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The Perils of Sarah

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Sarah is ravished by Native Americans.
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There had been unrest among many of theNative American tribes who had divided themselves during theFrench and Indian War (1756-1763)as to whether they would side with theBritish or theFrench. This was also calledPontiac's Rebellion, anOttawa of theGreat Lakes Region andIroquois Confederacy.

Where theMonongahela andAllegheny Rivers converge to form theOhio RivertheBritish builtFort Pitt in 1758 where once stoodFort Duquesne that had been built by theFrench at the beginning of the war. TheBritish, theDelaware, and Shawneesigned a treaty after the war, stating the Native Americans wanted a trading post that had been there since 1740 for trade and colonization but not aBritish military garrison around the villages. However, despite the treaty, theBritishbuiltFort Pitt larger and stronger, and this infuriated the Native Americans.

Therefore, indiscriminant attacks began on unsuspecting travelers coming toFort Pitt to colonize the strategic point in both land and trading. TheOhio River(Ohio,beautiful) was the gateway to the whole of the greatOhio Territory.

Shortly after these attacks began twenty-year old Sarah Kingsley and her parents were traveling fromPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania, toFort Pittthat was about three hundred milesacross the state in the southwest corner to open a trading post and make their living. The three members of the Kingsley family had recently sailed fromLiverpool, England, bound for theAmericas since it was hard times inEngland in the mid-18th century.

The pace was very slow due to the deeply rutted road that was enclosed on both sides with tall trees and thick vegetation, making visible only what was in front or behind them. When Henry Kingsley had heard there was land for the taking and opportunities to be had in the trading business, being a tradesman himself, he did not hesitate to depart the shores ofEngland for the sake of his family. When he and his family arrived inPhiladelphia, Henry found out that due to everyone converging atFort Pitt because it was a jumping-off point to travel down the beautifulOhio for the lands and new opportunities beyond, he convinced his wife Elizabeth that they should go there.

Therefore, once having made up their minds, only good thoughts were with them, and they were excited with their new adventure into the interior despite some of the hardships they had faced.

Te`eeehwit! An almost silent hum broke the stillness in the forest, and an arrow went through Henry's back and out his chest, and he died immediately, slumping forward against the front of the wagon that stopped his fall.

Screams and shouts broke the tranquility that once was just a few seconds ago as paintedShawnee Native Americans rushed from behind the trees with bows, arrows, tomahawks, clubs with balls on the end, and knives raised threateningly.

Te`eeehwit! As quickly as Henry Kingsley slumped over dead, a second arrow followed the first and went into and out of Mrs. Kingsley side, killing her between breaths.

All this happened in seconds, during which time Sarah screamed with terror as she watched her father and mother killed before her eyes. Thoughts went through Sarah's mind as quickly as the arrows that were shot and hit their targets, and she breathlessly awaited the same fate as her parents. However, no more arrows came flying through the air. Instead, two warriors with black-painted faces jumped up onto the back seat of the wagon where she was, and one of them grabbed Sarah around her waist, grasping her flailing hands with his other hand, and he roughly pulled Sarah down from the wagon to the ground where she landed on her knees and sprawled out, making her look like a rag doll tossed aside by her owner.

Sarah looked up with fear in her eyes, tears running down her cheeks, and her fear turned her face to ashen-white. She felt her heart pounding rapidly within her chest, and she gulped breaths through her open mouth that by now felt very dry.

The brave who still had Sarah by her hands pulled her up onto her knees, and the others raised their hands and weapons, shouting, hooting, and trilling their tongues rapidly and loudly. That alone was enough to heighten Sarah's fears and send shivers up her spine.

Pointing from time to time towards Sarah, the warriors talked about her, pleased with having taken this young female captive. They anticipated the excitement there would be in their village and the honor given them by the elders.

As for Sarah, all she did was cringe in fear, waiting for the next thing to be done to her by the warriors. Her biggest fear beyond being killed was being raped by the one or all of them before they killed her in a horrible way.

While the warriors were celebrating, Sarah tried not to show fear or resist which would only hasten her death.

At the time Sarah had no idea that the warriors had no intention of killing her. They had far better uses for her back in the village. So Sarah was surprised when the warrior holding her hands pulled her up onto her feet and motioned her to follow.

