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The Perfect Crime Pt. 03: The Crime


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Sonia they didn't particularly care for.

I asked Mr. Swenson if I could borrow his car for about an hour to run to the store for some parts for the Bronco. I explained that the Jag was in the shop for the day, and I only had today to get things fixed on the truck.

"Sure, Jim, take your time. We're watching an NCIS marathon."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it. I'll fill the tank up."

"No need, unless you're driving to Dallas," he chuckled. I grinned and said only the auto parts store. He gave me the keys and waved me off.

I drove to Auto Zone, picked up a starter solenoid, 3 fan belts, a case of oil, and 3 oil filters. Then I went to Walmart and had 2 duplicate ignition keys made for the Buick. I filled up the tank, drove home, unloaded my purchases, and then returned the car to Mr. Swenson. The Swensons were usually in bed right after the 10:00 p.m. news.

So Friday night, at 12 midnight, I would be borrowing their car. An '84 Buick is about as nondescript as you can get. I returned home and set up the workbench to reflect work on the truck. Sonia came home, took an iced tea from the fridge, freshened her makeup, and was out the door at about 7:00 p.m.

Not so much as a 'Get fucked, asshole.' Pretty soon, slut. Pretty soon.

Wednesday, I was up at 6:30 and on my way to breakfast. I think I'll try Waffle House this morning. Ah, variety. Ginger waved as I walked in and slid the coffee in front of me.

"How's Terry doing?" I asked. "He's fine. We're going away for the rest of the week for a little R & R. How are you doing?"

"Pretty good. It will start to be over next Monday. She'll be served at her work, she and her boyfriend. Then it's just a matter of time."

"That's good," she said. "We will all be on your side, and we'll support you. Even if you become poor and have to eat here because it's all you can afford, instead of the good food, we will still love you," she grinned. I laughed and said, "Thanks for the pep talk, coach." She grinned again. I finished breakfast, hugged Ginger, paid, and left.

I picked up donuts and got to work at about 8:45. Janine met me and hugged me.

"Joe says to keep the faith, Boss. It'll soon be over." We got to work over coffee and, and the day almost flew by. I got home Wednesday evening, and she was already there. She made dinner (for herself) and curled up on the couch to watch t.v.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, "You look uncomfortable."

She smirked and said, "My ass hurts." She just kept pushing. I got up, went into the garage, opened the door, and pulled the Jag in. It was almost pristine; they had adjusted the carbs, changed the oil, and cleaned the breaks. The interior looked practically brand new. I put the top down and stowed it under the cover. Then I popped the hood on the Bronco, slid underneath on a creeper, and drained the oil. I got up and disconnected the battery, and put it on a board on the workbench. I disconnected the starter solenoid and pulled it off the firewall; then, I removed the fan belt, power steering belt, and alternator belt. Then I cleaned my hands and went inside.

She saw me come in. I asked, "How long are we going to be like this?"

"As long as it takes," she said.

"Let's see, it's been ohhh 8 ½ months since we had sex, about 12 since we made love, or what I used to think was love, so what can you offer?"

"Valentine's Day" was all she said.

"What's this shit about Valentine's Day?" I innocently asked.

"You'll see. It will be a big surprise," she said as she caressed her breasts and pushed them towards my face. "Sorry, I don't share well, slut." She jerked as I moved upstairs to go to bed. "Good night."

Thursday dawned, and I left early for breakfast. Guess where? Nope, Waffle House. I walked in and sat down.

"Let's see, coffee?" said Ginger.

"I guess."

"You O.K.?" she said.

"Yeah. Just marking time."

"Well, keep the faith, eat your breakfast, and go to work."

"Thanks, Mom."

"OOH, that was low." She grinned and left to wait on someone else. I finished up my meal, had a second cup, and paid up. "See you tomorrow, Ginger." She waved, and I got in the Jag and drove to work. No donuts today (I didn't feel much like it on slut girl's date day); Pete got there about 9:00 and came in to brief me.

"Last day, boss. We will wrap surveillance tonight and have a report for you tomorrow morning, about 11:00."

"I appreciate it, Pete. I can't wait to get this behind me."

Janine buzzed me; "Boss, Mr. Jalles's would like a moment of your time."

"Send him in." Pete rose -"Back to the salt mines."- and left. Tom Jalles walked in, and Janine closed the door.

