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The Piano Teacher

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A tryst with her student has hidden consequences.
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It had started out as an innocent crush, Katherine had been taken by Miss Atkin's poise and staid beauty. She was so skillful with the piano, running her pale, white fingers effortlessly over the keys; leaving Katherine in awe. Katherine had decided to major in piano, resulting in long hours of private instruction by Miss Atkin. Katherine hadn't deliberately set out to seduce her professor at first, but soon she was taking every opportunity to press her hip against Miss Atkin on the small piano bench or accidentally brushing their hands together as she played.

But the day she was late for rehearsal was the day her crush turned into desperate need. She had burst into the recital room, panting and sweating from running all the way from the dorm room. She had stammered out her excuses in vain to Miss Atkin, who sat imperiously on the piano bench. Then Miss Atkin scolded Katherine for her tardiness, her voice no louder than normal but it seemed to boom in Katherine's ears. She could feel the sweat soaking through her clothes as she shriveled in front of Miss Atkin's quiet anger, but mixed in the feeling of shame and discomfort was a rising current of lust which soon swept everything else aside. Katherine's pussy started to moisten as she wilted under Miss Atkin's ferocious gaze. As soon as Miss Atkin dismissed Katherine, she ran to the nearest washroom and masturbated shamelessly, replaying the scene in her mind.

From then on Katherine would only masturbate to thoughts of Miss Atkin. After each recital her fingers would play her pussy like they had the piano. She imagined Miss Atkin standing over her, instructing her how to masturbate in the same voice she had taught her how to play Beethoven.

'More firmly girl. Yes, yes, like that. Pay attention to the timing, no need to rush.... let it build naturally. Now bring your left hand in, just circle around the lips while your right hand drives it to the climax. Wait for it....., release.... good girl. Now again, practice makes perfect'

Katherine redoubled her efforts to ingratiate herself with Miss Atkin. She did everything possible to be the perfect student, melting inside when Miss Atkin praised her. But now and then she was naughty, nothing thrilled her like being scolded by Miss Atkin. With all her effort and practice, Katherine's skills at the piano flourished. She was soon part of the school band and competing in various competitions under the tutelage of Miss Atkin.

Miss Atkin's firmly polite manner never changed but Katherine knew she was making an impression. Miss Atkin no longer moved away when Katherine pressed her hips against her on the piano bench and Miss Atkin's fingers sometimes lingered on Katherine's wrist when she showed her how to move her fingers on the keys. She had finally agreed to call Katherine by her nickname, Kat... Katherine wished that one day Miss Atkin would call her Darling Pussy Kat.

Katherine was patient. She knew one false move could shatter everything. Miss Atkin was so prim and proper than any impropriety would make her recoil. As she waited, Katherine's mind began to construct more and more elaborate scenarios when she masturbated; she would be playing piano naked for Miss Atkin and then would be punished for each mistake with a ruler across her palms, she would be kneeling at Miss Atkin's feet licking her pussy as her calm voice instructed her how to please her professor, Miss Atkin made her suck the sweat off of each finger after a recital, Miss Atkin sat on her face as she demonstrated a piece of music.... the fantasies exploded over time becoming more and more focused on serving her Professor.

Finally, it happened. After one very successful competition result, Miss Atkin praised Katherine to the skies. Alone in the recital room, she stated Katherine was the best student she had ever had. But she cautioned, the next competition would be much tougher.... Katherine would have to be very motivated in order to have even a chance of winning. What would motivate Katherine enough she asked?

'A kiss from you, Miss' Katherine stammered out. Her heart stuck in her throat. She knew it was too abrupt, she was going to lose everything.

'I see, Kat. Very well, if you win I will reward you with a kiss. Now don't dally, you need to learn this new score I have picked out for the competition'

Katherine practiced hard and did her best but she didn't win. There were too many other talented girls doing their best, striving for perfection. Katherine was devastated, she had come so close... it was only going to be a kiss but she knew it would have lead to everything she had fantasised about, she had come so close to being Miss Atkin's pussy Kat.

She could barely drag herself to recital the next day, all her energy and spirit was gone and it showed in her play. The music was listless, staggering out of the keys and falling to the ground. The mechanics was still there, still perfect but the passion had fled.

