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The Secret's in The Sauce

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You thought you'd tried everything at Bambie's. You're wrong.
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This story is the third part of my series, "Eat At Bambie's", all of which are inspired by the amazing 'Bambie Brainwasher', an incredibly talent content creator. If you like this story or hypnotic/mind control/brainwashing, check her out!


It's getting late when you finally spot it, but you know there's nothing to worry about. Bambie's is always open.

Especially for regulars like you.

You can't quite remember the first time you stopped here, or even how you stumbled upon it, but ever since then, you've found it hard to stay away. Sure it's out of your way but again and again you come back for more. It might look like your run-of-the-mill middle-of-nowhere diner, but as anyone whose ever eaten there will tell you, there's just something special about this place.

The familiar sign greets you as you finish your approach, brightly shining in the night sky like a beacon calling you home.


A dull smile crosses your lips as you park your car, the only one in the lot save for one whose license plate bears the same name as the diner itself. You barely even notice it as you glide through the door, the ringing of the welcome bell music to your ears, even as the familiar soft music which fills the air slowly makes itself known.

Eyes glassy and stomach growling even though you don't recall being that hungry when you first left the house, you make for an empty booth, not bothering to wait to be seated. And as you sit there, your eyes are immediately drawn to the wall across from you.

Or more specifically, the large TV screen hanging off it.

A mix of red and white spirals fill it, not unlike the ones which cover every empty surface in the diner.

Seeing them makes you happy, and oh so hungry, the subliminal spirals and messages therein hidden so deep within them you could never hope to understand them even if you tried. So you simply watch them as the familiar sights, sounds and scents of the diner wash over you and your already empty head.

It feels so good being back here. Almost like home.

No one else is here this late. No one except you and her.

You see Bambie by the counter out of the corner of your eye, wiping it down with a rag, her heavy breasts moving back and forth, their pull nearly strong enough to pull your gaze from the screen in front of you. But you manage to refrain, and after a moment or two, she seems to notice you sitting there.

"Howdy stranger," Bambie says as she slides her way over to you, her warm smile just as lovely a greeting as her ample bosom threatening to burst free from her top at any second or her amazing legs just barely covered by her daisy dukes. "What can I get you this evening?"

So lost in the spirals on the screen and the booth and the table and the wall and everything else, you barely even hear her approach, let alone ask you about your order, but as you look from her smiling face down to the spiral-covered menu, you find yourself going even deeper than you already were.

You've been here so many times before, you practically know the menu by heart. But that doesn't stop you from reading the red and white words again like it's the first time you've ever seen them.


Try Our Thighs, Breasts Or Legs!

Best Milkshakes In The World!

Amazing as all those choices are, you've tried them all before. Bambie's succulent legs, incredible thighs, juicy breasts and mouth-watering milkshakes. You love them all it's true, but tonight... Tonight you feel different. Tonight you want to try something new.

"I... I'm not quite sure..."

Bambie frowns, somehow making even that expression look so very enticing. Then she nods reassuringly. "I get it, sweetie. You've tried my shakes, you've tried my thighs. And you've definitely tried my breasts," she says with a wink, then her eyes light up and her lips come together in a smile that almost makes you melt into the booth. "But I bet you've never tried them with my special sauce."

You search your foggy memories before shaking your empty head. "No Bambie..."

"Well that won't do, will it? Sit right there and relax. I'll whip up something real nice that'll knock you straight into next week."

She winks at you again and then as quickly as she appeared she's gone again, heading into the depths of the kitchen even as you sit there dazed and unsure of what exactly just happened. With a shrug, you turn your attention back to the screen once more.

The spirals keep on moving- not simply the ones on the TV but the ones on the walls, tables, booths and chairs. A veritable sea of slowly spinning red and white spirals threatening to wash over you and drown you in a seemingly endless hypnotic sea.

As if you haven't already gone under more than once.

As if you weren't already down so deep that even if you tried you wouldn't remember why you decided to come here tonight.

As if you can't recall a single thing before stepping through those doors.

As if you aren't already Bambie's.

The scent of something from deep inside the kitchen wafts out, filling your nostrils and adding further strain on your already weakened senses. Your eyes so focused on the spirals, your ears on the sweet music that seems to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, now your nose and mouth practically on edge with desire for whatever is being prepared for you.

And they aren't alone.

Your cock is quite excited as well.