"Mr. Jalles, how can I help you?"

"Mr. Tremaine, I just wanted to thank you. Doreen and I have patched up our marriage to a great extent; the suggested separation only lasted about a week and a half, and then we were both back together. We're still going to counseling, and at times it is hard, but I've loved her for a long time, and this piece of shit isn't worth losing her. We owe it all to you. When I left here a couple of weeks ago, I was stopped by your P.I., and he told me what happened at the hospital; I appreciated it. His story agreed with what my wife told me. Mr. Tremaine, we owe you a lot."

"Some people get fortunate, Tom. Go home, love your wife, go to church, and thank your lucky stars you guys are two of them. And keep talking."

"Thank you again, sir," he said. "If there's ever anything, I can do for you, just call." He rose, shook my hand, and as he walked out, I thought I saw a smile and a small tear in his eye. 'Score one for the good guys,' I thought.

The day passed quickly, until about 4:00 when I got a phone call from my soon to be ex-wife. "I just called to tell you that I have a meeting with the library committee. It's going to start a little earlier than usual and probably last a little longer."

"I hope the Radisson can accommodate the committee for a longer period of time. Tell Marcus, 'fuck you.' Oh, wait, he will be." "WHAT??" she screamed. I hung up.

I left for home at 6:00, stopped and got pizza ahead of time and a six-pack of beer. I went home, ate the pizza, drank the beer, and watched the Jets and the Giants battle to a scoreless tie. Then I went to bed.

Friday morning, I got out of bed at six and noticed she was in the shower. I reached into the bathroom, turned on the sink, and flushed the toilet. As I went down the stairs, I heard a shriek. I chuckled to myself, got in the Jag, and drove to Waffle House.

Shannon met me with coffee and, soon after, breakfast. She smiled and told me Ginger took the day off, so I was in her hands. I thanked her and dawdled over another cup of coffee, paid my bill, and left for work, stopping to pick up donuts on the way. 'This might be the last time,' I thought. Picking up donuts, that is. If everything doesn't go perfectly, I could be in big shit.

I arrived at work, my mind going in ten different directions at once at a thousand miles an hour. I put the donuts in the break room, got another cup of coffee. Janine brought in the mail and asked how everything was. "So far, so good," I said. Pete showed up at 10:30 and gave me the final report. "I want one copy mailed to Barbara Blaine and leave the rest here. Do you have all the originals?"

"Yep, Boss. All in files in my office."

"Good, I'll get these ready to file and to be served on Monday. D-day." I thanked him again and left to get back to work. I put the packages together and called Mrs. Blaine. "Hello, Barbara? This is Jim Tremaine.- Can you talk?- Good, I just got my final report- tapes, pictures, audios, and videos. I'm sending you a copy by messenger. Do you have your own attorney?- No?- Well, in that case I can set up everthing here with my assosciate - Fine, then, I'll send you a copy of the paperwork for divorce also.- Yes, they will be served at work Monday morning. That's quite alright- I'm sorry we had tomeant under these circumstances.- Uh-huh, that sounds pretty interesting. We will talk after the divorces are final so that we don't screw this up. -That's right...Talk to you soon. Goodbye."

Janine got us a couple of Jersey Mike's subs and some cokes for lunch. "So, you gonna be O.K. this weekend?"

"Yeah, I think I'll work on the Bronco, get her back together, and change the oil, and take her out to blow out some cobwebs."

"Just don't do anything stupid. That's from Joe. I agree, so if it gets bad, give us a call, and you can come over for some bar-b-que."

"Thanks, I'll keep it in mind."

After lunch, we finalized the paperwork, sent out the messenger to Mrs. Blaine. Got the documents over to the courthouse and prepared to serve the relevant parties. I left for home and the final arrangements.

I got home and grabbed 2- 55 gallon garbage bags. I put one inside the other. Then I got three pairs of Latex gloves, put one pair on, and put them all together in the garage, on the Bronco's front passenger floorboards. I got the gun, and the magazines, loaded them, put one round in the chamber, and slid one loaded magazine in the weapon. Then I loaded the other magazine. I placed everything on top of the bags. I got my padded jacket, scar appliances, hat, and wig and put them there too. I put one pair of latex gloves in my pocket. I got a tongue depressor and some masking tape and put them on the pile.

