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The Perfect Gangbang

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A blonde is gangbanged by her boyfriend and his friends.
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Copyright © 2017 by Olivia Starry

All rights reserved.


This short story features highly explicit sexual content. All characters within the story are consenting adults, 18 years of age or older. All characters, places and events depicted are entirely fictional and any resemblance to real people, places or events is purely coincidental.

Expect elements of the following: M/M/F, M/F/M, 4700+ words


Here in Norwell, Maine, not much happened.

That was probably why I left and moved down south to Boston. I never thought I would actually miss it. But now that my car rolled past the streetlights and onto Major Avenue, I felt a certain nostalgia I hadn't prepared for.

"Finally back," Amanda said from the passenger seat, sounding faintly hopeful.

I glimpsed the mall and Joey's Burger Shack as we drifted past. "Finally."

A gray carpet hung over Norwell, there was rain in the air. On the radio they talked about an approaching storm front. Apparently, there was a risk of two weather system colliding, creating what they called a "perfect storm". That was just great timing.

"So, I know you weren't really into this idea," Amanda said. "But I think it will be fun. Everyone will be there. John, Mark, Dave..." She trailed off naming several of our old friends.

I afforded her one quick glance. She had beautiful blonde hair, almost platinum in color. To go with that, a face more beautiful and perfectly shaped than any I had seen before. And those glistering lips...that smile...those blue eyes. She was truly a perfect score, in personality and appearance both. Today she was wearing a a black, glistering clubwear dress. I thought it seemed a bit too short and perhaps a bit too revealing at the cleavage, especially for an at-home party like the one we were headed to. But at the same time, I couldn't help but enjoying showing her off. Amanda Harper. And she was my girlfriend.

"I'm not that pessimistic," I said. "I know it's probably gonna be fun." And it would...probably. It was nice to be going to see all the guys again. And if John wanted to have a big engagement party then I couldn't well miss it. I wasn't one to miss out, I just hadn't...been home in a while. And neither had she.

"Right," she laughed. "I'm glad your mood is starting to look better than the weather." She glanced out.

Dark, ominous clouds were building in east over the sea. On the radio news they were still occasionally mentioning the storm, urging people to stay at home and refraining from going outside due to the danger of strong winds.

"It's a good thing we're staying over the weekend," I said. "I don't think it's a good thing to be driving if the weather gets worse." As I said it, I could feel the growing winds tug at the car, making it slightly less easy to steer than usual.

"But that ocean view hotel is starting to seem like it may have been a bad idea though," Amanda said sounding worried.

I put my hand on her leg. "No worries. We're on the second floor. The storm ain't gonna blow the whole building away."

She laughed at the joking remark but did not sound completely relieved.


John waved eagerly from the porch as I pulled up on his driveway. The whole road—and the garden too—lay on a steep slope, so I made sure to really tug the handbrake before getting out. Immediately I felt the wind. Shit, it was really strong even now.

"Hey man," I said and moved around the car to help Amanda out.

The heels of her black overknee boots clattered against the cobblestone. Her face sparkled from stains of light rain that was beginning to fall. Her legs moved so sexily when she walked, that thigh-high gap between boots and dress giving a perfect view of them.

I gave John a hug. "Congrats man."

"Thanks. Ah, Amanda." He turned to my girlfriend and gave her a hug too, her breasts pressing intimately against him. That felt more "touchy" then his hug with me. But I guessed it couldn't be helped with the way she was dressed today and with that rack. I smiled at my lucky lot in life.

"Come inside, come inside."

He lead us in. Though I had never been in his newly-bought home, it instantly felt familiar. It felt like all the small houses in Norwell. It was all the same here—the same old, same old. I sighed to myself.

In the living room we were met with a cascade of hellos and happy waves. Basically all of our old high school friends were here. Dave, Scott, Logan, Rick...and all the girls too: Hannah, Gilly, Becka and Triss. They were all looking gorgeous in their stunning dresses and high heels. Hannah especially. She was a redhead nowadays, sporting a gradient black and green dress. Her breasts pressed against me when we hugged and I imagined it must be something like this it had felt like for John hugging Amanda out on the driveway. I lingered for as long as I could. I never intended to do anything, of course, but a split second of extra hug time didn't hurt anyone.

