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The Perfect Alpha - Killer Elite 06

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Pack Justice long over due.
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Looking out at the cars trying to find parking, Torie could only shake her head and roll her eyes. She should have had more parking set up and no one even thought to consider it. Where the hell did they all find so many damn Black SUV's to rent anyways? she asked herself. Chris had to teach her the proper etiquette for greeting visiting Alpha's and their mates. The Beta's didn't need special treatment, just a hello using their title. She blithely asked if the Alpha's had some sort of secret hand shake she was not aware of and he laughed until he realized she wasn't laughing.

For nearly five hours she was stuck standing in line while the Visiting Alpha's moved down the lines shaking hands and greeting her and her people and offering her proper respects for having brought the foul fiends to Justice.

Torie was getting agitated and had to pee in the worst way.

"What do we do?" Clare asked Chris, who in all honesty had no clue. Never before had all the Alpha's ever gathered on one packs lands before, usually only a handful at best. But he could see Torie was about to either loose it or pee right there on the floor.

"Get her out of the line while I hold up the next Alpha for a few minutes." he said quickly and walked down the line towards the arriving Alpha.

"Alpha Carter if I could get you to wait a few moments. Alpha Torie had a call she needed to attend to for a moment." Chris said quickly.

"Not a problem Beta Chris, my it's been so long sense we last saw each other, we can use the time to catch up. This is my mate Jose, my First Beta Cherry and Guardian Jaxon." Carter introduced while Chris smiled and nodded to each in turn. There was something different about Jaxon's scent though and it nagged at his Wolf.

"Come on.." Clare said behind Torie as she gently pulled her Alpha away from the line. "Chris is holding up the Alpha's for a few minutes for you." she added quickly and looked around as everyone else who realized what was happening also took that time to make a bathroom run. Torie took off like a shot and sighed happily inside the bathroom. Clare giggled to herself while the Beta smiled as well, each taking their own turn for a break.

"Christ, it's been five minutes already, how long you going to pee?" Clare whispered as she checked her watch yet again.

"Five hours worth, I knew I shouldn't have drank all that coffee.." she heard as Torie answered her. Well she did have a point, Clare conceded and continued to wait. Soon enough she heard the toilet flush and the water run in the basin before the door open and Torie stepped out.

"Now what?" Torie asked.

"We just have three more to greet and then you can eat. Who knew that over fifty packs and prides would actually show up?" Clare admitted while shrugging her shoulders.

Jax remained seated facing the Alpha couple with Cherry beside him, he noted that the First Beta's scent was different, something about it was off. It wasn't his scent though, it was someone else's scent, someone he was around quite a bit. As First Beta that could be anyone within his pack though.

"Ahh we're all set, sorry for the wait Alpha, everyone." Chris said as he opened the door and moved back to his position within the line. He nodded towards Clare and then his Alpha who nodded back before he put his attention on the group moving up the line.

"Alpha Torie, it is an Honor to finally meet you. Congratulations on the reforming of Pack Greywolf, and I wish you luck within the confirmations come tomorrow with the Alpha Council and to be honest it really isn't bad, they just test your Alpha abilities." Alpha Carter said and whispered in an aside to her. She smiled and nodded back to him.

"Welcome Alpha Carter and thank you so much for capturing the one responsible for the Bus Massacre, it is long past due." Torie said and smiled.

"Ohh don't Thank me, Thank whoever left him on our doorstep. He may be a bit worse for wear in staying with us, but he'll be fit enough to stand trial and Justice." Carter promised and smiled as Torie laughed then greeted his mate with the proper respect. Clare rested her hand on Torie's shoulder to help her remain calm, the many people gave Torie a bit of a claustrophobic feeling.

A loud roar moved down the line as everyone looked to find Jaxon glaring at Clare. In an instant he was moving to remove her from Torie's side. Torie also moved shielding Clare and shooting her fist straight out into the mans chest. A loud crunch was heard as he flew back and slammed into the side of the Black SUV that they had vacated.

"What is the meaning of this?" Torie roared out loud, the power rushed out as her cat came to the foreground within her mind. Her eyes glowed brightly now in a wash between purple and red with red gaining slowly. Everyone dropped to the ground in an instant, even the Alpha Council found themselves ready to submit.

