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The Right One

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An Athlete and a Dating App.
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Chandra and I met on Transparent, an elite app used for people looking for love and/or one night stands. The $5000 per month subscription fee was a no brainer considering the lengthy security precautions they go through to vet the subscribers in this high-end club. Most people have never heard of the app because that's the original name from 7 years ago and it's magically evolved through different generations seamlessly. They provide the phone and can make it a brick if it's ever misused.

Most of my teammates were members and the league essentially pushed for participation in the service unless you already had a long term girlfriend when you were drafted. The terms you set were private but most guys were fairly modest in their request, considering how much access they would have on the open market without the app.

I remember thinking I was a player for the first few months of my rookie season. My Transparent name was Montana because I loved Scarface. You couldn't exchange photos on the phone they gave you, so every 'contact' I made assumed I was white and from Montana even if they had checked a preference for no white guys. Every now and then the moderators would throw you a contact outside of your chosen preferential range just to keep you open. These moderators were phenomenal in knowing who would have chemistry - physically and mentally.

Some guys on the team flaunted their Transparent phones - a standard issue, no frills smartphone that was mostly controlled by the app's HQ office - on the team plane but kept them hidden otherwise. Security and anonymity was thorough with Transparent. This was not a kiss and tell membership. You sign over 1/2 your earnings for the next decade if you broke a rule. And guys I knew that were kicked off for bad reviews regretted it every single day.

Unfortunately my ego was crushed in those first few months. The playing field on the level I frequented was too much for me as a young buck. I had been the big stud on my college campus for a year and then I became a notch on some CEOs bedpost. The sex was mindblowing but the unexpected emotional tear down was rough. I fucked the hell out of this African princess one morning and she was setting up her afternoon affair before I had my underwear on. She came three times. That's just greedy. If I'm honest, she was sucking my dick and scrolling through her phone at the same time. Head game fierce.

Even though my ratings were positive and it was anonymous I still felt like trash. My veteran teammates spotted my despair before I did because the torment transferred to my game on the court. Their advice was to stay in my lane for a couple of seasons because the league was hard enough without the Transparent drama.

So I shifted my preferences to more modest settings - like most of everyone else - and found a crowd more suited to my level. There wasn't actually a setting, but your preferences dictated the kind of contacts you engaged with. Our veteran center said I was going from 'pure savagery' to 'friends with benefits' and he was correct.

By my third year in the league I had a couple of 'friends' in every city and I was starting for my team that was playoff bound.

That's when I met Chandra. To be accurate, I met Indiana. Her mother was from Trinidad and her father was from Bangladesh. She had an internet business and was clearly successful. I'd recognized her from somewhere but that was how every contact went. I was pretty famous but most of my contacts only guessed I was an athlete. Transparent would not let your preferences dictate profession or celebrity status, so you often got people from such varied backgrounds that you rarely had heard of the other person. Only once did I match with someone and we both knew of each other. The missionary sex was so vanilla because we both feared the other would talk - though we didn't.

Like most of my contacts, Chandra and I didn't fuck the first few dates we had. We always connected in Houston though neither of us lived there. At first I thought she was somebody's wife or girlfriend because we had dinner in my hotel suite. But our next three dates were in public. Like most friends we exchanged real names but not personal information. As members like to say, we kept everything Transparent. Before you give over an ounce of personal data - following public social media accounts included - you had to sign over a 12 page contract. So you kept it basic.

Our dates were so innocent I never thought Chandra would fuck me. We just joked about our lives like best friends would. I considered asking her if she wanted to just be friends outside of Transparent so we could communicate more, but the paperwork involved made that route too hectic. So I was happy to let our friendship remain Transparent.

While that may sound innocent on my part, I was easily fucking four other 'friends' per week.

Then one night in Houston I scored my season high in points and rebounds. I was on a high as our team secured a spot in the playoffs. My personal phone was full of well-wishers but my Transparent phone had three requests for that night.

