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The Thorns Upon the Roses Ch. 11

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The explosive finale to this book...
11.8k words

Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/10/2023
Created 08/30/2022
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Chapter 10

All of Week 6 - The Final Part


I woke up still dreaming of my escape plan, but it was still far away in my thoughts.

I needed time to prepare myself. I couldn't be sloppy. Maybe a few more weeks of prep would be fine, but I couldn't shake the excited butterflies in my stomach at the idea of running!

For now, Chelsea's party was tonight, and that was good enough to pull my focus.

As I had slept in my clothes from my adventure with Kaylee, I immediately peeled off my normal clothes, and the lingerie underneath.

My morning routine was becoming second nature now. I took out my butt plug and cage, which meant I had ten minutes before the Doc was alerted. I jumped into the shower and scrubbed my nether regions, removed the hair from wherever I needed, and I reapplied my cage and plug. Then, I returned to the shower and washed my hair and body. After, I used some moisturizers, a body cream, and sat in the steam for a moment before truly beginning.

Kaylee had said I needed to start wearing lingerie under my clothes, or a corset every day to begin giving my body more natural curves. After last night, I was starting to loathe the forced femininity, but I had to put on face or else people may gain suspicions of my beginning dissent.

I went into my drawers and looked through the lingerie I had received when I arrived. There was a corset, although it was much more intense than the costume I wore yesterday.

It took some careful finger work, lacing up the back as I pulled the white corset over my body. I went to the bathroom and began pulling the strings tight. Immediately, my hips protruded, and my waste began to pull in. Another few strings, and it was up to my ribcage. The wireframe pushed on the sides of my body, and there was an incredible curve already forming. The rest fell into line, and I tied off the strings. My body was a more apparent hourglass with the curves that some women would kill for. As this corset wasn't a onesie, I pulled up some fishnet stockings over my white silk cheekie panties. I pulled on a black skirt that modestly covered myself, but as I hiked it up, the waistline slid up my curves onto my corset hips, and it pulled the skirt up enough that if I wasn't careful - or was intentional - I would be flashing anyone I wanted. I only topped myself with a black tank top and tucked it into my skirt. Of course, I wore the black push-up bra from last night. To finish it off, I zipped up a pair of black ankle boots.

If Kaylee had taught me anything, it was how to match an outfit together completely.

My makeup was simple. A little foundation and blush. My typical mascara and eyeliner with a small wing on the sides. A lightly red eyeshadow, and my glossy pink lip balm.

In the mirror, especially with the corset, I was stunning. My hair was perfectly curly from the shower, and my makeup decided to be a friend this morning. The outfit was stellar. I looked fucking sexy.


The Doctor's cold hands traversed my body with the tape measure zipping by quickly. After those quick numbers being noted, she said, "I can see you spent time with Kaylee. She is so very fun."

I nodded unsure if I should reveal my newfound knowledge of the Doc's life outside of this compound. I chose to keep it hidden.

"We talked for a while as we worked. I enjoyed working with her in admin. Is there any chance I can work with her more often?"

"I'll talk to the other staff members and see what they are needing, but I'm sure Miss Kaylee would always enjoy your company." The Doctor revealed a chart and began to record the numbers and compare them to a separate paper. "Jessica, you should be happy to hear, but I can see the prescription is already taking great effect to your body!"

I looked at my chest and struggled to see anything outside of the slightly fattier areas around my nipples.

The Doc noticed my self-examination, and she interjected, "No, ma'am. Not outwardly. While we do have interests in your physicality on the outside of your body, your insides are just as exciting to observe! Now for the sake of easier numbers, I'll just make everything a little more bite size." The Doctor laughed, and I wondered if I missed an inside joke. "Let's put all of this on a scale of 1-10. 10 is going to be the highest! When we first met, your testosterone levels were hovering around a 4-5 depending on the day. Now realistically, that is rather low for a man, but not out of the ordinary."

"Wait, how were you getting my DNA regularly?"

She waved me away and continued talking, "You have since dipped rather extravagantly! As of today, you sit at 1.5! Congratulations!" The Doctor was beaming with a smile that stretched from one side of her face to the other. "I see that you don't truly follow my data... Females also have testosterone, but its minimal. Really, its only ever at about a 1, but we ladies do still produce it! You are so close to the levels that a woman should be producing!"

