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The Ring of Truth Ch. 03

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The power of the ring is revealed.
4.8k words

Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/20/2017
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As always, my characters involved in the sex are all over the age of 18. Since this is my fantasy, there are no STD's or unwanted pregnancies. All of my characters enjoy good hygiene so showers are only mentioned when part of the sex. They also eat when needed; none of my characters go hungry.

If anyone should discover such a ring, I could be convinced to buy it.

Please enjoy, comments are always appreciated and high votes massage my ego.


The ring, though, was intensely bright.

"What the fuck," I whispered to myself.

Mom murmured how much she loved me.

Another voice said, "Exactly. You being fucked gave me the power to open myself to you. I am the dijiin of the ring."

In an instant, without conscious thought, I let out a shriek of my own and threw the ring across the room. I didn't understand what had just happened, why my imagination built that voice. It startled me.

Mom began to stir, still lying across me. Her eyes opened and, with a start, she pushed herself away from me.

"Rick, what have you done?" she said condemning me.

Mom jumped off the bed and ran out. In seconds I heard her creaking bedroom door close.

I couldn't really answer Mom's question. We had made love. I had fucked my mother. But, there was no coercion, no force, and no seeming reluctance on her part. She had seemed to be an active participant. A more than willing participant.

Yet she seemed...um...something when she climbed out of my bed and left the room. Angry, maybe? Disgusted, perhaps? Not pleased nor satisfied emotionally and physically, definitely.

And what was the voice in my head? Why had I imagined that? Where did it come from?

Deciding the best thing for me was a long, hot shower, I went to the bathroom to take care of business. Along the way, I noticed the ring lying on the floor. I ignored it.

Once business was taken care of, I decided to continue as if it was a normal evening at home. Even though it was so fucking far from normal. Sheesh.

Hunger made its presence known as I made my way to the kitchen. As usual, I started a pot of coffee, the gods' gift to humanity. Checking out the refrigerator, I decided to make a sandwich. Being the perfect gent, I also made a sandwich for Mom.

Taking it upstairs along with a cup of coffee, I knocked lightly, almost timidly, on my mother's bedroom door. When she didn't answer, I knocked again, somewhat louder. A third knock brought a response.

"Go away, Rick, I don't want to see you."

"I brought you coffee and a sandwich, Mom."

"Go away, Rick, I don't want to see you," she repeated.

"Okay...um...uh...I'll leave the tray here."

"Go away, Rick."

Back in the kitchen, having demolished my sandwich, drinking my second cup of coffee, and reviewing the events of the day, I heard the squeak of Mom's door opening. Seconds later, I heard the clip clop of her slippers on the stairs. I lost all sense of bravado and manliness, wanting to run away.

Unfortunately, I guess, Mom was at the doorway, blocking my exit, before I could make my legs move. I looked at her in silence. My mother wasn't dressed as she had been the last time I saw her. She was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and matching nearly worn out sweat pants.

Mom was the first of us to break the silence.

"Thank you for the sandwich and coffee."

Apparently I was not quite up to speaking at the moment as although my mouth opened and lips moved, no sounds came out. I was able to nod though.

Mom pulled up a seat at the kitchen table beside me. She spoke the infamous woman to man words.

"Rick, we need to talk."

Nothing good could possibly come out of this. Nope, nada.

"What the hell happened up there, Rick," asked my mother.

I felt I could speak at this point but didn't know what to say. So, I kept silent.

"I'm not putting all the blame on you, son, but what happened is not supposed to happen between a mother and her son. We should not have had sex."

Again, silence from me.

"I'm not even sure how it all happened. My memory of it is a little foggy. I remember showering, coming into your room, and then nothing until I felt us both having an orgasm."

Still silence but with a nod of agreement.

"Can you tell me why this happened?"

"No, Mom," I responded. "I don't know how it happened, just that it did."

I took a deep breath, gulped, and feeling I was taking my life into my hands, I continued, "I liked it, Mom."

"How can you say that, Rick? We shouldn't have made love. We're mother and son. Not man and woman."

That was twice she labeled what we had done as "making love". Was that a hint? I decided on a bolder response.

"Mom, I love you and you love me. Making love together was just a larger expression of that love," I said.

"It wasn't right, Rick!" retorted Mom.

