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The Prisoner - location Alpha


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Slowly Matti raised her arm, keeping a close watch with her eyes linking into them, moving so slowly TJ was able to see her fingers moving towards their intended destination way before they would reach it in case she wanted to pull away first. TJ watched Matti's hand get closer, keeping her eyes locked on Matti's eyes she didn't pull back, she didn't even flinch. Her fingers were inches away from reaching their destination and both women were holding their breath waiting for the connection.

Michelle still downstairs replaying all of her words over and over in her head. What confession did she give? What murders did she commit? What's with the container anyways? Oh My God she is alive! Attempted murder of her T, not in a million years. Wait why is mother's writing on the container? What rattled in the container? How the hell is she alive? Mother told me she died. Her eyes looked dead but she was very much alive. Why was she looking at me like that? Why wouldn't she let me touch her? What necklace was she talking about? Michelle slowly opened the container, afraid to see what it held after reading her mother's horrible words. Michelle was lost staring in the container with tears streaming down her face while the drama was unfolding upstairs.

Matti's fingers made contact and slowly her fingers curled. She opened her mouth and whispered TJ's name.

Michelle kept reading and rereading her mother's words. As they sank in, TJ's works sank in with them. She thinks I did this, she thinks I killed her parents, she thinks I wanted her dead, that I still want her dead, she thinks I don't love her. With tears still pouring down her face, some happy, some sad, some angry, some bitter, she just sat there rocking herself, holding her container and needing to see her T again.

Matti was squeezing TJ harder, her voice increasing in volume as she started talking, their hands now linked together.

"I need you to hear me and really understand Teej. Michelle didn't confess to anything, she didn't do anything other than love you all this time. She even loved the thought of you, when she didn't think she would ever get a chance to see you again. She was trying to absorb the fact you're alive while you were talking. You still need to talk to her, really talk to her. I think someone is responsible for all of the horrible things that happened to you, but it wasn't Michelle. We can get into that in a bit, but right now you two need to see each other and we can get to the other stuff later. Let's find some resolution for both of you first."

As they walked down the stairs hand in hand an alarm sounded from the control room. "Shit" "Fuck" they yelled at each other both dashing past the cell still holding hands in their rush to get there. With the bean hole still open from TJ walking away from her earlier, Michelle heard the alarm, her eyes jumping up to the two hands linked together and the two turning and yelling at each other and running into a room that locked them in together.

Jealousy seared through Michelle, as she was able to process quite a few more riddles now that she had more information. She was still here as TJ's prisoner, unable to get out of this room. Matti was still TJ's partner in all of this, having been trying for multiple years to get TJ put back together again from the damage TJ blamed on none other than herself.

TJ and Matti watched the monitors, TJ flipping open a keyboard and typing something in. The alert wasn't horrible news, no one was breaking in. It would have been an expected alert, had they not been dealing with everything else. It was just the notification that Michelle's fiancee had reported her missing. Male fiancee. Michelle was engaged to a man in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

The notification of someone reporting her missing wasn't a shock, since she never checked into her hotel. TJ had assumed her mother would be the one filing the report, not some man, her fiancee nonetheless. TJ's entire body was shaking in anger again.

Matti stepped back and said, "Teej, you still need to talk to her."

They walked back out of the control room and towards the cell with Michelle watching every step they made. She backed away from the cell door as they approached and sat down on the couch, folding into herself as she wrapped her arms around her knees. Matti sat down in the chair and TJ sat on the opposite end of the couch. TJ and Michelle just stared at each other, neither knowing what to say or how to even start the conversation.

Matti, becoming the self-appointed moderator, decided to open things up, "Okay, Michelle. Did you or do you want TJ to be dead."

Michelle's jaw dropped and she shook her head, "Never," She whispered, still not taking her eyes from TJ.

"Okay, did you ever wish harm towards her parents or hire someone to kill any them." Matti asked

Michelle shook her head more violently than before. "No! TJ I loved them, you know that. I love you, I have always loved you, why do you have that look in your eyes. You know I could never hurt you."

