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The Sharpest Lives Ch. 01

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I wonder now how I had gotten myself into this...
3.6k words

Part 1 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/27/2016
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It was raining terribly, and I was terribly late.

I stood dry under the protection of the front porch. He was already there, of course.

He was there an hour ago, I realized with a twinge of horror. I had made him wait.

He rolled down the passenger window, and just looked at me.

It's now or never.

It was funny, how different he was as a friend and how he was...now.

As a friend he was... light hearted. He had a presence, of course, that's what drew me to him in the first place. But that's what drew everyone to him. Everything seemed to bounce off him- he was so easy, so homely, so familiar. He was your brother from another mother, the guy who'd always listen to the girls, the senior you called up when you got into trouble and the representative who could actually negotiate between the students and the faculty.

He seemed to pull crowds in with his talk, entertained them as he saw fit and poof - the crowd would disperse, and he'd be walking away with a friend, discussing whatever his mind was preying on that particular day.

I had told him one day, that he was a lucky guy for having so many friends. He looked straight into my eyes, when I said that.

That must have been the first day we had a real, one to one contact.

"You think so?" He almost whispered. I smelled his perfume. It unnerved me.

"...yes?" I answered meekly. I stepped back, but he still seemed to loom over me anyways.He looked one more time, as though he wanted to say something, then laughed, and the tension dispersed, and suddenly I felt as though he had put up a glass wall between us.

I was angry. How dare he. Here I am, baring my thoughts and he was just...laughing...laughing!

Imagine how I felt when I found out my friends were actually planning to couple me with this... wierdo.

"Look, Kim, this is probably the weirdest request, but I thought you'd be perfect for this. You just broke up, and Mary doesn't like seeing you moping around. And I know Liam doesn't show it, but he's pretty unhappy too. I think you could.. uh..." Tom looked around awkwardly for the rest of his sentence.

"Why is he unhappy? How do you know? Why should I care?" I shot back.

We looked at Liam, skillfully ordering drinks for my housemates. He looked anything but unhappy.

"I knew him since we were in diapers. And well, he told me about it. That he got rejected from the military."

Again, we watched as he raised a shot glass and mock toasted something as everyone around him broke into raucous laughter.

"I thought he was sad over his breakup?" I asked.

He had casually mentioned it to the group, as a little self depreciating joke. It worked- all the guys were sorry for him, all the girls were suddenly very nice to him.

That's how he did it. Like some perverse fisherman, he hooked people by their favorite bait, and pulled in and in and in- but never reeled them into his hands, never gave them the final release of his truth.And the people were content by this barrier. After all, it made them feel protected.

"No, that... You know what, I don't know," said Tom, flustered.

"I can't even get close to this guy. Look at him. You think he needs me?" I asked him testily.

"Look I know you,and I know him," said Tom earnestly. "I think he could benefit from someone like you."

"And what do I get?"

"Him." he looked at me, and started laughing as I started to slap the shit out of his head.

Tom and Mary were an amazing couple. They worked so skillfully together they could've run the entire college if they wanted to. But instead, they preferred lazying around and playing Cupid.

Whenever there was an event, they invited him; and me. And loads of other people, so he wouldn't suspect, I guess.

At a house party, he recited "To His Coy Mistress" from memory, using me as his prop 'mistress'. I felt naked while everyone clapped and whoo-ed at his skill. He winked at me at the end. I rolled my eyes. "Show off," I muttered, as I hugged my coat around myself defensively.

The the next time, we were watching a movie at Mary's place. I was slumped against the wall, on the bed, bored already with the story. He shifted from the sofa, and rolled onto the bed like it was his property.

"I have a headache. Massage my head," he said to me, and promptly dropped his head into my lap. For some reason I did it. Occasionally he rolled away from the screen to look into my eyes; I felt owned.

The next time, we were eight people. We were having dinner out, and my friends had kindly re-arranged everyone so we ended up sitting right next to each other. Our knees touched and I jerked away. He didn't do anything. Ten minutes later, he suddenly grabbed my thigh. "Stop. You're shaking the table," he whispered.

He was right. I was so nervous, I didn't realize my restlessness was making the table shake. He unclasped his hand, let me go, but I swore I felt the warmth of this touch, burned into my skin, for the rest of the night.

All this time, by the way, he was the perfect person- light and fun, as always. Smiling and gracefully doleing out whatever the moment called for. Coaxing me out gently out of my shell to enjoy the world around us. No one would've said that he felt a lick more for me than he felt for the next girl.

His attitude even made me question myself, wondering if I was reading too much into it.
But this was a game only we knew about. Only these three moments stood out for me, and were enough to make me dread what was going to happen next.

