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The Senator and the Barbarian girl


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"Master, I am not the right person to ask but to me they look very tired and dirty but might be appealing if they were bathed and rested."

"Yes, I think so too. Have you seen their tribe's other woman that I have given to Maya to help around the Villa. Her name is Aelfled and I find she pleases me very much."

"Master, I know of her and am happy for you to have such a pretty girl to serve you."

"Yes, I have taken her to my bed and I plan to train her to be a companion. It is early but I think she will serve very well. You are blushing, does this conversation offend you."

"No Master Octavius, I am pleased to see you have found such a pretty young woman to ease the pain of losing your wife. Marcus and I both miss her dearly and we share your grief. A pretty slave girl like Aelfled will bring you much solace."

I said, "Just so. I have only had her in my bed once but I look forward to more nights with her. Thank you for your help today. I will take my leave but first could you please discuss with Phillipus cleaning those women up and making them available for servicing deserving males." With that I stood and left for the Villa.


While busy the last few days my thoughts and desires returned to the young barbarian slave I now owned. If I was honest with myself I would admit that she was turning upside down my views on the purpose of a female slave. In the past I was not above placing my cock inside a slave woman but the thought of kissing one or even worse, the unmentionable act I had performed on the girl would have appalled me. Slaves were there to toil until they dropped for the most part except for some very few highly trusted and valued household slaves such as Maya and now Rebekah. The latter was a complete diamond in the rough who simply shone brighter every day. Wise choice my son had made at the slave market over a year ago.

And I now understood the suspicions I had about Marcus and his slave. It was true that he had been deeply in love with her and now, somehow, his wife Lucilla accepted that. I hoped to know someday what understanding they had. Somehow it had to do with the pretty little slave Lucilla always had around her. It must be.

These thoughts ran through my head as I lay in my bed waiting for Maya to bring my pretty barbarian to my chambers. I was running through the next steps in her training to be my bed companion but I was undecided. Perhaps it was best to just let the evening unfold and see where I would take her.

Maya knocked on my door and led the girl to the sheepskin on the floor by the bed. She had Aelfled kneel down and then whispered words in her ear. The girl then placed her face on the rug and stretched her arms towards me in obeisance.

Maya then withdrew.

I stood over the girl and admired her form in the light tunic she wore. Her hair was braided at the front and pulled back into a tail that held the rest of her exotic blonde hair in place. She looked stunningly attractive. Once again I had to counsel patience with myself. The urge to mount her hard and immediately was almost overwhelming. How could a simple slave draw such a reaction?

Instead, I knelt on one knee and ran my hands through her luxurious hair and then down her back to her rear which I fondled and squeezed. So delicious!Taking a deep breath I took a hand and urged her up and towards a table set with wine and small amounts of food. I had her sit at one side of the table. She seemed almost frightened to do so until I smiled at her and gestured again at the chair. Sitting down she seemed frozen in place. I knew that to a slave, sitting at a table with the master of the entire estate, who had the power of life or death over her, was impossible and yet, here she was. I chuckled at her confusion.

I took a wine glass and reaching across I moved it to her lips and said, "Aelfled, you look lovely tonight and I am happy you are here. Please drink this wine and look at me." Her eyes flashed to mine and she opened her lips to receive the goblet. I then urged her to take some of the food on the table. Her eyes went wide at the sight of the delicate food and she tentatively nibbled at some.

I asked her, "Aelfled, how is the work in the garden and kitchen. Are you learning of our likes and dislikes?" I said this wanting to hear her speak and gauge her understanding of Latin.

"Master, it so different from where I came from," she replied. Very good I thought. She is learning well.

"How so. What is your food?"

"Master my people hunt wild animals for food. We grow vegetable crops but mostly wild meat we eat." Wonderful, I thought. She is much more advanced in our language than I had expected. Maya must be working on her very hard.

"Tell me of your land? Is it inhospitable much of the year."

"Master please forgive me. I know not that word."


"Yes, I am so sorry," she replied looking frightened again.

"Do not fear this Aelfled. I am happy you know so many words now. Inhospitable means cold and harsh?"

"Oh yes, the snow comes and life is very harsh. The cold season very long and we go hungry."