The warriors vanished back into the forest as quickly as they had come running out of it into the open, killing Sarah's parents. Now, they walked along an unnoticeable trail through the deep woods that didn't even seem to be a path at all, but the warriors knew where they were going, being guided by tomahawk cuts in the trunks of trees which they read like a map. They walked so silently the only sound Sarah heard was the noise her feet made as she walked.

It didn't take long before Sarah saw a clearing ahead of them, and soon the clearing opened up onto a native village protectively nestled among the trees and mountains. Very few white men or group of white men dared to venture off the main roads. However, there were a few mountain men who had made individual peace with the tribes and felt free to wander the mountains and forests without fear.

As the first warriors walked into the clearing, they raised their voices into victory cries and rapid trilling of their tongues, and those behind joined in as they, too, came into their village that was a compound ofAlgonquian dome wigwams (atepa) with a large one in the middle at the back that was their meeting lodge.

All eyes were upon Sarah as she was lead through the village towards one of the wigwams in the back into which she was shoved. Once inside the warrior tied long, leather pieces of deerskin around each of Sarah's wrists. He then wrapped it securely around a pole near the center so she couldn't get loose.

Very few had ever seen a white person before, and the women especially marveled at Sarah's pale skin and long blonde hair. They also noticed Sarah's eyes were green, pointing to the green leaves on the trees.

There were especially several pairs of eyes that lingered on Sarah as she had been led through the two lines of people, the two being the wife and daughter of the chief. They were enamored of her beautiful face and long, gorgeous hair, but more importantly each wondered what Sarah would look like underneath her clothes. Of course, being the chief's wife she would soon find out.

While a guard had been placed outside the wigwam where Sarah had been put, the rest of the village gathered round the communal fire in the center of the village and listened with rapt attention to the warriors telling about their attack on the lone wagon, the killing of the father and mother, and the taking of the white girl and bringing her back to the village. Much talking and laughter was shared throughout the day and into the early evening as the sun was setting in the west behind the mantel of trees that covered the mountainsides.

While the sharing was still going on and would for some time into the night around the large camp fire, the chief's wife Aiyana (eternal blossom) quietly and unnoticeably left the group and made her way to the wigwam where Sarah was being held. When she arrived there, she motioned to the guard to leave, and then she bent low to enter into the wigwam where she found Sarah sitting on the dirt floor with her wrists tied to a center post.

When Aiyana had walked into the wigwam, Sarah's fear lessened, seeing it was a woman and not one of the warriors who had killed her parents and brought her to his do what she didn't know, but she feared the worst. Before she and her parents left forFort Pitt she had heard stories about Indians raping women and burning them at the stake, but the latest news was the Indians were then peaceful because of the treaty they had signed with theBritish. No one mentioned the fact theBritish,as usual, had broken the treaty as soon as they signed it.

"Oh – SEE- yo," Aiyana said to Sarah who had no idea what the words meant, but she caught Sarah's attention with her dark eyes when she said again, "Oh – SEE – yo," raising her voice on "yo" and smiling.

Sarah was a bright girl who learned quickly, so by the second greeting, she knew the woman had said hello to her, and so she repeated her words back to her, "Oh – SEE – yo. Hello."

"Hah – loh," Aiyana answered slowly and as distinctly as she could.

Sarah shook her headyes to let Aiyana know she understood.

Aiyana then tapped her fingers on her chest and said, "Ai- yan – a."

Sarah repeated what she knew to be the woman's name, "Ai – yan – a."

Sarah then pointed to herself and said her name, "Sar – ah."

Aiyana repeated her name slowly, "Sar – ah."

Sarah smiled and Aiyana smiled back at her now that they knew one another's names. It was a beginning.

Sarah didn't know where this was going or what Aiyana wanted, so she just sat where she was since she had to since her hands were bound to a post, but she had been given long leather rope so she was able to move her arms and hands.

