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The Rose Garden

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Dana is aroused by a woman and reclaimed by her man.
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A little over a year ago, I started to write about the sexual encounters of a man cycling alone through Denmark. So far, the Cycling Odyssey consists of just two chapters. You can find both chapters here on Literotica. My plan is to write three or four more. However, in the meantime, something came up.

Some readers were concerned that the central character, Paul, was "cheating" on his wife, Dana. That was something that I didn't intend and don't condone. In fact, I dislike reading stories of this type. So, I realized that, before writing any more Cycling Odyssey chapters, I needed to set some context for Paul and Dana's relationship.

This story is the first of several I intend to write about the earlier years of Paul and Dana – a mature, loving couple who learn the pleasures of sex can be enjoyed in so many ways - both together and apart – while happily married.

I hope you'll read the Cycling Odyssey after reading this story. I appreciate all constructive feedback and am always interested in hearing people's comments.


The Rose Garden

The children were at summer camp for the week and my husband, Paul, was away on business. I had been enjoying the "me time" - getting up a bit later, savouring a cup of coffee while reading the morning paper and doing a few things around the house.

We were experiencing a simmering heat wave. Each afternoon, I had sunbathed on the back deck reading interior decorating magazines. By the fourth day, I was totally relaxed and anxiously looking forward to Paul coming home. We would have three days totally to ourselves. The thought was starting to excite me!

My reflection in the closet door mirror caught my eye as I walked into our bedroom. I stopped to look at this middle-aged woman. I twisted to one side.

"I'm still looking pretty good!" I thought with some surprise.

I stood taller and pushed my shoulders back. My breasts rose up. A flirty look broke out on my face. I winked.

"This is crazy" I thought and shook my head.

I stared back into my own eyes. They were daring me. My left hand slowly rose. I pushed my housecoat off my left shoulder and let the robe fall under its own weight. I now stood naked in front of the mirror. Two very small white patches of skin - where my bikini top had been while sun bathing - framed my nipples. The white splashes contrasted sharply with the dark tan covering my five foot four tall body. My breasts – 34Ds - were full and firm with wide, round, dark aureoles. I was surprised by my firm, tight stomach. Those yoga sessions must be working, I thought.

I turned slightly, at the waist, and cupped the underside of my left breast with the palm of my hand. My nipple stiffened. I reached across with my right hand and squeezed the dark nub, gently, between my thumb and forefinger. I pulled slowly outward. My eyes closed as I savoured the sweet stinging feeling.

Unable to tolerate the pain any longer, I released. My nipple snapped back like an elastic band. A warm burning sensation remained. Opening my eyes again, I was surprised by how erect both nipples were. I moved closer to the mirror and turned to the side to get a better view. My aureoles had narrowed and appeared swollen. My breasts looked like two vanilla ice cream cones topped with a thick layer of milk chocolate. I saw my quizzical look. I shook my head and began to laugh.

"Paul's going to like this tan – and these breasts!" I thought to myself.

My eyes lowered to my waist. I had lost a few pounds in the right spot! My narrower waist accentuated the flare of my hips. I shivered as I imagined Paul holding onto them while taking me from behind, as he did the night before he left. He knew it was my favourite position. I remembered his cock bumping against my inner thighs. It had felt like an iron rod as he searched eagerly for my hole. He became so clumsy when he was excited.

I felt a cool sensation between my legs. Looking further down, I could see a patch of my light brown pubic hair had become matted – dampened by my juices. I ran a finger over my labia, brought it up to my face, and twisted it from side to side. The liquid on my finger sparkled in the sunlight pouring in from our bedroom window.

Still focused on those blue eyes in the mirror, I placed one hand on the corner of the wall, spread my legs and leaned forward. Shoulder length blonde hair fell over my face as my other hand reached down. I could hear my fingers stirring in my juices. I watched my body jerk with pleasure. My mouth opened, round. I began to groan.

The phone rang!


Should I answer? It rang again. The spell was broken. My left hand dropped from between my legs. I inhaled deeply trying to control my breathing. I rose and brushed my hair back behind my ear. After a couple of unsteady steps toward the phone, I took another deep breath then answered.


"Hi! You OK?" It was Paul!

"I'm fine" I said. "How'd things go?"