Both Amanda and I shook all hands and hugged everyone and exchanged happy words. Everyone was glad to meet us. Everyone else still lived in Norwell or elsewhere in Maine. Only Amanda and I had left the state. And only Amanda and I weren't single—except for John of course, and his fiance Sarah.

Sarah came from the kitchen carrying a plate of snacks. Everyone cheered. Even I did. Who doesn't like snacks?

Today, Friday, was the "mingle day". The real engagement party was tomorrow night, but John and Sarah wanted to gather only the closest friends for a personal kickoff evening first.

I sat with John, Hannah, Dave and Logan in the so-called "man-cave" room, something which I assumed they would later convert to a children's room. My friends felt strangely unfamiliar, like I didn't quite know them so well anymore. I guessed that was what happened when you moved away and didn't see people for several years.

"You're staying at the hotel?" Hannah asked. "Shit, are you gonna go there in this storm?"

"No problem," I said, confidence supported by my near-irrational rationalism. "There's even an indoor parking garage there."

"All the other girls are staying at Sarah's," said John. "She's still got her old apartment and its only five minutes over that way."

I wanted to keep Amanda for myself during the weekend. I honestly didn't feel like staying over at John's when I could be enjoying myself at a hotel with my beautiful girlfriend. Speaking of which...

"I'm gonna go find Amanda," I said.

I went to look in the kitchen first. All the girls but her were there. Triss waved toward the living room before returning to giggling over some conversation they were intimately engaged in.

I found Amanda in the couch, nestled right in between Scott and Rick. "Oh, hi!" she said when she saw me, sipping flirtatiously from her glass of water. Scott and Rick just gave me two phony smiles.

"What are you talking about."

"Things," Amanda said playfully and chuckled.

"Funny," I said.

"We were actually talking about the weather just now, as lame as it sounds," Rick admitted.

"They think we shouldn't go to the hotel. Too dangerous, too far away. And honestly?" She showed real concern again. "I don't know if I feel comfortable driving all through town and stay so close to the sea. They're saying the waves are flowing over the pier.

I looked out. The wind was hammering against the house, but luckily on the other side so it didn't feel so terrible from the living room. Rain fell like a torrent though. Maybe she was right.

"Hey! Come! Let's talk," Amanda exclaimed and strode past the narrow stretch of floor between Scott and the coffee table. Her ass was in perfect view of Scott's face for a moment, mere inches away. Scott's eyes lingered on her body.

Then she pulled me into the hallway where the bedrooms were.

I stayed with my back against the wall, Amanda lightly bent toward me. "What is it?" I asked.

She bit her lip absent-mindedly. "I don't remember them being so nice."

"They're only extra nice because you're easily the hottest girl in the house." I don't know what gave me the increased audacity and lack of forethought. I was of course fueled by a truth that I knew and she didn't. I knew that each and every one of us guys had been obsessed with her throughout high school. We had all wanted to fuck her. When she and I had first hooked up a year into college, I had felt the jealousy of my friends—even though my reason for being with Amanda hadn't anything to do with them. For me, it was real love.

They didn't love her, they only wanted to sleep with her. It was wrong that they thought of her like that now. But suddenly I was overcome with a raging arousal. I felt my cock stiffen and my mind transfix on an idea. From out of nowhere, the idea of her with other men had planted itself as a seed inside me. It still felt wrong, I didn't want it. But then...I did want it, part of me did. My fantasy drifted to all the gangbang porn I watched when I was home alone whenever Amanda was away. The thought of her being in the center of a sea of cocks--

"Knock, knock. You there?" she asked.


"I said: Let's go the living room. John called for us right then, remember?" she added.

I hadn't heard that, senses too dulled by my own depraved fantasies of men ravaging my sexy girlfriend.

"I'm taking everyone to Sarah's place," John said just as we entered the room. "The storm's only getting worse and we can't have everyone stuck here." He turned to me. "But there should be a spot for you and Amanda here. You really shouldn't go down to the harbor in this."

I looked to Amanda. Her eyes begged me to let us stay. "Yes, thank you. If we can sleep here tonight it would be great," I said.

"Perfect." John clapped his hands. "Be right back after I've dropped off the ladies."