The last time we were together, we were in a taxi, stuck in traffic. It was nearing midnight, hot, wet and everything felt that yucky kind of sticky.

Liam was in the front, and I was stuck in the back with Tom and Mary.

"Kim, exchange with me," said Mary suddenly.


"Just do it," replied Tom breathily. We clumsily wiggled over each other in that cramped space.

"Better," she said, and flipped off her t shirt.
I watched, shocked, as my two friends started what looked like eating each other's faces., Tom's hands slipped into the cups of her bra. She moaned like an animal as his thumbs pushed in her nipples.

"You like this, don't you? Show everyone what a little attention seeking slut you are," chuckled Tom.

I stuck my head into the nook of the seat head in front of me.
"Can you believe this?" I whispered to Liam.

"What's there not to believe?" he answered back, with a hint of a smile.

"This is a taxi, for Pete's sake."

"Well, the driver can kick us out if he wants to," he said, winking at the cab driver. I rolled my eyes.

Now you, little rabbit, are just jealous," he said, turning to me.

"No, I feel awkward," I said, moving backwards- then I realized my friends were almost lying on the backseat, grinding against each other. I jumped forwards, and hit my head against Liam's head.

"Oof... Argh," I moaned, not being to look anywhere else.

"This is awkward," I repeated unhappily, as he laughed.

"Well then, let me take the awkwardness away," he offered.

He turned, half grabbing my face with his hand and kissed my lips.

It was a rough kiss, with my tongue being thrust in and his teeth slicing against my lips. I gave a little yelp when I felt him bite my tongue. I jerked away, wiping my mouth.

"You want more," he said, looking into my eyes again.

I whimpered.Was it the situation? Or was it that he'd already hooked me, while I wasn't looking?

"I want out," I said, trembling.

"Okay, out it is," he said suddenly. "Tom, get your whoring ass out, we're walking home, it isn't that far."

"Dude it's like midnight, we could get knifed-" replied Tom, stopping long enough to reply back.

"Bullshit, what idiot is gonna go out to steal in the rain? Come on, little rabbit here is scared and wants to go home," Liam had already paid the taxi driver by then, and was getting out of the car.

"Ask us first, bastard!" I yelled as he left, also getting out of the car.

Luckily it was a light drizzle, but we'd still get drenched by the time we made it in. I ran behind him, since I had no clue how to get home.

"Where do we go?" I asked.He slowed down to talk.

"We take this alley, then cross the main road. We'll end up right behind your house."

I turned around to see Mary and Tom following behind us, holding hands and kicking puddles.

"Cute, aren't they?" he commented. I understood that he was being sarcastic.

"That's what anyone would do," I replied.

"I wouldn't. I would push you against this wall and fuck you like an animal," he whispered. "You know.. Take you from behind.. Your hands tied behind, your ass perked up, the water running down your back...And I won't stop until your no's changed to yes," he gently pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, and bought his lips so close to my ear, I could feel his breath.

My heart stopped.

"Assuming it's you I want to fuck," he said, and moved away.

I feel like my heart was shocked into beating again. "You..you can't tell me this!" I stuttered angrily.

"I can and I am.. And your tits are enjoying this," he said, as he passed a hand over my hardened nipples. The cold just made it worse, and painful.

"It's cold dumbass!" I yelled.

"Tell yourself that," he laughed, and continued on.

I walked unhappily in the rain, stuck between the one bastard in front of me and the two behind me. He didn't even turn to look at me once.

We finally reached the main road. The street lamps were off, and the cars and trucks zipped suddenly back and forth like comets across the road. I gulped.

"Hey bucktooth, you know how to cross a highway?" he asked, as I stopped beside him.

"I am not- argh fuck you, no I don't. It's not a good idea," I said, looking at the road.

He grabbed my hand, then looked at it for a second. "Hah! It's so tiny! It just slips out!" he said, amazed, holding up my wrist with his two fingers. My whole hand fit into his palm. It was nothing new to me. I have woefully small hands.

"Yeah so?" I said, miffed.

"Grab my thumb then."
I curled my fingers around his thumb, and he caged his hands over mine. He looked at me, and smiled.


Stupid bastard could've told me sooner- I almost fell face first, then caught my balance, and I had to, because I was literally flying from his hands and in front of a bus- and he pulled me up into the island.

"Stupid rabbit. Can't even cross a road," he said teasingly, and kissed my forehead.

I screamed. I don't understand! Why was he so annoying!

"One more time?" he asked, and pulled me down into the road, and again, I just let myself be pulled along. On the other side, we waited and watched as Tom and Mary crossed the road.

