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The Perfect Life for Davey Ch. 08

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Davey's life is in Ms. Smeltzer's hands now.
6.7k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 09/18/2014
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The men ripped my clothes off, per Ms. Smeltzer's request, tugging at my shirt or pants or whatever each could reach. In the process I was pulled or dragged this way and that along the gravel. Once everything was ripped off, including my socks, someone grabbed at my white briefs. With several forceful tugs, he finally succeeded in ripping them off, whereupon nearly everyone gasped and said, "What the fuck!!??? What the fuck is THAT thing??" Then someone noticed there appeared to be some black circular thing in between my butt cheeks. It was the base of my butt plug, and someone said, "Oh my god, he's got somethin' up his ass!"

Ms. Smeltzer yelled out, "Holy shit, I know what that is! It's a fuckin' butt plug! Hold him for me, you guys, lemme show you. I'll pull that thing out." Two of the men pulled me up by my arms so I was on my knees in the gravel, and Ms. Smeltzer came up behind me. She roughly pulled the butt plug out of my ass, making me scream. She held it up a moment so people could see it, and I'm sure most, if not all, of them had never seen such a thing. I heard people saying, "What the fuck??"

Ms. Smeltzer said, "Hold him, you guys," and she started jamming the butt plug in my mouth, pushing it roughly in and out, making me gag. Everyone laughed, knowing the cone-shaped thing had just been in my ass and now she was making me taste it. As the men continued to hold me, she bent at the waist, pretending to inspect my chastity device, as if she had no idea it was there before I was stripped naked. She said, "What the fuck? There's a lock on that thing? And you were hitting on me with a locked-up dick? Who put that thing on you, your mommy? Hahaha. What did you think was gonna happen if you got with me? We were just gonna go make out somewhere? Hahaha, what a fuckin' idiot!"

I was staring up at her face with pleading eyes and a mouthful of butt plug as she said these things, and I didn't see her foot rare back as she said, "Just so you know you would never have a chance with me" and gave my tube-encased dick a swift kick. I went "mmmmmnnnphgnnn!!" as tears filled my eyes.

Then she said, "OK, you little pussy, here's the deal. If you keep that thing in your mouth while these guys drag your naked ass all over this parking lot, I'll tell 'em to stop beating you up. But if it falls out, you're on your own, faggot. Boys, teach him his final lesson, will you?" and she smiled sweetly at the two men holding me. They said, "You got it," and started pulling me by the wrists, dragging me across the gravel. I screamed and squealed, but my jaws held onto the butt plug for dear life. I just prayed that I wouldn't get jarred in such a way that the tip of it would hit the back of my throat and make me forcefully cough it out. My butt was ripped to shreds from the gravel underneath, and then at some point the men turned me over so I was belly-down, and dragged me along that way until my chest was thoroughly skinned and bloodied.

Finally I heard Ms. Smeltzer call out, "OK, guys, let him go! I think Rick and I can take it from here." I didn't know who Rick was, but I was overjoyed to be released from the two men whose dragging torture left me writhing and moaning in the rocks. The voices, and laughter, and other sounds around me swirled together for a moment as I wallowed in agony, but then one voice pierced the blur, and I heard swift steps in the gravel, as the bartender advanced on me, and I looked up to see her carrying a glass. She said, "Here, I brought him another soda. This one's on the house," and she dumped a soda all over me. Most of it doused my head, neck, and chest. She laughed as she retreated with the empty glass.

Next I saw that Ms. Smeltzer was talking with two or three of the guys in a kind of huddle, and then one of them broke off to talk to the bartender and ask her something. The two then went into the bar, and in a minute or so the man came back out with a flashlight, and clear rubber gloves on his hands. Soon he disappeared from my view, and I just lay on my back, looking up at the sky, and resting. I still had the butt plug in my mouth, so I breathed through my nose and occasionally closed my eyes. But doing so just seemed to accentuate my awareness of the stinging pain affecting nearly every part of my body, so I would open them again, and they seemed to float in my sockets, in my near-delirium.

I don't know how much time passed, but the next episode, in what I feared was a nightmare that would never end, began when Ms. Smeltzer and the man she'd been sitting with at the bar, who I learned was Rick, took me by the arms, and Ms. Smeltzer said, "Get on your hands and knees, ya little pussy. Hahaha, that's right, keep that butt plug in your mouth." Once I was in a hands-and-knees position, Ms. Smeltzer said to Rick, "Is he coming back? Will you check on him, see if he's finding it down there?" I didn't know what she was talking about, but Rick said, "Yeah, I'll check."