I gulped.

"Now we shall observe the opposite! Men usually have a 1 for estrogen once they leave puberty, and they only increase after many decades. You are still young! At 24, I want to congratulate you! Your estrogen levels match something similar to a 2-3!" She gave herself a little clap. "I think this calls for a celebration."

"Wait," I said, "so I'm producing estrogen inside me?"

"Did you not listen?" The Doc looked at me as if I were crazy. "I felt like I said that pretty clearly!"

I thought about last night, and the feelings I had after my evening with Kaylee. My distaste for my body. My hatred for my femininity. I had imagined that I could push it down and move on. Hell! Only minutes ago I had told myself that I could endure the visuals and laugh behind their backs... But now things were changing inside of me.

"What does this mean for me? In the long run, after I get out of here, what happens to me now that my hormones are all over the place?"

She pursed her lips and examined my words. "I don't understand."

"Is it permanent?"

The Doc smiled. "Why of course! Well, you'd have to let off the prescription, but for 18 months... and especially on our drugs..." She winked as she turned to go to her desk. "I'd say the effects will be more than fantastic!"

I started to not be able to breathe. My hands went to my new cage. I wanted desperately to take it off and force myself to run out the doors and never look back. I felt my blood boil, and my eyes started to grow hazy as I stopped seeing anything.

"Jessica? Are you alright, Jessica?"

My eyes rose to meet the Doctor's gaze. I was fuming. "My fucking life! You just took everything from me! What am I supposed to do after this?"

"Oh, don't be such an idiot. You can't possibly have thought your pills would just wear off as soon as you leave!" The Doc went over to the desk and sipped from her coffee. "Wait, you really thought this was some temporary gig?"

I wanted to be reasonable, and part of me knew she was right. I had been stupid. I had been moronically ignorant. And the worst part was that I wasn't mad at the Doctor as much as I was at myself for having been so delusional.

"Jessica, it's alright. Remember how you'll be compensated afterwards! Your life isn't over! Not by a long shot! In fact, I'd say it's really just beginning. Once this is all over, you'll be a seductress bombshell with an endless array of cash to enjoy the world however you see best fit! What girl wouldn't want it any other way?"

"What girl?" I ran my hands through my hair and began to tear up. "I'm not a girl! I don't want to be one!"

The Doctor perked up.

Fear shot through my body, but I didn't back down. "Do I sound like Blair now? Are you going to have Kripke take me out back and bury me in the forest? You don't scare me with threats like that!"

"I don't believe I made any threats, Jessica." Her words were slow, but the Doctor was coming down to my level. She was no longer untouchable from her high and mighty throne of authority. "And I wouldn't concern yourself with Blair anymore. She was a bad apple."

I laughed at those words.

The Doctor continued. "I recognize that the information given to you today might have been difficult to digest, so I'll allow you this ONE outburst. Anymore and I will see to it that you are punished for this insubordination."

"Insubordination?" I laughed again.

The Doctor didn't speak. She turned quickly to a drawer behind her desk and pulled out a tablet. She typed away on it for a moment before showing me the screen. I could read my name, and under it was a digital limit from 1-10. Currently, I had a 1 next to my name. "My plan was to increase this with time. Maybe once every other week. You have proven that a punishment is required." She tapped on the screen and suddenly my name had a 2 next to it. She smiled and sat down. "I'll accept my apology however you see fit."

Suddenly, I felt my butt plug vibrate. Then, like a balloon, it began to grow, wider only slightly, but my breathe was drained out of me in an instant. I couldn't tell how big it actually was, but it felt like it had grown from one inch to three in length, and maybe doubled in width!

"Oh God," I said.

"I hope it isn't too pleasurable!" The Doctor said, "Now that considered, your timer on this device has also been reduced. You now have only 9 minutes without the alarm being activated." She folded her hands. "Would you like to apologize?"

I blinked away the stimulation. I was still monstrously angry, but old words came back to me. That sarcasm of yours will tear her apart. The Doc won't know how to treat it. After her involvement with Blair, Kripke was the last person I wanted to be thinking of, but her words hadn't been wrong yet! I swallowed back my anger, and I took a breath.

