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The Repossession Ch. 01

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A ghost and her boy encounter a seductive, hypnotic witch.
6.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/05/2022
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Lorelei's Note: This story features cisboy, cisgirl and transgirl POVs and contains nonconsensual sex, ghost possession, hypnosis, and everything else listed in the Real-life con-noncon requires a lot of trust, safewords, and other things a fantasy can fudge a little. Enjoy the kink responsibly, and enjoy the story!

This short series is part of a collaboration I'm doing with the amazing artist Shozaya, and Moira, Lucy and Ben are her characters! Check out her comics sometime!

~ ~ ~ ~

"That's quite a pair you've got there, hon."

Ben looked up from his book, startled, then glanced down bashfully. "Um, thanks, ma'am."

"Not a compliment." The bus driver turned back to raise an eyebrow at him, her wizened face looking distinctly unimpressed. "When you got on I thought you were wearing dead white rats strapped to your feet. How old are those things, anyways?"

"U-Um..." Ben flushed. The bus rattled and rumbled as it made its way down the old country road, so loud he almost felt like he could retreat into it, let his answer be swallowed in the din. But the bus driver was waiting, and worse, her eyes were off the very bumpy road while she waited. He gulped. "They're a few years old. I just do a lot of running."

"In those things? They look like something died in 'em."

Ben squirmed as a couple regulars on the bus laughed. The bus driver seemed unamused, though.

"Better lay off him, Donna," rasped an older man towards the back. "Don't mind her, kid, she just likes to needle new riders."

"I'm just asking." Donna shrugged. She steered the bus around a bend with one hand, not turning to look. Ben's heart lurched, even though surely she'd driven this road enough times to know it by heart and there was no real danger. Right? "I don't get why someone would wear shoes that look like something died in 'em, is all."

"I just..." Ben looked down at his own feet, eyeing the tattered old running shoes. "They're, you know. Good luck."

"Not for the possums they skinned to make 'em."

Ben's cheeks burned. "Look, I just--"

"I'm just curious, is all." The bus driver's head tilted. "I have never seen a pair of shoes that old. I didn't think they even made them like that anymore. Were they your grandmother's shoes, or something?"

"My stop!" Ben blurted, and tugged on the line.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Wow. That was... impressively embarrassing."

"Look, I panicked, alright?"

"It's a good thing I'm immune to second-hand embarrassment."

"Why are you like this?"

"Like what? Oh, did you not get it? It's funny because--"

"Yes I get it ha-ha very funny Lucy."

Lucy giggled. The translucent blue spirit shimmered in the dim morning light as she raised her right arm--showing off the clean-cut stump. "So, you know this isn't our stop, right?"

"Yes, I know."

She flitted to the other side of him, but a thin wispy trail continued to connect her to his shoes. "Nnnot even close."

"Look, I..." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I didn't realize we were still out of town. I was a little out of it when the driver started interrogating me about your ratty haunted shoes, and I figured I could just catch another bus and... avoid an awkward conversation."

"Hm." Lucy looked around mock-innocently. The shapely ghost's long ponytail flicked behind her and danced in a nonexistent breeze. Framed against the deep green of the vast evergreen forest behind her, her glowing form, totally naked, was especially easy to spot--which actually made Ben a little nervous about her being out and about this close to the road. "Well, gosh, Ben, I sure don't see any buses coming~"

He rolled his eyes. "You know, you could have just possessed a nicer pair of shoes, so I wouldn't always be getting stares."

"I'm not the one who never takes them to get fixed up!"

"I am ninety-nine percent sure that nobody below the age of ninety bothers getting their old running shoes 'fixed up'."

Lucy hesitated, then gave a sheepish laugh. "Okay, I'll ease up."

"Thank you." Ben snorted. It's not that he didn't like Lucy. She was his friend, and a great running coach, and she had a knack for making him laugh. But sometimes this restless spirit had a little too much recklessness for him to deal with.

"But you better look into the one-percent-unsureness." She folded her arms across her chest. "I bet you anything there's ten nerds on Ehsi who'll do it for twenty bucks and a good review."

"Yeah, and I'm sure the postal service won't mind shipping a pair of haunted tennis shoes."

"I could stay in the box!"

"Lucy, I'm pretty sure I've never seen you stay in the same place for more than thirty seconds." Ben hopped gingerly down off the road into the grasses, careful to avoid the brambles and poison oak growing everywhere, and started making his way into the shadowy woods. "You always either start zooming around like a cat on catnip, or you get really, really..."