TJ just kept watching Michelle, she wasn't sure if she could believe the words coming out of Michelle's mouth. TJ wouldn't let herself hope they were true, because the crushing blow to completely destroy her must be coming. She wanted Michelle to tell her to her face she was done. She knew she wouldn't survive it, but needed it to happen. The words Michelle said did not fit into her logically mapped out plan. How she had pictured and dreaded Michelle's words tearing her heart out. No, Michelle was doing much worse. She was building up the love first, before dropping the bomb of being engaged to a man.

"TJ why did my mother send you that container with our necklaces broken into pieces?" Michelle asked after no response came from her proclamation of love.

"She didn't, you did," TJ spit back at her.

Matti, noticing the direction this conversation was taking, tried to vear back to a safer topic, "We can get to the necklace and your mother in a bit. First, Michelle, where did you go when your mom sent you away that day she caught you two on the couch?"

Michelle looked at Matti for a second, then TJ, then back to Matti, "If she told you about all that, I'm sure she told you my mom sent me to Australia to finish school away from the US."

"She sent you to Australia? No wonder I could never find your school records," That utterance came from TJ, finally figuring out how all of her earlier data searches had yielded no results.

"Mother told you where she was sending me. I wrote to you everyday for years, then once a week until you.. until that day... what happened that summer TJ? How did you survive the mugging?"

Matti jumped back in, knowing how fast this conversation could explode "hang on Michelle, how about since you're still a prisoner here, we ask questions, and you answer. The rest of the story can be tonight, tomorrow or next week," Matti calculated the figures in her head, "Should be at least that long until they figure out where in your flight we got ahold of you."

"How did you even get me off the plane? Oh, right I'm answering questions," Michelle mumbled. She wanted desperately to reach out and touch TJ, but knew she couldn't.

TJ however, sensing one question she could answer without the complex emotions swirling through her, jumped at it. She gave a full account of all the details of the plan. How she had switched, hacked, and reworked everything on the flight monitors. Michelle was startled at the amount of detail TJ was providing. Matti just yawned.

"Alright, alright, yes TJ we all know you're a genius. Now back to the questions with easy answers. Michelle, how many of TJ's letters did you receive?"

"You wrote back to me? Sorry, sorry, none, I didn't know you ever wrote." She answerd, looking into TJ's eyes.

"Okay, TJ how many letters did you receive from Michelle?" Matti turned to TJ.

"Not a single one." TJ sharply replied back.

"Michelle, how many presents did you get from TJ?"

"What? You sent me pres... Sorry, no, I didn't get anything." Michelle said, shaking her head again.

"Did you send her anything other than letters?"

"Yes. I sent birthday presents and some other stuff."

"I didn't get any of it. Ever." TJ replied bitterly.

"My mother said she hand delivered them all T, why would she lie to me?"

"Mrs. Wolferson told me she sent you to California to live with your dad, then you went to Florida, then somewhere in New Mexico, that's when I got the necklace back from you."

"I never got the necklace T. Really, if I had gotten it from you, it would still be around my neck."

"What about my eighteenth birthday?" This was the answer TJ was dreading the most.

"Our eighteenth birthday T, we were suppose to be together at six flags." Michelle whispered, that was the day she was told TJ died.

"I know, your mother told me you didn't want to be with me or go with me so I gave her both the tickets to send to you. You never used them. I couldn't find you in any school data base so by 18 I coded the tickets to notify me when you used them, and you never did."

"T, I bought you a flight out to Australia, then we were going to fly to Paris together and go to the six flags in France. Mother said that was the date you could come. Your flight was suppose to arrive the day you died. I was at the airport waiting for you, when mother called and told me."

"I'm sorry MeShe, but you're mother's a bitch. I didn't know about any of that, she probably planned it that way to have the hired thugs hit my parents and then... OhMyGod!" TJ turned to look at Matti, yelling "that's what you meant earlier, about someone else being responsible for it but you didn't think it was MeShe, isn't it?" TJ hadn't even realized the nickname slipped twice back into the conversation.

"Uh yeah Teeej, but she doesn't know about the other part yet. I'm even more sure now then before she had nothing to do with any of it."

"Which other part? I mean, I know, I know, I'm a prisoner and I don't get to ask questions. But what part?"

"See what it's like when you don't have all the pieces to the puzzle Michelle, things don't make sense."

"Okay fine, but I didn't have any pieces to give you. Actually, even less than you thought I did because you at least knew she was alive."