"Apologize?" I shook my head. "I should be saying 'Thank You' for this! I was curious what all you had in store for me. Now I know! Thanks, Doc!"

She could see through my words instantly, and she didn't hesitate.

"You may have noticed that your device has a few mechanical moderations within it." The Doctor said, "For example, the plug was constructed with an incredibly smooth silicon material so that it can sit comfortably in you without any agitation. As you just witnessed, the plug can also expand with a simple tap from my system."

"How... innovative!"

The Doc smirked. "I agree. Since you are so excited, I'll even let you take the next level of it! I should warn you, now the timer is down to seven minutes!"

She tapped the screen again, and again my plug vibrated.

Like before, it began to push further into me, and I felt my cage push against my dick even further. Widening even more, I almost collapsed to my knees, but I was frozen with sensation.

"Oh, how fantastic!" The Doc set the tablet down and walked over to face me. "It seems the prescription is also working to make this feeling a little more... favorable to you! With this supplement, you should be more inclined to prefer the plug from now on." Her eyes shifted over, and I could tell she was lost in a train of thought. "I've just had an idea for something new to test out..." She moved quickly to her desk and began typing away on a laptop. After a few moments, she asked, "Jessica, why are you still here? Go on now! I expect to see you in class shortly."

My vision struggled to stay straight, and I began to have short breaths.

The Doctor looked up once more to add, "I'll be very excited to see you in there."


Back in my dorm room, I went to the bathroom and worked to remove my plug.

With extraordinary ease, the plug slid out without any pain.

In my mind, I had imagined the plug to be nearly six inches and the size of a cock all the way down, but instead, the plug was much smaller still.

While it had grown, the plug was only four inches in length, and it was thick in the base, middle, and tip as it weaned off in between. In a way, this was shaped like a set of anal beads, only more like one solid object.

The timer beeped, and I dreaded the idea of it going back in, yet at the same time, I was ruthlessly wanting it in me. The Doc was right about the prescription. I was more favorable to the feelings.

With that note, I considered my prescription.

A permanent change was so obvious now. There was no going back to "normal" after these 18 months. But the Doc was right about the money. Maybe with enough of it, these feelings would all go away.


"So, we'll head down together around 7," Chelsea was saying. "Jacques is getting all of the food and booze ready to take down there, so all we have to bring is whatever we want!"

"Ladies," the Doc's voice boomed through the doorway, "get out your notes! Today's lesson will be a riveting conversation - yes that means I want to hear you today - about the actress Lillian Gish, and specifically her opinions on film and who owns it."

Twenty minutes later, we were beginning to go back and forth in conversation.

Madeline said, "But the movie belongs to the director! Without them, there isn't a movie!"

Chelsea rebutted, "So film your movie without actors. Who is watching it? Who would enjoy that?"

"Remember Everything, Everywhere, All at Once? You cried at the scene with the rocks with googly eyes. No actors there!"

"Oh please," Chelsea said, "You literally only like watching movies with Meryl Streep because she is in it."

The Doc interjected. "I love the dialogue, but let's make it a group conversation. Abigail? Jessica?"

Abby motioned to me, so I began, "I think I agree with the director. Some movies are just terrible because of the directors. Even good actors can elevate a bad movie."

The Doctor nodded, and then began to rummage through her bag as Abby spoke. She pulled out a notebook, an apple, and her tablet.

"Wonderful discussion. Now let's switch to ethics." The Doctor said, "There is no point in hiding this from one another, as you are all in similar situations, where for monetary incentives, some of you are partaking in activities you may not have been inclined to do so without the money!"

Chelsea shifted in her seat, as we all thought about her and Jacques. Abby looked around, reminded of her hormonal outbursts.

"Well, I present to you an experiment for today!" She held out the tablet, which showed only a red button to be pressed. "The game, Push the Button is a really fun way to learn more about our friends. The concept is simple. I will present a scenario, and it comes with a positive and negative. If you push the button, then it comes true, with both cons and pros!" The Doc said, "Who wants to go first?"

Abby's hand went up!

"If you press the button, you can have $100, but you can only eat Brussel Sprouts for an entire week."

"No chance." Abby shook her head and we laughed, "There isn't enough money for a week of those!"

