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The Pool

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Jen's spirit revives a broken older man.
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"Through her I learned that my Spirit shared in the Spirit of all things." - Rudolfo Anaya


Gary had come a long way since his recovery from the back injury, the loss of his wife and his subsequent escape into alcohol. If his neighbor hadn't intervened, Gary would have probably drunk himself into a grave beside his wife. He walked precariously with a cane, balance occasionally eluding him. Still, he was determined to make his fifty-year-old body healthy again.

The first few weeks of daily exercises in the pool at the gym were a struggle. Gary persevered through the pain in his lower back as he attempted to hold himself upright, the water providing just the needed support to allay his fear of falling. Focusing on his stature, straightening his posture, kept him oblivious to much of what occurred around him.

It was unusually busy one Tuesday morning in the pool. All the lanes were occupied. Gary surveyed the situation and concluded he would relax in the spa until one of the swimmers had finished their routine, when a young redheaded woman approached him.

"You can share the lane with me," she offered. "I've already swam a few laps and now I just need a space at the deep end to continue my routine."

The young woman grabbed a pair of the water dumbbells she had set at the edge of the pool. From her hips up to her hair which was gathered in a bun, she exuded confidence and a sexiness that was displayed in her simple saunter in the water.

Gary had noticed the young woman before but didn't pay attention to her remarkably balanced, curvy body. It occurred to him that she worked very hard to maintain such a perfect figure. Her round butt, hips, smooth belly and ample breasts were put together in flawless proportion.

"I noticed you don't need much space for your exercises either," she said to Gary.

"Thank you," he replied and stepped down into the water. Gary tried to work on his focus but that day he was distracted, having the vision of a perfectly shaped woman sharing the lane of the pool with him.

Gary and his late wife had what he considered a typical marriage. It started out with relentless lust for each other. In their early twenties they both had the energy and desire to fuck constantly, an insatiable hunger for carnal pleasure. They once considered having a family, but it was medically impossible for his wife to conceive. Without the responsibilities of rearing young ones, they pursued their careers.

By the time Gary and his wife were in their late thirties, they had seemingly exhausted their sexual proclivity. Most evenings they were spent physically and mentally from their work, leaving little energy to give to each other. His wife would settle down with a couple of glasses of wine and Gary would savor a couple of glasses of Bourbon before they settled into a restful bed together. They were happy advancing their careers and building some wealth which they promised each other would let them enjoy their lives later.

That later never came for them. A drunk driver struck them broadside. Gary survived with a broken arm and fracture in his lower spine. His wife died on the way to the hospital. His dreams shattered, Gary let himself drown in self-pity, consuming Bourbon in relentless pursuit to ease the emotional and physical pain.

The pool had become his savior, both physically restoring his strength and emotionally as a place to find some discipline in his workout routine. Every morning at seven he was working on himself, setting a goal to start a new life someday.

"You have really come a long way," the young redhead said to Gary several months on after their first encounter.

"I'm starting to feel healthy again," Gary told her. He was considerably stronger. "It's good to be able to get around and be active again."

"Would you like to go out for coffee?" the younger woman proposed. "By the way, my name is Jen," she told him. It seemed awkward that after several months of seeing each other at the pool, they never introduced themselves to each other.

"My name's Gary," he told her. "I would love to go and get some coffee with you," he said somewhat shyly, not having been approached by a woman who expressed an interest in him since he met his wife. It didn't occur to him that there may have been women interested in him but he was unreceptive, until this young redhead made advances to him.

They met at the Starbucks in the retail center where the gym was. Gary offered to pay for Jen's latte, but she refused, apologizing, saying she was used to taking care of herself. Their conversation began with small talk about the weather; how they would never get used to the triple digit temperatures and would beg for the relief that came from the monsoon rains.

"I suppose, I'm back to getting around well enough that I should consider going back to work," Gary told her. He had been living off his disability insurance and the settlement from the accident. "I've worked hard to get back on physical shape, but I'm getting bored. I need some mental stimulation," he confessed as he felt comfortable with Jen.

"What kind of work do you do?" Jen asked.