The first message was from FlyAway, an international airline pilot that was thick and energetic. She happened to see my stats on an airport television and decided she wanted to "suck that positive energy out of my soul". This was not an invitation to take lightly. She kept a mental record of how fast she could make a man come and took it super serious. I never lasted more than eight minutes with her. We only fucked twice because she was too rough - super-athletic - to fuck midseason. We settled on her riding my face until she came - still rough - and then she would go for her record.

The second message was from Destiny305, a contact from my first couple of months that kept me sane. She was five years older than me but two lives more mature. Getting fucked by her was transformational. I could only handle her tantric spirit every few months because I wanted to fucking weep afterwards. We joked about having two dates in a month and she wondered if my game performance was a sign to go for it that night.

But the third message was from Indiana. "Are you in Houston? I want to celebrate!" She seamed oblivious to my evening's highlights so I was curious as to what she wanted to celebrate. Though I had mentally decided to get that mindblowing blowjob from FlyAway, I had to message Indiana to find out what she was excited about. For the next hour we were texting back and forth about her new business opportunity where she was going to have her dream job.

By the time I got in the limo to head to the hotel I got messages from FlyAway and Destiny305 that they had moved on to other contacts. I was a little disappointed but I was happy to celebrate with Indiana over dinner. "In my suite? I'll order your salmon," she offered because she knew me. That blowjob would have to wait.

"There in 45," I responded.

I reached her suite at the same time as room service. I tipped the guy and knocked on the door myself. I noticed a complimentary bottle of champagne from the hotel and wondered what I was missing.

When the door opened Indiana was in a robe and reading her Transparent phone with a smile. "Just put it by the couch please," she requested before looking up. It was only when she was about to hand me a $20 tip did she realize that I wasn't the hotel staff.

"I already gave a $50 bill, so you owe me $30," I joked.

Her embarrassment and anger at being tricked lasted only 5 seconds because she was in the middle of a text. Once she finished she took me by the hand and walked me to the bedroom. The lights were low but I could see a devilish smile on her face.

"If you don't mind," she innocently offered, "I would like to have you now."

Shocked, my response was less than cool. Pretty sure "word?" stumbled from my lips.

Chandra dropped her robe from her shoulders in slow motion. Her athletic body were always covered by the latest fashions so this scene amplified the surprise. As her shoulders gave way to her beautiful breast I could see the beginning of a tattoo that would travel from her clavicle to her ankle. It was a soft geometric pattern that was sci-fi and spiritual at the same time. Though her body was amazing, it was this delicate artwork that mesmerized me.

"Eyes up here," she joked as I admired the incredible artwork.

But I couldn't stop staring. I had personally inspected hundreds of bodies in all shapes, sizes and colors. Chandra gave them all a run for their money. Yet I was only focused on the tattoo.

"Would you like me to turn around?" she quietly offered before slowly spinning toward the bed. The pattern didn't disappoint as it wrapped around her left hip and onto her thigh before engulfing her left calf muscle and fading out.

As I remained transfixed on the art show, Chandra crawled onto the bed in front of me. After 60 seconds of visually recording her body my dick finally joined the party. I slowly took my clothes off as I embraced every second before touching her.

With her head held high, she never looked back to see me. She simply slid a condom between her knees as she waited patiently.

I took the condom and placed it on the bed next to us before gently kissing her tattooed calf. With care and ease I moved slowly to her knees. Each gentle kiss lead my lips closer to her pussy where I wasted no time writing my name with my tongue until I heard her moan and felt her shudder. On her knees and elbows I could feel the bed rock with her movement.

Then I unwrapped the Transparent condemn and put it on.

She reached back between her legs, never looking back, and grabbed my dick. She was horny but she was definitely checking to make sure I put it on.

Slowly she pulled me into her until we both melted into each other. We moved forward onto the bed until I was on my knees behind her. As she began to grind onto my dick I simply stared at her tattoo. Her ass was soft and muscular. She began pounding me like she wanted to really fuck.

But I was mesmerized by the tattoo.

I held onto her hips as she became more aggressive - almost violent. She was full-on fucking me and I was examining the beautiful artwork.

"Fuck me!" she demanded and I realized I was not giving her the thrust she was looking for. I reached around her waist to rub her clit with my right hand while I controlled her waist with my left hand. Then I joined the dance she'd already started and began stroking to her rhythm.

