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The Quarterback and the Tutor

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A tutor's first time is with the college quarterback.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/19/2015
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"Hey, I'm Tom," he grinned. "Are you Lucas?"

"The one and only," I laughed. "Come on in."

Tom Braddock was standing in my doorway and up close he was stunning. I'd seen the college quarterback several times but never up this close. He was Adonis with perfectly sculpted brown hair, a flawless muscled body, perfect teeth and smile, and the most amazing blue eyes I'd ever seen.

"So can I come in?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm just trying to think where I've seen you before," I joked.

"I'm here for you to tutor me. We're both in the engineering department and I'm quarterback of the football team."

He was seriously thinking that I didn't know him.

"Oh, I know who you..."

"Of course you do," he laughed. "I realize I overwhelm people all the time. I'm used to them leaving me standing outside in the rain while they stare at my magnificence."

He was teasing me and I reddened.

"Sorry about that. I didn't realize you're so tall. You always seemed so much shorter from a distance."

"Touché," he grinned. "I think I've found the right tutor for my needs."

"Let's sit at the kitchen table and take a look at your course load."

"I like that, business from the start. You're not going to waste the hour session talking to me about football."

"Speaking of business, I only take cash. I've been burned before by checks and I don't have time to tutor for free. I've got a heavy workload and I only agreed to tutor you as a favor because Dr. Jurgens asked if I'd do it."

"Oh, I thought it was because you needed the money..."

I gave him an eat shit look.

"Professor Jurgens said you're worth my time. I'm through with tutoring assholes who don't study."

"I guess I should say thank you. At least I think so," he grinned. "Even though we're not majoring in the same area I've seen you in the department and Dr. Jurgens thinks you're one of the best students he's ever taught. He says if I can't learn from you then I need to quit."

"How'd you get to be a junior in the engineering..."

"And need a tutor?" he laughed. "I know what you're thinking, just another dumb ass jock sliding through a degree program because the college wants him for their team."

His smile was infectious and I flushed again. He had me dead to rights, that's exactly what I'd been thinking. He punched in the shoulder playfully.

"That's exactly what you thought!"

I don't know why my face was burning so red. Okay, so I did know but I'd never let on to him.

"Well, it's not exactly as bad as you're making it seem," I said. "I know there's no way you'd be a junior in civil engineering and be a dumb ass..."

"Jock. Go ahead and say it. There are plenty of idiots in the athletic department but I don't want you to think I'm one of them."

"So what's going on here, Tom? You and I both know you're not a moron so why are you here for my help?"

Now he blushed.

"It's all of this advanced mathematics. I started to get someone in the math department but Jurgens recommended you because you understand the application to engineering coursework. He told me he'd ask you if you'd do it and clear it with the athletic department."

"I'll try to live up to the expectations he's put in your head. How about you tell me where you're having problems?"

We spent the next half hour going over his courses and I discovered Tom was actually a good student but he was having difficulty applying the advanced math to the engineering problems, slowing his work product down. I hoped his enthusiasm for the work helped me to mask my difficulty dealing with having the campus god sitting across from me dressed in an oversized football jersey and a pair of tight blue jeans.

"I've got a worksheet of math problems for you, a sort of quiz to see exactly where you are. That way we won't waste any session time."

"Oh, we wouldn't want to do that, now would we?" he teased.

"Well, we can waste all the time you want as long as we don't go over an hour. You're paying for it so what you get out of it is up to you."

My tone was too sharp and I regretted it.

"So if I need to take a break and I ask you for a cup of coffee you're going to charge me."

"Come on, you know what I mean..."

Why the hell did I keep blushing and letting him get the upper hand with me?

"No, I don't know what you mean but I guess I'll figure it out as we go along."

Tom was enjoying this, toying with me just as he had all through the session. I'd look up from the books on the table occasionally and catch him with a strange wondering look in his eyes as he watched me. I refused to return the look, determined that he wouldn't be the one to discover the secret I'd hidden for so long.

"Look, Lucas, I'm sorry I didn't bring cash with me but I swear I'll bring it next time. Nobody said anything about cash; in fact, no one said anything about me paying you at all."

I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise and I knew he could see the steam.

"I don't care who you are, Braddock. I'm not tutoring you for free or for passes to the goddamn football games either. And I'm not waiting for those morons in the athletic department to scratch their asses and realize that either. I've tutored jocks before."