"You are so simple," he said, suddenly.

"You know, I can't take your shit any more. Fuck you. You call me names and you touch me.. wrongly and now you're calling me simple-"

"It's a compliment," he stated. "And if I touched you wrongly, I'll do it right next time," he said stepping back, as though sizing me up.

"No next time.. I don't like you," I said, and started crying.

He was so sweet, so kind, so perfect. When he was like that, the very world seemed like a never ending happy story. That's how it was supposed to be. But then, he would get like this..and I didn't know what this was or why no one else saw it, or mentioned it.. As though there was only so long he could put up a spell.

And the worst part was, I loved it. I loved that I was on the receiving end of it. Like an idiot school girl I still wanted him. I didn't know why, and the emotions finally broke out in silly little sobs that explained nothing of the confusion I felt inside.

I looked at him, looking at me, standing in the pouring rain.

"You're so simple," he repeated. "Like a toddler. She cries, but doesn't know she is just hungry."

"I'm not hungry!" I yelled back.

"Kim, you are just weird. There's food at home," said Mary, as they stepped up to the pavement. "Don't mind her, she's a sheltered little child," she said jokingly to Liam.

"She's never been out later than eight, huh?" said Liam, looking at me.

"And if I haven't so what? Being out here with you losers is better?"

"Stop being cranky. We're almost home," said Tom.

Again we continued on, now the four of us huddled together. We talked (they talked, I was angry) and it felt like I had imagined all those things in my head. This boy couldn't have said those things, done those things... But they saw it right? They saw the kiss?
I mentally face palmed. No, they didn't, they were busy...being busy.

"Here we are, finally," sang Mary as she ran up to open the back door.

"Who's home?" asked Tom suddenly.

"What, we aren't leaving?" asked Liam.

"I'm sleepy dude," said Tom.

"Yeah right," said Liam as he punched him in the shoulder.

"It's just the girls, but you know, let me go upstairs and see."

We stood, dripping in the kitchen, until I realized this is my house too and I can bloody walk around whenever I want. I went up to change, and get some towels.

When I came down, Mary had just finished her rounds of the rooms too. "Everyone is home except Cynthia, obviously. No other guests."

Cynthia was my roommate "She said she'll go home for the weekend as well," I supplied, as I threw some towels at the boys.

"Do you have pjs I can borrow?" asked Liam.

"Hmm maybe.." said Mary, as she went up to change.

"I'm sleeping naked," sang Tom, and received another punch from Liam.

"Not in front of the baby," he joked, rolling his eyes towards me.

"Screw you both," I muttered, as I dried my hair.

"So I'll be upstairs with Mary, and Ri's moving to your room tonight right? You don't mind?" asked Tom. Ri was Mary's roommate.

"No, it's alright." I replied. I looked at Liam. "Where is he staying?" I asked, trying to look unconcerned.

"Oh, on the sofa, as usual," replied Tom.

"As usual?"

"You think this is the first time he's stayed here?" asked Tom, raising an eyebrow.

I shrugged, not trying to think who he might have been with before, on the sofa.

"Here you go," said Mary from the stairs. She threw a pair, and Liam caught them. "Come up Tom, I'm sleepy."

Giving us a wink as he left, Tom followed her upstairs.

"Wanna watch me change?" grinned Liam.

"Ugh no." I turned around. "Just don't drip water all over the carpet."

"Relax," he said, as I heard him shrugging out of his clothes. I leaned against the counter, and waited. This is gonna end today. Now or never.

"Okay, done," he said, as he went forwards to hang his clothes over the chair. "Ugh, this is gonna stink tomorrow..Don't tell me your drier is still broken."

"It isn't. I fixed it. Do it tomorrow. It will be noisy now." I said curtly. But what I wanted to say wasn't coming out..

"Let's talk," said Liam.

I actually looked at him for a second, at his broad shoulders and lean figure. He turned around to go into the room, and my eyes fell to his butt and I just stopped looking and turned away.
He sat on the sofa and exhaled. He looked at me, and patted the seat beside him. I ignored him, and sat down on the floor, leaning my back against the sofa instead, and turned on the tv.

"Well?" he asked.

"What?" I replied. Although I wanted to talk.. how dare he figure it out? Was I that bloody obvious?

"You suck at hiding your emotions," he supplied, as if reading my thoughts. "It's so there," he said, extending his hand out to demonstrate.. "I want this! Give me that! I envy you, you just seem to go for it."

"I have no idea what you're talking about,I don't know what I want!"

"And that makes you feel bad?"

I pounded the floor angrily with my fists.

