the Officers and upper ranks got the message to come to the Meeting room. Once the doors were closed the security system was in place and we could speak freely. Dad sent out to the pack Alphas in the area along with the Vampire Coven leaders. The panel along one wall opened up and faces appeared on the many monitors of those who had capability for video conferencing.

Dad played the Video of everything that had transpired just a couple hours ago. It took time to get everyone together for this meeting. Jesse was standing by us, he had stayed hidden during the stand off, but would have joined in the fight if it had gotten that far.

"They still want her then?" one of the Vampires said finally.

"Yes and No.." Jasmine said before anyone could respond. Everyone looked to her to explain, "They know that by now she has most likely shifted, and that would activate her powers. When I was with them and assigned to find a way to capture her, they had hoped they still had time to implant the device that would have given them control. But after seeing her, even as a human I could feel her power radiating off her like a Nuclear Power Plant. They know they lost their window, now they need to know just how bad did they screw up. They want information so they can either try again, or launch an all out blood bath." she said in finishing.

"It hasn't helped that their Agents are being killed." Jasmine added as well.

"What, oh, wait a minute.." I said quickly as I looked at her. She turned towards me while everyone listened, "We may be animals, but we aren't savages. After we question them, we erase their memories back to before they joined the CIA, that way they have nothing to report back to them. If you had not stayed or been my mate, we would have had someone to help us regress your memories to back before you joined them and set free on some City street, far away from here. Usually in some big City like Las Vegas." I assured her and smiled.

"So no one has died, they just haven't been found yet?" she asked.

"No one has died, a few bruises, mostly to their ego. But no, no one has died." Dad responded with a grin. For the next four hours plans were made, people moved closer to secured territories and those pregnant or expecting moved away from Hospitals to clinics within packs and Covens where they could care for them on their own. Pack and Coven Doctors were shutting down their outside practices and only select clientele could be seen within the Packs, Clans and Covens. No one would be putting their children at risk ever again. Tests were performed on all the Pregnant women and their unborn children to see if anything had been done already.

"I can assure you none of them have been tampered with.." Jas said as they all spoke, they stopped and she had their attention. "You have to understand, Mr. Smyth wouldn't try it again until he for one knew they could survive and, two what powers they were capable of, three that he could control them and finally that he could eliminate them once the objective was achieved. He lost control of Raven, an early birth caught everyone by surprise. Once that happened he had to step back and try and come up with alternative ways to regain control if the unexpected happened. Now that he has seen her, seen what sort of warrior she has become, he will start working on ways to limit the unexpected before trying again. Based on what you all are doing, he has lost that window as well."

"What do you think he will do?" I asked her.

"First, it will take a while before the Agents watching the Hospitals, report back that none of the Weres are coming into them..." she began saying while everyone listened, "After that he will try to infiltrate the Clinics, try again to achieve the results he assumes he got from Raven. If that is not a possibility, he will try to..." she paused and she paled slightly.

"Yes?" Dad asked her.

"At some point he may even try to kidnap a few Pregnant Weres and hold them somewhere until he has full control of their unborn children. He will have complete and total control over them if that happens." she said sadly. There was an instant uproar as every Leader and Alpha could not tolerate such an insult. I hugged Jas to me and Cloe hugged her as well.

"Everyone calm down!" Dad roared aloud. Once everyone was quiet he sighed and sat back.

"I propose that we will assume he moves straight to kidnapping. This means gather every Were who is pregnant, even Loners, offer them temporary asylum until their child is born. Who knows maybe they will join the packs once again. But keep them from the CIA and this Mr. Smyth. Once he has no test subjects to play with he might just give up this madness." Dad suggested.

"This one needs to be put down or his memories wiped out, along with every human who knows about us that is working with him." Jesse said as he stepped forward.

"My mates and I will go to his Office and remove all record that has anything to do with us." I said as I stepped forward.

"Why you three?" Alpha Jax asked.

"Jasmine has computer savvy and can locate all the files, and sense his personal computer at home is linked it can be wiped as well. Might just be better to create a virus that wipes out the entire system, including back ups. Cloe can help with making sure the security personal are kept unaware of us. While I make sure both my Mates walk in and walk out unharmed." I answered and looked at Alpha Jax.

"If he is there in the Office when we do this, he will be yours to punish how you see fit." I added as I remembered his pain at learning his children were killed by this man. He bowed his head towards me in respect.

"Then I hope he is there." he finally replied. The rest of the meeting was planned out on how to gather every pregnant Were and her mate as could be found and housed. It would take time, not all Loners were very trusting of Packs, especially if the Pack had a bad reputation.