He laughed.

"Sorry, Blake, don't get your panties in a wad. Coach said they'd pay for it but I'll let them know I've got to pay cash up front. You WILL give me a cash receipt, won't you?"

"Okay, okay, of course I will. Who's the coach you're talking about?"

"Wolfe. He's a bit rough around the edges but he'll go for it."

"I know Coach Wolfe and you're right, he'll pay. I've dealt with him before but tell him I'm not going with this bullshit about getting paid at the end of the quarter. You show up with the cash for this session and the next one or don't come back."

Tom burst out laughing.

"Damn, dude, who the hell did you tutor that screwed you over?"

"I'm not going to tell you that but I know brick walls smarter than him. He's a dumb fuck wad and he still flunked after I spent all that time with his sorry ass. Then that dipshit Coach Myers refused to pay me and I had to go the president to get my fucking money."

"So, how many others have you tutored that failed anyway?"


Braddock screamed with laughter.

"Oates, Warren Oates," he choked out. "You're right, he's dumb as a box of rocks but man, he can do things with a basketball that nobody else in this school can."

'The dumb piece of shit flunked because he skipped classes, not because of my tutoring. I don't care how great he is with a basketball, I don't think that shit for brains should even be in college."

"Plus, Myers thinks the sun shines out of Oates's ass."

"Yeah, well I'll shove a basketball up Myers's ass if he ever asks me to help him again."

"I don't get it, Blake. Why tutor out of the engineering department anyway? There're plenty of engineering students that need help occasionally. Why take on losers like Oates? The idiot's a physical education major and he's too dumb to pass even that."

"Let's just say I've had a few special requests here and there that I did because it was easier to just...whatever..."

"I get it, say no more. Sometimes it's just easier to do what they want rather than to fight about it. I'm in that position a lot."

"Right. I've got you down for three sessions a week. It's a lot but I'm not paying for it."

"And I expect you to turn me into a genius," he winked.

Tom paid up front for all of his sessions without questions after that. Every time we had a session it became more and more difficult for me to hide my growing attraction to him. The man was a total stud and just being near him, smelling his cologne, with our hands and knees occasionally touching as we sat next to each other, the electric magnetism was almost more than I could manage to disguise.

Within two weeks Tom already had an understanding of the areas where he was weak and I realized he most definitely was no dummy. In fact, he was very intelligent, he'd just fallen behind, probably due to all of his extracurricular activities, and he needed me to help him catch up.

As our session ended on the Thursday of the third week he reached in his pocket and grinned.


It was two football tickets, good seats, for the Friday game. I don't know what the look on my face telegraphed to him but he burst out laughing.

"Hey, I've already paid you your cash. I just wanted to give you the tickets as a friend. You DO like football, don't you?"

"I love football and thanks for the tickets."

"I've never seen you at a game before."

I rolled my eyes.

"You'd never SEEN me in the engineering department either until I started tutoring you. That or you've just never spoken to me."

He had the good grace to blush.

"You're wrong about that, I've seen you a lot. Everybody knows you're the star of the department and I felt like you were too stuck up for me to approach you. I've always known who you are because you strut through the building like you're a god."

"I DO NOT!!"

"Yes, you do," he laughed.

"I guess you'd know all about that, Mr. Football Stud. Maybe that's why you've never seen me at a football game. I've attended almost every home game since we started here freshman year."

"Really? You think I'm a stud?" he grinned. "I guess there are so many thousands of people at the games that I've just never seen you."

"That surprises you?"

He touched my arm gently.

"Hey, I'm just kidding, I didn't mean to insult you."

"It's okay, thanks for the tickets. Sorry if I blew up but I'm not stuck up. I'm not, am I?"

"Just a little but don't worry about it, Lucas," he laughed. "You look cute when you blow up like that."

His remark floored me. Cute?

"I don't know if your girlfriend would take too kindly to you telling another guy that he's cute."

"Sandy? What, are you going to run tell her?" he chuckled. "Can't you just take a compliment, dude? What's got you on your high horse today?"

"Sorry, I've got some personal problems and I shouldn't take them out on you."

My personal problem was that I wanted to jump his bones and he'd made it worse with the remark about me being cute. I was trying hard to fight a flaming erection and hoped he didn't see it.

"Hey, we've all got some personal problems. Do you mind if I just hang out with you for a while? No charge? We could just sit in your living room and talk."

