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The Thirst Within Ch. 05

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Zak presents Oscar to the coven, what could go wrong...
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Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/20/2012
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I sat bolt upright in a bed I didn't recognize. I stared down at the black satin sheets and looked next to me on the bed. Zak was next to me, his hands resting behind his head, the picture of relaxation.

He wore a black silk shirt that blended in nicely with the sheets, and a pair of navy blue jeans. I was wearing some form of boxers judging by the feeling and was sporting a hard on.

"That was real just now wasn't it?" I mumbled.

"That depends on your definition of 'real'." Zak said wiggling his eyebrows on the word real.

"I'll take that as a yes." I said blushing slightly.

He cocked an eyebrow at me before continuing "I will ask just one thing, don't call me babe, given my age I am anything but a babe."

I chuckled lightly apologising as I lay back down on the bed and rolled onto my side to face him. I reached out and ran a hand lightly down his face. He sighed and closed his eyes leaning into my hand like a cat seeking attention.

A noise grew from his chest, not quite a purr but close enough.

"So warm." he said quietly leaning closer against my hand.

His skin seemed colder than normal, but I had always preferred the cold to the heat. I shuffled closer to him and wrapped my arms around him pulling him under the covers.

He did his half purring thing again and nestled against my chest. Even though I had become something other than human, I still felt like me.

"And since when were you a king?" I asked Zak.

"Oh that. For around 500 years or so." he said more interested in snuggling against my chest.

"And how is Dominic your cousin?" I asked quietly.

"My maker's maker had three progenies, one of them is my maker Dieter another is a vampire named Michael and the other is a vampire named David. He had one progeny, that is Dominic." Zak muttered quietly, obviously distracted thinking about something else.

"How old are they all?" I asked.

"Dieter is around 5450, David is around 3300 and Michael is around 2300." Zak said lightly running his fingers up my chest.

"Wow." I said not quite sure to say.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked lightly stroking his hair.

"Trying not to do anything." he said quietly.

"Anything in particular?" I asked suggestively tugging him closer against me.

He lifted his head and I saw his fangs peeking out below his lips.

"You have no idea how hard you are to resist, being this close to you is difficult, even more so than before. Now that your Fae side has become active your blood is very hard to resist." he said inhaling against my chest his nose skimming upwards.

He reached my neck and rested over the vein, I rolled onto my back pulling him on top of me. His breathing accelerated, and I held him closer against my chest.

"Shhh, relax. I know you won't hurt me." I mumbled, my hands stroking his spine beneath his shirt.

"We need to leave soon." he said. His lips however kissed over my throat belaying his intent.

I pulled him away from my neck and pressed his lips against mine. My tongue tapped against his lips seeking entrance. He opened his mouth and his tongue hesitantly met mine. I kissed around his fangs, but Zak still seemed reluctant. Scared of harming me. I pricked my lower lip on his fang.

He tensed as my blood flavoured the kiss. I felt the shift when he finally let go of his precious control. His hands gripped my arms roughly and he growled low in his throat. The kiss became more heated and I reached up and tore at the buttons on Zak's shirt.

When he was finally topless I moved my attention towards his jeans. He broke the kiss and I tore at his jeans leaving him in his green boxers. Well my new strength was coming in handy. I dragged him back down between my legs and felt our cocks press eagerly against each other, still restricted through layers of clothing.

I flipped us over too quickly so that now I was on top. I stared down at his almost naked form and gulped. The idea of this perfect creature wanting me awoke some deeply possessive part of me.

I leaned down and began planting kisses over the soft flesh of his chest. I reached his left nipple and was rewarded with a moan.

I moved down his chest systematically growing ever closer to his cock. I reached his boxers and reached up to pull them down his legs when a knock at the door stopped me.

I groaned loudly accompanied by a growl from Zak.

"Do you need to answer that?" I said running my hand down his chest.

He sighed lightly then continued.

"I am afraid I have to; the life of a monarch is a busy one." he said regretfully.

I leaned in and lightly pecked him on the lips.

"Later then." I said suggestively.

I moved off him and he swung himself off the bed with Vampiric speed. He moved to the door, still in his green underwear. I watched appreciatively from the bed, enjoying the view the tight-fitting fabric gave me. He really did have a nice ass.

Zak opened the heavy wooden door and moved aside to allow the person inside. He was a male vampire with brown eyes, a pale complexion, and curly dark brown hair worn short. He wore a pair of leggings, a shirt with short sleeves, and a pair of short embroidered boots.

I could tell he was a vampire because the moment he stepped into the room his fangs dropped, his eyes widened, and he stared at me in awe. He inhaled deeply again, and I saw his brown eyes darken.

"Joshua." Zak said harshly.

Joshua's eyes flickered to Zak slowly and he blinked dazed.

"I apologize your majesty, I came to inform you that Valeria has arrived and has requested to see you." Joshua said slowly.

