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The Sleepover Ch. 02


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Over the next couple of weeks, we find a place for me to rent within my price range, get together one night at Kristina's when her parents are gone, and anxiously look forward to moving day.

Lauren suggests that Kristina and I ease into the whole dating thing gradually so as not to arouse any suspicion. Lauren, Kristina and my parents help me move into my new home and everyone goes home with no opportunity for the three of us to christen it. Lauren calls me as soon as she gets home.

"Damn!" she says when I pick up her call. "I wanted to give you a little housewarming present!"

"I would have really liked that," I answer, lying back on my bed as we talk.

"Alex called," she says, changing the subject, sort of.

"Oh?" I answer noncommittally.

"She thinks we should have a housewarming party." I can hear the smirk in my sister's voice and my cock stirs, knowing what kind of housewarming she has in mind.

"Mmm," I answer even more cautiously. Lauren and I haven't talked about Alex or Kylie any more since the lingerie party.

"Mmm yes or mmm no?" Lauren asks, clearly enjoying my discomfort.

"What do you think about it, Sis?" I ask, deflecting her question with a question of my own.

"You liked fucking her," she says.

"Yeah," I answer guardedly.

"I don't have any hold on you Brandon," she says matter-of-factly. "You can fuck whoever you want."

"But you'd rather I didn't?" I ask and get a long silence before she answers.

"I'd rather that you didn't want to fuck anyone but Kristina and I but if you want to fuck Alex it's okay," she says quietly.

"What makes Alex different than Kristina," I ask, honestly wondering about how she sees our relationship.

"I don't know," she says. "It just is. I need to go to sleep now. Good night, Brandon."



"I really don't even care if I fuck Kristina. We're just doing that so no one gets weird that you and I are spending so much time together. Tell Alex that I don't really have time for a party."

"I love you, Brandon," Lauren says, hanging up before I can reciprocate.

Following Lauren's advice, Kristina and I gradually become a couple, going to the movies and out to dinner by ourselves. Of course, while that's happening the three of us are fucking our brains out every chance we get. Both girls have dinner at my house several nights a week, which usually consists of quick service take out and an exhausting romp on my bed. As predicted, our parents aren't too happy about the age difference and my dad takes me aside the first chance he gets to confront me about it. He's at my place helping me fix my leaky dishwasher when he brings it up.

"So, what happened between you and Karen?" Dad asks as he gets on the floor to reach under the sink.

"I don't know," I shrug. "It just didn't work out. We didn't have as much in common as I thought." He just nods and starts tightening a connection.

"You and Kristina have been seeing a lot of each other." It's not a question so I don't immediately answer.

"She's a nice girl," I finally offer after he raises his eyebrows at me.

"Yes, she is," he acknowledges. "A bit young, though."

"Only six years difference," I answer, maybe a little too defensively.

"She's your sister's age," he says, sitting up and pushing the button on the dishwasher. "She's always looked up to you like a big brother."

"It's not like we're getting married, Dad," I say, my defensiveness continuing in spite of knowing better. "Besides, after all the fighting Karen and I did, it's a relief to be with someone who is always so upbeat and likes me just for who I am." This isn't untrue even if it isn't the real reason Kristina and I are dating.

"She's going to get hurt," Dad says matter-of-factly as he stands up and brushes off his pants.

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"Because you're on the rebound, she's infatuated with an older guy and this is a recipe for disaster. Trust me, I get how you feel but if you're smart you'll break this off before it goes too far." This is a lot more critical than I expected him to be.

"We have fun together and nothing is getting out of hand. Besides Lauren is with us half the time. She's fun, I like being with her and I'm not going to hurt her, Dad."

"You won't mean to, Son," he says, putting his arm on my shoulder and giving me his 'I know what's best' look. "She will get hurt. It's not a matter of if, it's only when. Better it is sooner rather than later. Let her grow up, date some guys her own age." He makes it sound like a command.

"It's only six years, Dad," I protest. "When we're thirty, six years will be nothing."

"You're not thirty," he says, tersely.

"I hope to be someday," I joke, trying to lighten the mood. It doesn't work. "Seriously, Dad, what's the big deal? This isn't like you."

"Your mother and I want you to stop dating Kristina," he says, still giving me the severe stare. I just look at him, run my hand through my hair and turn away.

"Why?" I finally say. "I know what you're telling me but there must be more to this."

