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The Player Ch. 02

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Player scores with the wife.
4.8k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 01/21/2014
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Chapter 2

Player scores with the wife


This is a continuation of a story based on an outline I received from one of my readers. I really appreciate their suggestions. It contains my usual themes of wife infidelity, cuckolding, exhibitionism, and voyeurism. It also has the theme of manipulation by the other man to seduce the wife. To eliminate any reference to my other stories, this one introduces a new husband and wife couple.

I appreciate the feedback I have received and some of the correspondence. I have taken some of your suggestions and interwoven them into my stories. I look forward to your continued comments.


Beth and Brad are eagerly awaiting the poker night. Mid-week, Brad tells Beth that they will start around 7:30 since a couple of guys have to make it an early night.

Beth spends Friday afternoon preparing snacks and hors d'oeuvres for her husband's poker night. Brad changes from work and goes downstairs to set up everything for the game. The rec room has a wet bar with stools, so they can keep their drinks filled without going upstairs. A little after 7:00, Beth comes down and joins her husband to help set up. Brad does a double take when he sees her. She is wearing another one of her body hugging cocktail dresses with a vee neck, ending mid thigh. This one is green to compliment her eyes.

"Wow, that looks great. But isn't it kind of overkill?"

"Since I am going to be the hostess, I want to look the part. If you want I can change." She puts her arms around his neck pressing her body into his, with a sultry voice, "But if I do that, then Rex cannot look at my legs and ass or even down my top."

She bends over letting her husband look at the tops of her breasts. Brad gives her a deep kiss.

"Stay the way you are. I want Rex to be able to look at you. It is not going to be a late night so we will have more time."

Rex does not arrive until almost 8:00. The others have already arrived and started the game. Beth greets him at the door. He gives her a hug and a light kiss on her cheek. He compliments her on how she looks in her dress. He tells her to turnaround so he can look at her. Beth is pleased that he is already hitting on her. She is just taking the hors d'oeuvres out of the oven. Rex offers to help. She stands at the kitchen counter putting the food on serving dishes.

Rex stands beside her and puts a hand on her hip. He lightly caresses her. He knows what she wants but he keeps his distance. When Beth bends over, he looks down her dress. "I like your dresses where you go braless."

Beth no longer gets upset at Rex's leering behavior. Rex is just being Rex. "I'm glad you like it when I go braless. I feel more comfortable and less restrained."

They take the serving trays downstairs. Rex follows Beth, admiring the sway of her hips and tautness of her ass. She senses Rex eyes on her ass. She is proud that a player like Rex likes to look at her. She cannot wait until she and Brad are alone.

The game is in full swing. The other men at the table make catcalls at Beth saying their wives never dress like that. She laughingly offers to change. They tell her to stay the way she is. Brad is proud that he has a sexy wife.

Rex and Beth place the serving trays on the bar. Brad introduces Rex and he takes a seat at the table. Beth pours a glass of wine and moves to sit on one of the bar stools. Brad is sitting with his back to her and Rex is across the table from Brad giving him a view of Beth. As she climbs on the bar stool, she cannot help but display a lot of skin. She does not make an attempt to pull her dress down. One of the other guys can see her but she doesn't care as long as Rex can look at her legs.

She looks at Rex over her wine glass with a slight smile. She is having lewd thoughts about Rex. She fantasizes that she is not wearing her thong and flashes her pussy. She starts to think about his big cock. She wonders why he did not lean into her when they were alone upstairs. This time she does not try to banish her thoughts.

She notices disapprovingly that Brad is drinking whiskey. She starts to tell him to slow down, but does not want his friends to think she is a scold.

Rex is enjoying the view. He can almost see the darkness at the juncture of her thighs. He is having his own lewd thoughts about Brad's sexy and desirable wife.

She goes back upstairs to let the guys play their game. After another hour, Rex comes upstairs to see if he can help. Beth is putting out some more snacks. He stands beside caressing her hip. He tells her how hot she looks in her tight dress. He moves his hand from her hip to her ass.

"Rex what are you doing? Brad and our neighbors are right down stairs. Someone could come up and see us."

"Relax. We would hear anyone coming upstairs." His hand explores her firmness. "Besides I like looking but wanted to feel you. Very nice. No bra and no panties."