"Good Lord, you're a noisy kid. No delicacy in your delivery. So plain," he said, laughing. "Try to be mysterious or confusing once in a while. It will work wonders for your brain. Make things more interesting."

"Fine. I get it. You don't like me," I started tearing. "Why-why are you playing with me then?" I rubbed out the tears before they formed.

I felt his fingers on my shoulder, slowly pulling me closer.

"No, no, see, what you should have said... First you turn your head like so," he tilted my head upwards to him.

I looked into his handsome face.. Those dark eyes and the shadow of his cheekbones..

"Open your lips just a bit...your eyes are innocent enough already. But don't look into my eyes yet." He laughed.That smile..

"Then you say, maybe what I want..."
And he swooped down and kissed me again.

This time he did it with full force, pushing me down onto the floor under the weight of his body. I moaned. There was so much in that kiss, I was so lost, I didn't even realize my hands were around his shoulders, pushing myself closer against him.

He suddenly broke contact, and I was lying on the floor, in front of him. My heart was beating like a hummingbird's. My insides were a warm mess and I could feel myself flowing, aching down there. I moved my hand down my stomach, resting it over my heat.

"Strip," he suddenly ordered. My nipples immediately turned hard.


"Strip, and you don't want me saying it a third time," he said softly, venomously.

I pulled down my pajamas, and I could smell how aroused I was. I didn't even realize, my thighs were wet.

"How could you sleep in those?" he asked, mockingly. He crouched lower to me, shoulders hunched, his fingers interlocked.

"Show me, little rabbit. Open up wide."

"Mm..oh," I couldn't make words anymore. My ears were ringing. And I was so afraid..

He grabbed my knees and forced them apart. I squealed at the sudden intrusion. I felt his fingers relax and squeeze my knees. He was trying to control himself...

"I don't feel like teaching you today, but you need to be taught the consequences of not following my orders," he whispered. "But I'm a good person. I'll let you off today."

He looked down at me. I could feel my ears and cheeks burning, and I looked away.

"Touch yourself," he said. My hand fluttered up and down my cunt, and I shivered.

"Come on.. Don't you know how to do this?" he asked.

"I.. I don't really do it much..."

He grabbed my face with a hand, pinching my cheeks together, making my lips pout. He rubbed his thumb, slowly, roughly over my lower lip, making the skin break and bleed. He looked amused.

"Little baby," he cooed. "So simple... There's nothing to learn. Just do what feels right."

He let go, and relaxed back on the sofa again. "You're not leaving until I say so." he stated.

I was in pieces. I didn't know what to do. I plunged my fingers into my hole, and tried something. Nothing.

"A bit higher, sweet thing," he said, not taking his eyes off my hand. "Touch that nib."

I found what he wanted, and I touched it. It seemed to send a shock of electricity through my body. I arched back, and moaned.

"That's my baby," he said. "Now keep at it.. And look at me while you do it."

At first I couldn't. I started slowly, but the build up just made me ache more and I started rubbing faster. I started making noises, and I finally looked at him in the eye. He hadn't moved a muscle. Emotionless. Just looked at me, as though I was his property and he could stare at me all he liked. As I stared into his eyes, I reached my peak.

I lay on the floor, fireworks in my head, and my thighs, hands and cunt wet.

II must have been down for minutes, until he stepped over me and pulled me up to the sofa. He had some tissues, and he cleaned me. I just let him.

At the end, he kissed me one more time on my forehead.
"I'm going out of the city for a week," he stated. "You're coming."

I nodded.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Mixed feelings

Kim, I have mixed feelings about this story, as far as I have read it. First I feel you write well and provide good detail, but it is not the type of story I like. I do not like that she is so submissive and he is so dominating. You did warn me about that and the category also warned me, but because of your nice comments to me I wanted to give you a chance. Possibly if I was a woman I would feel differently. So I gave you a 4.

Moonlight and Roses,

JayG88JayG88over 7 years ago
Amazing Dialogue

There is such a nice rhythm to your language and the characters need little description because it's all in their dialogue. Esch character has their own unique voice, that's really strong writing. I intend to write a series of stories so it's inspiring that yours are so good and popular. Great work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

sorry i just noticed that the title was a my chemical romance song- (fave band)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

it was amazing. your dialog delivery is amazing. kkeep it up😊😍

LadyPartsLadyPartsabout 8 years ago

You clearly have a writing talent. Giving enough information to provide the story with bones and a bit of flesh but not enough to fully satisfy so we keep reading all the while holding our breath thinking the meat is just there; it's coming any sentence now. But the build up continues. Kind of how Liam hooks his friends perhaps.

I do hope this continues for quite a while.

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