"We've been friends with the Andrews for a long time, in fact they're our best friends. They don't want to see their daughter hurt. They agree that it would be best for everyone if this didn't even get started." What the fuck! I thought they'd be concerned but I never thought it would be like this.

"This is just weird!" I yell. "Why not just let it run its course. We've barely started dating, it's not like either one of us are taking this as seriously as you guys are.

"Are you sure she isn't?" Dad asks, causing me to pause and consider Kristina. Nah, she's in it for the fucking just like Lauren and I.

"Yes! I'm sure," I answer confidently. "If it isn't meant to be, it'll fizzle out. And what if we do become serious? How cool would it be that your best friends could be your in-laws?" I tease. When Dad stiffens, I hold up my hands. "Just kidding, Dad."

"It's not funny," he says, gathering his things. "Please, Brandon, think about what I said. You don't want to hurt her or ruin our family relations."

As soon as he leaves, I call Lauren.

"What the fuck!" Lauren says. "They've never interfered like this before."

"Do you think it has anything to do with wanting to keep the Andrews happy? Maybe there is something to what Kristina said about the cabin?"

"Oh God!" Lauren shrieks. "It couldn't be that! Could it?" Who knows? We agree that I'll call Kristina and give her a heads up, too.

"I know," Kristina says after I describe the conversation with my dad. "My mom had the same conversation with me. What are we going to do?"

"We're both adults," I answer. "We knew they wouldn't approve. This is just a little more intense than I expected."

"Me too," she says quietly. "Brandon, I don't want to stop being with you guys."

"Me either, Kristina," I answer.

"Okay, then let's ignore them for now," she says decisively.

"Let's!" I agree. We hang up and I fall back on my bed, wondering about my dad's motivations.

I keep seeing Kristina, and the three of us keep getting together at my apartment for some amazing sex. I keep remembering how Lauren played with Kristina's nipples when I first took her virginity and I'm waiting to see if she makes any further moves. So far it has all been two girls fucking one guy, which of course, I'm not complaining about at all.

Right after Lauren and Kristina leave one evening and I'm lying exhausted on my bed, my mom calls.

"Mrs. Andrews and I want to talk with you and Kristina tomorrow night," she says without much preamble. "Can you come over after dinner?"

"Sure mom, but I think Lauren should be there, too." I know what they want to discuss with us and I'd feel better if my sister was part of it. I think she would too.

"This doesn't concern Lauren," she says, rather abruptly.

"Kristina is Lauren's best friend, she hangs out with us a lot, I think we'd both like her there, Mom," I answer. "Is that a problem?" Mom hesitates.

"No, I guess not," she sighs. "I'll see you tomorrow, honey."

"See you, Mom." As soon as she hangs up, I call Lauren. They're still en route to Kristina's house. I fill them in on the very brief conversation I had with mom.

"Thanks for including me, Brandon," Lauren says.

"I just want to outnumber them," I joke. They laugh, but I can sense the tension about tomorrow. "It'll be fine," I reassure them.

"This isn't an easy discussion," Mom starts after we're all seated around the dining room table. It's about 7 o'clock and dad is gone out somewhere with Mr. Andrews. "I wouldn't have included Lauren, but Brandon insisted and I guess you should probably hear this from us rather than second handed from your brother or your friend."

We all look at each other. This seems more ominous than a cautionary concern about a difference in ages. I immediately wonder if they are sending Kristina away to school or something to split us up.

"We tried to avoid this conversation by asking you two to stop seeing each other but..." Mrs. Andrews interjects, shrugging her shoulders rather than completing her sentence.

"If you're going to say he's too old again..." Kristina says, impatiently but mom cuts her off.

"Just a second," Mom holds up a finger for emphasis. "Please hear us out and then we can discuss it again." The three of us nod, waiting for mom to take a drink of coffee.

"You know our families have been friends for a long time," mom says, soliciting nods from her captive audience. "Since before you girls were born," she adds, unnecessarily. "We moved into this neighborhood about the same time, when Brandon was just a toddler.

"What you don't know," Mrs. Andrews says, looking at Kristina. "Is that your dad and I had been trying to have kids for a long time." From the looks on the girls' faces, none of us knew that. "We went through all kinds of tests and procedures and finally it was determined that your father had low sperm count." No one says a word as Mrs. Andrews takes a breath. "The chances were very low that we would ever conceive. But we wanted kids so badly. It looked like the only alternative was artificial insemination."