"I develop computer models. Mostly for predictive behavior in markets," he told her.

"Is it technical and dry?" Jen inquired.

"Actually, it requires some imagination," Gary explained. "And it's a lot of hit and miss."

"Are you married?" Jen asked boldly. "I didn't notice a ring, but you never know how relationships are these days."

Gary wasn't surprised by Jen's probing into his personal life. Younger people seemed to be upfront and unabashed in their behavior. He figured she had different generational ideas about life and possible future. Asking a question so probative carried different connotations. Was she hitting on him? Or was she innocently friendly?

"I was married. I lost my wife in the car accident when I was injured," Gary responded. Jen reached across the table and lightly held his hand as if to offer sympathy.

"Let me have your phone. I'll give you my number," she said smiling. "I'd like us to see each other."

Gary didn't know how to respond. She sensed that. "You come across to me as a beautiful person. I'd like to get to know you better," Jen said to relieve the awkwardness Gary was feeling.

Gary went home and sat down with a book to get his mind off the beautiful redheaded woman with the perfectly formed body. It was a technical book on large-language programming. It didn't work. He felt his cock engorged as the vision of Jen dominated his mind. He succumbed to the need to relieve himself, stroking his stiff rod until he came.

Jen didn't avoid the fantasy of making love to Gary. She quickly shed her clothes and laid on the bed, her fingers bringing her to a quick orgasm as her imagination of his body, his hard cock pounding her hot pussy overwhelmed her. She knew that she would have to make her desire for him real.


Gary and Jen dated a few times just to get to know each other better. Their sensual desires were suppressed mostly because Gary wasn't confident in his age, lack of recent sexual activity and his back injury led him to avoid an outright discussion or advances. Although she was occasionally frustrated, she knew that patience would pay off.

Gary learned that Jen was a schoolteacher. She specialized in educating special needs children.

"It's difficult and sometimes frustrating getting an autistic child to invite you into their world," Jen explained while they were having dinner at a Mexican food restaurant. "It was so much easier inviting myself into your world," she told Gary.

"And what made you want to be in my world?" he asked seriously. "We don't naturally fit together," he remarked.

"Maybe we do," Jen answered him. "We'll find out."

"I was broken, physically and emotionally. I can't imagine what would attract you to that," Gary responded to her.

"Your spirit wasn't broken," she told him emphatically. She thought how remarkable it was that he had made an extraordinary effort to start over and seek a new fulfilling life.

There was a long pause in the conversation as they finished consuming their plates of carne asada with rice and beans. Jen broke the silence.

"There's a celebration coming up," she told Gary. Hesitantly she began to propose they join a group of pagan spiritualists. "It's a bit unusual. It's a celebration of our naked natural beings."

Gary wasn't sure he understood what she was trying to get at with this celebration.

"So, there's a spiritual ritual where we present ourselves naked to the world," Jen timidly explained. "I know it sounds weird, but it really comes naturally. We can attend this together. It's a beautiful celebration. I'm sure you'll get something out of it," she tried to convince him.

"Some sort of spiritual enlightenment?" Gary asked confused.

"Not enlightenment. But we will get each other," Jen told him.

Gary had imagined her naked body many nights as he relieved himself before falling asleep. Now, Jen was proposing they engage in some kind of naked ritual. He wondered how many others there would be. Was she as beautiful as he imagined under her one-piece bathing suit? Would he be able to control his erection? Was this real?

The night before the National Nude Day celebration, Gary was anxious. He texted Jen: 'Are you sure we should do this?'

'Yes,' Jen texted back. 'I want to see your naked body.'

'We could do that alone,' Gary responded.

'Not the same,' Jen texted back. 'Would you be totally naked of all your egos if you weren't vulnerable?'

Gary retreated into his anxiety. His desire for Jen had grown to a point where he could no longer stand being without her and to not ravish her naked body would drive him back to alcohol and depression. He needed to summon strength.


The gathering began in the evening. It was at the home of a couple who were in their fifties, Bill and Marla, Gary's age contemporaries. There was an older couple and several younger women who were not coupled with a man. The three men and six women introduced themselves to each other while enjoying a sweet summer cocktail.