He bit his tongue.

"Hm?" Lucy cocked her head, flitting up in front of him, then flying around behind. "Really what?"

"N-Nothing." Ben cleared his throat, turning to face her and hoping his cheeks only felt hot under the late afternoon sun. "Let's just get moving."

"Mm, I don't think so~" Lucy raised an eyebrow, darting to his other side again and back out of sight. "You had something to say!"

Ben shifted uneasily, turning to keep his eyes on the cute ghost girl. "No, I didn't," he started, internally cursing the slight tremble to his voice, "I just, um, was saying--"

"Was saying something?" She batted her eyelashes, leaning in close the second he had her back in his sights. "Well, I wouldn't want to interrupt. You know, you clearly know best."

Ben flinched back. "I-I was just--"

"But maybe you'd like my help," she said sweetly, reaching for his hand. "C'mon, Ben."


"It's a long walk back." She smiled innocently. "Might as well borrow some of my energy while I've got it."

Ben swallowed. He looked at her hand, then took it, trying to quell his nerves. "Okay, I-I guess that's fair."

Lucy beamed. "Of course it is," she sang.

Her hand started to vibrate against his. She crouched, then took a diving leap right into Ben's torso, pulling him into her as she did so. The ghost rushed into his being, and in an instant, she was gone.

Only she wasn't, of course.

Ben never got used to this feeling--the feeling of being swept down a fast-flowing river, only to be plucked into a tranquil eddy, tucked away in peaceful half-slumber while Lucy took over. He never got used to the way it made his whole spirit seem to flutter and tingle and buzz like a honeybee trapped in its own honey.

With one last deep vibrant hum, like his body and soul were guitars being strummed in harmony, he realized he had lost all power over his own body.

It wasn't like being paralyzed, exactly. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling at all. It was more like... drifting. Like being too lost in daydreams to remember himself, only the daydreams were watching his own body.

Their own body.

Lucy's presence in Ben's body shifted it physically, too. Ben could feel all the sensations of their breasts expanding, their curves redistributing. Ben was naturally of a fairly slender build, aside from a pair of powerful legs, but Lucy's presence widened their hips, enhanced their already generous thighs and calves, in a feeling like being placed in a vibrating chair.

And at last, Lucienne giggled and gave a great, big stretch, showing off her newly curvaceous figure. "Gosh, I never get tired of that," she chirped, admiring the way her own fingers clenched and unclenched. "Never get used to not being able to float, either, though."

"We should get moving, though," Ben reminded her, his mental voice tinged with unease. He could feel Lucy's spirit humming with excitement inside them.

"Aw, well, hang on a second, Ben." Lucienne's voice came out silky and smooth as her hands ran down her sides and up under her shirt, stroking lovingly over the smooth skin of her midriff. Internally, Ben shivered. "I don't see that much hurry. It's a long, long walk to town from here, after all..."

Her voice echoed both aloud and in his mind. "... why not ease some of this tension I'm feeling?"

Ben squirmed, or tried to. He sometimes had a tiny amount of control over his right hand, when Lucy wasn't thinking about it, but right now she was moving with delicate intent as both hands grazed over the slight tent in the front of their trousers.

"Well? What do you think?" Lucienne's voice was as warm and innocent as a sunbeam. "Pleasure always feels so good in this hot body of ours, and you know, I'm pretty sure nobody's really taken care of it since... you know, since her~"

Ben would have whimpered if he could have. The mention of her had made their cock twitch. Gods, it had been a while since they'd played, and he was so horny...

"G-Go ahead," he heard himself gasp, as Lucienne's fingertips grazed over the twitching cock.

Lucienne gave a smug laugh. "Thought so~"

She began to stroke, rubbing first through the pants, then slipping a soft hand beneath to grasp the cock directly. Internally, helpless to do anything to stop her, Ben whimpered and gasped with every touch.

"Gosh," she murmured with a sly smirk, "how long has it been, sweetie?"


"Oh, hush. You don't have to tell me, silly..." Her hand slid under their pants and started to pump their cock steadily. Ben's spirit quivered as molten pleasure began to flow through their body. "A-Ah! I... I know how neglected you are these days~" She gave a light little laugh, as internally Ben moaned and drooled.

"L-Lucy," he panted, " c-can't..."