He walked away from us, and once he was out of earshot, Ms. Smeltzer bent down and put her head close to my ear. She said, "At some point I'm gonna say, 'Go home to mommy, you little pussy', and when I do, you run and get your clothes, and run off like you're leaving. But just go down the hill and hide where you can see up here. When we all go back in the bar, sneak back up here and get in the back seat of my car. I left it open. There's a blanket in the back seat. Lay down on that blanket and just wait for me in the car."

Soon Rick returned, with another man. They were behind me, so I couldn't see what was going on. I heard Ms. Smeltzer say, "Did you find some?" and the other man said, "Yep."

Ms. Smeltzer said, "Rub it on his ass, and his balls. Hahaha." I stayed put, and soon felt something tickling my butt and balls.

"There you go," said the man. "Here, I'll get his legs, too. Now he's got something to remember you by for the next couple weeks. He'll be itchin' like a motherfucker in a day or two."

"Hahaha, good! Thank you!"

"No problem." As the man walked past me and headed toward the bar entrance, I saw that he was the same man who had come out with rubber gloves and a flashlight. It was then that I realized Ms. Smeltzer had sent him into the adjacent woods to find some poison ivy or poison oak.

Next Ms. Smeltzer kissed Rick deeply, and said, "Now let me give you a proper thank you." She led him by the hand to the side of the building, and said to me, "You just stay right where you are, you little pussy, and watch what I'm gonna do for him that I would NEVER do for you."

As I stayed put on hands and knees, with the butt plug in my mouth, the two embraced and kissed passionately. Ms. Smeltzer's hand trailed down to Rick's crotch, and as they kissed, she unzipped his pants and un-did his belt. Soon she squatted down, and pulled Rick's boxer shorts down to free his dick. She sucked it in front of me, occasionally looking over at me and smirking.

There were still three or four men standing around in the parking lot, and they lingered long enough to see what was developing, and to watch the sexy action for a few minutes. Naturally they laughed at how Rick and Ms. Smeltzer were forcing me to watch them, naked on my knees, scuffed, skinned, bruised, and bloodied from the beating and dragging I'd gotten. But at some point they decided respect for their friend Rick dictated that they not stay for the whole show, so they went back inside, leaving just the three of us in the parking lot.

Therefore, only Rick witnessed the final humiliation, one he was not expecting but which gave him obvious amusement. I, on the other hand, was not shocked in the least, when Rick emptied his load, and Ms. Smeltzer held his cum in her mouth, then came over to me, removed the butt plug, pinched my nose shut, and then spit his cum into my mouth. Rick exploded in laughter when Ms. Smeltzer demanded that I swallow it, then put the butt plug back in my mouth. Then she said, "Now go home to mommy, you little pussy!" I bolted to my feet and scurried to gather up my clothing, or at least the shreds thereof, and ran off into the darkness and down the gravel driveway toward the road. I prayed that no car would come along the road at that moment, as when I got to the bottom I realized I'd have to cross the road to get to some vantage point where I could see the hilltop on which the bar stood.

I hid among some grasses and wild flowers on the other side of the road, in a spot where I knew no passing headlights would hit me, and from where I could see the parking lot and the bar's entrance. I was only there a moment when it occurred to me that I could remove the butt plug from my mouth. No one was outside the bar, and I couldn't wait to reach the safety of Ms. Smeltzer's car so I could lie down. First, though, I wondered if Ms. Smeltzer would expect me to have the butt plug back in my ass whenever she next saw me, or if it was OK to leave it out. Then I decided that was a stupid question, as I had visions of her freaking out and doing God-knows-what to me if I didn't have it back in. In any event, at least I wouldn't have to carry it in my hand if I put it back in my ass. So I slobbered and drooled over it as much as I could, and grunted as I replaced it.

Sneaking across the road and up the hill, slinking through the darkness and hiding behind various cars in the lot, I worked my way to Ms. Smeltzer's car. I quietly opened one of her back doors, and climbed into the seat. Indeed she had a ratty old blanket spread over the seat, and I lay down on it. Feeling some semblance of safety at last, I brought my hands up to examine my face with my fingers. I was swollen around both eyes and lips, and sticky from the soda the bartender had dumped on me. All over my body I felt stinging and throbbing from cuts, and in the low light I tried to see if some gashes had dirt or gravel dust in them, and rub some of that off if possible.