There was thunder and lightning in the distance but the chance of monsoon rain dropping in on this celebration was still remote. As the sun set behind Sombrero Peak, the sky colored in a palette of reds and oranges streaked with dark blue and grey. The citronella tiki-torches created an atmosphere while keeping the bugs at bay.

The guests were invited to a private room when they arrived to shed their street clothes and don a sheer white robe. It was in this state of barely clothed that the nine people chatted as they mingled on the patio and learned each other's names. The water in the pool glistened in the silvery light that illuminated it at night, a necessary safety precaution.

"The sun is almost set," announced Claire, the older woman as she stood by her husband. This older couple took charge of officiating the ceremony. "Let's form a circle," Connor directed.

"As the sun sets and the moon rises, let's shed our facades and stand before each other naked and before the naked universal spirit," Claire began the proceedings. Gary had been coached to let his robe fall gently to the ground at that point in the ritual. Then Connor gestured for everyone to move in close to each other and wrap their arms around each other in a tight circle.

"Air I am, Fire I am, Water, Earth, and Spirit I am," they began chanting as they drew their bodies in close to each other. This was based on an ancient pagan ritual that celebrated fertility and oneness with the natural world.

"The Spirit is One," was the second chant as they disengaged their embrace of each other and reached their hands to the center of the circle.

Gary could feel his cock becoming engorged with the energy that flowed through the group. The sense of his flesh touching the flesh of Jen and the others as they danced in a circle to celebrate their naked nature elevated the sexual energy.

Jen grabbed Gary and kissed him passionately, her tongue dancing with his as her body writhed against him. She took his hand and guided it to her wet pussy.

"Let's go inside and fuck," Jen whispered in his ear.

The furniture in the living room had been set to the room's perimeter and large pillows on cushions made a large bed for the night's sexual indulgences. Jen led Gary to the mass of flesh that began forming. Gary's state of sexual arousal overcame any reluctance to engage in the orgy beginning to happen among the naked bodies.

Jen gestured for Gary to lay down on his back. She straddled him directing his hard cock inside her hot, dripping vagina. She rocked back and forth and then up and down as Gary let his cock passively be pleasured in a bath of her hot juices. Her firm, large natural breasts mesmerized Gary as she rode him enthusiastically. Jen came multiple times, her cum forming a puddle on the cushion.

"Oh God. Mother!" Jen screamed as she reached her third climax and then collapsed beside him.

Suddenly Gary felt a warm mouth surrounding his still engorged cock. Jen noticed his surprise and smiled. "It's alright. We are all one spirit. We left our worldly selves on the patio floor when we exposed our true nature," she said softly while trying to catch her breath.

"You should fuck her," Jen told Gary. It was as on cue when Jen encouraged him that Carly, a young woman, pulled him on top of herself.

Gary naturally entered Carly's inviting pussy and began thrusting his hips to penetrate her tight vagina as far in as he could go. "Hard as you can," she pleaded as Gary picked up his rhythm, pummeling her with all his physical power. Carly moaned with short gasps as her breathing almost matched Gary's pace.

He felt her tight vagina clench his cock as she seized him in her orgasm, he uncontrollably came with powerful shots of his cum penetrating and filling her pussy.

Jen cuddled up to Gary and Carly. She wrapped her arm around his body and held his flaccid penis. They fell asleep from the exhaustion and exhilaration of the evening and night and Jen looked forward to the morning knowing now that Gary was a willing, uninhibited part of her life


It rained during the early morning hours. The patio was wet and the sheer white robes that were worn briefly the prior evening, were sitting in a circle where they were shed, now soaking wet. Jen helped Marla, whose house they were at, pick up the wet garments and put them in the washing machine.

"I hope Gary is ok this morning," Jen mentioned to Marla. "He had a fracture in his back. He was fucking Carly hard last night," she explained.

"We should have him relax in the hot tub this morning," Marla offered. "I also have some lidocaine cream if he needs it. I know what it's like to forget your body's limitations when you're in the heat of it," Marla laughed reflecting on her age of fifty or so years.