She doesn't move his hand. "I am wearing a thong. Going with no panties is too uncomfortable."

Left unsaid is she doesn't want her juices running unchecked down the inside of her thighs.

He pulls her closer leaning his cock into her. She nearly gasps as she feels this thickness. She feels the beginning of his arousal. Bending over to nuzzle her neck, "You like that don't you? You liked it in the bar and you like it now."

In a quiet voice she replies, "Yes I like it. I don't know why I feel this way. I am a happily married woman."

"Just because you are married doesn't mean you can't be turned on by someone else."

Beth leans her elbows on the counter pressing her ass into his probing hand. Rex nuzzles the back of her neck. Brad's wife lets out a low moan. They stay in that position for a few minutes with Rex caressing the globes of her ass and pressing his cock into her hip telling her how hot she makes him feel.

Beth knows she should stop but Rex's attention feels to good. She feels a tingle in her pussy thinking about someone coming upstairs and seeing her like this. What if a neighbor saw her acting like a wanton slut instead of a proper wife? Wetness is seeping from her pussy.

Patting her ass and giving it a squeeze, he tells her "You are really a good sport. Let's get this stuff downstairs. We don't want Brad to think we are up here fooling around."

As they get to the rec room, is it obvious that Brad is getting drunk. Inside Beth is furious. Here she is letting Rex look at her and even touching her ass getting horny and her husband will not be able to take care of her. She switches to seltzer water. She cannot afford to be tipsy with Rex around.

She sits back on the bar stool to watch the game. She is more careless this time, giving Rex a view up to her thong. She does not care. Since Brad invited Rex to look at her body, she will let him look. She pulls her dress down, but not by much. She gives Rex another smile over her glass of seltzer. She notices that Rex just sips at his drink. It looks like he is drinking scotch. She also notices how competitive he is. The other men are just having a good time win or lose.

After a few minutes Beth takes the empty trays and goes back up the kitchen. Not long after, she hears the men coming up the stairs. It is not quite 11:00. She becomes more furious at Brad. He cannot even get up the stairs by himself! Rex is helping him. He takes her husband to the family room while Beth says good night to his poker pals. They compliment her dress and say they need to have more games at her house.

She goes back in the family room to find Brad passed out in a chair and Rex sitting on the couch with a fresh drink. Now what is she going to do? Rex offers to help with Brad. Rex pulls him up from the chair and Beth tells him she can get him to bed. She is glad she just has to take him down the hallway. In their bedroom, she helps him undress and he collapses on their bed. Now she has to deal with Rex.

Rex is still sitting on the couch. He hands her another glass of wine telling her he cannot stay but figures she wants to relax after getting Brad to bed. She thanks him for being so considerate. Beth sits on the couch but not all the way in the corner. As she crosses her legs, she is careless about her dress. It is past mid-thigh. Rex is really getting a good shot of her legs. She is really getting horny being alone with Rex.

Rex scans her body, "You really look good in that tight dress. I like looking at your ass and legs and the rest of your body. And you know I like your braless tits. Feeling your ass was great. But there is a problem."

"I'm glad you like looking at me. I put on this dress for you. Did you like the view when I was sitting on the bar stool? So what is the problem?"

"Yea, that was a turn on the way you flashed me." Shifting his position so Beth can see his crotch, " The problem is looking at you all night has given me a raging hard-on. I can't drive home like this. What do you think?"

Oh my god! What do I do now? This is all Brad's fault! He was the one who wanted her to show Rex her legs and ass. She even let him cop a feel and push his cock into her hip. Now she has to deal with his erection!

She takes a gulp of wine, "It looks so big. I'm kind of flattered that looking at me makes you this excited." Looking down at his crotch as a joke from all the drinking, she gives him a sexy smile and says "Do you need help with that?"

She keeps looking at his obvious erection and takes another gulp. Her glass is empty. How does she get out of this?

"Rex, I am a happily married woman and you can't do more than look at me or cop a feel. Let's just sit here a few minutes and watch TV until it goes down and then you will be comfortable enough to drive.

Rex agrees. He takes her glass and goes to the kitchen to get her a refill. As he hands her the drink, his crotch with his huge erection is right in front of her face. He has a smirk as she stares at his cock.