Miss Atkin was not pleased. 'One loss and you crumple like a fan, Kat. You are still in first year, you did amazing. Follow your love for music and soon you will be winning those types of competitions like it was nothing at all. But it pains me to see you like this, so for all your hard work...'

Miss Atkin leaned forward slightly and pressed her lips to Katherine's. Katherine was so startled, not just at the kiss but the kind of kiss it was. She had only hoped for a staid press of the lips together, really expecting a quick peck on the cheeks or her forehead. But this kiss was as passionate as Miss Atkin's music, it was demanding. Miss Atkins moist tongue press between Katherine's lips and dominated her mouth. Katherine could barely breathe, not to mention think. But all those fantasies drove her forward, she raised her hands to grab Miss Atkin's breasts but Miss Atkin's hands caught them and forced them behind Katherine's back.

Katherine was in a dream, her body on fire. Under Miss Atkin's complete control, she surrendered completely to the tongue filling her mouth. Rocking back and forth she tried so hard to stimulate her pussy. Too soon the kiss was over, Miss Atkin relinquished control of Katherine's mouth and leaned back. She still held Katherine's hands behind her back, still controlling her body effortlessly. Katherine stared up at Miss Atkin, panting, saliva everywhere around her mouth.

'Perhaps, that will rekindle your fire, Kat. Now always remember you are my student. I will feed that fire inside you with kisses, my Kat but it would be wrong to do more. Keep your hands to yourself and play like I know you can and I will reward you after each session.'

'Now go to the washroom and freshen up. I will allow you five minutes and then we will begin rehearsing. And Kat, remember to wash your hands well before you return'

Katherine scurried to the washroom and wasted no time. She jumped into a stall and rammed her hands down her pants, not bothering to remove them. Her pussy needed stimulation now while her mind still burned with the memory of Miss Atkin's tongue. She hoped no one was around to hear her barely stifled moans as she released all her passion, soaking her hands and panties with her pussy juice. She forced herself to stop after two orgasms, she had to get back to Miss Atkin before she got angry.

As she washed her hands in the sink, Miss Atkin's words replayed in her mind. Miss Atkin couldn't know what she had been doing after every recital, could she? There was no way such a prim and proper Professor would know her student was masturbating in the washroom, thinking of being dominated by her. Right, she was definitely just over thinking it.

When Katherine returned to the recital room, Miss Atkin was sitting on the piano bench like nothing had happened. Katherine gingerly sat beside her, hoping Miss Atkin couldn't smell her soaked panties. Then they practiced, just like normal. Katherine's head was spinning too much to play perfectly but the passion was back in her music as her heart sang of hopes for the future. Sure, Miss Atkin had stopped at kissing for now but soon Katherine knew she would have her face covered in Miss Atkin's wonderful pussy juice.

Too soon the practice time was over.

'Very good, Kat. I knew that passion was inside you. Now as for your reward, sit on your hands Kat. We don't want those naughty hands to do things they aren't supposed to'

Katherine obediently moved her hands underneath her bottom. Restraining herself for Miss Atkin. She thought she would be ready this time, to fully appreciate the kiss she hoped she would receive, but she was mistaken. Nothing could prepare her for the feeling of her Professor's mouth dominating her own, claiming it as Miss Atkin's property. It seemed to last forever and be over in a moment, she was left panting as Miss Atkin got up and left the room.

'Don't be late for rehearsal tomorrow, Kat. Show me all your passion, all your desire and put it into your music.'

Those were the best of days. Katherine's music blossomed. Every day she earned a kiss from Miss Atkin and it stoked her desire for more. Her dreams were filled of submission, of being owned by Miss Atkin. She knew she could earn the right to taste Miss Atkin's pussy one day. For now she relished in the kisses, in having her hands controlled, of being given only a taste of what she desired so much. Although Miss Atkin never let her go beyond kissing, there were signs that the boundary might be breached. Miss Atkin now let Katherine lean against her body, pressing their breasts together as the Professor ravished her student's mouth.

Then one day Katherine received an email.

Subject:Lesbian slut

Attachment: NaughtyProfessorandStudent.mp4

Hello Lesbian slut,

You may be interested in the attached video of you kissing your Music Professor. I know the Dean would find it very interesting viewing. If I sent it to him, I am sure your beloved Professor would be fired and would never be able to teach music again.