"I'll finish this up," Jen said. "Check on Gary for me. You guys can relate better to the next morning pains," she said innocently.

Marla went to help Gary up off the cushions and pillows on the floor. "I got the hot tub going," she told him as she led him out to the patio. Helping him in the hot swirling water, she offered to get him a cup of coffee and some ibuprofen.

"My back is feeling alright," Gary told Marla. "Thank you for your concern."

"I know what it's like the morning after wild sex," she confessed. "Our bodies don't handle it as easy as when we were in our twenties."

Jen went out to the hot tub and joined Marla and Gary. Their conversation turned to back aches and other pains of aging which Jen could not relate to although she was empathetic to aging.

"I always feel better after working out in the pool," Gary told them. "I guess I'm addicted to those morning work outs."

"That's where you guys met," Marla stated to be sure that was what Jen told her.

"Yea," Jen said smiling. "I saw this hot guy who was struggling at first and then got really strong," she said while touching Gary.

"You picked a good one," Marla added. "If you guys want to come here and work out in our pool, we wouldn't mind. Bill hardly ever uses it and I only get in occasionally."

"That sounds like a great idea," Jen responded. "What do you think, Gary. We could also be naked working out. It would seem more natural."

"I'm good with that," Gary told them. He felt comfortable being naked, the night before erased any prudish or modest ideals, and he was not worried about how he had to present himself.

"Maybe I'll join you," Marla chimed in. "I could certainly use some exercises to try and stay in shape," she said. Although Marla had a fit mature body, she sometimes lamented over how her full breasts started to sag, and her butt was getting softer.

"You still are amazingly sexy," Jen reassured the older woman.


Gary and Jen decided to meet later that evening for dinner. Gary wasn't sure how he would feel about what happened the night before, after the freedom of their nakedness wore off, but he was certain that he needed to include Jen in his thoughts and emotions. They sat down at a casual restaurant, and each ordered a beer.

"So, how did you get involved in that group?" Gary asked her without intending any judgement. He was curious about these alternative lifestyle choices and how folks got into them.

"It was my parents," Jen answered. "They were good friends with Bill and Marla. I think they met at a clothing optional resort and then pursued the naturalist lifestyle. I think there was an attraction between them, a sensual desire they all shared."

"You've never mentioned your parents. I would guess they are about my age and Bill and Marla's," Gary said hoping to learn more.

"I'm not proud of them. They were good parents but then they got caught doing securities fraud," Jen explained. "They were in a brokerage business with Bill. They were convicted and sentenced to something like five years in prison, but they skipped out of the country. They don't even communicate with me or my older brother."

"How old were you then?" Gary asked.

"I was seventeen," she replied. "I knew all about the naturalist group and the sex. They wouldn't let me try it out until I was eighteen."

"Did they invite you then?" he inquired.

"I wanted to do it. I asked them," Jen began to tell her story. "Everyone around me, my high school friends and such were so immature and phony with each other. I saw honesty, even if it wasn't in financial stuff, in my parents and Bill and Marla."

"The first night, that summer when I was eighteen, I made love with Bill and Marla," Jen continued. "Even when I was in college and had boyfriends, I always seemed to come back to Bill and Marla for real sex."

Gary understood the sincerity and the genuineness of Jen's story since he experienced the same natural sensuality the night before.

"Did you have sex with Bill and Marla, I mean, Sapphic sex with Marla?" Gary asked having unpacked some of the remarks and easiness between Jen and Marla that morning.

"Oh yes, it is marvelous with her. She makes me feel like I am transported into another world," she told him. "We should have sex with her," Jen added. "She has a special way about her."


Marla joined Jen and Gary for some morning exercising. It was comfortable being together in the pool, just the three of them. They recovered from the twists and stretches by sitting in the hot tub for ten minutes afterward.

"Marla, Gary and I were talking. I was telling him how you know how to get me off, make me climax intensely," Jen said to her while they were sitting in the hot tub. "Would you show him how you do it? I mean, he's really satisfying but there's always more to learn."


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