Within seconds we were fucking so hard that the bed began to bang against the wall.

The slapping sound of our bodies colliding was intense.


Soon she began to lose control. Her orgasm was loud and the harmony began to crumble between us. She shook uncontrollably as I kept my dick in her pussy and my hand against her clit. She collapsed below me in a mound of freshly fucked flesh.

This was typically the moment where I'd grab some coconut oil or lube - which would hopefully be located on the nightstand - and jack-off on my partner's face.

Instead, I took a healthy handful of lube and rubbed into her asscrack. I slowly parted her cheeks and teased her asshole with my finger. I moved slowly as I waited for a sign to proceed or cease.

She raised her hips with what energy she had left.

So I took the head of my hard dick and rubbed the tip around her oiled asshole. As I put the tip in slowly she grabbed a pillow and shoved it into her face. She held my wrist tightly for control and to anchor herself.

It took some time to get just half of my dick inside of her but I could feel her begin to rock.

That's when I began staring at her tattoo again.


She began to rock until I noticed that the full length of my shaft was in her.

She began fucking me like her life depended on it.

I came so fast my head spun.

I was showering before I realized what had happened.

Chandra joined me in the double-wide spa shower and held her waterproof Transparent phone. She was typing slowly as I washed both of our bodies. She was navigating to screens I'd never seen before.

Then, with a twisted grin she showed me a screen that read "Begin transition from Transparency Single to Transparency Couple."

In our world, this was the equivalent of a marriage proposal. Transparency Couples simultaneously erased all of their singles history, contacts and upcoming events in order to start as a real couple in the real world.

There were two paths to being a real world couple.

The easy way was to ask to be released from the account. This required anonymity going forward.

The other way was to begin a new account as a couple so that you could delete all prior history, share all of your personal information in real life and potentially begin dating as a couple - other couple or singles.

The second path - Transparent Couple - was assumed rare because once you converted you got new devices that single Transparent members couldn't access or know about. I could have teammates that were Transparent Couple members and never know.

Chandra simply stared at me with her phone as she pressed "Yes, I would like be a Transparent Couple".

The phone went black. The water continued to crash over our shoulders.

I looked at Chandra and realized that I wasn't worried about giving up FlyAway, Destiny305 and the rest. I only wanted to do things with Chandra.


Strangely, her phone prompted me for my login information and 3-step password. I typed in the details without pausing.

Her phone went black.

"I'm moving my company to Florida and I want you to join me," Chandra said.

Though her request was exactly what I wanted I knew my profession wasn't that simple.

"I would in a heartbeat," I said.

"Check your phone," she said as she turned to finish her shower.

I immediately dried off and walked into the bedroom. Still naked as the day I was born I checked my phone. I had 6 calls and one text from my agent.

"A trade to Miami - team says your decision."

I smiled knowingly as Chandra entered the room.

"Transparency triggered the trade didn't they," I said aloud to Chandra.

She smiled with a look of phony innocence.

And that's when my mind took a leap I wasn't prepared for.

"You? You work for Transparent?" I asked until it truly hit me.

Chandra smiled nervously at me. She bit her lip and I knew I was on the the right path but far from the destination. So I thought the unthinkable.

"You OWN Transparent," I said with a certainty that I hadn't considered.

Chandra walked over to the bed and sat down. She was confident and nervous. "Read your phone, please," she requested as she looked at my Transparent phone.

I reached for my Transparent phone and saw that I had a notice. "Confirm or Deny your Couple request."

The heat of the moment can lead to questionable decisions. My phone was giving me the option to back out.

I took a deep breath and pressed "Confirm".

Both of our Transparent phones buzzed violently before freezing on a screen that simply read "new phone tomorrow."

We both took deep breaths this time.

Chandra walked over to me and grabbed my hands.

"I'm guessing that I won't have to look for a house because you already have one picked out?" I jokingly asked.

Chandra slowly dropped to her knees and took my freshly interested dick in her hands. "I have four for you to choose from," she said with a new confidence before putting my dick in her mouth.

Lucky me.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Great twist and all live happily thereafter.

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