For almost a month scouts tracked Mr. Smyth's movements, he traveled everywhere it seemed, but when he was home he was easily tracked right down to the minute you'd know exactly where he was, when he was home, at the Office or having a Prostitute brought in, twice a week on that one. Which gave us an in, it was decided that Mr. Smyth had to be eliminated at all costs. His devotion to what he believed true and right would have him attacking us at every turn. One of the Witches tried to see if he could be regressed and found his mind shuttered and shielded, she said the only way that happens is from trauma at a very young age. We thanked her and paid her for her time and service.

"Change of plans.." I said as we were gathered for a meeting, once again Alphas and Coven leaders were up on the screens. They were all listening, "Mr. Smyth has enough shields going on in his head that no Witch can regress his memories. This means he has to be eliminated." I could see Alpha Jax smile but it was not one of humor, it was one that told of terrible retribution.

"So what will happen now?" Alpha Jax asked. I looked at him for a long moment before speaking again.

"First, Jasmine has learned that Smyth's home computer is capable of interfacing not only with his main office, but four satellite offices as well." I paused to let that sink in.

"Four, he has four more offices?" Alpha William of the New Moon Pack in South Dakota asked in disbelief. I nodded and pulled up a map showing the locations of each office.

"These are not Offices as you imagine them to be. Our Scouts, and I will apologize now, we did trespass into a few of your territories in order to track this elusive man. It was how we found these Offices, more like warehouses to be honest. And they are all located on small plots far from any human Towns or Cities. Some as far as two hours from any sort of civilization." I explained even as many recognized where the scouts had gone it was through their own territories.

"Simple then we take them out." Alpha Williams replied with a smirk and several voices agreeing readily. I raised my hand for quiet before continuing.

"Not so simple, each of these four places are well secured. Mercenary forces numbering between sixty and eighty are on constant twenty four hour guard." I informed them and sighed lightly.

"What do you propose?" Alpha Jax asked. I stood up and looked at the map.

"I need all of you and your most trusted Warriors in on this. Not only does Mr. Smyth get hit at his House, which I will need Alpha Jax with me and my Mates for, but I will need three Packs working together to hit each House and all of them at the very same time. No one jumps the gun, they have to be hit all at once so none are forewarned of an attack." I explained to them. All of them were immediately talking to each other about working together based on who was neighbors with whom. Once they had it worked out I called for quiet again.

"One more thing, we must assume that each of those locations have Pregnant Weres already in captivity..." several gasped at the thought but knew it had to be a consideration, " this part is going to pain me the most.. any child found with a scar or incision as if from an operation around their head, it must be assumed that a device has been implanted and the child must be eliminated. We can not afford for even one of them to fall under the control of anyone. They would destroy your Pack first, remember that." the mood turned somber and Alpha Jax spoke.

"We have no means of removal do we?" he asked and I shook my head.

"May I ask what of the Pregnant females and children born with no such scars. What of them?" he asked.

"I can help teach them so they are not a threat to anyone. Once they are taught they can return to those packs who wish them amongst them. I would suggest and it is up to you all, that you all consider offering at least one female and her child to become part of your pack. Believe me even if they are only Warriors, it will greatly add to your defenses." I suggested to them.

"One last thing, be prepared to possibly find only orphans, lets face it once the child is born the females are of no use to them anymore. We have no idea what has been happening to them." I added to various shocked looks and slow nods. While many had not considered such an act, it was reasonable to assume the worse.

Well for better or worse it was a plan...

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I like how you mentioned that CIA isn't allowed to operate in the US. So many bring them in as boogeymen without considering the legal aspects. I'm sure CIA does stuff in the US anyway, but as you write, they have to worry about exposure just as the werewolves.

Wolftight21Wolftight215 months ago

Absolutely love this.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Lovely, a coordinated multi-location assault with possible hostages to rescue. So they have to sneak in past the security forces, enter the place, search, remove any hostages and leave without being seen? Yikes. The three of them could have some orphan hybrids to raise. Might be best for the kids if so. They'd have three moms who could handle their abilities at least until they've grown.

Hmm, I wonder if any implanted devices could be considered a wound or a foreign body within the victims? Then it may not be necessary to end them. Chloe may be able to heal them by somehow getting their bodies to expel the devices and heal the remaining wound. Maybe she can tap into the other two for more energy? Or some twist of the teleport ability? If they can think of a thing and teleport it to themselves, they could maybe do that with those devices? So Jasmine teleports the devices and Chloe heals the damage. Both could use Raven as a reserve power supply so it could be done quickly and overwhelmingly. Assuming the devices have countermeasures to protect themselves and remain attached as well as self destruct abilities. They will probably be at the base of the brain/top of the spine. They control from there and can destroy the medulla oblongata and instantly drop them as needed. Could be composed to nanites. Those could be injected into the bloodstream and make their own way to where they need to be. It also wouldn't leave a telltale scar to be found. Much like the gene manipulation. All of them would have to be found and removed all at once I'd guess or they could cause a self destruct or any missed could recreate itself within the vicim and be right back to a controlling nanite biocomputer.

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