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The Slave Girl

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Slave Girl contemplates her lifestyle.
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The slave girl knelt by the side of the bed. She no longer knew how long she had been there as the hours melted together. She tried to shift again, to find a more comfortable position, but the ropes held her tight and the more she struggled, the more her shoulders ached.

"At least master inserted a catheter" she thought as she remembered the many times she had soiled herself in embarrassment from being unable to hold her water any longer.

She leaned her head against the bed, the one position allowed to her that relieved some of the pain in her body and wondered what her friends would think of her now, if they could see her in this degrading situation. She half-smiled to herself as she thought of how her life had been before she had met her master.

Her name had been Emily before master took her identity away and she had been a real social butterfly; president of her sorority, top of her class, dozens of silly boyfriends falling all over themselves trying to please her and treat her like a princess. None of them had understood what she needed.

They all thought she was crazy to stay with such a "self-serving asshole" but she knew better. She was low, and dirty, and bad, and deserved everything he gave her and did to her. She was unworthy of the cum he sometimes let her lick out of the cunt of another woman. She was his slave, body, mind, and soul, and the safety and satisfaction she felt in knowing she was his and that she could not escape him was very difficult to explain to someone else.

She closed her eyes against the pain and remembered the day he took her name. He had beaten her ass with the cane again, until her buttocks were bright red. He knew just how to do it, to give her the ultimate pain without breaking the skin. She had cum twice from the pain/pleasure of the beating and was feeling weak from the ordeal.

"It is time for you to become truly mine" he had said "from now on; you will be referred to by me as slave, slut, whore, or bitch."

She had laughed at this statement. She still had not completely understood that they were not playing a game; that her destiny was to give up who she was and become his completely. His anger at her laughter was fast and furious. He grabbed her by the hair, pulled her head back until her neck was at an uncomfortable angle and bit down on her ear.

Then he whispered, soft but menacing into her ear "This is not a joke you slut, if I say you don't need a name, then you don't need a name. If I say you are mine, you are mine. And if I tell you that I am now going to fuck you in the ass to show you who is the boss here, what do you say?"

"Yes, please" she whimpered.

"Good girl" he responded.

Then he bent her back over the bed, and pressed his huge member up against her sphincter muscle. Her initial reaction was to tense, since she had never experienced this before. But as he pushed against her, slowly and persistently, the lube he had applied generously to her ass and his cock assisting with his invasion, she realized quickly that to resist would only make the pain worse.

In less than seconds he was inside her, thrusting deeply and she was overcome with the sensations ripping through her body. He held her by the hair and pulled her towards him as he thrust into her again and again. Soon she felt her own body pushing back against him, almost against her will, as she felt her pleasure grow. She moaned, and cried out as she experienced this ultimately dirty and demeaning act of submission and as the animal lust filled her body.

At the moment of her orgasm, he spanked her again on her still tingling ass cheeks. The mixture of pain, pleasure and the shock of his hand on her butt brought her over the top as she had never felt before. Tears appeared in her eyes but they were tears of happiness as well as of pain.

"And now for the final christening" he said as he pulled out of her.

He reached around, grabbed her by a sensitive nipple and turned her so that she was facing him, kneeling at his feet.

"Open your mouth" he said.

He had his cock in his hands, rubbing it hard as she faced him mouth open; hands on his ass and balls, willing him to cum on her. And then it happened; he released his huge load all over her – in her mouth, on her face, and dripping down her chest to her shaved cunt – coating her in his essence and power. He used his cock to rub the cum over her face, and then positioned himself to where she could lick him clean.

She felt her pussy tingle with the memory of that day. It had been so good in the beginning, during the days of her training. She often wished that he would do the same things to her – and with the same intensity – as he did during their first week together; when everything was new and she was going through her orientation. Giving her away to his friends to be toyed with, whipping her regularly, making her walk around naked at all times and not just on special occasions like today.

Not that she wasn't happy, because she was, but sometimes she wanted him to be meaner to her, stricter, sterner, more rigid, and more demanding. Of course, she knew this was more of a want than a need. He always filled her real needs. But she was selfish and wanted too much from him. She realized this as she shifted her shoulders once again, trying to relieve the pressure raising her head to look out the window.

"Why did I try to manipulate him?" she wondered

He hadn't given in of course to her desire to be whipped and then her angry temper tantrum she threw when she did not get what she wanted; he had just tied her up here and left her to think about what she had done while he went back downstairs to watch the rest of his game. It was a lesson she needed to learn. She leaned her head back against the bed and she sighed in resignation.

Later, in the dark of the room with the moonlight streaming in the window, he woke her up. She had managed to fall asleep in that uncomfortable position out of sheer exhaustion. She awoke to the feeling of her arms being released and he lifted her gently and carried her into the bathroom to remove the catheter and place her in a warm bath. As she scrubbed the soreness out of her muscles, he watched her bathe.

"My beautiful little slut," he asked, "are you sorry now that you disobeyed master?"

"Yes, sir" she said demurely, eyes lowered as she massaged her aching muscles in the warm tub.

"Good girl" he said as he smiled, and her heart soared to see him so pleased with her.

"Now get out of the tub, dry off and come to bed and please me" he said.

She practically jumped out, eager to be with him. And as he guided her back to the bed, she knew she was exactly where she wanted to be.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
...On the Proper Care and Handling of Women

Enjoyable to read.

It would have been nice to have read about her early training and discipline in more detail. Also, what happens then? Is this monogamous, or does master have other girls as well, and how does this affect her enslavement? Does master continue to train her, does he sell her to another owner, is she kidnapped, or (least likely), does she escape to "freedom"

This story does stand alone, but "enquiring minds want to know". The story could be fleshed out with more chapters in the future. 4 stars!

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