"Why not?" she asked sweetly. "Because someone might see?" She sped up her stroking with a giggle. "Nobody takes this road, Ben. Are you gonna let a little bashfulness get in the way of feeling so, sooo good?"

"Lucyyy," he whined.

"Well?" Lucienne asked, purring with pleasure as their cock twitched and throbbed beneath her touch. "D-Do you want to be modest, or do you want..." Her voice dropped to a husky moan. "... to feel good?"

Ben tried to resist... and then realized he had no idea why he would want to, save for some misplaced need to not let Lucy get the better of him. And oh, that need was so, so misplaced indeed when letting her always win felt soooo good...

"F-Feel good," he whimpered.

"I thought so," Lucy said smugly.

And she took her hand away.

Ben's spirit went still. Then, realizing what was happening, his voice became tinged with trembling nerves. "H-Hey, Lucy--"

He heard the mischievous ghost laughing in his head. "Ben, you're literally too easy. I don't know what you'd do without me looking after you."

"Lucy!"" Ben protested, flustered and more turned on than he dared admit--not that there was any hiding it from his current 'guest'.

"What? We have to get back to town." Lucienne gestured to the woods. "And I'm not walking through the forest for sixteen more miles with our cock drooling. I know how this body gets, Ben. I mean, you're already a mess."

"A-And whose fault is that?"

"Doesn't pay to go pointing fingers. These sorts of things happen."

"Lucy! I know you're just as horny, damn it, just--"

"Hey, I just got a great idea!" Lucienne chirped, as she hopped nimbly over a wild rosebush and entered the shadowy forest--their shortcut back to town, hopefully. She stopped to stretch leisurely and gave a great feline yawn. "You've been slacking in your dailies lately. Why don't we give this body a little workout?"

"Lucy! Lucy! This is not fair!"

Lucienne took off at a brisk jog, giggling. "Just think of it as motivation to get home soon, Ben. Me, I'm not constantly obsessed with getting off, so I want to appreciate some of our body's other sensual delights while we have such easy access to nature's wonders~"


"See you when we're home, Ben!"

~ ~ ~ ~

It had scarcely been ten minutes when Ben found himself in full control again. The ghost of Lucy flitted out of his body, cheeks flushed a bright burgundy. "Ugh. Why can't your body learn to jog without that awful pulling-down feeling?"

"It's called gravity, Lucy." Sighing, Ben reached into his pockets and turned out the radom assortment of pinecones and 'interesting rocks' Lucy had absentmindedly stuffed in there during the jog. "Didn't you learn to deal with it when you were, you know... alive?"

The ghost pouted, flitting from side to side of him in a frustrated pacing as he started walking. "Flying is just the ideal form of running. I'm out of practice with your basic, overpriced-early-access-beta-testing version." She grinned and wagged her finger. "Hey, don't think this means you can get out of training! Start jogging!"

"Yeah, I'm, uh, calling your bluff here." Ben kept walking at a relaxed pace. "It's a nice forest. No reason not to take our time. We can't jog the whole way back."

"Uuuugghhhh." Lucy pulled her face unnaturally long, her spectral form warping like putty. "It's gonna take forever."

"You should have possessed a segway or something."

Lucy sniffed. "I would sooner die. Or un-die. Be alive again? I don't know." She paused. "Fine, we'll go slow."

"Sounds good. Besides," he shot a narrowed glance at the ghost, "I'm pretty sure you got us pretty lost here."

"What! I so did not!" Lucy's pout vanished in an instant, replaced with a red-faced indignant scowl. "We're on a trail, aren't we?"

"Could be." Ben eyed the path skeptically. "It's so overgrown, it might as well be a deer path. I th--" He paused, then bent down, squinting. "Hey, there's tracks!"

"Yeah? What kind?" Lucy's tone rang with sudden curiosity as her head stuck over his shoulder to look. "Mountain lion? Bear? A couple dozen feral boars?"

"Always so pessimistic."

"What? I've never seen any of those things up close before." Lucy shrugged. "Could be exciting. Say, do you suppose if I possessed, like, a snake, it'd still grow--"

"Human tracks, I think," Ben said quickly. He frowned. "But they're barefoot. Weird. They look fresh, though." He straightened. "I wonder if they're up the trail?"