As far as I knew, I hadn't suffered any broken bones. My arms and legs seemed to work well enough, so they seemed safe. But I couldn't be sure none of my ribs were broken or cracked, since there were so many painful places all over my body.

Once I stopped taking stock of my wounds, I lay on my back, covered my eyes and forehead with my hands, shook my head, and broke out sobbing. The trauma of what this absolute MANIAC had just subjected me to hit me full-force. How in the world could the Trentstown University Director of Resident Life set up a poor, innocent TU freshman for a beating from a whole bar-full of older men? What else would I have to endure on the rest of her vacation? What "sights" would we be visiting over the next week? More rough-and-rowdy roadside bars like this one??

I must have dozed off for at least a few minutes, because I was startled when Ms. Smeltzer opened her driver's side door and got in. As soon as she closed it, she pressed the remote for the ball shocker and gave me a sustained shock on the high setting. She laughed as I grunted and whimpered, and writhed in the back seat. When she stopped, she said, "Well, wasn't it nice to get out for a while? Have you ever even been to a bar before?"

"No, ma'am."

"Oh, well, then this was a special treat for you. You should thank me."

Despite feeling anything BUT thankful, I immediately said, "Thank you, Ms. Smeltzer."

"Oh, you're welcome. It was my pleasure, believe me. Haha. I'm just sorry you didn't get to see Rick fucking me right outside the building here, just now. But don't worry, I brought you a little souvenir. I've got another load of his cum in my pussy for you to swallow as soon as we get back to the motel."

And so the first order of business, as soon as we got in the room, was for me to lie on my back on the bed. Ms. Smeltzer straddled my face and made me clean out her pussy. Then she started to grind on my face, and bounce on it, pounding on all my swollen places and making me grunt and call out, "Umph! Auugh! Ohhh! Oww! Oh-ho-ho, uggghhh, owww!"

When she was satisfied, she grabbed me by the hair and led me into the bathroom. "Get in the tub," she said. Once I did, she said, "Lie down." Then she stepped into the tub as well, and stood over me with her hands on her hips. I just looked up at her naked body quizzically, and then saw the first stream of her piss shoot out from between her legs. She pissed all over me, and I winced as the piss hit the cuts all over my body. Then she stepped out, pulled the stopper in the tub, and started running water. She sat on the toilet, lifted up one foot and then the other, and made me lick the piss from the bottoms of her feet. Then she found a washrag and tossed it to me. "I'll leave you alone for a while so you can clean yourself up."

As she walked out of the bathroom, I said, "Thank you, ma'am." This time, I really was thankful.

After we checked out of the motel the next morning, Ms. Smeltzer had me sit in the front passenger seat of her car, and she cuffed both my ankles and wrists. She told me not to speak unless spoken to. It struck me that such a rule was altogether unnecessary; what would possess me to try and make chit-chat with my insane captress anyway? I just sat in a daze and stared out the windshield, still traumatized from the night before.

As we were leaving Keenesburg, I noticed that Ms. Smeltzer kept slowing down and looking around, obviously looking for something. Then I heard her say, "Ah," as she wheeled into the parking lot of a grocery store. She pulled up along the curb and stopped. Then she stepped out of the car, carrying a padded envelope, which she dropped into a mailbox. After getting back in the car, she drove us out of Keenesburg, onto the freeway, and into the neighboring state.

Over the next week, Ms. Smeltzer really did do some sight-seeing, and we stayed in nicer hotels. But I have no idea what sights she saw, as I spent the days cuffed, bound, and gagged in closets or bathrooms whenever she went out. After two days my poison ivy rash set in, so I would spend these hours writhing in itchy agony. Ms. Smeltzer would not give me any sort of lotion for relief, and every night she would look at the rash and savor it, laughing. My pleading eyes evoked no sympathy in her, though; on the contrary, it would just make her want to reach for the ball-shocker remote.

Ever since the day in April when Tyler had made me put my phone on speaker so he could listen in when I told my parents I would not be coming home for the summer, he had made a rule that I was never allowed to make, or take, calls without him listening. While we were still at school, he would regularly check my phone to see if there were placed, or received, calls during the times I was not in his presence. He would also read all the texts I received (and read all my e-mails, too, as he'd made me give him my login info). Then, once school was out and the summer began, I was never alone anyway, so there was no opportunity for any private conversations on my part. Now, on the road with Ms. Smeltzer, my phone was in her purse, and I was not allowed to text, or place calls. If anyone texted, she would read it, and may or may not tell me what it said. As for calls, no one made any to my phone in the first three days or so.