"We were all best friends by then," mom picks up the story as I wonder what this has to do with anything. "The Andrews wanted your father to donate the sperm." Now I get it.

"Is that what this is about?" I ask. "Because dad donated some sperm, Kristina and I can't date?" Ignoring my question, Mrs. Andrews jumps back in, speaking faster than before.

"It was all very expensive," she says. "We weren't sure we could afford it. That's when your mother had the idea to do it the old fashioned way, without all the doctors." She pauses and no one says a word while her words sink in.

"You fucked our dad to get pregnant?" Lauren asks.

"Please, Lauren, watch your language," mom admonishes her. "But yes, that's what the old fashioned way means."

"You were okay with this?" Lauren asks mom, incredulously.

"Your mother is brilliant," Mrs. Andrews exclaims. "She was concerned that the potential for jealousy could ruin our wonderful friendship so we made a reciprocal agreement."

"You swapped?" Lauren is the first one to get it. "At the cabin, right?" Mom and Mrs. Andrews nod. "And you got pregnant with Kristina?"

"That's why we've been so against you two dating," mom says. "It isn't that we don't think you make a cute couple. It's because Kristina is your sister!"

"Half-sister," I answer for lack of anything better to say.

"So you can see that before you two get too intimate, we thought..." mom's voice trails off as she notices the looks between the three of us. "Too late, huh?"

"Damn! We were afraid of that," Mrs. Andrews says.

"OHMYGOD! You've been fucking your sister!" Lauren shrieks, dramatically covering her mouth with her hands, presumably to keep from laughing. It takes everything I have not to bust out laughing, as well. I catch Kristina's eye and see that she's had the same reaction to my sister's fanciful outburst.

"Language!" mom says, sharply and then turns back to me. "So you can see why this can't go on." No one speaks for several minutes.

"We can't just ignore our feelings for each other," Kristina says quietly. "It's not like we're getting married," she adds, using the very same argument I used with dad. "And we're not making babies."

"Kristina," Mrs. Andrews says, "I know this is upsetting and I wish we didn't have to..." Kristina interrupts her before she can continue.

"You were both pregnant at the same time," she says, more a statement than a question. Both women nod and after a moment's pause, Kristina adds, "What about Angela?" Kristina is referring to her 16-year-old sister.

"Well..." her mom clears her throat. "It worked so well the first time, and we didn't want you to be an only child, so we did it again a couple of years later."

"Swapping partners, again?" Lauren asks.

"Yes," mom says.

"What about now, when the four of you go to the cabin?" Lauren asks and I bet mom wishes she had never promised that she would always tell us the truth no matter what we ask.

"Not that it is any of your business," mom starts meekly. "But sometimes a marriage needs something to keep it from getting stale," mom looks at Mrs. Andrews instead of us as she speaks. "We've found a way to spice up our marriages without any hurt feelings or repercussions." We all sit quietly, no one quite sure what to say.

"Now do you two believe us that you shouldn't be seeing each other?" mom asks.

"We need to think about this," I answer, looking at Kristina who nods solemnly.

"What's to think about?" Mrs. Andrews asks. "It's incest! That's wrong!"

"I need to think about who my father is!" Kristina answers. "All these years, I thought dad..."

"Your dad is still your dad!" Mrs. Andrews admonishes. "It isn't sperm that makes a dad, it's who raises you!" Mom is giving me an imploring look, hoping I'll make some sort of declaration.

"I don't think this is so easy," I say. "You're telling us that incest is wrong, but wife swapping isn't?" I ask sarcastically. "I think it's a little late to take the moral high ground, don't you? That train has already left the station."

When no one says anything for a few minutes, I stand up and grab Kristina's hand. "We're going to go out for a while and talk about all of this, okay?" I ask. Mom and Mrs. Andrews both look worried so for their benefit I add, "Don't worry, Lauren will be with us." Lauren is almost able to hide her smile.

"Love you, Mom," I say, moving around the table to kiss her on the cheek. "Goodbye, Mrs. Andrews." The girls say their goodbyes and we head to my car.

"I almost burst out laughing," Kristina says when we get into the car. "OHMYGOD! You've been fucking your sister!" she mimics Lauren and then bursts into laughter.