"You sure? You sound out of breath."

"I've been enjoying myself but miss you."

As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized their double meaning. I quickly added "I mean...I was just sitting here reading and you surprised me."

"Oh! That's great you're enjoying some time to yourself."

I was relieved he didn't tease me about my Freudian slip. I could hear traffic in the background and some voices.

"We're just going for lunch. I'll be heading home right after. I should be able to beat the rush hour and be back...sometime between four and five, I think. What do you say we go to The Riverbend for supper?"

"That'd be nice. I'll make the reservation."

"OK see you in a while."

I was about to hit End when I heard "Dana?"

I brought the phone back to my ear. "Yes?"

"I'm really looking forward to being with you tonight." He paused, then asked. "Can I have you?"

I shook my head bewildered by how this man could still be lusting after me after 15 years of marriage and three kids.

"You're always horny when you've been away" I said dismissively.

"I mean it Dana. Can I?" Paul pleaded. It was always exciting to be wanted like this. I sighed deeply. I'm sure he heard me.

"I'll be ready for you!" I replied evasively.

I deliberately avoided saying yes. It frustrated him. I knew that. But, I knew it would raise his lust for me even higher. I liked to tease him. He didn't seem to mind...too much.

"I'll take that as a yes" Paul said happily. "See you later!" He hung up.

I looked back into the mirror. My hair was dishevelled. My cheeks were a light red. I shrugged.

"Later, I guess" I said to myself grinning.

After making the dinner reservation, I decided to go for a walk. I returned to my closet. Looking over my dresses, I reached for my light-yellow summer dress with spaghetti straps. It was a gauze like material. I hadn't worn it for a couple of summers. I wondered how I'd look without a bra. My breasts were still firm enough, I thought. And besides, it was going to be the hottest day on record.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I lifted the dress up above my head. My breasts rose and waist slimmed. I pulled the dress down over my head and let it fall. I had to tug lightly to help it over the waistband of my thong. I turned from side to side admiring, again, the flare of my hips! That recent memory of Paul taking me from behind returned. My nipples betrayed my arousal by pushing out against the soft, thin cotton.

"This looks nice!" I said patting my hips. "I just need to calm down a bit."

The hot humid air enveloped me as soon as I walked out the door. I crossed the road to the shady side of the street where it was a bit cooler. I felt my breasts bounce as I rushed across. I jumped when a young man driving by honked his car horn. I could see him, looking back in his rear-view mirror, giving me the thumbs up sign. I shook my head mockingly, but smiled at him appreciating the admiration.

"Wow! I can still turn heads" I thought.

The heat was starting to get to me and I was just about to turn around to head home when I noticed a store that had just opened in an older home. I stopped to look in the window. What a nice collection of summer dresses and accessories. It all looked a bit quirky. I decided to go in. A small bell tinkled as I opened the door.

"Hello! Come in. It's a bit cooler inside" a female voice said cheerily.

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the darker light, I saw an attractive, dark skinned, rubenesque woman standing behind a table. Long, curly, black hair framed her face. Her dark, brown eyes paralyzed me. I shook my head sharply trying to break her spell.

The cool air was refreshing. "Oh, that's so nice! It's getting hot out there!" I said.

She stepped out from behind the table. She was a bit taller than me. Her full red lips parted in a bright smile.

"Feel free to look around" she said.

"Oh! Thank you."

A few seconds went by. For some reason, the silence was palpable.

"Did you see something in the window that you liked?" she asked still smiling.

Turning to the window, I pointed. "That pair of ear rings caught my eye."

"I made those. It's my hobby" she said with a bit of pride.

My eyes followed her as she walked toward the window. Her long, sleeveless dress accentuated full breasts and wide hips. There was something so sensuous, so warm, so natural about her. What's that perfume she's wearing, I wondered? It was a light scent – not overwhelming.

Looking around the store, I noticed some temporary tattoos on the table. She followed my gaze.

"Do you like tattoos?" she asked brightly.

I was thinking of getting one to wear for Paul. I knew that it would turn him on, but I was too shy to admit this to someone I hardly knew. She continued.

"I just find that in the summer when women are showing more of their bodies, they're looking for...". She stopped. It was as though she had intended to say something else but suddenly changed her mind.