"What, you don't have somewhere better to go, someone more interesting than me to hang out with?"

"Don't sell yourself short, Lucas. I think you're one of the most interesting people I know."

We had been walking to the front door but he veered over and sat on the couch. I followed him and sat in the recliner opposite him. This was an interesting development.

"I was talking to Coach Sanders and found out some interesting things about you, Lucas. Talk about a guy hiding his light under a bushel."

I felt my hackles rise. Sanders was the head football coach and the star coach of the athletic program. Why should he be talking about me to others and what exactly had he discovered?

"Are you checking up on me? There's not much to find out."

He laughed.

"Like I said, you're cute when you get flustered, Blake. Sanders was a fountain of information about you and your family."

That loud mouth horse's ass.

"I should have connected you with Dr. Blake, I should say both Dr. Blakes."


"Why didn't you tell me that Jack Blake's your father? The guy was one of the best quarterbacks this school ever had and he's a big supporter of the athletic program. Not too many athletes go on to become neurosurgeons. And your mom; no wonder you're a genius in engineering. Why didn't you become a chemical engineer like her? Or a doctor like your dad?"

"I thought about it but I like electrical engineering better. And as for medicine, I'm not interested. I hardly know my father. All my life I've felt like I need to make an appointment to see him and then I feel like all the time I spend with him is some kind of billable hours. At least Mom basically works five days a week, nine to five."

"Doctors make good money."

"What good is it to them? I think I'd have been happier if he'd been a school teacher, anything so he could have thrown a football around in the back yard with me."

"And that's the other thing. You were a football star in high school, the quarterback of the team. Why aren't you on our team?"

"What, and threaten your position as quarterback?" I asked sarcastically.

"Hey, it's all about competition."

"I broke my knee and my ankle during the last game of my senior year. I spent the rest of the year recovering and the doctors advised me not to play football anymore. Anyway, I've got enough to handle double majoring in electrical engineering and applied mathematics."

"But you'd have played college ball if you hadn't gotten injured."


"Football's a bit like Russian roulette. Every game you play could be your last one, all it takes is one bad injury like what happened to you. I'm studying civil engineering because if I get hurt I don't want to end up working as a high school coach or worse yet, in a Footlocker in a mall somewhere."

Tom was wearing cut off sweat pants and as he spread his legs I could see he was not wearing any underwear. I could see his penis straight up his pant leg, a beautiful cock. I tore my eyes away from it and looked up to see him watching me. He didn't seem to have any reaction to my seeing his cock.

"I guess I never made the connection with your family because you're a scholarship student."

"What? Because my parents have money I'm supposed to give up an academic scholarship I worked my ass off to earn?"

"I guess they're why you live an apartment off campus and a damned nice one at that."

"Your point?" I asked testily.

"Oh, no point," he grinned.

"I lived in the dorms freshman and sophomore years but I got my own apartment for this year. I was supposed to share it with another student but he decided to transfer to Vanderbilt."

I glanced at his crotch again and his penis was plumping up. I looked up again into his eyes and they were dancing with amusement. He stood up and walked over to where I sat, standing in front of me. Suddenly he pulled his sweats down and his cock stood proudly in a patch of thick brown curls above his low hangers. His cock was at least eight inches and probably close to that in circumference, one of the thickest cocks I'd ever seen. A drop of pre-cum popped out of the slit on the end. He pushed it within an inch or so of my lips.

"Come on," he said huskily. "You know you want it, you've wanted it since the first time we met."

"Awful sure of yourself, aren't you?" I answered, my voice soft and like gravel.

Part of me wanted to smash his face into the floor but he had the most magnificent cock I'd ever seen and it was right in my face, attached to a body that I'd lusted after since I first saw him as a freshman. He pushed his cock so the soft mushroom head touched my lips, wetting them with his pre-cum.

"Come on," he said huskily. "Drop your pants and get on your knees. I want to see you jack off while you suck me."

I was helpless, unable to resist him. Suddenly I was on my knees with his cock in my mouth, jacking my dick with one hand, my nose buried in his pubes. He smelled like soap, as if he'd come from taking a shower. His cock was hot like coals and he began to moan as I used my free hand to reach up and massage his right nipple. I jacked off my own cock with my other hand.

"You like my big hard cock, don't you?" he moaned. "Suck my fucking dick, baby."