Try as you might, you can't explain what it is about this place that gets your motor running so. Whether it's the food or the ambiance or even simply Bambie herself, every time you come here, sooner or later, you find yourself feeling so very horny. It's a little embarrassing, but you don't care. You're craving whatever Bambir has in store for you so badly, nothing else matters.

Without thinking, your hand slips past your waistline and starts to rub your slowly-growing cock. And as you do, the spirals seem to spin even faster, washing over you and sending words of encouragement and pleasure into your ever-pliable mind. It's like they want you to do this. They want you to touch your cock.

So do you.

But then you hear the sound of soft footsteps on the cool tile floor of the diner, and instinctively pull your hand from your pants as you drift briefly out from the depths of the hypnotic haze you've been in ever since you walked in.

You gaze up in time to see Bambie standing there smiling, a steaming plate in her hand. From your seat, you can't quite make out what's on it, but it smells amazing, just like everything here, including Bambie herself.

Placing the food down on the table in front of you, she looks at you expectantly.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Bambie asks, her voice soft and sweet but her tone quite serious. "Hurry up and get your pants off before your food gets cold."

For a moment you stare at her blankly, as if even in your current state you're still somewhat taken aback by her words. "My... pants?"

Bambie rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Yes, you silly boy. You can't start eating until we make the special sauce, and I need your help to prepare it. You want to try Bambie's special sauce, don't you sweetie?"

Without thinking, let alone considering the ramifications of her words, you nod in agreement, much to her glee. "Then we better get started."

She pulls you up from the booth effortlessly, as if your body is as light as your head feels. Then she undoes your pants and slides them to the floor, followed by your boxers. Once they're off, your erection springs free, and you gaze down at it as your cheeks go red with embarrassment.

Bambie simply smiles, then guides it and you so you're standing over the plate of food.

You start to feel strange, as if there is something inherently wrong about all of this, but Bambie pushes such fears aside. "Come on now," she continues, letting her fingers gently glide across your already aching cock. "Everyone does it. You don't want to be weird, do you? Besides, aren't you hungry?"

As she says that word, your stomach growls even louder than before, and your mind practically empties of any residual thoughts or feelings save for hunger, and immediately your hand wraps around your cock.

"Good boy," Bambie whispers. "My special sauce is so tasty, and so very good for you... Lots of protein... But we need to make sure there's a lot of it. You want to cover all of your food in it, don't you?"

"Yes Bambie," you mutter, your hand desperate to start stroking yet seemingly unable to move as much as an inch without her giving you the word to do so.

"That's right sweetie.... Just stroke it nice and slowly for me. Get your cock big and hard... I want those balls to be full before you add the sauce."

On her command, your hand begins its journey from the base of your cock to the tip and back, taking your time as Bambie watches you with a grin.

Somewhere in the depths of your mind, you know there is something wrong with all of this. You're standing in a public place, a restaurant, half-naked and stroking your cock while a beautiful woman- the owner of the place no less, stands there watching.

More than that, she's telling you to cum on the food she's just brought you, and you know there can be only one reason for that.

Maybe if this were your first visit, that would matter. But you're a regular, and after so many meals spent here, none of that matters.

You can barely hear this part of your mind now, buried so deep beneath layer after layer of hypnotic conditioning. Bambie has made sure to silence that voice as best as she can, and it feels so good to ignore it and listen to her instead. Especially as she continues to guide you.

"That's it... Up and down, down and up... Your balls fill up and your brain falls down."

"Mmm, yes Bambie," you moan, stroking your cock up and down again and again.

"Say it for me, sweetie," she whispers, her warm breath in your ear melting what little remains of your brain. "I want to hear you say it."

Your hand moves up and down again as your mouth opens, seemingly of its own accord. "My balls fill up and my brains falls down..."

"That's right... Here, let me help you out a little."

As she says this, Bambie moves over to the other side of the booth and sits on the top of it, your eyes drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Slowly, she opens up the straining buttons of her top, allowing her massive tits to show themselves, held firmly by her black bra.

The sight of them sends shivers down your spine even as she takes them in her hands and begins to smoosh them together. Your dick gets harder just looking at Bambie's big, beautiful breasts, and you can feel precum begin to make its way from deep inside your balls to the head of your cock.