"I don't know how you can say it wasn't right, Mom. We didn't hurt anyone. We just expressed our love on a different level."

"It's not right. I could go to jail over this. It is incest."

"Mom, that's silly. Neither of us is going to tell anyone else for the first thing. Secondly, anti-incest laws are an archaic form of birth control. To keep close family relatives from having two headed kids and shit. With medical science the way it is, that is no longer an issue. It is even legal for first cousins to marry and breed in most states these days."

Silence dominated the room again.

"It isn't right," Mom virtually mumbled in a far from forceful tone.

Deciding that discretion being the better part of valour, I decided to retreat to my room. As I rose from the table, I made a parting comment.

"It was great, Mom." I didn't wait for a response.

Back in my room, I flung myself on the bed. I tried to think about possibilities of further interactions with my mother on this subject. Nothing working, I attempted another typical male response to resolve issues through meditation. I went for a shit.

Sometime later, after a water level raising dump, I washed my hands, always wash your hands folks, deciding to end the day. Walking through my darkened room, my attention was drawn to the glowing ring still on the floor.

Without the glow, I would never have seen it as it was mostly under my dresser. Chances are that it would have been lost forever in the dust bunny haven beneath my dresser forever. Or years, at least.

I grabbed it, returned to my bed, and examined it very closely in the dim light. It was definitely glowing, no additional lighting needed to examine it. While turning it this way and that, I remembered the imaginary voice telling me it was a dijiin or something. What the fuck was a dijiin anyway?

All praise Wiki! Djinn were a type of genie or spirit known to be good or bad, depending on its history. Very strange that the imaginary voice used a word I had never heard before. A real word even. I couldn't remember having seen or heard the word.

Still turning it around and about, I eventually slipped it on my ring finger.

"Praise be! You are allowing me to communicate with you!" What the fuck? The imaginary voice was in my head again.

"I assure you I am very real," said the voice.

"You are only able to hear my voice when wearing the ring. I can only help you when you are wearing the ring."

"This is so unfuckingbelievable," I thought to myself. "I must be going looney tunes. Unless it is an alien device? Or something the CIA put together? But, why give it to me?"

The voice responded. "In the store, you were able to feel my presence."

"The old woman put it in my hands."

"She is merely a subject to be guided. Although she knew nothing of my presence, she knew the ring needed to be put into a male's hands."

"Why a male?" I asked.

"I have no wish to work with a mere woman. Men are the source of power in this world."

"Better not let my mom hear you say that," I thought with a chuckle.

I took the ring off in order to experiment with communicating with the dijiin or whatever. The genie. Nothing. The imaginary voice was gone. Very confused, I wondered if the joint I had smoked last week had done something to me. Placing the ring on my bedside table, I wrapped my blankets around me and went to sleep almost immediately.

The next morning arrived with the sun shining into my room to waken me. I lay silently on my back, thinking about the events of yesterday between my Mom and me. Growing a chubby, I went through my morning pre-food routine.

The ring didn't cross my mind or the absurd discussion I had held with my imaginary friend. I thought I was too old to have imaginary friends anymore. And never a genie.

By the time I made my way to the kitchen, my chubby was a memory until faced with my mother. Her usual morning getup was a loosely tied terry cloth robe with a T-shirt and sweat shorts underneath. Not this morning though.

She was wearing lingerie! I had never seen my mother dressed like this...so gorgeous...so exciting...so...um...sexy. Mom must have heard my gulp as I checked her out. She turned towards me exquisitely slowly and shyly.

Her dark hair was hanging down across her shoulders. Mom was wearing a melon coloured, lace and satin bra putting much if not most of her breasts on display. My eyes trailed down her body across her relatively flat tummy to matching melon coloured panties, thigh high stockings and four inch stilettoes. It certainly wasn't breakfast cooking garb although almost any time of day is great for a sexy looking woman to put her erotically displayed body on display.

"Sit down, Rick, I'll pour coffee," Mom said turning around to face the counter again.

Now that my eyes were fully opened, I realized the colour matched peignoir was fairly translucent, giving me a delectable view of my mother's ass. I couldn't help but imagine kissing and licking those cheeks. Oh yeah, chubby time again.

Mom brought my coffee to me, putting it down on the table before leaning over to give me a good morning kiss on the lips. My mother and I had never been the kissing type of folks and, especially not on the lips. That move definitely took me by surprise.