Now if you don't want that to happen, it is very simple. The professor is too old for my tastes but you look like a hot piece of ass. You have one day to reply to this email with a fully nude picture. Make it look sexy or I might decide you aren't worth playing with and email the Dean.



Katherine was horrified. She opened the attached file and watched the video. It looked like it had been taken with a cellphone through the window in the recital room door. The quality wasn't perfect but it clearly showed Miss Atkin hold Katherine's hands over her head as she kissed her passionately. It looked damming, like Katherine was being sexually assaulted... especially when Katherine got up and rushed out of the room afterwards. No one would understand that Katherine had been running off to masturbate; Miss Atkin's reputation and career would be destroyed.

Katherine knew what she had to do. She knew sending naked pictures of herself to this man was giving him more power over her, but he already had all the power he needed. He could destroy her beloved Miss Atkin and wreck any chance Katherine had of tasting her pussy. She forced herself to obey the request fast before she chickened out or the man got bored and emailed the Dean.

'Sexy, got to look sexy' she muttered to herself as she stripped. She propped her phone up on her desk and leaned back in her chair. She tried to smile seductively and spread her legs to show her shaved pussy. One hand cupped her breast while the other rested on her thigh as if she was about to masturbate. She held the pose until the timer went off and her phone took the picture. She gingerly picked it up and looked at the picture.Definitely not sexy, her face was set in a grimace as if she was facing a firing squid.

'Think sexy thoughts, think sexy thoughts, Katherine muttered. She had to get herself into the right mindset. She thought of Miss Atkin, that always made her horny. She imagined she was taking a picture for her Professor, that she would use to entice her into sex. She thought of one of her favorite fantasies: Miss Atkin led her naked on a leash up to a piano in front of a huge crowd and chained her to the piano, Katherine had to play her best performance ever or she would be spanked in front of all these people by her Professor... if she pleased Miss Atkin she would be allowed to pay homage to her Professor's pussy in front of the crowd.

Yes, that got her pussy flowing. She leaned back once again, stirring her pussy slightly until it was obviously wet and aroused. She lifted up both breasts slightly with her hands as if she was offering them to her Professor. She half opened her mouth as if in mid-moan as the camera flashed again. This time the picture was mouth wateringly sexy... if the man had a pulse he would be jerking off to this picture as soon as he got it. Miss Atkin was safe.

Katherine quickly typed up an email, trying to get on the good side of this mysterious Sir.

Subject:Sexy Picture


Hello Sir,

I have attached a nude picture of my body as you requested Sir. I do so hope you find it sexy and want to play with me. Please leave Miss Atkin out of this, I beg you.



Katherine never told Miss Atkin about the email or her online servitude to Sir that followed. She knew Miss Atkin would be devastated at the price Katherine was paying and Katherine so needed those few moments of bliss with Miss Atkin each week. She still dreamed of serving as Miss Atkin's pet someday but for now she was Sir's obedient pussy Kat.

Sir allowed Katherine to continue her lesbian escapades with Miss Atkin but she did it wearing his butt plug so she wouldn't forget who owned her. More cruelly, her post practice masturbation sessions had been banned, now she could only rub her pussy and stare at her webcam, begging for permission to orgasm.

'Please Sir, your lesbian slut is so horny after kissing my Professor. I was thinking of your big cock, Sir as she kissed me. I wish you were there to watch us make out like a pair of horny lesbian sluts. I wish it was your big cock filling up my ass as Miss Atkin kissed me.'

'Oh please Sir, watch me fuck my ass with your butt plug. I know your cock is bigger and will feel so much better. Punish me for being a lesbian slut, Sir. Train me to love your big cock in all my fuck holes, make me be your cock slut, Sir. Just oh please let me orgasm for you, Sir.'

But permission wasn't given, just a single word showed on her screen. Edge.

So Katherine edged obediently, keeping her pussy on the edge of orgasm as she continued to beg for release. But like usual after a while the word changed to Sleep and she was allowed to end the torment of her aching pussy.