Then, as if she didn't notice, she lets go of her breasts and instead moves her hands down her body, resting them on her thick thighs. Bambie gently begins to rub them, the mighty, muscly meatsticks making you throb with desire. You can practically feel them wrapped around your head, your body, your cock, and it only makes the latter that much harder.

Without a second thought, she lets go of them and instead pops off her flats, revealing for the first time you can recall her soft, sexy soles. The red-painted toenails make your mouth water, and you wish nothing more than to be sucking them or to feel them tease and toy with your precum-covered erection.

"Hmm, I think you're getting a little distracted," Bambie says, your eyes unable to decide which part of her to stare at. "Don't worry sweetie, I know just the thing to help."

Much to your dismay, she slips off the top of the booth and makes her way barefoot back to the kitchen. All the while your hands continue to slide up and down your cock at a snail's pace, keeping yourself on edge while you wait for her to return, let alone to give the order for you to blow your growing load.

When she returns, Bambie has something in her hands. You can't see it, focused as you are on the task in your hand. But as she makes her way back to the table and stands before you, you get a good look at it, and even stronger shivers course along your spine.

A pair of yellow rubber dishwashing gloves.

Slipping them over her soft, slender hands, Bambie snaps the cuffs, causing you and your cock to jump. She stifles a giggle, then moves to stand behind you.

"How about a nice, slow handjob to keep you focused?" She whispers, wrapping her arms around your body and taking hold of your cock in her gloved hands.

You groan as the slick rubber makes contact, feeling her warm body pressed against your back, her breasts practically pushing into your back even as her hands begin to slowly stroke your cock.

It feels amazing, and as her gloves move up and down, you find your final sense has fallen to her whims. Your eyes move back to the spiral-filled screen, your ears fill with the hypnotic music, your nose and mouth still desperate to enjoy the meal on the table in front of you, and now your sense of touch overwhelmed by Bambie's soft, slick rubber hands.

"That's it baby, you love when Bambie takes control... It's what brings you back again and again... That hunger only I can satisfy..."

Her hands move a little faster, and you moan from both the sensation as well as the inherent truth of her words. Yes, only Bambie can fill the need you feel. The hunger that goes beyond simple food. The craving to submit completely to her and her alone.

A craving she's set to satisfy once more.

"You can feel it now, can't you? The special sauce is almost ready, and you're going to cover your plate with it... Then you're going to eat up every single bite for Bambie, aren't you?"

"Mmmmm... Yes Bambie," you practically growl, your cock ready to burst yet unable to do so. It is no longer in your control. You are no longer in your control. Bambie is in charge of it and of you, and only she can tell you when the time has come for you to sit down and enjoy your meal.

The soft rubber of her gloves slips up and down your cock faster now, your breathing getting heavier by the second as your hands grip the sides of the table. You're so close now, so desperate. "Please..." is all you manage to say, but it's precisely what Bambie wants to hear.

"Please what sweetie?" She whispers, her hands never ceasing their assault on your cock.

You groan, your mind scarcely able to find the words to speak. Yet you need to say something, to answer her. To tell her what both she and you are desperate to hear.

"Please let me cum Bambie...."

Faster now, her gloves practically a blur as they slip from base to tip and back again, spurred on by your precum as well as her own wicked desire. "Are you ready to eat, you silly boy?"

"Ug.... Yes..."

"Mmm, then let's get that sauce out. Cum sweetie, cover your plate with Bambie's special sauce!"

Her gloves reach the tip of your cock once more, but this time you feel your body tense up as all the cum both she and you have built up makes its way from your heavy balls along your erection and out of your desperate cock.

Streams of white, hot, sticky cum spurt out and onto the meal in front of you, Bambie making sure to aim it so that every single drop lands on the plate, her gloved hands stroking you and milking out all of the special sauce until she's certain that she's drained it all.

Then, she lets go and carefully helps you sit back down, your body spent yet so very hungry. Bambie pulls off her gloves and pushes the plate towards you. "Eat up sweetie. And you better eat every last bite if you want dessert."

With a wink, she walks away, and you pick up your fork and begin to devour the food she generously prepared. It tastes amazing, and with every bite, you find that the special sauce only makes it better. You know in your heart that you'll request it whenever you're here.

You can only hope Bambie will be as hands-on with the preparation next time.

Until then, you sit and you eat, your mouth full of your cum-covered food, and your mind empty of everything save one thought.

There's no place like Bambie's.

And you can't wait to come back.

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