It surprised my cock too, resulting in it moving past the chubby stage to a raging hardon. Just as if my cock was remembering fucking my mother the previous day, it was demanding more of that action right then.

Mom returned to the table bringing her own coffee to join me. She sat at the end of the table for four, crossed her long, lean, muscled legs.

We looked at each other in silence for some moments. Her gaze seemed fixated on my face while my eyes were darting all over her sexy bits.

Mom broke the silence.

"I've been giving some thought to what happened between us yesterday and our talk last night."

"Okay," I said while dragging my eyes back up to meet hers.

"I've been without a man for many years, Rick. Yesterday, I realized how much I missed a man's company."

Not sure of what response was required of me, or even expected, I simply nodded at her.

"I realized as well how much I had been depriving myself of in terms of affection, closeness, and sex with a man," said my mother.

I stayed with the simple nod of understanding. Even if I wasn't. Understanding, I mean.

"Making love with you, Rick, was beautiful." Mom stopped speaking, looking at me to say something.

Realizing a nod would not be sufficient this time, I spoke.

"Mom, what we did together was awesome. I have dreamt of scr...I mean, making love to you for years."

"I'm your mother, Rick; we aren't supposed to make love. But, as you pointed out last night, we wouldn't be hurting anyone and no one need find out."

"That's right, Mom," I said. "It would be our secret."

"Great," she said. "Now finish your coffee and take Mommy to her bed. We are going to fuck each other silly," said Mom with a huge grin on her face.

Swallowing the rest of my coffee in one huge gulp, I held out my hand to my mother to pull her into my arms. Feeling that we needed some affirmation of what we were going to do upstairs, I pulled Mom into a tight embrace.

Our lips met and our mouths opened while my hands slid to my mother's ass. Our tongues met in a gentle lovers' dance as I caressed my Mom's cheeks. They were so firm to my touch. I caressed them and squeezed them, having to fight to put a tight grip on her muscular behind. You gotta love that yoga shit.

Eventually, we broke the kiss in order to go to the bedrooms. Mom pulled me in the direction of her room past the squeaky door. She had a king sized bed in her room, much larger than my double. I stood watching while she pulled the bed covers down. Leaning over, her pert butt was on display for me again.

I couldn't resist the temptation. Or the invitation. Whatever. I took the two strides to place my body up tight against my mother. My hands moved immediately to her tits, my cock hard up against her ass, and my lips on her neck.

Slowly, I worked my way down until I was kneeling behind my mother. I flipped the long gown up and across her back as I pushed her down on the bed. My mouth went directly to her ass. Fortunately for me, her panties were high cut leaving much of her cheeks uncovered. I covered them with my tongue and lips.

"Oh, Ricky...Oh, Ricky...Ohhhricky...ooohhhhricky," Mom was cooing back at me as my lips and tongue travelled her backside. They had to work their way between the hands glued to her ass. My hands, of course.

It was a wonderful feeling, doing all this to my MILF mother. Any guy not crazy in his own mind would want the same opportunities as me, given the chance.

Giving my tongue more room to manoeuver, I slid my hands to the sides of Mom's panties gently pulling them down her legs. The muscles in her legs were very prominent since she was still wearing her four inch heels. If I had my way, she would never wear anything but high heels ever again.

Immediately, my tongue was in the cleft between her cheeks, licking from top to bottom and then back again. I could taste my mother's sweat, salty and earthy. It had the same effect as an aphrodisiac on me. Needless to say, but I will anyway, Mom was moaning and groaning as my tongue travelled her nether regions while my hands squeezed her ass cheeks.

I snaked my right hand up and around my mother's body in order to wrap it around a tit. Mom's response was simply to lift her torso a little, allowing me a better grip, while pushing her ass further back against my questing face and tongue.

On the next drag of my tongue down the crack of Mom's ass, I stopped my journey at her asshole. I speared my tongue into it as much as I could which wasn't far. My mother helped though by reaching back with one of her supporting arms and used her hand to pull the dark, little hole open a little further.

My one hand was now squished between her tit and the bed itself. But my other hand joined Mom's hand to pull her asshole open even further. My tongue speared into her as far as I could. I loved the taste. Salty, earthier, with the tiniest taste of something nasty. We both seemed to like my tongue in my mother's asshole.