"I wasn't really MeShe. I had been dead inside since the day I received what I thought was a birthday present from you." TJ finally realizing Michelle really was innocent in all this.

"Whatever it was, I'm sorry T. I can tell it wasn't good whatever it was. I didn't know my mother sent you anything. Really, it wasn't from me whatever it was. You were suppose to be in my arms for your birthday." Tears were freely running down Michelle's face.

"Teeej, she has to hear the rest of it, not in detail, but she needs to at least know what it was."

"I can handle the details MyT." Michelle said, also slipping back to using her nickname.

"No you can't MeShe. I can't handle it either. Let's just say it was the worst day of my life..."

"Teej, she at least needs to know."

"Fine. You want to know what I was sent? It was a group of men to 'straighten' me out. With a long personal note from you about the mighty have fallen."

"MyT your the only one who knows the meaning of MyT... I wouldn't have."

"I'm able to see that now MeShe and I probably could have back then if I had been able to talk to my parents that night, but I got home to police informing me they were dead."

"Can I hug you, please MyT? I need to know you're alive." Michelle begged, reaching her arms out.

Without responding TJ jumped on top of her pinning her in her sitting fetal position. Kissing her across forehead. "I missed you so much MeShe." TJ kissed her tear soaked cheeks, nuzzled her own cheeks against them and began nibbling on her ear whispering how much she loved her. Another alarm sounded, Matti said she would check it out and come back if there was a problem.

Michelle and TJ stayed locked together with TJ pinning her in place for a long time murmmering to eachother. They confessed how much they missed and loved one another.

TJ's hands began stroking Michelle's arms rubbing the pink jumpsuit into her skin.

TJ whispered into her ear. "You know you're still my prisoner right? I still haven't released you yet."

"Never MyT, never release me. We can be together forever now." Michelle wiggled her arms out from between them while stretching her legs out on the couch slowly. She reached for T's head and said "kiss me for real MyT. Make me yours. All of me." With that, no more words were spoken for sometime.

They kissed, releasing their passion into each other. TJ's tongue stroked Michelle's lips requesting entrance into her mouth. Both women moaned as Michelle opened her mouth and granted access. Their tongues danced with eachother. Their hands were roaming over each other. Feeling remembered shapes, learning new areas yet unknown. Clothes were slowly removed from TJ. TJ began unzipping the jumpsuit, the material getting caught in the zipper and TJ ripping the prison jumpsuit off of her treasure.

She lifted the now mostly naked Michelle off the couch and carried her to the bed. TJ kissed her neck, licked along her collar bone, nibbled on her chin, anywhere she could reach. Michelle was whimpering by the time she was laid onto the bed. She was running her fingernails along T's abs which were flexing as she laid on top of Michelle. TJ was planking above her and slowly doing push-ups to kiss her around her face on every down movement.

Needing more contact Michelle wrapped her legs around TJ's waist and arms under her armpits and around her shoulders to pull herself up into T. Their kissing resumed full force, building steam with just TJ's wrists and toes holding them aloft. Needing to touch her more, TJ dropped her knees for more leverage. She was able to arch back now sitting them upright, with TJ kneeling on the bed and Michelle still wrapped around her. TJ lifted the band of the prison issued sports bra and began a slow massage of the underside of Michelle's breasts.

Michelle leaned back moaning, and ran her hand down TJ's back into her boxers, under the seam from the back. She ran her nails across the seam line around the front towards her own pussy. TJ tightened her grip on her lover's mounds and said, "God I love you breasts MeShe."

TJ continued lovingly playing with her breasts, kneading slowly towards the center where hardening pink nipples awaited her touch. Her mouth salivating, she leaned her head forward and licked around the areola while blowing softly. She repeated this on the other, her thumbs slowly working their way up. Too slowly for Michelle. She removed her hands from the waistband then ran her fingers up T's body while shifting her legs back to get ready to pounce. When Michelle's hands reached T's shoulders she pushed her backwards on the bed, coming down with her breast in TJ's mouth.