I went upstairs and sat on the couch. At 7:00 p.m. Sonia came downstairs dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, high heels, her Dolce and Gabbana handbag, and left. 'Well, I thought, she won't need that tonight. It looks like it will be a long night tonight.'

She was leaving a little early. I went into her office/craft room and spooled up her laptop. I accessed her account, and brought up the spreadsheet files, and entered the codes to move the monies. I waited for approx. 12 seconds and it flashed, showing approx. $23,000,000 was not there any longer. I brought up the Seal Team file, accessed it, entered the codes, and after about 45 seconds, it flashed 'Transfer Accomplished,' blinked twice, and disappeared from the screen.

Mission Accomplished.

I left her computer open to the files page. I closed the top-down, went into the master bathroom, pulled the bottom shelf out, and accessed her stash. I took the journals and put them aside. I took the ledger and went through it carefully, making sure there was nothing in it other than the latest account balance. I removed the codes page, and the Seal Team reference, put them aside, and put the towels, toilet paperback, and cleaning supplies back in place.

I picked up all the papers and went into her office. I took the refuse from her paper shredder, put it back together, and shredded them. I retrieved the debris and set them aside.

I replaced the original litter in her shredder, took my shreddings, and went out to the patio. I fired up my Weber kettle, and l placed all the shredded papers in the Weber and burned them to a cinder.

I stirred the ashes, and squirted some lighter fluid into the pile, and threw another match in. Flames roared up and, after a few seconds, died out. I stirred the ashes again and poured charcoal on top of the mess.

They should light off and catch in a little bit. I looked at my watch at -8:15 p.m. I went into the kitchen and grabbed water out of the fridge. I went into the living room and sat on the couch.



I left for the bar and arrived at about 7:25. I went in and sat at the bar for a few minutes, ordering a shot of tequila. I downed it and ordered a glass of chardonnay. I sat nursing it while I watched the clock. At 8:30, I got up and walked to the doorway, touching Ralph, my doorman, on the cheek.

"I'll take care of you later, baby." Jeremy was waiting and opened the door into the entertainment area. I went to my small dressing room and began getting ready. I stripped off my clothes, took my pill along with a glass of wine, and stepped back into my shoes. Red thigh highs completed the costume if you could call it that. I went out to the 'stage' where I performed every Friday night. Jeremy came up and put his arms around me.

I dropped down, and dropped his pants and his undershorts, and sucked him in, all the way to his pubes. I loved the way we did this as a tradition. He got almost completely erect, and I pulled off him and jumped upon him. He slipped into me, and the pill started to kick in.

'I love Ecstasy,' I thought. My temperature started to soar, and I bounced up and down about 4 times and gushed all over him as he spurted into my cunt. I kissed him, said 'Thank you,' and slid down to stand a little tipsily on my heels. 9:00,

"Let's start the fun," I said, and climbed up on the mattress. Jeremy pulled up his underwear and his pants, grinned, and went to the doorway and out.



At 10:30, I went out to the garage and got my disguise, the plastic garbage bags, and the weapon. I put the spare magazine in my left pocket, the extra ammo in my right pocket, and the gun in my right pocket also. I took the scar appliances, the hat and wig, and the coat to the guest bathroom. I applied the scar to my forehead and the one to my right cheek: a little makeup base and some flesh-colored stage makeup to blend it in. Then I put the wig and ball cap on and pulled on some old but clean jeans.

My old hunting boots came next. I picked up my deck sneakers and grabbed the padded coat. I went down to the living room. I put on the coat and two pairs of latex gloves. I grabbed the tongue depressor, and the masking tape, made sure I had nothing else in my pockets, except for $50, and went out the front door.

I locked it and put my keys under the mat after removing the Buick's ignition key. At 11:00, I walked down the street, trying to practice my limp. I got to the Swenson's, noticed that all their lights were out, and got in the car. I took some masking tape, covered the dome light switch with the tongue depressor, and taped it on the door frame. I closed the door and put the key in the switch.

I turned it and, without starting the car, slipped it into neutral. It rolled into the street. I stopped the car, shifted into park, and started it up. I put it in reverse, backed around, shifted into drive, and slowly drove down the street. About 200 feet down the road, I turned on the headlights and went to the bar.

I got to the bar at about 11:20 and parked the car on the street behind the bar. I got out and walked around the block to the front. About 8-10 cars in the lot, including Sonia's. I went in the front door and got a club soda, nursing it for a while as I monitored the waitress's ins and outs to the back room.