Tom was having difficulty standing as I made love to his cock, licking it, kissing it, and sucking his balls. He kept up a stream of sexual remarks as I sucked him. It was too much for me and I quivered as I shot my load onto the floor. Suddenly Tom blasted his cum into my mouth and I kept him balanced with my hands pressing into his buttocks.

He pulsed seven or eight times into my mouth and I had difficulty swallowing it all, hot and thick with a taste both salty and sweet. Then it was over and he stood there with his soft cock still in my mouth, not moving, as if he was relishing the moment. As for me, my face burned with shame and humiliation because I'd never had a sexual encounter with another guy.

I knew from an early age that I had gay tendencies but I'd always smothered them, emulating my father, my older brother, and other masculine straight males. I'd had several girlfriends through the years, had sexual relationships with some of them, and there'd never been the slightest suspicion that I might lust after other guys. Now I'd let Tom Braddock tempt me into sucking him off like a slut and my first time with a man was a total disaster, nothing like my fantasies.

Tom looked down at me and obviously saw my distress. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up, my face near his, our pants still around our ankles on the floor. I couldn't look into his eyes so he took my face in his hands gently and made me look at him.

"This is your first time, isn't it?" he whispered.

I nodded, afraid I'd lose it if I spoke. My humiliation was complete.

"And you let me be your first man?"

I found my voice.

"Yes, I like you too much," I said softly. "But I'm not going to be your cum dump, Tom."

I was fighting tears and my face burned with shame like it was on fire.

"Look at me."

I glanced into his eyes but looked away quickly.

"Look at me, damn it!"

I looked at him, startled at his forcefulness.

"If I wanted a cum dump I'd go to a glory hole. I like you too and there's some kind of spark between us. You may not believe it but I've only been with one other guy and it was a long time ago."

I didn't know what to say.

"Say something. You're making me feel like I raped you."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's me that should apologize. I didn't know you were a virgin."

"I'm sor..."

"Shut up."

He kissed me before I could finish, his lips soft and gentle at first, then he pressed his tongue in my mouth and I returned his kiss with passion. At last the kiss ended and he bent over to pull his pants up.

"Damn, Blake," he laughed. "You shot more cum than three or four people. You always shoot loads like this?"

"Yeah," I responded meekly.

He kissed my lips gently again.

"I'd like to see you again. Are you going to keep tutoring me?"

I nodded.

"And I know you're not going to do it for free from now on," he grinned.

"Not on your life. That's prostitution."

"I wouldn't want you to feel like a whore, Lucas. Never. I'd like to do this again, this and more, but next time I'll let you call the shots, okay? Are you alright? You look like you're going to be sick."

"I just don't want anyone else to know, Tom. I couldn't stand it if anyone found out what we did. I don't want this to become some locker room story, how you got your dick sucked by your pitiful tutor."

He looked angry, his eyes flashing.

"You don't know me very well, Blake. I don't tell locker room stories about my life and I sure as hell wouldn't want to share something as special as this. I can't believe you'd say that to me."

"I'm sor...'

"Shut the fuck up."

He kissed me again, hard, and held me tight to him.

"Now you're talking to me like I'm some jock asshole. You think you might be able to trust me, maybe just a little bit?"

I nodded. He gave me another quick kiss on the lips and squeezed my ass.

"I'll see you at the game tomorrow night and maybe we can arrange a special tutoring session for Saturday afternoon."

He smiled that infectious grin, turned and left. I didn't feel embarrassed anymore, only pangs of regret that he was gone, and anticipation for the game and Saturday.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Unrealistic in so many ways

Even in erotica, willing suspension of disbelief is finite. I kept shaking my head, from the thickness of Tom’s penis to the fact that Lucas, despite being a virgin, could perform like that, with "my nose buried in his pubes.” Also, since when does a gay man have that emotional reaction to having just had sex with someone whom he has desired for so long?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I love it. I dated an in the closet football jock in college. I did it because I knew it would ruin his football which he loved and I loved him so I did not best to make sure no knew.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good start

And yet no one - and I mean literally no one - has a dick that's 8"in diameter. Unless you're talking about a horse.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
I see what yo did there.

I actually read all of the chapters and I've noticed you've forgot the name of lucas father on latter chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great start!

I like how dominant Tom was during sex AND how nice he was afterwards. It was a cute beginning. I'm glad I'm reading it while there are already more chapters!

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