I nodded in understanding. I then asked, "Aelfled, how would you feel to be my personal slave, one who would spend most of her time with me, living in my chambers?" Her eyes widened at that question and I'm not sure she understood. No one asks a slave what they would or would not like. I could see she was becoming wary of me. The wrong answer perhaps could lead to the whip.

"Master, I be happy serve how you wanted." Good careful answer I thought. She knows she could be on treacherous ground. I didn't bring her to my chambers to play games. My intentions were sincere. I wanted a compliant but intelligent slave who might progress to be my concubine. But she didn't know my intentions understandably. I decided to get to the matter at hand.

"Aelfled, the other night in my bed I kissed you. Would you like to join me on the bed and let me kiss you again?" I said in as soft and seductive a tone as I could muster to a slave.

"I do as you ask," she answered.

I smiled at that, once again a good answer but not what I was looking for. I asked again, "Aelfled I asked you if you would LIKE to do so. Would you like me to kiss you. I know as a slave you have to do what I ask but I want to know if you really want to?" I was very curious how she would respond to this unimaginable line of questioning.

She took a deep breath and said, "Master, your lips on mine feel very good. I like to feel again."

"And Aelfled, did you like when I licked your womanhood."

This time she didn't flinch or she away. She replied, "Master, I not feel something so powerful and good in all my life. I no idea a man could do that to a woman. I never feel such pleasure. Sorry, my Latin is not good. Do you understand me" I laughed at that and she didn't recoil at my mirth.

"Aelfled, how would you feel if we spent hours in my bed many nights trying to have such pleasure in many different ways."

"Master, I feel gods taken me to heaven. But why me? You have any slave here. I can't believe this to be true."

"Aelfled, I have chosen you and I want you to serve me in all the ways I can think of."

"I am willing to give myself to you." She hid her eyes when she said this. I believe she knew what was coming but I wanted to be clear.

"Aelfled, please take off your clothes and come sit on my lap." She stood slowly up, her face blushing but slipped her tunic off and then her undergarment. She came and taking her arms I guided her onto my lap, her legs straddling me. I took her face in my hands and grazed my lips over hers. Slowly her mouth opened and her tongue touched mine. I then began to gently explore her mouth, nipping at her tongue, lips and licking her teeth. I knew she could feel my cock harden under her naked rear. It was time.

"Aelfled, I will take you now and make you my woman. Do you know what that means?"

"Master, you will mate me I think."

"Yes, Aelfled. I will penetrate you with my cock and put my seed into you and you will be mine. Do you want that?"

She was breathing heavily now but squeaked out, "I will be yours."

I lifted her up and placed her on her back and then looked down at my little barbarian slave. I smiled at her and then touched her knees that were rigidly tight together. "Aelfled, open your legs for me." With her chest heaving she slowly parted her knees. I was pleased to see her sex was glistening and ready for me. Maya had told me it would be safe to spend my seed into her body and not make her pregnant. Such was the timing for tonight.

I pulled my clothes off and lay between her legs and instructed, "Aelfled, my little jewel, take my cock and put it in your entrance." She understood this and I felt her small hand grip my cock and move me to her entrance. The sublime moment I had been holding off on for so long was now here. With a sigh of utter pleasure I began to push my cock into my slave's warm silky passage. In moments I was fully sheathed in her body and I began to thrust in and out of her tight womanhood, the divine pleasure rippling through my body.

Aelfled began a subtle rocking motion of her own as her body relaxed into the motion. I wanted to share my pleasure with my slave. I wanted her to enjoy me fucking her as much as I did. I began to kiss all over her neck, ears, shoulders and reaching down I laved her breasts and lightly bit her extended nipples. Her cries of pleasure and maybe some pain began to echo around the room and the sound of her drove me into a frenzy of lust. I couldn't hold back any longer and the feeling in my balls drove me to bury myself as deeply as possible and shout my orgasm to the gods.

She was now mine. No one else would ever have her. She was only mine to enjoy. I felt a happiness I hadn't felt since my beloved left for good. My life was now complete again and this little barbarian was the key to it.


I was enjoying the mild afternoon on the terrace of the Villa when a stable boy came running up to me. He was breathless for a second and I said, "Boy, what brings you here in such haste?"

"Master Octavius, master Phillipus has requested you come to the slave area if you please. There has been an incident that involves one of your house slaves."

"Gods boy. Which slave are you referring to?"

"Master, I know not her name but she is young with yellow hair."