She swung around and looked over Clare who was shaking a bit, but appeared unharmed. Torie pulled her up and hugged her gently before turning to Carter who looked shaken as well by the power he felt radiating off from her.

"You bring someone to a gathering who attacks us, why?" Torie demanded angrily. By pack Law, everyone within an Alpha's group who acted out, the Alpha was responsible and held accountable.

"He is our Guardian, he travels with us everywhere and has never acted like this before." Carter stated and glanced over at the still figure of Jaxon.

"He is not part of your pack, your pack scent is not on him." Torie growled angrily and loomed over Carter. Carter's Wolf was ready to dig a hole in the ground and clear to China if it would get him away from this power house who was making his skin crawl.

"His family was part of the original Greywolf pack, before the war. He came to us to visit with his Grandmother who was part of our pack, it was something they did every Summer. Then the war started and he grew up with us, but he would never accept our bond. He was waiting for a Greywolf to reclaim the pack." Carter explained quickly even as Jaxon healed and slowly got up.

Jaxon looked around and saw his Alpha kneeling before Torie the Alpha of the reborn pack. He let off a challenging roar. She stood up and the answering roar coming from her along with her power staggered him to his knee's, his cat was never going to do that again.

"You dare to challenge me on my lands, cat?" she growled at him while moving close and in a predatory tone. Jaxon knew he screwed up big time, she was a true Alpha and he was screwed.

"Apologies Alpha, I did not realize.." he started to say and she growled at him causing him to clamp his lips together.

"You tried to attack my Second Beta, why?" she demanded. Jaxon could now feel the sweat dripping down between his shoulder blades, this may not end well for him at all.

"I, honestly, don't know.." he started to explain when his cat said, "Because she touches our Mate!" and Jaxon froze with his eyes going wide.

"Wait you never said Torie was our Mate!" Jaxon complained to his cat but out loud and everyone gasped. Torie frowned and heard her cat agreeing with Jaxon, which answered why she seemed so on edge ever sense the car door opened. With a swift backhand she sent him into the car and careening off the side to lay in the dirt once again. Torie turned and walked off down the line.

"Alpha Carter, bring that.." she pointed at Jax's still form, "With you and your group to my Office immediately." she demanded. Well at least she wasn't going to take his life, he thought to himself while he scrambled with Cherry to pick up Jax and carried him after the volatile Were Cat.

"He's your Mate?" Clare asked curiously. Torie nodded but couldn't put off the growing feelings she held for her Second Beta.

"I see, should I wait outside while you speak to him and his Alpha's?" Clare asked softly and couldn't hide the hint of jealousy she was trying to hold back.

"No, for you are my third half, my beloved. Unlike the normal Were's. We genetics also have a Vampire half and we have both a mate and a beloved. With out them both, we can never feel whole. This I do remember when I asked my Mother why I had three Mommies. For some reason the other genetics only ever had just the one mate, but Raven, my birth Mother had the two." Torie explained as they sat down at her desk with Clare standing a bit behind her.

Jaxon healed up the fractured cheek bone, and was able to walk on his own. He looked questioningly at both his Alpha couple and at Cherry who couldn't hide her amusement. He shot her a look and then back to his Alpha.

"What happened?" he asked as they walked towards the Offices.

"You made a fool of yourself and she bitch slapped you into the next week, dumb ass." Cherry answered which got a disapproving look from both Carter and Jose. She clamped her mouth shut and Carter just rolled his eyes before looking at Jaxon.

"Well she's mostly correct, just not in the way she explained it. Your mate is not someone to fool with so I suggest you control yourself or your cat, whoever is getting you on her bad side, and do it quickly before she just kills all of us just to be quit of us all together." Carter said as they neared the Office. What else could possibly go wrong? he asked himself and flinched inwardly as he wondered if he may have jinxed himself further.

Torie remained seated as the door opened and the Alpha couple stepped inside. She waved to the pair of chairs before her desk and the couple sat down. She gave Jaxon a cursory glance before turning her attention towards the Alpha couple.

"We have a problem?" Torie began and flipped a paper towards Carter, he watched it slide to a stop before him on the desk. It was the Laws as stated by the Alpha Council, laws that have been in affect for more then three thousand years. He noted the one that was on display before him. It was the one he'd been thinking about ever sense Jax had charged at Torie and her Second Beta in an apparent attack.