"That was classic, Sis," I tell her. "How do you feel about all of this?" I ask, looking over at Kristina.

"I don't see where it changes anything," she responds instantly, placing her hand on my thigh. "Maybe that's why you were attracted to me," she adds with a twinkle in her eye. "You do seem to have a thing for incest." We are all laughing again.

"Seriously," Lauren says. "I think this does change things. We were hiding the incest behind your relationship but now that is incestuous too. What are we going to do?"

"Call Alex?" I tease. Both girls hit me at the same time.

"Not funny, Brandon!" Lauren says, but she smiles anyway. "What were the odds that the one person we picked to include would be our half sister?" She adds as I turn the car into my driveway.

"Whatever we decide," Kristina says as I unlock the door, "I need some incest right now." She's pulling her top over her head as soon as we walk in the door.

"I know, all that talk about fucking got me horny," Lauren adds, shedding her clothes as well.

"Everything gets you horny," Kristina teases, smacking Lauren's bare bottom as I unsnap my jeans.

"Hey!" Lauren protests, trying to return the slap but Kristina turns to the side and she barely connects with her hip.

"Eating cereal makes you horny!" Kristina says, hopping back out of the way. "Answering the phone makes you horny!" The naked girls are hopping around the room, laughing while Kristina teases my sister... uh, our sister, I mean. My cock responds to these two naked beauties playfully prancing around trying to smack each other's bottoms. And very sexy bottoms they are.

"Breathing makes you horny!" Kristina laughs, plopping down on the sofa so Lauren can't reach her butt. Lauren straddles her legs, kneeling on the couch while she tries to pry her up off the cushion. They have no clue how sexy they look wrestling naked on the couch.

"Get these things out of my face before I bite them," Kristina laughs, swatting at Laurens tits, which are dangling dangerously close to Kristina's face.

"You'd probably like to, wouldn't you," Lauren teases, shaking her beautiful tits back and forth in front of our half-sister.

"It would just make you horny!" Kristina laughs, sticking her tongue out and trying to catch one of Lauren's nipples as it swings across in front of her. Lauren slows her movements, letting Kristina's tongue barely connect with her left nipple.

My cock hardens in anticipation of Kristina sucking Lauren's tits. For a second it looks like it's going to happen. Lauren is staring at her friend, almost like she's willing her to do it. Her tits have stopped swinging from side to side and just hover near Kristina's open mouth.

"I wish I had tits like this!" Kristina laughs, pushing Lauren away. "Look at Brandon drooling over them!" Fuck! The spell is broken and she has no clue that I was really drooling over the idea of a girl on girl show.

"I was just enjoying the show!" I respond, trying lamely to recapture the moment. Lauren glances at me like she understands but Kristina is up off the couch and grabbing my hand.

"Come on, Brandon!" she says, pulling me down the hall towards my bedroom. "Time to fuck your sisters." I'm not going to argue with that. Lauren joins us and I spend the next couple of hours alternating between my two gorgeous siblings.

I devour, tease and fuck them both, eating them to an orgasm each before fucking Kristina from behind and Lauren face to face. These have proven to be their favorite positions. Lauren really likes to kiss while we fuck and Kristina likes how deeply I pound into her from behind.

When I think I'm spent, they give me a joint blowjob that gets me going all over again. They've gotten quite adept at trading my cock between their talented mouths. As I watch how close their lips get to each other, I can't help but think of their earlier actions. Lauren really looked like she wanted to take this farther. I remember how surprised I was when she played with Kristina's nipple while Kristina rode my cock during the sleepover. When I shoot my load into Lauren's mouth, she's not looking at me; her eyes are locked on Kristina's.

As I take the girls home, we talk a little about our dilemma but don't come up with any answers. After dropping off Kristina in front of her house, I pull into my parents' driveway and Lauren and I sit in the car for a few minutes.

"That was very sexy when you and Kristina were wrestling on the couch," I say, trying to open the conversation without being too overt about it.

"Yeah, that was fun," she says, looking at me like she wants to add more. "You got really hard watching us, didn't you?"

"Of course. It was very erotic." I hesitate for a minute and then figure what the heck. "You enjoyed it too, didn't you?"

"I always enjoy making you hard," she says without answering my question. We say our goodnights, our kiss lingering a little longer than usual, neither one of us wanting the evening to end.

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