But on the third night after leaving Keenesburg, my phone rang in the middle of Ms. Smeltzer grinding her pussy on my face. She looked at the phone and said, "It's Mommy and Daddy calling! Let's answer it." She put the phone on speaker and laid it beside my head. As she sat on my chest, she listened in.

"Hello?" I said.


"Hi, Dad."

"We got your package."

"My... package?"

After a long silence, my father said, "Yes. The video you sent us."

"What video?"

"Oh, you know goddam well what video I'm talking about! You're gonna try and act coy with me!? Obviously your mother and I are... DISGUSTED that you would choose such a ... a TASTELESS and... and disrespectful way to... to tell us... you're... you're ... gay."

Suddenly it hit me what he was talking about. I looked up to see Ms. Smeltzer smirking at me as she savored the horror on my face. Now I knew what was in that padded envelope she mailed from Keenesburg as we left. That envelope had my parents' address on it, as Ms. Smeltzer could easily access that address from TU's information database. And now I understood why she staged that scene of me sucking Tyler off, seemingly willingly, and expressing how glad I was that we'd been assigned as roommates. Now my parents believed that I had sent them a video to provide them with the full explanation of why I was so intent on spending the entire summer in Keenesburg with Tyler.

"Your mother is just beside herself, David. This is just unforgiveable, what you've done. But you've made your choice. Now let me tell you the consequences. We're cutting you off. You're on your own now. You'd rather spend the whole summer with your gay lover than spend any time with your parents? Fine. You have no parents now. There will be no tuition support, or support of any kind, for that matter. We will shut off your phone in two weeks. So you have two weeks to get yourself a phone. If you ever call us, we will hang up. When we find out what your new number is, if you call us, we'll block your number. By next month all of your things will be in storage in your Aunt Jane's garage. So if you want to go there and get your stuff, fine. But don't ever come to our house, or we will call the police on you.

"That's it. Goodbye, David." And he hung up.

All of three seconds elapsed before I cried out, "Oh my GAAAAHHD!" Ms. Smeltzer chuckled as I burst into tears. I must have looked like a toddler who suddenly cries when he realizes his hand is caught in something and he's in pain. I sobbed and wailed, and blubbered like a baby. When I tried to bring my hands to my face, Ms. Smeltzer grabbed my wrists, pulled them down, and then pinned my arms down with her knees. But I was so awash in overwhelming grief that I risked angering her by bucking my chest up and down, and sobbing more forcefully. She slapped my face several times to warn me not to cry out too loudly, since we were in a hotel and she didn't want someone passing by in the hallway to hear.

Tears flooded my reddened face, and I thrashed my head back and forth. "Ohhhh my god! What am I gonna dooooo *sob sob sob sobbbb* what am I gonna doooo???" Ms. Smeltzer continued chuckling as she sat atop my chest, and her enjoyment of her latest outrageously cruel triumph just made me sob more and more... and more.

"Don't worry, Davey. I guess you won't be able to go to school anymore, but at least you won't be homeless. I'll take you in. Hahaha."

I bawled audibly, and could not stop. Ms. Smeltzer seemed to be waiting for me to calm down. But I couldn't. My parents, and my Aunt Jane, were the only family I had. My hometown was my lifeline. I had planned to move back there after graduating. Now I was an outcast and an exile. And it happened over the course of less than two minutes. It was just too much. It was even worse than if I'd found out both my parents had been killed in a car accident or something.

And here was the Director of Resident Life, the person at TU you would go to if you had such a family crisis, to help you work through it. A person you should be able to count on for compassion in such difficult situations. Here she was... pinning me down, sitting on my chest, and laughing at the overwhelming, unbearable pain she had caused me and my parents. Thoughtlessly severing the cord between us, purely for her sadistic pleasure.

When it became clear my sobbing would not abate any time soon, Ms. Smeltzer scooted forward, and started to smother my soaking wet, tear-streaked face. She rubbed her pussy all over it, saying, "Mmmm, yes... keep crying, Davey, your tears feel soooo good on my pussy." I continued bawling in grief under her grinding hips while she brought herself to orgasm.


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