Time went on and John did not return. So Amanda, me and the guys were left to just wait. We were idling in the living room, walking here and there, talking about this and that. Everyone was silently alarmed about the lack of John's return. At last Logan called and managed to get through.

"Uh-huh. Yes. I see. Okay."

We all looked at him expectantly. "So?" Dave asked.

"It's getting really worse. He's still at Sarah's with the girls. He said a tree fell over the road." When we still kept looking, he said "It means he's staying there. They'll come back tomorrow. Better safe than sorry."

I guessed that meant we were left alone in John and Sarah's house for the night—without John and Sarah. Me, Amanda and four guys. I felt a confused, filthy sensation. My body and cock tingled. The guys felt enough like strangers after all these years that certain things I'd thought impossible now crossed my mind. I thought I could see them ogling as well, checking out Amanda's ass and cleavage where she stood in the midst of us.

"We should get some music going to drown out that wind," Logan suggested suddenly.

Everyone was reinvigorated by the initiative. Rick managed to get the sound system going and we started listening to some quiet background lounge music. We gathered in the couch and chairs around the coffee table. I sat between Rick and Amanda, and she had Dave to her left. Scott and Logan took the chairs opposite us.

We spent at least two hours talking, neither of us feeling like sleeping in the rough weather that battered the world outside. All roads were closed. Everyone was inside. John was at Sarah's. The town was virtually under lockdown under the safety advisements from the local authorities. I felt strangely isolated in the house, like we were in our own world where the normal rules of society were temporarily suspended. That "perfect storm" that had isolated us felt now like some incomprehensible force of nature, working its will to keep us locked up in the house.

Everyone seemed to compete for making Amanda laugh. Secretly, I was imagining her naked, surrounded by their cocks. I was getting really surprised at myself for how easily I could imagine all the guys naked, fucking my girlfriend.

"Will someone show me to the bathroom?" Amanda asked.

Before I could reply, Scott broke off his silent conversation with Logan. "I'll lead the way."

She smiled and trotted after him, casting me a glance that told me she was enjoying the evening. I did not stop her. I didn't even comment.

We returned to discussing the football game of last week. We didn't even cheer on the same team anymore, that was how severe the disconnect between my new and old life was. After a while I started throwing glances at the hallway. Amanda and Scott still weren't back. The other guys noticed me noticing and exchanged glances of their own. Nobody said anything but there was a tension in the room now. Logan repositioned himself uncomfortably. Dave made an obvious attempt to launch a new topic of conversation.

"I'm gonna go see how the bathroom visit is going," I announced. I left quickly to avoid meeting their looks. Everyone knew something fishy was going on. I just wondered what it was.

I found the bathroom empty, but the next door over was opened. It lead into a dark room, dimly lit only by the light from the hallway. It was the master bedroom. Amanda and Scott stood close together just on the edge of the light streaming into the room, talking in a low voice to each other. They were standing so close, Scott leaning in slightly with his face toward hers—and she had not backed off.

Her eyes went to the shape in the doorway and she saw me. "Hi," she said in that beautiful, playful voice.

"Let's get back," Scott said quickly and leapt past me. But Amanda lingered.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Look, just so you know, nothing happened," she said. "We didn't do anything."

"You were standing awfully close," I pointed out. I managed to sound scolding, but again that tingling feeling surged throughout my body. I liked seeing them so close together. I couldn't quite place how this fantasy had emerged so strongly tonight, but my rock hard cock revealed to me that it was very sincere.

"We were just talking. I mean we were flirting a bit. I don't think he would have done anything...but I think he wanted to."

"You think Scott...wanted you?" I asked, challenging her to speak more of the subject.

She looked down at her feet, then up at my eyes. "Yes, babe."

"I told you they all wanted you," I said. My voice wasn't angry or irritated now, but rather hinting at my inner feelings.

Amanda seemed a bit puzzled. "All of them?" she asked.

I nodded. "They all think you're hot. Look, just so you know," I said, "they've all wanted you since high school."

She was silent for a while, breathing more heavily and trembling slightly. "Really?"

I moved close to her, grabbing my girlfriend around the hips. I whispered "Yes."

"You don't sound so angry about that," she said, giving me a questioning look.