Aiyana moved closer to Sarah, all the while looking into her green eyes that attracted her ever so much since she never had seen anyone with eyes that color. When she was close enough to Sarah, she reached out with her hand and touched the side of her face and let it rest there until Sarah began to feel the warmth it caused. Sarah stirred and was going to move away from Aiyana's hand, but Aiyana shook her headno. Sarah knew what that meant, and so not to make her angry, Sarah did not move away from her touch but sat quietly as Aiyana slid her fingers down the right side of her face and down her swan-like neck.

Sarah squirmed a little, not knowing what Aiyana was going to do.

"Maybe," Sarah thought, "she's just fascinated with my white skin and wants to feel it."

In part, Sarah was correct, but she didn't think far enough as far as what Aiyana had in mind for her.

Soon, however, Sarah knew what she had in mind as Aiyana moved her warm hand along the neck of her dress and brought it to rest in the middle where it buttons down the front. Before Sarah could say anything, as if it would matter, Aiyanna began to tug at the buttons, not being familiar with how they worked, until she discovered the buttons went through the holes that were keeping the two halves of Sarah's dressed closed.

Once knowing this, Aiyana slowly unbuttoned Sarah's dress down to her waist that had a sash around it and tied in a bow. However, at that time Aiyana was fascinated by the extreme whiteness of the top of Sarah's large breasts with their deep cleavage. Sarah's breasts were so unlike her brownish-red skin, and her breasts were much smaller than Sarah's.

Tentatively Aiyana traced along the top of Sarah's undergarment, feeling the soft, white fabric. The native women wore no such garment to hold their breasts, so this was another new thing for Aiyana, and it fascinated her while at the same time excited her. As Aiyana went along the line of Sarah's undergarment, her fingers slid along her young, smooth, alabaster skin that pleased Aiyana very much.

She murmured her satisfaction as she touched Sarah's breasts with both of her hands beneath the fabric, but she wanted to see what was underneath her clothes. Aiyana motioned for Sarah to take her clothes off since she didn't know what to do. Doing as Aiyana motioned, Sarah removed her simple, blue dress and her white undergarments that went to mid-knee, and over this was a loose-fitting corset that was below Sarah's breasts and went to her hips. She took off her black shoes with small heels and then rolled down her cotton stockings until she had them off her legs, leaving her completely nude in front of Aiyana.

Aiyana sighed her approval as she gazed upon Sarah's voluptuous body with her large breasts and wide hips. Coming quite close to Sarah, Aiyana slid her fingers over Sarah's breasts and caressed them ever-so-gently like feathers. She then massaged them, squeezing their fullness with her hands, and despite herself Sarah's nipples became erect and hard beneath Aiyana's palms. Feeling Sarah's arousal, Aiyana smiled adoringly at Sarah. To enhance the sensation of her hands on Sarah's breasts, Aiyana moved her fingers forward until she had her hard, erect nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. She stroked Sarah's nipples, she pulled lightly on them, and she traced a circular line around Sarah's large, pink areolas that were covered with gooseflesh. Sarah had closed her eyes, enjoying Aiyana's feeling her breasts; therefore, she didn't see Aiyana lower her head with open mouth and lick her right nipple, immediately sucking it into her hot, wet mouth.

Startled, Sarah's eyes shot opened in surprise as Aiyana continued to suck her nipple. However, despite the pleasure, Sarah felt uncomfortable, and she squirmed her body under Aiyana's roaming hands and sucking mouth, but Aiyana lifted her head from Sarah's nipple and said, "Na," shaking her head from side to side.

Sarah didn't need a translator to tell her what Aiyana had said to her; therefore, since she was tied to the post in the captive's wigwam and had no idea what fate awaited her, Sarah gave into her fears, knowing there was nothing she could say or do.

As Sarah was coming to terms with herself and accepting her fate, Aiyana reached up and untied the leather strips on the top of her shoulders, and immediately the dress fell off her body and curled around her feet.

Now Aiyana was standing nude in front of Sarah, and it was Sarah's turn to see a woman unlike herself. She had never seen someone of color before, but now she saw Aiyana's reddish-brown skin; the beauty of her face; the compactness of her small body; her small, pert breasts; and her womanly "V" covered with thick, black pubic hair.

The contrast between them Sarah could not dismiss, and Aiyana's nipples standing erect and hard created a surge of sexual arousal in her. She had never seen a naked woman before, not even her mother, and now to see another woman standing nude just out of reach created mixed feelings inside Sarah. She kept looking at Aiyana's face, and then her breasts, and then her pussy.