"I see.." he replied as he sat back in the chair. The ball was now in her court, she could demand his life for this if she wanted.

"Have you come to declare a War between our packs, or to perhaps Challenge me for these lands?" Torie asked him. She knew this wasn't the case, but she had to be sure.

"No, on both counts, I swear it. I think he reacted that way when his cat recognized you as his mate, and then your Second Beta put her hand on you in a familiar manner." Alpha Carter tried to explain. Torie nodded slowly, it was something she had thought as well. Well might as well put all the cards on the table and let them fall where they may, she decided.

"Of course she would touch me in such a way as she is my Beloved." Torie responded. You could have heard a pin drop in the silence that ensued.

"NO!" Jaxon roared loudly, his eyes seemed quite wild as his face seem to go bright red. He was shaking visibly and started to pace back and forth as if somehow caged.

"Control your man or I will be forced to silence him... again." Torie muttered and sighed tiredly, she was getting tired of this already. While she wanted to find her mates, she would not tolerate fools either.

Jaxon could not believe what he was hearing, a Beloved? His mate was saying she had another lover. His cat was raging along with his Human side. He could tell that it did not seem to bother her much that he was distressed. How was that even possible? Mates always responded to each other in a moment of crisis. He watched as the Second Beta moved to Torie's side and touched her hand. He teleported instantly behind her, his claws extending out to remove her forever.

Jaxon gasped as he froze, someone was behind him and their hand was in his back holding his heart. He turned his head slowly and saw Torie gazing at him.

"While my cat wants you to Father children with us, we find no other use for you. Ever try to attack Clare again and I will kill you, please believe that. I really do not wish to kill you, I really don't, but I will if you make me." Torie stated and he felt her claw move over the skin of his heart and he gasped in pain.

"This will be my very first, last, only warning.. try not to forget." she added coldly and he looked back and saw her eyes glowing in a blood red color. The Greywolf's had a lot more Vampire within them then most realized, and this was her Vampiric side giving him one last warning as he had threatened their Beloved, the Vampires true mate.

It had been found in blood samples that the genetic cocktail used on Raven had been double what everyone of the others had gotten during the experiments. It explained why they are complete power houses compared to everyone else. When Raven had changed her mate from human, that human had showed the same amount of genetic material that Raven held within her. With her Beloved, the Omega Wolf, because she was already Wolf, she was considered on pare with the others who had gotten half what Raven had been given.

No one ever tested the children the three Mothers gave birth to, to see who the actual genetic parents were. With female partners, they share DNA with each other during sex and are able to conceive, given Luna's blessing. Now if Torie Mothers were the Human and Raven it would explain why her power eclipses even Raven's during her reign.

Jax groaned as the hand exited his back and he sagged to the floor. Torie wiped her hand off on a towel supplied by Clare before she walked back to her desk and the shocked Alpha couple.

"Will you heal him?" Clare asked. Torie thought about it then disappeared only to show up a moment later holding a syringe.

"Give him that, it'll speed up his healing. Seems Vampire blood is quite remarkable for that.." Torie mutter and sat back down.

"How can you be so damn cold about your mate?" Jose asked suddenly and Torie turned her gaze on her.

"I spent five years living a pack life, while they taught me much, my parents never went so far as to explain the birds and the bees to me." Torie said slowly even as Jaxon woke up slowly while listening.

"I spent the war living on my own out in the wild, I did not know how to hunt how to do much of anything but wish my Mommies would come find me. For all that time I barely even knew my cat, except that my cat could help keep me fed and keep me from dying. When I was ten, a cat came and took me to train, I learned to hunt, track, stealth, fighting hand to hand and how to kill from more then a mile away. Whatever you expected to find in a mate.." Torie said as she looked at Jaxon, "You will never find in me.."

Jaxon sat down slowly on a couch and set his head in his hands. She is the Alpha he was told to look for, of that there was no doubt. She is far more powerful then he will ever be. But as a mate she wants nothing of him except his seed when she is in heat.

"If you stay, you would be second Luna, a Warrior and in time a Father. You could find love here with another, there are many young widows here who long for a second mate, a second chance but it is up to you whether or not that will be enough for you." Torie explained slowly.