I thought for a while. I think she could already feel my hard-on pressing against her. It was no point in turning back now. My cock throbbed with desire for that fantasy. "In fact, I like it," I said.

"" she said surprised.

"It really turns me on to imagine sharing you with other guys." I went all in now. I awaited her response with anticipation, feeling almost childishly nervous around my girlfriend of several years.

"That's..." she said. "That's really fucking hot."

I exhaled from the thrill. She was into it too. All that sexual tension and flirting the entire evening had been her toying with her fantasies as well. "Do you want to fuck them?" I asked. "Tonight?"

"Well, I... Yes." Her eyes met mine and I could see she felt a raging desire too. I knew those eyes, I knew that look...

I groped her between the legs, gently rubbing against her lace underwear. She was already wet.

"You wanna try to seduce them?" I whispered. "Fuck, I want to gangbang you so badly, Amanda."

She pulled me close and kissed me, her lean tongue playing with mine. "Yes, I want that," she said.

When we went back to the living room the guys stopped their conversation. I wondered if Scott had told them about his guilty attempt to seduce my girlfriend. I hoped he had.

Amanda slid onto the couch, positioning herself between Dave and Scott, who had taken her old spot. While the conversation picked up again, everyone was shooting inevitable glances at Amanda, her legs now separated enough to reveal what was between them. It was an alluring sight to see her consciously showing off her underwear. She was talking to Scott again, laughing at his jokes, giving him flirtatious winks, letting her hand run down his chest while she pressed her tits against his side. Dave was helplessly leaning in from his side, edged on by the prospect of such close proximity to Amanda.

Logan and Rick ogled, jealously and confusedly taking in the sight of my girlfriend getting frisky with two of their friends. I simple sat back in the chair for now, smiling at what unfolded before me. I did not resist the urge to place my hand on my crotch, slowly and discreetly beginning to rub back and forth on the hard cock in my pants.

The room entered a short moment of utter, dreadful silence when Amanda put her hand on Scott's bulge and gave him a quick—but still too long—kiss. I thought I was going to explode with excitement, feeling so happily nervous while the guys simpled stared wide-eyed in disbelief. Even Scott seemed taken aback.

"What..." said Logan but let his voice die down.

Amanda suddenly inched closer again, so seductively, and started to make out with Scott. He threw me a desperate glance that demanded an explanation. But he stopped resisting immediately when he saw my smile. A surreal feeling fell over the room as we watched my girlfriend make out with Scott, rubbing his now throbbing cock through his pants.

Scott grabbed my girlfriend's ass as she climbed on top of him, pulling her dress up, revealing her ass--covered now only in the black lace panties--for the entire room to see. Still nobody was saying anything. But I could hear their breathing quicken from the excitement. Dave who was sitting right next to them had his hands inside of his pants, jerking off.

Amanda pulled her head back and slid down on the floor. Now she was kneeling before Scott, opening his pants with no trouble. She removed from them his hard cock and pulled it into the open. She started jerking it off and then gave it a quick lick and suck. She looked playfully over her shoulder and beckoned with a smooth wave. "Come. I want you all here."

When she took Scott's throbbing shaft in her mouth, shoving it deep down to her gag reflex, we were no longer content with ogling. Dave had his pants off first, lurching all the way up against Scott's leg. She grabbed a hold of his dick too, jerking it off as she sucked off Scott.

I was fast enough to slide down beside Scott on the other side, closing my eyes as I felt her grip around my cock. Now she was giving one guy a blow job and jerking off two others. Rick and Logan stood with their pants down and cocks out behind Amanda, waiting for their turn while touching themselves.

Amanda let Scott's dick leave her and shifted her attention to Dave. When she took him in her mouth she jerked off Scott and Logan instead, leaving me to handle my cock alone. I knew then that she was going to suck all of their dicks before giving me a blowjob. That thought aroused me enough as I kept going myself while watching her. I was completely lost in the depravity of it all.

She switched back and forth between them, gaping wide in between. She deep-throated each and every one of the guys, gagging and gurgling in a mix of saliva and cock. They passed her around roughly, letting her taste all the cock she wanted. Finally, she climbed onto the couch and descended with her parted lips to take me inside her.


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