The Doc smiled, "Chelsea, it's your birthday today! Happy Birthday!" Chelsea smiled back, and the Doc prompted, "If you press the button, you can choose what we learn about in class for a day, but you'll have to write an essay over it."

"Nope. No way I'm doing more work this close to leaving."

"Jessica," The Doctor said as she turned to me. "If you press the button, we will move you to a room that's twice as large, but you'd have to have a roommate."

I laughed as I said, "None of these people would want to lose their own room. No chance.

The Doctor said, "You are all are so stubborn."

Madeline said, "You aren't giving us very difficult choices. They need to be more rewarding!"

"Fair enough," the Doctor said, "Madeline if you press this button, you'll receive an additional 20% added to your paycheck of your current balance, but we increase your breast size another cup."

Madeline palmed her boobs, feeling the D-size fill her hands. "Why not!"

The Doctor smiled, "Perfect! I'll schedule you for a surgery in a week or so!"

Madeline did a double take. "Wait, for real? I thought this was just a game."

"I never said that did I? I'll have Mr. Cooper reach out soon to go over what is expected of you prior to the surgery."

Madeline's jaw dropped, and she protested. "I take it back. I'm fine with the chest I have now."

"I wouldn't put up a fight, Madeline. I'd hate for something to go wrong in the surgery, and we accidentally go up a few more cups than we were supposed to!" The Doctor addressed us all, "Now for each of you, you will have to press the button before we leave. Some new deal to spice up our lives here!"

Abby whispered to herself, "I should have taken the Brussel Sprout deal."

"Abigail!" The Doctor said, "If you press the button, Miss Kaylee will be in charge of your outfits entirely for the foreseeable future, but you will be given $20 for each day."

"Oh God." Abby went silent. "I'm so fucking scared of that woman. Then again, these deals could only get worse and worse." She ran her hands through her hair. "Fuck it! Everyone here has already seen me naked. I might as well get paid to look like a prostitute."

The digital confetti shot out again. "I'll have her come see you after class!"

"Jessica, if you press the button, you'll have control of your butt plug size completely and receive payments based on the size you set it to, but you have to choose someone else to also have one for the rest of the month."

"Choose someone else? So, they would be synched up to the controls as well?"


"Do they get paid as well?"

"Most certainly!"

I looked to the girls. "Anyone interested?"

Madeline's eyes shifted for a moment, but then said, "Apparently, I'm getting new tits soon, so why not get paid even more for some ass-play. Sign me up, Jess."

The Doc smiled and confetti exploded again. "Madeline, I'll have the device delivered promptly to your room."

"Chelsea, if you press the button, you can leave here tomorrow morning, but you will lose 25% of your total profits."

"Wait, what?" Chelsea sat up straight, "I could leave tomorrow?"


She bit her lip, and I could see the calculations going on. "Twenty-five percent... Does that include my monthly stipends after that will get paid, or just what I've gained as of today."

"I'm feeling generous, only the totals until today."

She looked at us all with a strange twinge in her eyes.

"I'm pressing that fucking button."


Madeline pulled down her skirt, while I studied the tablet that controlled both of our plugs from inside my room.

"The cage you have is insane," Maddie said. "I would never be able to have this in my ass and that cage on my cock. I would be going insane."

While I still was building the sisterhood between the women, they were more than comfortable being naked with one another. I looked away as Madeline pulled down her panties and grabbed her plug, but I couldn't help but steal a glimpse.

Madeline didn't have a cage, although it was apparent that she had worn one for long enough. Barely the size of the tip of my thumb, her cock was shrunken, and I didn't see her balls hanging either. They must have been pushed up insider her. With one quick motion, Maddie lubed her plug, and pushed it inside her. There was no mistaking her small cock pulse as the device went in.

I turned my eyes back to the device as she pulled up her panties, and Maddie said, "So what did you find out with that thing?"

"The Doc had more in mind than just giving us control." I flipped the tablet for her to see as she smoothed down her skirt. "Next to each level, there are dollar amounts. Level 1 is blank, but each level seems to be going up in strange amounts. Level 2 is $10 per week, 3 is $20 per week, which is what the Doc had me at this morning, but I've brought it back down to Level 1 for you." I continued, "After that, the levels get crazy with the money!"

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