A chill went through me, "Is this slave injured?"

"I believe her injuries are minor master. Phillipus wishes you to help deal with the attackers."

"Thank you boy. Run and tell Phillipus I will come shortly."

When I arrived I saw Phillipus first. He was standing beside the bar. Behind him were the two barbarian women from Germania. Their hands were tied together over the bar which had been raised so that their feet just touched the ground. These were the women who had been taken from the fields and prepared to provide sex for certain male slaves and the overseers. I wondered what they could have done to be strung up on the whipping bar.

Arriving I asked sternly, "Phillipus, why are these women tied to the bar?"

Phillipus didn't speak at first, but nodded over in the direction of the stables. Outside I saw Rebekah holding Aelfled who was clinging to Rebekah for some reason. She had been sent to accompany Rebekah to learn her skills and to improve her Latin. Rebekah had been a patient and effective instructor to my little barbarian bed mate. Perplexed, I went over to speak to Rebekah.

"Rebekah, please tell me what has gone on here?" I asked sternly. As I said this I noticed that Aelfled's tunic was ripped and blood was trickling down her leg. I added, "And what has happened to Aelfled?"

Rebekah looked very nervous and glanced over to the women tied to the bar. She hesitated but began, "Master, I am so sorry. I was waiting to speak to Phillipus on matters of the harvest when the two Germanic women approached us. I have no idea why but they began to taunt Aelfled. They called her very bad names and spit at her. I tried to ignore it as best as I could but they began to push and yell at Aelfled. One of them kicked her legs out and she fell back injuring herself. One of the woman pounced on her and began ripping at her clothes and pulling her hair. I screamed and Phillipus came out and put an end to their attacks."

"Rebekah, what names did they use?"

"Master, please, I don't like to speak that way."

"Rebekah, answer my question!" I shouted at her.

"They ... they called her a whore of Rome, a she dog only fit to be ... fucked by a Roman." With this my blood boiled and I snapped around and marched back to Phillipus.

"Phillipus, is what they say true."

"Yes, master Octavius. They attacked the younger slave unprovoked."

Turning to the tied up women I shouted, "Slaves, what do you have to say for yourself." I don't believe they understood me but my tone was unmistakable.

They looked stoically away from me and said nothing. I expected no less.

"Phillipus, ten lashes each with the whip." One slave understood and began blubbering and asking for mercy. I was having none of it. They attacked not just another slave but one they knew was in my bed. This could not go unpunished.

Phillipus went to his quarters and came out with a knife and the whip. At the site of it one of the women began to howl in terror. He deftly slit the shoulder straps of the slave's tunic which fell to the ground. Underneath they had undergarments around their loins. Phillipus quickly ripped them down to their ankles. They were now completely naked. He moved back and snapped the whip preparing to administer the beating. One of the slaves began to scream. He brought the whip back and it whistled and slashed into the naked back of the first woman. From her there was a momentary silence and then one of the most shrill and unearthly screams I have ever heard. A red line of blood appeared on her back. Her body swung and rotated and shook in pain and terror. Another crack of the whip and a bloody red line appeared on the back of the other barbarian woman. Her scream melded with the other. Her body jerked and swayed in an attempt to avoid the next slash. Both slaves now had blood dripping onto their rears.

Suddenly, I heard Aelfled yelling and running at me. Falling on her knees she grabbed onto my leg and began a rapid begging. Phillipus hesitated giving the next stroke to the women. Aelfled was crying and begging, "PLEASE PLEASE Master do not whip these women for me. They didn't know what they were doing. They meant you no harm they were just suspicious of what I had done. Please don't hurt them so."

"Phillipus, please hold for a minute." I looked down at Aelfled holding my leg and begging. "Aelfled, they must never attack my property. You are my property and no slave is allowed to hurt you. They must be punished."

"Master, their bodies will be ruined with ten lashes and they might die from the pain. Is there any other punishment that will not destroy them so. Please have mercy on them."

I continued to hold my hand up stopping Phillipus. There was a point to what Aelfled was saying. Ten lashes and one or both might die of shock or infection and their use to me would be over. But I couldn't simply let them go. All the other slaves would here of my softness. I thought quickly for a moment and then said, "Phillipus, the wide leather belt, do you have it."

"Yes master. Should I get it?" He said,in truth looking somewhat relieved.