Michelle ran her hands through TJ's hair, pulling the short stands gently, rubbing her head and pulling more while grinding her pelvis into TJ's abs. TJ used one hand to pinch the free nipple while biting down on the one forced into her mouth. Michelle squealed and moaned with the sensation. TJ used the distraction to flip them over on the bed so she hovered over Michelle, not releasing the nipple in her mouth. Michelle was overwhelmed by the sensations shooting through her body and didn't notice T's free hand sliding into her panties and right into her sopping slit.

"Mmm, you're so wet MeShe, is this for me?"

"All for you MyT, alwaAAAAys and mmmmmm forrrrr fuck mmmmm forever T. God that feels good."

TJ slipped a finger into her tight channel while using her thumb to rub into her pubis far too high to be near where Michelle thought it should be, but ohh something felt so good. TJ slowly sliding the one finger in and out while moving her thumb into her crotch. In and out and in and out. Michelle was close. With the next stroke in, TJ added another finger picking up the pace. She used her thumb to push, with her fingers curling into Michelle's core, rocking her hand and tapping with the increasing rhythm. Michelle screamed out her release. TJ held the pace she set while Michelle rode out her orgasm. Once Michelle was able to breathe again she leaned down to kiss TJ fully while clutching onto her like a lifeline.

Tears fell once again from Michelle's eyes. TJ smoothed them away with her thumb.

"Shhh, it's okay MeShe, you're alright, I'm right here" TJ whispered into her ear.

"MyyyT, I-i have to tell y-y-you" she choked out between sobbing breaths. "I'm-m-m en-en-en I'm engaged T."

"I know MeShe, I already know but it doesn't matter because you're mine." TJ insisted while spreading kisses across her face

"Mmmm, Always." Michelle whispered back.

Michelle reached up and pulled TJ back into a long kiss. Her hands began to wander down T's body.

"And you are mine T."

"So you keep saying." TJ smirked at her lover.

Michelle slid her fingers back into TJ's waistband, slowly pulled them down over her hips, while trailing kisses down her neck to her collarbone. Michelle nibbled and sucked following the path downward paying extra attention to anywhere TJ's breath hitched. She had completely skipped over the sports bra TJ had on as she continued her slow exploration. She slid further down the bed taking the boxers past T's knees and calves.

Michelle slipped the right ankle out while slowly kissing T right thigh, bending TJ's knee above and to the side of her left shoulder. Michelle repeated the same procedure with the left side. She let her finger slowly glide back up TJ's legs wrapping her arms to the other side of TJ's thighs, grabbing her ass cheeks and firmly pulling TJ's pussy to her mouth.

"Mmmm God MyT, you're delicious" she mumbles into her slit getting her first taste.

She licked from back to front drawing out more of the sweetness. She plunged her tongue into TJ and began rocking her head, fucking TJ with her tongue firmly inserting into her cunt. Her fingers slid down TJ's crack and pulling her ass cheeks apart.

Michelle's tongue moved higher up, stroking figure 8's around her clit, while she brought one hand around to lap up some of the juice with her finger. Michelle moved her coated finger back circling around and rimming TJ's anus, covering TJ's ass in her own pussy juice.

TJ clenching at first, slowly began relaxing again, thrusting her hips in time with Michelle's tongue. TJ could feel the building pressure not wanting this moment to end, wanting the pleasure to continue for all time. The building pressure was almost too much for her, she couldn't let go.

Michelle slid her fingers down her slit inserting 2 into TJ while finally sucking her clit in-between her lips. She began fucking TJ nibbling down on her nub and applying pressure with her tongue.

TJ exploded. Michelle had heard of squirter's but hadn't expected the flood of fluid she was receiving. She tried to suck it all down her throat swallowing as much as she could get in her mouth. Michelle was slurping as much as she missed, licking all around searching for more of the deliciousness.

TJ rolled off of Michelle, grabbing her and pulling her up to hold her, kissing her mouth and cheeks and tastings herself all over her lover.

The women fell asleep holding each other tightly. Right as they were drifting off to sleep another alarm sounded from the control room.

Matti was dutifully keeping watch on all the monitors and videos. She silenced the alarm with her only free hand while trying to catch her breath. She brought her other hand up to her mouth and cleaned her own juices off her fingers.

After her fingers were clean enough to not mess up the equipment, she opened and read the notification from the alarm. "Fuck!" She screamed at the monitors. "How the hell did they find us?"

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