"Very well I shall be there shortly." Zak said dismissing Joshua with a wave of his hand.

Joshua bowed before turning and closing the door behind him. Zak sighed and turned back to me.

He moved to a wardrobe and pulled out a white t-shirt, which he pulled over himself and a pair of beige khakis.

He moved to a drawer and rummaged through it, he pulled out a long sleeved grey top and a pair of blue jeans. He tossed them to me and I caught them deftly. I quickly put them on and moved towards Zak. He was sitting on the bed unmoving. I sat next to him and reached a hand out to his shoulder.

"Zak what's wrong? Who is Valeria?" I asked.

He turned his head and smiled slightly attempting to comfort me.

"She is the governor in charge of London, I am hesitant because you are here. My court would be hesitant of having a human with me, I have no idea how they will react when they find I bring a Fae."

I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. I raised a hand and pressed it against his cheek. His tongue met mine and I tenderly kissed him. I pulled back a few seconds later and was happy to see his eyes a shade darker than before.

"I'm not afraid, of you or any vampire." I said caressing his cheek.

"You should be. I could kill you, a moments lapse in concentration is all it would take, likewise for the rest of my kin." he said seriously.

"I have you to protect me." I said kissing him lightly on the lips.

"And I trust you completely." I finished giving him another kiss, this time longer than before.

"You should be careful of doing that. Anyroad, we need to go now, Valeria will be waiting." he said pulling away.

He stood up and offered a hand to me. I took it and he led me barefoot out of the bedroom. Outside the room was an elaborate hallway panelled with polished mahogany, and soft carpets. Also outside the door stood two huge men dressed in black trousers and short sleeved t-shirts. They followed our progress along the corridor trailing behind us. I couldn't help but notice that their fangs had dropped.

We walked to the end of the corridor and turned right onto the top of a staircase. Zak led me down it and I felt his hand tighten on mine as we reached the bottom of the stairs. Directly ahead of us was a polished wooden door. Zak tensed slightly but I sorted that with a peck on the cheek.

He stepped forward and pushed open the door into a large room, an elaborate throne was against the far wall, with two less elaborate chairs positioned on either side. I noticed the crowds of people in the room turn at our entrance and stare at us.

I found out almost all the people in the room were vampires. This I found out when the draft behind me blew towards the people in the room, and I collectively saw their fangs drop as their eyes roamed over me. God, being a Fae sucked so far.

As we neared each person Zak caught their gaze, as he did each of them in turn lowered their heads and knelt as we walked past. I noticed a woman near the throne. I guessed she was Valeria. She was white with blonde hair down to her shoulders, her grey eyes flickered over me and she smiled widely. It was like looking at a crocodile, all the teeth showing, including her wickedly sharp fangs.

She wore a knee length blue dress and matching high heels. She too knelt before us and Zak continued to lead me towards the thrones. A black-haired vampire stood to the side, his startling amber eyes stood out as he caught my gaze. He gave me a happy smile and waved at me. Zak let go of my hand and moved towards the central throne.

I moved forward hesitantly, and Zak motioned to the throne to his right. The black-haired vampire moved to the throne on Zak's left. Once he had sat down the vampires rose to their feet. The woman Valeria I guessed moved forward and locked eyes with me before turning them to Zak.

"My king might I ask as to why you have brought a Fae into our midst. As I understood it the Fae were our enemies. Personally, I would be happy to take care of the problem." she said with her crocodile smile.

She moved towards me almost too fast for me to see, thankfully Zak was faster than I was. In a second, she was suspended in the air by her throat.

She struggled slightly then Zak said in a voice like ice.

"Anyone else care to attack my mate? I have not had a good fight in decades."

Two vampires stepped forward and I assumed they intended to fight Zak.

"We waged war with the Fae centuries ago, I haven't had a taste since." one of them said threateningly.

I felt a heat stir inside of me, I had an urge to protect Zak over everything else. I looked down at my hands and saw small blue sparks arcing between my fingers and along my knuckles. Zak threw Valeria across the room and past the two vampires.

I rose to my feet and stepped in front of Zak, blocking any approach from the two vampires. They hesitated slightly, before each or them tensed like a cobra preparing to strike. I extended my hand, palm out, twisting as I did so with the small blue sparks coalescing into an arc of lightning striking first one, and then the other squarely in the chest. They crumbled as the smell of ozone filled the air and I felt a pleasantly warm rush shoot up my arm.

"Anyone else care to step up!" I said still shielding Zak, the urge to protect him still foremost in my mind.

No one made a move. I returned to my seat with Zak and stared out at the surprised vampires. Valeria was rising to her feet, but the other two vampires remained on the floor. Well that power may come in handy. Valeria sprung to her feet, dusted herself off and returned to her place at the front of the room.

She bowed her head and spoke to Zak.

"I apologise for my outburst, I did not realise that he was your mate. I hope that my outburst will not influence the agenda I am here to present."