"Yes, I think so. That will be punishment enough and wont destroy these women."

Phillipus returned shortly with the long wide leather belt on a short handle. He lined up the first woman and slashed her across her rear soundly with the belt. She reacted with a shriek of pain but not nearly as noisily as with the whip.

I looked down at Aelfled who was kneeling on the ground gently sobbing. I stroked her hair and said soothingly, "Aelfled, this belt causes much pain but the marks heal up. The belt does not break the skin." I had no need to tell a slave that she was right about not damaging irreparably the wayward women but I wanted the girl to know I approved of her bravery.

The punishment continued amid wails and shrieks but I knew the ultimate terror of the whip was not for them. I hoped they understood the mercy I had shown them. Phillipus was sweating with the exertion of beating the women and at ten each he halted and turned to me. "Master, their punishment is complete. Shall I let them hang for awhile or cut them down."

I considered letting the other slaves returning from the fields witness the naked beaten women as an example but I thought best to begin their repair. I said to Phillipus, "No, cut them down and attend to their wounds. Make them ready for work as soon as possible. And Phillipus, for your efforts, you may take one of them to mount when you think they are ready for sex. Thank you again for your service."

I turned to Rebekah and said, "Rebekah could you kindly help Phillipus take these women down and into the shed. If Maya is required to heal them please fetch her. I will now take Aelfled back with me."


I led Aelfled to the baths upon arriving back at the Villa. The effect of ordering and watching the beating and even reducing their punishment from the whip to the belt had left me in a very aroused state. My cock had stirred at the sight of the howling naked women as they were punished. Even in their distress I couldn't help but admire their female bodies.

I don't understand exactly why I am aroused by a whipping or strapping but I knew that I needed Aelfled naked and in my arms. Perhaps it is the feel of ultimate power over other humans that I find so arousing.

Leading her into the bath chamber I turned and pulled her tunic over her head. "Aelfled take of your undergarments and join me," I said as I stripped off my clothes. Once in the water I watched as she held an arm over her breasts and her sex. I thought it adorable how she hid her intimate parts from me, her owner and master. I wasn't offended. Soon enough I would have my cock buried in this delightful creature. She was mine to do as I wish.

With Aelfled in my arms I kissed her neck, shoulders, face and lips, my hardness held between her thighs. I pulled her body into my face licking and biting her breasts and nipples. Almost beside myself with lust I pulled her up on the side of the pool and felt her entrance. Aelfled's body knew what was coming when it felt my hard hot cock between her legs. I entered her with a swift lunge and groaned with pleasure at the silky tight feel of her cunt. My little barbarian was perfect. Holding her tight to me I thrust and thrust until my balls contracted and I pulled out spewing my seed on her stomach. I so wanted to expend into her but unless Maya told me she was not likely fertile I didn't want to chance impregnating my little plaything. I wanted all of her.

With that first lustful orgasm complete I took my sweet girl back to the bed I was now beginning to feel was our bed and we made slow and gentle love for hours before sleep.

She was now the joy in my life.


Thanks for reading and let me know what you think. I may write more in this storyline. Also, please vote.


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Horseman68Horseman68over 1 year ago
Totally Delighted.

Actually, to say am delighted to have found a sequel to the Marcus and Rebekah story is an understatement. Endorse all of the laudatory comments of other readers on your absorbing characters and human depictions in that and your new work. Bravos.

Anticipate the relationship of the Senator with his new woman combining with Rebecca’s suggestions on new slave treatment evolving to create another insightful read. Accordingly, please abandon the incertitude of your “may write more in this storyline” comment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great spin-off! Would love to see more anal play.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"Perhaps it is the feel of ultimate power over other humans that I find so arousing". That's definitely something to explore more. He should remind her that he can beat her if she doesn't comply or sell her to a whorehouse or return her to the fields and start trying to get her pregnant. He should take pleasure from the fear and trepidation and pleasure on her face and her own reluctance while she clearly enjoys being used and owned so completely. Plus he should fuck her in the ass just to dominate her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I really like these slave stories. Please continue

bucksumgalbucksumgalabout 3 years ago

I enjoyed the story and would love to read more about these characters. It would be interesting to read the life of a concubine, especially since you've placed this, not in a palace, but on a working farm. The series shows a range of masters and a range of slaves. It's not just one stereotype that you force everyone into whether they fit or not.

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