Finally, at about 11:55, I got up and walked over just as a waitress came out. I passed the guy the $50 and went into the corridor. There were only about 5 guys in the bar proper, so I figured now was the time. I walked up to the second guy and noticed a baseball bat in the corner behind his stool.

He looked at me and said, 'How much?'

'$850 ', I said. His eyes lit up, and he reached for a purple ticket.

He grinned, and said 'Here you go.'

"Just a minute," I said, and reached into my pocket and came out with the gun. "Give me all the money,' as I shoved it in his throat.

"O.K., be cool," and he handed me a big wad of cash.

"Inside," I motioned.

"O.K., O.K." he opened the door and walked through. I put two rounds in the base of his skull. I then spun left and shot the two guys once each in the forehead. I turned right and was rewarded with moaning and groaning.

She was airtight. One stroking her pussy with a slightly large cock. Another guy getting a blow job, and the third guy underneath her with his cock buried deep in her ass while squeezing both her tits. A guy on her left and another on her right getting jerked off by my soon to be ex-wife.

I put one in the head of the guy on her right as I stepped toward them. He fell over backward, and I turned and shot the guy on her left in the left eyeball, just as he came all over her breasts and her face. They were all sort of in a daze with their lust and never noticed my approach.

I raised my weapon until it was practically touching the back of the head of the guy fucking her cunt. I took one last glance at you, and I pulled the trigger, shooting the guy fucking her pussy in the back of his head. He fell forward onto her chest, and the guy getting the blow job took one in the forehead just as he erupted in her mouth. He fell forward onto her chest, and that's when the guy in her ass became aware of events.

He tried to push out from under her, saying 'No, wait,' and took two rounds in the head. I changed magazines and turned to the door, just as the bartender and the other door guy came in. The bartender, who I later found out was the owner, and the guy running the website 'Entertainment with Sonia', had a double-barreled shotgun. The other bouncer had a baseball bat also. Two rounds for the bartender and two more for the bouncer.

I turned back to my' wife' and walked up to her. I wanted to shove the pistol in her snatch and empty the magazine, but I figured that would be kind of suspicious, so I leaned over and looked her in the eye.

Her eyes got wide, and her mouth opened, spitting out the guy's dick, said 'Ooh... Before I said 'Cuck, slut', and put two rounds in her forehead. I put the gun in my pocket and calmly walked out the back door.

I went across the back parking lot, up the path to the back street, and down the block to the Buick. I opened the door and sat on the front seat with my feet outside. I took off my hunting boots, coat, hat, wig, jeans, scar appliances on my forehead, right cheek, beard, and mustache and put them all in the black plastic bags. I wiped my face with a rag and stuffed it into the bags as well.

I checked all around the car for anything I might have missed and then tied the bag closed. I closed the door and started the car. I checked my rearview, pulled onto the street, drove about 50 feet, and turned on the headlights. I could hear the sirens coming from my left rear quarter and drove carefully down the road.

About 2 blocks farther down, I came across what I was looking for: a garbage truck with a lift on the right side. I passed it by as it picked up a can at the curb to empty, and drove down about another three blocks, turned right, and went down about 50 feet, and u-turned, pulling up on the right side, shutting off the engine and the lights.

I grabbed the bag, ran across the street, and found a can close to the corner, flipped the top, and pulled out an almost identical bag, stuffed mine in, and put the other one on top of it. It made the can about 2/3 full.

I ran back to the car, got in, and waited. After about 15 minutes, the garbage truck pulled up, grabbed the can, picked it up and dumped it, lifted it up and shook it again, and banged it on the truck bed. It placed it back on the curb. The truck rolled on and dumped another 4 cans before I got out and ran across the street to check the can.

Empty. I ran back to the car, got in, started the car, and drove off towards home. I reached home and slowly rolled down the street, turning off my headlights. I turned into Swenson's driveway, shutting off the engine. I then opened the door, took the tongue depressor off the light switch, and put the key under the front driver's seat.

I quietly closed the door and walked up to my house. I went into the house, locked the door, set the chain, and turned off the lights. I went upstairs and went into the master bath (at last), and I cleaned up my face, stripped off the latex gloves, and one by one flushed them down the commode. Then I went into the bedroom and laid down, trying to sleep.

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