"On this one occasion you are forgiven Valeria, but let it be known." Zak said addressing the other twenty or so vampires "That any vampire who harms my mate, will wish they had never been blooded."

He nodded to Valeria and she stepped forward.

"Your majesty, I am here to ask you regarding the passing of the new law, I myself do not believe it should be passed. What is the fun in being a vampire if you can't kill humans. Not all of us want to treat humans as our equals. We are Vampire. Above the mortals." Valeria said imbuing the word Vampire with majesty

I glared at her and rose to my feet.

"And what is it that makes humans so different from vampires?" I asked accusingly.

"They are lesser life forms, they are but food to u.s" She said again showing her crocodile smile.

"You were once human. You were born human, however many centuries ago that may be." I argued.

"As if the Fae are much better. There is a reason why most of your race is extinct, and you'll soon follow them." she grinned widely at me. Her smile was unnerving in its innocence.

"Was that a threat Valeria?" Zak said with a voice like ice as he stepped in front of me. A low growl grew in his throat and the smile died from Valeria's face.

"I am older and stronger than you Valeria and your king. You will obey me." Zak said, his voice exuding the same icy cool as before.

His body though smaller than mine, was positioned protectively in front of me, emanating a predatory aura of power. He faced the other vampires again his voice turning authoritative as he said;

"As you know, I journeyed from this court to decide whether the law should be passed, the law to ban over feeding on humans to the point of death. Let it be known this law, is passed in my kingdom as of now, killing and feeding from a human is only permitted in the instance of danger to a vampire or mate thereof."

The vampires erupted in hushed whispers at this. Zak sighed at this and his voice took on an malevolent edge as he spoke this time.

"Silence, this is my decision and if you do not wish to be a part of my kingdom, leave now."

The voices ceased. No-one moved.

"Very well then, this court is adjourned. We shall meet again in 3 days' time. And my governors, spread the word." Zak said a hint of a smile in his voice. He turned and extended a hand to me.

I took it happily and he led me back along the carpet towards the door. As we passed each vampire they knelt.

We finally reached the door and walked out closing the door behind us. Zak relaxed and leaned against me resting his head on my shoulder. I moved my back to the wall next to the door and pulled Zak between my legs. I moved my hands to his face and pulled his lips against mine, finally.

He relaxed completely against me, giving in fully. I, however should have known we would be interrupted again. I heard a cough from in front of me and I opened my eyes regretfully.

I pulled away from Zak's lips and moved my arms around him, before looking up at the vampire.

He was male with brown eyes, an olive complexion and dark brown hair that swept gracefully over his forehead. He wore a pair of leggings, a shirt with short sleeves and leather shoes. His eyes roamed over both of us as he stood there watching.

Zak rested his head against my chest before turning around. Zak turned around and smiled widely at the man. He looked no older than twenty with a smile pasted over his face. Zak bowed his head slightly before saying;

"Michael it is good to see you again."

"And you my nephew, I am happy to see you have found someone after so long." Michael said quietly his eyes flickering to me as he smiled, not even the barest hint of fang showing, a gesture I greatly appreciated.

"Michael, I thank you for your presence here in my court. How was Queen Amata?" Zak asked half turning his body away from my chest.

"She is well, though not why I am here nephew. I am here because I heard about Santiago." Michael said softly.

Zak tensed against me. I tightened my arms around him and he asked sadly.

"How is it that you know he is gone?"

"I ran into Darren in London, he sensed his brother was missing. If there is anything I can do to assist you I would be happy to help." Michael said sincerely.

"Dieter has left to find him, And Louis and Marcus are attempting to find him in Virginia, but I fear there is more to this than meets the eye." Zak said, and I sensed there was some hidden meaning in this sentence.

"I agree, perhaps the situation would benefit from the presence of another elder, such as myself?" Michael asked.

"An elder?" I asked pulling away from Zak.

"A vampire over 1000 years of age is classified as an elder, little one." Michael answered smiling at me.

"So how old are you? If that is not too personal a question." I asked taking Zak's hand.

"I am 2303 years of age by modern standards." Michael said nonchalantly grinning widely.

"So, you lived before Jesus?" I said intrigued.

"Now that's a new one, oh well..." he said chuckling quietly.

"Unfortunately, I did not meet him, I did however meet one of his apostles, but that is a story for another time perhaps" Michael continued, grinning slightly.

"Well you're looking good for 2303." I said quietly squeezing Zak's hand as I began to wonder just what Zak had learned in all of his years.

I felt my eyes tingle slightly as I looked over Michael. For an instant it was as if I could see the blood flowing through his body, seeing a series of complex patterns swirling around within him, like flotsam in a river. A multitude of colours hugged close to the contours of his body, yet as quickly as this vision appeared, it summarily vanished, leaving my head spinning slightly and receiving an odd look from Michael...

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Starrynight22Starrynight22almost 6 years ago

Yay! So glad to see you be picked this story back up. I can't wait to,see,what happens next

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