She said "...more of this!" as she held both hands out in front of her just below her breasts – palms turned upwards.

It looked to me as though she was presenting her breasts. I stood speechless wondering what she was referring to. Suddenly, I realized I was still staring at her breasts. I raised my eyes up to her face and began to blush.

She saw my embarrassment. Her eyes widened and a smile broke out on her face. She lowered her hands.

"Sorry! What I mean is, in the summer, women are willing to experiment a take a show a bit more of themselves."

She handed me the ear rings from the window.

"Try them on" she said. "The mirror is over there."

I could feel her eyes scanning me as I tried on the ear rings. It was exciting to be admired by someone so beautiful.

"They look quite nice!" she said. I saw her eyes in the mirror move up from my waist to my head as she spoke.

"My husband would call them lures" I said, shaking my head from side to side. Our eyes met in the mirror. We both broke out laughing.

As she helped me try different sets, I could feel the warm, light touch of her fingers - sometimes lingering on my ear lobe - sometimes touching my neck below my ear. As I tried on the last pair, I felt her fingernail run lightly over the skin behind my ear. Was it deliberate? I felt my mound throb. Something from between my legs dripped down the inside of my thigh. My body shivered.

Seeing me shudder, she asked "Are you cold?"

I didn't reply. I was embarrassed by how aroused I'd become. My face reddened. I must compose myself, I thought.

She moved closer. Suddenly, her eyes lowered. I looked down. My nipples had created small tents in my white cotton summer dress. I didn't realize that the sunlight pouring through the shop window had made the cloth semi-transparent. The outline of my dark, erect nipples could be clearly seen underneath.

"Yes, it's a bit cool" I remarked, looking back up to her.

"Yes! Of course!" she said as though she thought there may be another reason.

She replaced some of the ear rings I had tried on while I stared straight ahead struggling with the sexual tension that had built up within me. The tattoo on the back of her upper arm caught my eye. It reminded me of those I had seen on the table.

"Do many women buy temporary tattoos?" I asked .

"Some – not many. I think more would like to wear them, but they are a bit..." she hesitated searching for a word.

"Shy?" I offered.

"Yes...shy. That's a good way to put it."

An ear ring slipped from her fingers and fell directly in front of me. She bent down to pick it up. Looking down, I couldn't help but notice how big her breasts were, larger than mine. One was pressed up against her knee. I watched it return to it's round shape as she rose.

She seemed a bit distant – as though she was thinking of something. She walked over to the counter and reached for something. Turning around, she handed me a temporary tattoo of several lady bugs in a row.

"These would go lovely with the dress you have on" she said. "...unless, you're shy?" she added looking directly into my eyes with a wry smile.

Reacting to her good-natured dare, I steeled myself.

"Where would you place them?"

She stepped closer. Our bodies were almost touching. I breathed in her heavenly, light perfume. It was like oxygen to a flame.

"Well, perhaps here" she said, placing one high on the inside of my right breast leading into my cleavage.

I felt the touch of her warm fingers as she pressed the tattoo against my breast. My heart was racing.

"When you put them on, you have to hold them in place for a while" she explained.

Her fingers remained pressed against my skin. My breast rose and fell with my breathing as we looked in each other's eyes. Some invisible force was drawing us together. I thought she was about to kiss me. Just as my face tilted up, toward hers, she looked down again.

"Others might place them...". She dragged the tattoo lower into my cleavage, paused and continued "...where they aren't seen."

Her fingers were nestled between my breasts pressing against my skin. Her head lowered as she laughed. I could feel her warm breath on my breasts. I wanted so much to hug her. She straightened up and quickly stepped back removing her fingers from my cleavage. There was an uncomfortable silence.

"Well, I'll take these ear rings" I said adding, impulsively, "...and the lady bugs. It should be fun seeing my husband's reaction...wherever I end up placing them."

She smiled. "I remember my husband's first reaction seeing my tattoo. Not this one" she said pointing to the back of her arm. "The other one I have. He couldn't take his eyes off it."

"Oh?" I quickly scanned her body in search of the other tattoo but couldn't find it.

She stopped talking, as though she was concerned that she had shared too much. She looked down at the till in her own thoughts and began placing my purchases in a bag.