When Sarah saw Aiyana's nipples puff up and get hard from her touching and sucking her breasts and nipples, Sarah fully understood why Aiyana had come to the wigwam in which she was being kept, and in one sense she was relieved, but in another she didn't know what Aiyana was going to do since she had never been with either a woman or a man in a sexual way.

All she knew was that as captive she was at the mercy of Aiyana who she did not know was the chief's wife.

Aiyana continued to play with Sarah's breasts for a while, flipping her hard nipples back and forth and circling them with her fingertips. By hand signing she let Sarah know she wanted her to do the same to her breasts, and so with some trepidation Sarah reached out and cupped Aiyana's pert breasts in her hands, feeling for the first time the fleshy hardness of a woman's nipples and the soft, smoothness of her breasts other than her own.

"Mmmmmmm," Aiyana moaned at Sarah's touch, knowing it would be useless to say anything to her since she wouldn't understand.

Sarah knew the same, and so she moaned herself, joining Aiyana.

Aiyana once more began to suck on Sarah's hard nipples, sending throughout Sarah sexual arousal she didn't know she had, especially having been brought up a prim and proper young, English lady.

Sarah moaned again, only this time it came from deep within her passionate being, and it was more prolonged.

This made Aiyana smile because she knew Sarah was becoming excited with her physical attention to her breasts, and she knew Sarah would respond with even more ecstatic sounds of pleasure once she had her head between her legs.

Aiyana went from breast to breast, sucking each hard nipple, licking around Sarah's areolas, massaging her fleshy breasts, and burying her face between Sarah's cleavage.

Sarah was in the midst of becoming lost with Aiyana's attention when she suddenly broke it off much to Sarah's surprise and disappointment. She looked at Aiyana with a look of "Why?" Aiyana pointed to Sarah's mouth and then at her breasts.

"Ah, she wants me to suck her breasts as she did mine," Sarah thought correctly, regarding Aiyana's hand signal.

However, to get Sarah to do what she wanted, Aiyana reached behind the back of her head with her right hand and pushed it forward towards her chest. Sarah didn't resist but allowed Aiyana to place her face onto her brown, pert breasts. She felt the warmth rising from Aiyana's skin as she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to lick her erect nipples. This was the first time Sarah had her mouth on another's woman's breasts, and the nipple in her mouth felt firm but at the same time soft.

She played with it for a while, but then on her own she sucked Aiyana's left nipple into her wet mouth and sucked on it, drawing the nipple, areola, and some surrounding flesh into it.

This was only the second breast Sarah sucked on since she suckled on her mother's breast, and it felt strangely arousing, especially when she heard a long sigh of wanton pleasure escape from Aiyana, allowing Sarah know how well she was doing and how good it must feel to her to be having Sarah suck her breast.

Sarah, as did Aiyana, divide her attention to both breasts, going from one to the other as well as licking between her cleavage.

Several minutes had passed before Aiyana gently pushed Sarah's mouth off her breasts, and then they were looking at one another, each seeing in the other's eyes reflections of wanton desire.

Aiyana reached out and took hold of Sarah's right shoulder and pushed on it, and Sarah, as inexperienced as she was when it came to sex, had no idea what Aiyana was doing or wanted. However, Aiyana kept pushing Sarah until with her left arm around her waist she laid her onto the dirt floor. Aiyana was now standing in full view of Sarah, and Sarah was looking up onto Aiyana's naked body, and her eyes focused on Aiyana's pussy with its forest of black pubic hair.

Even though this sexually aroused Sarah, she still didn't know what Aiyana wanted or was going to do as she saw her looking down at her naked body.

In the time that passes in taking several breaths, Aiyana walked forward and over Sarah's body until she stopped over her face. Aiyana reached down with her fingers and put the tips onto the lips of her pussy and spread them open, giving Sarah a full view of the inside of her vulva with its open vagina.

Sarah was absolutely mesmerized by this since she had never seen the inside of a woman's pussy, not even hers with a mirror because from early childhood little girls were told those private parts were unclean and dirty.

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