He sits down right next to her. They both sit in silence for a few minutes watching TV. Rex lightly strokes her arm feeling the firmness of her tricep.

"You have a great body. Not many women can carry off wearing a dress this tight. How do you stay in such great shape?"

Beth is flattered by the compliment. She tells him for their anniversary, Brad gave her a Gold's Gym membership and personal training sessions.

"It has certainly paid off. You look great. Straighten out your leg for me."

Beth complies. Rex compliments what great legs she has and runs one of his hands down her length, commenting out how firm she feels. Between Rex's touching and the wine, Beth becomes more relaxed.

"I'm sorry Beth, but this is not working. My hard-on has not gone down." Beth looks back at his erection. She is shocked. It looks like it has gotten even bigger.

Beth is flustered. She tells him she feels responsible, but doesn't know what to do. She knows she should give him some relief. She tells him again she is happily married, her speech becoming almost rambling.

Rex puts a finger to her lips, "Shhh. I know you want to help. Why don't you just touch me through my pants. That won't be any different than leaning into you."

She is very aroused after looking at his big cock and Rex touching her. She places her hand on his erection. She cannot believe how big and hard it feels. She explores his cock with her fingers. She grasps it and begins a slow stroking motion.

"Like that? Does that feel good? I know that must be uncomfortable. I'm glad I can help you since it is my fault you are so big and hard."

Rex just relaxes. He puts a hand on her upper thigh and lightly caresses her running his fingers under the hem of her dress. "That's it just like that. You have a good touch."

Beth continues until Rex places a hand on hers to stop her. "That feels good, but there is another problem. I cum a lot and if you bring me off in my pants, it will ruin them."

Now what? She thought it would be a simple matter of stroking him until he cums and then he can leave.

"I don't want to be responsible for ruining a good pair of pants. What do you want me to do?"

Rex thinks a second, "Why don't you give me a hand job? That would be just like you are doing now, except touching the skin."

Beth has been wanting to get her hands on his cock ever since he leaned into her at the bar. She doesn't see any way out. She agrees.

Rex is wearing a short sleeve polo. Before Beth can say anything he pulls it off.

"What are you doing? You didn't say anything about getting undressed. You just want me to give you a hand job."

"Well I also shoot far. If I keep my shirt on then it will get ruined."

Beth does not want to ruin his shirt. She thinks about a big load of cum and shooting far. She looks forward to seeing that. He has a well developed chest and firm abs. His chest is covered with dark hair, unlike Brad who is smooth.

She compliments him on his physique and asks if he is ready.

"Almost. Why don't you take down your dress?"

"What for? I don't need to do that to jack you off."

He explains that looking at her tits will make him hornier and he will not last as long. Beth sees the logic in that. Turning to face him she reaches around her back to undo her dress. Rex offers to help. He undoes her clasp and pulls the zipper down. Taking both hands he pulls her dress to her waist exposing her breasts.

He likes the way her firm breasts stand high on her chest with small pink fully erect nipples. He takes them in his hands telling her how he has wanted to feel them since the night of their party. She lets out a moan. Beth knows this is going too far, but having Rex play with her breasts just feels too good. Taking his hands from her breasts he raises her dress up to her hips, showing all of her well developed thighs and exposing her thong covered pussy. Dampness is seeping through the fabric. He opens her legs a little more giving a better view. Beth does nothing to stop him. He tells her he is ready for his hand job.

She runs her hands across his abs to his belt buckle. She has to concentrate so her hands don't tremble from excitement. Using both hands she unbuckles his pants and unzips him. She feels his hardness as she lowers the zipper over his cock. Rex helps her by lowering his pants and boxers in one motion. Unfettered by his pants his cock springs upright.

"Ohh my God! It's huge!"

His cock looks like a granite shaft sticking out of the dark thatch of his pubic hair. It is over eight inches long and very thick. But the most prominent feature is his huge mushroom head. Beth has never seen a cock so large. Other cocks she has seen including Brad's have a nice little helmet on top of the shaft. She knows this is not going to end with a hand job. Why did Brad put her into this situation?

"Do you like it?"