As I turned to go, she said "I hope he likes them."

"I'm sure he will."

She opened the door for me. As I walked by, my arm accidently bumped against her breast. All of a sudden, we were hugging!

It had happened so quickly. Had she initiated it? Had I?

I was overwhelmed by the softness of her body, her warmth, and her sweet scent. I could feel our hearts beating wildly. Her hands slowly moved down to my hips and held on tightly. Her upper body leaned back. Our eyes met as her tongue licked her upper lip. I lifted my head and started to rise on my toes. I was about to kiss her when she cried out.

"Oh, my goodness!"

I followed her gaze downward and saw our erect nipples rubbing against one another.

"I have to turn that air conditioning down!" she declared.

We both stood back laughing. I raised my eyebrows.

"So, it's not just me that's cold then."

"No, obviously not" she replied.

"Well, I best get going. Thanks for your help...and suggestions!" I added.

She pulled the door open for me. "It was nice meeting you."

"Likewise!" I said. Then, I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and walked out onto the street.

I couldn't believe that I had kissed her! All the way home, I wondered what had gotten in to me in that store? I'd never been so attracted to a woman.

As soon as I got home, I had a bite to eat. Sitting at the kitchen table, I stared out the window. I was unable to put her out of my mind. I could still smell that perfume she was wearing. Images flashed through my mind - of her lips, those dark brown eyes, her cleavage. She was so luscious! I could have kissed her on the lips. Imagine kissing another woman like that! The clock in our living room chimed breaking my reverie.

My thoughts quickly turned to Paul who would be home soon. I knew how horny he would be after having been away for so long. He would be so eager. I smiled thinking about it. I wondered how he would take me this evening. He had sounded so horny on the phone. That delicious scene of him gripping my hips and thrusting his cock back and forth inside me rolled through my mind like those short, erotic, video clips Paul had shown me on Tumblr.

I decided to freshen up. I stood under the shower head continuing to daydream, mesmerized by the warm water streaming over my body. I felt it spiral down the inside of my thighs. Looking down, I saw water dripping from my thick bush. It was a long time since I'd last trimmed my pubic hair. I had never shaved myself totally - though I knew Paul would enjoy it. Once, when we had had a bit too much wine, he had told me that, if I were to shave myself, he would regard it as a sign that I wanted to be fucked...hard.

I reached down and pulled a few strands slowly outward, curious to see how long they were. The white skin underneath caught my eye. Should I? I reached for my shaving cream and razor. I placed my foot on the edge of the bath tub, lathered the shaving cream in my bush and took a deep breath.

My hairs fell into the tub with each careful, slow stroke and shake of the razor. I watched my light brown hairs swirl around the drain mixed in with the stark, white shaving cream. My dull brown outer lips were now completely visible – ringed by a bright white patch - just like the skin around my nipples. I winced. What had I done?

I couldn't turn back now. I stared at my clean-shaven mound. I thought of Paul, his reaction and how his gentle touch would feel on this intimate spot I had prepared for him. Would he remember our conversation? Would he take this as a sign?

I gripped my mound with my hand and squeezed the smooth skin where my hairs had been. I felt it pulsate in my grip. I slid two fingers slowly upwards between my blossomed labia. They encircled my slick bud and pinched gently. My upper body contracted sharply. I fell forward shuddering as though reacting to an electric current. I reached out for the wall to regain my balance. Supported by one hand, my body began to spasm. I found myself gasping for breath wrestling with an unexpected, lightning quick, orgasm.

"Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed. "Where did that come from?"

I was amazed how quickly my body had succumbed to my touch. I'd never cum so quickly. As I withdrew my fingers, my body slumped forward. My channel contracted one last time. I drew in a big breath and exhaled. It took me a few minutes before I felt steady enough on my feet to continue shaving my legs.

After drying myself, I placed the lady bug tattoo where she had suggested – on the inside of my right breast, deep inside my cleavage. There was something else at the bottom of the bag – a small tattoo of two hearts linked. She must have thrown that in for me! A smile broke out on my face. What a nice thought! I decided to place it on the left side of my mound. I wet it and pressed it against my skin – inside the smooth, white patch. I was surprised by how swollen I still was.

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