Mom leaning over further as she was doing presented me with a better view and access to her pussy. This was where I wanted to be as soon as I could withdraw my tongue from my mother's butt.

I wasn't going to pussyfoot around, pun intended. I slid my hand out from underneath her tit giving it a final squeeze on the way out. With both hands available to me, I pulled my mother's pussy open and returned my tongue to working her over.

The juices flowing from Mom's pussy overwhelmed my taste buds. Now this was nirvana. My mother was so turned on that the flow of fluids from her cunt was seemingly never ending. I licked and sucked as much and as quickly as I could swallow.

My cock was hurting. It was so hard and the sperm buildup was as full and complete as it could be. I released one of my hands to give it a squeeze but my dick demanded more. It wanted the pussy I was tonguing, it wanted my mother's pussy.

Who was I to argue with my little head. My thinking head wanted to sink it into my mother's cunt as well. There was no choice but to proceed with fucking my mother.

Standing up straight, Mom knew what was coming. Both of my hands tugged her pussy open for my invasion. Mom needed this too.

"Fuck me, Ricky! Fuck your mother! Fill your mother's cunt with your cock!" she said, over and over again, as she reached down to guide my cock into her cunt.

As soon as my little head was past her opening, I lunged forward slamming it home. Slowly I pulled my cock outwards until almost out before slamming into my mother one more time. Out and in, in and out, while my mother voiced her litany of instructions.

Knowing I was going to cum in my mother's cunt soon, I stopped my motions with my cock fully buried in her. I needed to rest my cock for a moment before pulling out. My cock wasn't given the opportunity for the cum buildup to subside though, as Mom began a more or less automatic squeezing of my cock using the muscles of her pussy.

I'm not sure she even knew what she was doing or the effects on me. Her muscles rippled the length of my dick drawing me even closer to orgasm. I pulled back and slammed in one more time. I didn't wait but pulled back again immediately. This was going to be the money shot.

Slamming into my mother's pussy one more time, my prick released its load of sperm, washing the insides of my mother's pussy. Mom screamed her way into her own orgasm. I could feel the gush of her liquids flooding past my cock.

It was exhilarating. Mom uttered a final gasp before falling completely flat on the bed and her legs buckling, pulling my cock from her cunt, and landing on her knees. I planted my ass on the floor beside her with my back against the bed. Both of us were working hard to catch our breath after our combined orgasms.

Eventually, Mom collected herself enough to slither up onto the bed. I climbed to the bed, lying on my back, head on the pillow. Mom turned her body, pushing her naked body up across mine. Soon, both of our heads on pillows and legs intertwined, we were cuddling together.

I then went into the typical post cumming action of the typical male. Sleep overcame me.

Time passed but I didn't know how much. I woke some time later. Mom was still cuddled up to me, hand on my dick, and still naked. I gloried in the feeling of satisfaction of knowing I had fucked my own mother into a near coma-like slumber.

Gradually, Mom joined me in wakefulness. When fully conscious, my mother gave my cock a loving squeeze, while leaning into me to give me a long, deep, and passionate kiss. I returned the kiss, equally as passionate and loving.

"That was the most exciting loving I have ever received, Rick," said my Mom.

"Mom, I never believed making love to anyone could be as all consuming as this was," I replied.

Mom chuckled, "It was also the best fucking of my life!"

"I'm glad I could be of service, Mom," I said with a smile on my face.

"I need to go to the washroom," said my mother as she worked her way to her feet. Bending over, tits hanging down on display, Mom gave me a parting kiss.

"I love you so much, Rick," she said.

As Mom walked away, I realized I needed to use the toilet too. Still shy about sharing bodily functions with my new sex partner, I made my way to my own room and bathroom. After a water level raising shit followed by a shower, I pulled on clean briefs before throwing myself down onto my own bed. And, of course, I went back to sleep. I knew I had to have a contented smile on my face as I drifted off.

Again, I woke up to find my mother's partially clad, sexy body plastered against mine. I turned to face her and to give her a warm kiss.

We lay in my bed for maybe an hour before my tummy rumbled signaling its own variety of hunger. Mom heard it, smiled, and led me to the kitchen where she prepared sandwiches for us.


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