"But I didn't think you can survive the heart ache of loosing a mate?" Jose asked, she remembered all that was learned of Raven's personal life, including finding her mate and beloved.

"I am use to living with heart ache.." Torie whispered softly and felt Clare holding her gently then looked to her.

"I never really understood what the other packs went through, until now." Carter admitted quietly. Torie looked back at him and nodded slowly. She stood up and waved the couple to their seats when they went to stand as well.

"You three should take time to speak and decide what you wish to do." She explained and Carter smiled and nodded, he would need to know what Jax, his childhood friend, wanted for his life now.

Torie and Clare left the room and closed the door, then walked back out to the line. She'd missed greeting the other Alpha's and everyone was inside the large Pack House mingling and talking once more. Seems no one had really had time to chat and find out how each pack was actually doing sense the war ended. Nearly half the packs were gone now, many family lines severed forever and it was time to rebuild once more.

Torie took a seat and was found by the two Alpha couples who greeted her and she smiled and extended her hospitalities to them. She spotted Candice, the lead Omega, and waved her over. As the bubbly red head moved towards Torie a large man stopped her and she noted Candice trying in vain to pull away from him. Torie was about to give someone a sound spanking when Jaxon appeared behind the man and grabbed him by the back of the neck and lifted him nearly a foot off the floor. Jaxon towered over everyone within the room, it would be hard to miss him.

"Never take my Alpha's generosity for granted, and do not ever touch a woman with out her permission, is this clear?" Jaxon demanded in a near roar. The man was squirming with no affect before he finally agreed and he was dropped. Candice was staring at Jaxon with wide eyes before remembering where she was going to begin with and headed for Torie. She said a quick thank you to Jaxon who nodded before she arrived.

"Yes, Alpha?" she asked while stealing quick glances at Jaxon now and then. He had moved up behind Torie opposite of Clare.

"Have the Omega's check the houses to ensure all is ready for the nights end. Oh and be sure that a Warrior is with any females that goes to check the houses. We do not need more misunderstandings of what our hospitality entails." Torie explained. She waved to Jaxon.

"Could you help Candice to ensure this is done correctly, not even our warriors are always willing to listen to an Omega." Torie asked him and he nodded while narrowing his gaze.

"Oh they will listen to an Alpha's command." Jaxon assured Torie and walked off while Talking to Candice.

"She seems quite taken with him." Clare said quietly and Torie smiled knowingly. Candice was a widow, she'd also been kidnapped and if it hadn't been for the leaders death, she'd have been raped as well. Now she just wanted to find a hope for a new life. perhaps sharing Jaxon with her would be okay for the young Omega.

The gathering went on for several hours before Torie finally stood up, "Thank you all for coming and welcome once more to the Greywolf Pack. Houses have been set up for your comfort and use while you are here for this most important of trials and Justice." she paused as they clapped and shouted their gratitude then she continued, "For me, I will be retiring for the night, I wish you all a good night and may Luna bless you all." she walked past everyone as they wished her a good night.

She changed and then showered off before heading for bed, pretty soon the familiar shift in the bed occurred and she look over at Clare in her cat form.

"Shift to human form and get in bed with me." Torie said and yawned loudly. Clare shifted with a shocked look on her face and slipped between the sheets. She yelped as she was pulled back against Torie's body then relaxed. Soon enough both of them slipped off to dreams.


"I assume you are going to stay?" Alpha Carter said finally after having watched his Guardian, Jaxon, speed heal before him. He and his mate had been watching him for a while after Alpha Torie left the room with her Beloved.

"She is the Alpha my Father told me to wait for, and she is my mate, even if she barely recognizes that fact." Jaxon said sadly. Alpha Carter could not imagine anything like this and neither could Jose.

"You need to realize something, Jaxon." Alpha Carter said softly and rested his hand on his friends arm. "Raven was born genetically altered, with just enough wolf to desire to be pack and to recognize their mate. This goes for Torie too, the problem is she was never properly raised by a loving family. It may take time for her to come to terms with who you and she are, or she may never see you as more then how she sees you now." he explained to Jaxon slowly. Jaxon nodded in agreement. He'd been born and lived a life within packs, known love and family all his life. Torie had only just begun to learn of these things.


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