Katherine fell asleep quickly, in her sweat soaked sheets, the room smelling of pussy. Sometimes her dreams were of Miss Atkin, serving her blissfully but other times her dreams were filled with a mysterious man who forced her to serve him. Katherine didn't know which she preferred, they both made her pussy beg for an orgasm... something she knew could only be earned by giving even more of her body and mind to Sir. She knew he wouldn't be satisfied for long with just watching her be his obedient slut in her bedroom, one day she would commanded to submit to him in person.

Little did Katherine know that on the other side of campus, Miss Atkin was awake. Katherine might not have recognized her proud professor, humping the side of her piano, naked; but she would recognize the butt plug glittering between Miss Atkin's ass cheeks... it was the identical copy of the one that still remained in Katherine's ass as she slept.

She had clearly been humping the piano for some time, several places on the side were shiny with her pussy juice and her body was covered with sweat. Her fingers were interlocked behind her neck, her arms spread to the sides giving an unhindered view of her breasts to the man on the screen of her laptop which was placed on top of the piano. He was watching her breasts sway as Miss Atkin pumped her hips against the piano in rhythm to the music playing through the speakers.

Finally the man said 'Beg'

Miss Atkin instantly blurted out 'Please let this lesbian slut cum, Sir. My pussy is so wet thinking of how good it felt when you fucked me with your big cock this morning Sir. I thought about it all day, even when you graciously let me kiss my little lesbian slut student. I hope you enjoyed watching us make out Sir. I hope it made your big cock thick and hard to fuck me with. Please let me orgasm now, Sir. It has been so long since you have been kind to me Sir. Please I beg you, let this lesbian slut cum for your amusement.' She kept her hips moving, sliding her pussy up and down the piano side.

'I think not slut. I'm going to make you work for it. You are so obedient when that horny pussy takes over and drowns out your tiresome pride. I had fun fucking you in your office this morning, making you be a perfect slut instead of a professor. I wonder if your star pupil could smell my cum dripping out of your pussy while you made out with her. Maybe next time I will use your mouth so she can taste it on your tongue when you kiss. Something to think about. Now hump away and tell me how much you love my cock. I have a lot of papers to grade and listening to my obedient slut helps pass the time.'

Miss Atkin gave a little moan of despair but she kept humping the piano.

'I love your big cock so much Sir. I love how it stretches out my slutty lesbian pussy and fills my anus. I live for the feeling of you shooting your hot load of cum inside me, as that big cock pumps and pumps. I wish you would allow me to orgasm as well Sir but the feeling of you orgasming inside me fills me with pleasure. I love when you let me lick and suck on it Sir, tasting your sweat or my pussy juice as I worship it with my tongue.'

The piano music rhythm increased. Miss Atkin gave another moan and sped up her humping, now panting slightly from exertion.

'You cock made me realize what I was missing as a lesbian slut Sir. I never felt so owned as when you shoved it into my ass for the first time Sir. It hurt because your cock is so big Sir but I deserve to be punished for being a lesbian slut. Please, when can I get your cock inside me Sir? Please take it out and let me see it Sir. I'm so horny when I'm staring at it, thinking of it penetrating my holes again and again Sir.'

With that the music stopped. Miss Atkin slumped against the piano in exhaustion for a few seconds before she knelt down and began to lick her pussy juice up off the side of the piano.

The man looked up. 'Good girl, I'm glad my training is sticking in that silly head of yours. I know how much you love the taste of pussy, your own or any other girl. But don't worry, I'll train you to love my cock even more. Now go get your mat and do your exercises while I finish up. Make sure to say your catechisms loud enough for me to hear them, slut. I'm sure you don't want to earn another punishment.'

Miss Atkin scurried off and returned with a yoga mat, her breasts bouncing as she moved. She readjusted the webcam so she would be in full view on the mat. She began to briskly go through a serious of exercises, working her body, She usually faced the camera but she turned around when she did squats... she knew that Sir liked seeing his butt plug glitter and sparkle as she worked her ass up and down. All the while she stated the rules that bound her to Sir.

Rule 1: This slut's body and mind belongs to Sir.

Rule 2: This slut will never orgasm without express permission from Sir.

Rule 3: This slut will never be prideful. This slut's place is at the feet of Sir.

Rule 4: This slut will only eat what it is allowed to eat. A slut's body should be pleasing to the eyes of Sir...


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