"Ooh, you can go get directions, since you got us lost!" Ben shot Lucy a scowl. "Um, I mean, since we're lost like we are, by pure unfortunate happenstance." She giggled sheepishly. "Guess you won't need my help for that, of course. The asking-for-directions thing, I mean."

"Yeah. Probably not. But good idea." Ben looked at her and couldn't help but smile. "I'm guessing you want to explore?"

She gave a guilty smile. "How'd you guess?"

Her incorporeal form seemed to vibrate with contained energy.

Ben knew his friend/tormentor/mentor well enough to know when they needed some space from each other. She was in one of her extra-fey moods, and there was a lot of stimulus suddenly available the normally city-bound specter. He gestured outward with a wave of his hand. "Go on, Lucy. I'll go find this hiker. Or, like, nudist, or giant bipedal raccoon, or whoever they are. You get a lay of the land and maybe, I dunno, make sure this path is headed in the right direction."

Lucy's face brightened. "Sounds good! An excellent plan." She performed a sweeping bow, then sprang up into the air.

Ben bit his lip. "But--hey, stay close!"

"I'll definitely do that!" she called back, needlessly yelling right into his mind. Ben winced "Close as a button to its coat!"

~ ~ ~ ~

Lucy swooped between the branches of the tall forest canopy, giggling as much with relief as delight. By far the former star runner's favorite thing about accidentally driving her car into a baling press and finding her spirit trapped in the webbing of the mortal world like a fly's husk not yet discarded by the cosmic spider had to be the wonderful experience of flight. Honestly, she felt silly for having spent her whole life running when she could have been zooming through the air like a hummingbird.

She did try to keep a visual on Ben, of course. The silly boy was sure to get into trouble without her around. After all, he was always getting into so much trouble with her around, Lucy couldn't even imagine how many sticky situations he'd be getting into without his helpful ghostly guide.

Not that he could go far from her while wearing her left shoe, but still.

She smiled as she watched him picking his way carefully down the path after the footprints. With that adorable butt, and the way he stammered from the slightest teasing... She missed being able to properly reward boys like that, but having such steady access to a cutie like Ben, she couldn't really complain. It helped that Ben basically never got any action except from her. Honestly, she had a lot more to teach the boy than simple track-and-field.

As she was considering what they'd do to educate Ben a little when they got home, a strange sound plucked her out of the reverie. She looked up sharply, head twitching to the side.

It wasn't the rustling of branches, exactly. It was a sibilant, rattling sound, almost like radio static.

Her whole form flickered as she tried to listen closer, triangulate the sound's source. Forgetting for a moment about Ben, and ignoring the slight tugging at her left foot encouraging her to stay close to her ghostly anchor, she wafted up and over the branches, straying off the path, following something she didn't fully understand.

~ ~ ~ ~

Ben couldn't hear Lucy whooping and giggling up above, which he guessed meant she'd seen something shiny and gone off to 'investigate'.

He sighed. That ghost got up to way too much trouble for someone who'd already died and ought to know better. He didn't slow his pace; Lucy's bond to the shoe would guide her back even if she lost track of him.

As he went down the forest trail, he wondered at the footprints. Who really walked around a forest barefoot? Sure, this place was kept clear of invasive brambles, but still, there were... sticks and things. Rocks. Not to mention mud. He grimaced as his shoe sank deep into a puddle he hadn't noticed. Yeah, maybe he really did need to take better care of these old things.

The footprints were getting deeper, and fresher. This encouraged him, and he sped up a little. Even though the thought of talking to a stranger made him anxious, the thought of being lost in this old forest after dark made him even moreso.

Ben hurried down the path as it wound through a veritable thicket of tall, densely-growing ferns, only to stop as the footprints seemed to come to a halt.

He frowned down at the final pair. They led to a large fern plant on the side of the path, which, he noticed, looking closer, seemed to have several of its larger fronds quite cleanly cut. The cuts look fresh--they were still wet to the touch, even.

Ben frowned at the fern, then looked up in the direction the footprints had seemingly gone.

Why had they wandered off the path?

Something felt off. An uneasy muttering had begun at the back of his head, a little tickle of fear, a sense that he needed to be not here. At first, he'd brushed it off as social anxiety, but it was growing by the second.

Calm down, he told himself. They're probably just... I don't know, a botanist or something. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves.

He froze. Wait, was that...

Hesitantly, gut churning with dread, he gave the air a little sniff.

His eyes widened, and without hesitation, he dropped to his hands and knees. His heart was racing.

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