"Ohh fuck yes." She puts her hand around it exploring the ridges and veins. She feels the heat emanating from his turgid organ.

Rex relaxes, encouraging her to play with him. Her fingers barely fit around his shaft it is so thick. With Brad, when she grasps him by the base, just an inch or so of the shaft and the head stick up from her hand. With Rex, there is easily two inches on either side of her hand. She uses a firmer grasp and with an upward motion coaxes some per-cum from his slit. With her palm, she lubricates the head and part of the shaft with his cum.

With a smirk on his face he notices that she is stroking him with her left hand. He sees her wedding and engagement rings. She loses sight of the fact she is sitting in her family room, with her dress bunched around her waist stroking Rex's cock, letting his hands wander over her body, while her husband is passed out just down the hall. She performs a slow stroking motion on his cock.

After concentrating on his cock she pays attention to his big balls. She anticipates the amount of cum they hold. Stroking him with one hand she move the other and cups his tight cum filled balls. Rex moans has she plays with him.

Rex has a hand on her back caressing her. With the other he strokes her thigh brushing her pussy. He pulls her to him and lowers his head to kiss her. Beth eagerly opens her mouth to accept his probing tongue. He may be arrogant but he has good hands and can really kiss.

As he kisses her, "You really like my cock don't you? I know you want more. Tell me what you want."

"Ohh yes I love your cock. I do want more. I want you to fuck my pussy."

"What kind of pussy?"

"My hot married pussy."

Rex directs Brad's wife to stand up. Beth complies. She stands obediently as he pulls her dress and thong off her hips onto the floor. He runs his hands over her ass around to her pussy. Her bush is nicely trimmed with light little curls. She cannot keep her eyes off his erect cock. He tells her to lie down and spread her legs.

Rex takes in the beauty of his co-worker's wife. He has no conscience over the fact he is going to take her innocent married virginity. He kneels between her legs with his cock aimed at her opening.

"Do you like looking at my pussy? I have wanted to show it to you all night." Looking at his cock between her legs she tells him, "Just go slow. I've never had a cock as big as yours before. It may not fit."

He tells her to leave everything to him. He takes two fingers and opens her slit separating her labia probing her slick vaginal opening. He slides his fingers in and out of her pussy. Beth is moaning and thrusting against him. He removes his fingers and slides the head of his cock up and down her slit. Beth lifts her hips to make more contact. He eases the head in.

Beth has never had her opening stretched like this before and it is just the head. Rex takes is slow easing his length in Beth's tight passage. And tight it is. Beth is moaning telling him how much she likes his big cock in her pussy. She leans up so she can see the thickness stretching her out. He takes short strokes just easing in a few inches. Beth stops him telling him he is so big, she doesn't know if it will fit.

Rex pulls out and positions her on her knees. The couch is leather with low sides. She rests her elbows on the side with her head hanging over the side. This leaves her ass elevated. Rex positions himself behind her. He takes in her delectable ass and strokes her while lining up his cock to her slick passage.

He eases in about half way. "How does that feel? Is that better?"

"Oh fuck yes. God are you stretching me. Don't stop."

Beth keeps moaning encouraging him to fuck her. He keeps up the short strokes easing in his full length. Her passage feels like a wet velvet glove. Beth feels his pubic hair tickling her ass and knows he is almost all the way in. The next stroke she feels his body against her ass and she feels his entire length inside her. She is pleased she is taking a cock this big.

Now that she is used to his length and girth, Rex takes longer strokes. Leaving just the head in he slides the rest of his length and slams her the last couple of inches.

"Ohh God Rex. That's it slam my pussy." Her cries of "fuck me, don't stop," become a chant as she takes the biggest cock she has ever had.

He pounds her faster as Beth approaches climax. Rex does nothing to quiet her down. With a yell of, "Fuck I'm cumming don't stop," Beth has a tremendous orgasm. She collapses against the arm of the couch. Her chest is heaving as she catches her breath.

"Ohh God Rex that was fantastic. I've never been fucked like this before."

She relaxes with Rex's cock buried in her now fucked married pussy. Beth is no longer an innocent wife. Rex feels her juices flooding over his cock. He lets her relax and begins fucking her again. Her moans fill the family room. Just then they both hear a thumping noise.


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