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The Twelve Vitali Ch. 24


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"We heard you had to skip lunch, and you shouldn't be drinking on an empty stomach, so we came to the rescue," Ricco said.

"Oh, thank God, decent wine. I love you right now!" Lucia said happily.

"Dino called, I take it?" Ricco asked.

"Yeah, seems like everyone over there thinks this Phil guy is a true psychic medium or something. Even if he wasn't, he makes a lot of sense," Lucia nodded.

"Matt's like that. It's as if he has a sixth sense when something is wrong with one of us and just shows up to help make it right again," Lucca chuckled. "I can't explain it, he just knows stuff." He said without going into detail about the puzzles and problems he had presented his brother over time and never got the better of him.

"Dante's a bit like that, though he would never admit it," Lucia nodded. "It's no wonder they're all friends, the weirdos!" she laughed loudly.

The idea stuck in Ricco's brain, along with what Lucca had said in the car. What if he wasn't destined to be the oracle? What if he, like Jacobi, had just convinced himself that was his destiny? He considered the idea and decided he would make the time to talk to his fathers' tonight about why they had chosen the way they had.

"Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Edith and Kate, who have been so kindly here helping me out with the wedding plans," she introduced the other two women as she came back into the room. "We can eat in the dining room, if you like; the dress has been hidden now."

Ricco waited for David and Mick to arrive before explaining the seriousness of the situation in broader terms than he might have otherwise without the other two men there. It was important they knew the seriousness of the situation and that there would be extra security and staff around to cater to their needs so they wouldn't have to leave the house again unnecessarily until the wedding. If they did, they would go with someone from the security team.

"The life of the rich and famous," Mick chuckled. "I don't get why I'm here, but, hey, good food and company, I'm not gonna complain, especially if you guys are going to stick around for a while."

"We can't stay that long, sorry, but I have reinforcements coming," Ricco grinned. "I've got a couple of cousins I can call on who can talk footy with you. One you probably already know pretty well. Brady Vitali."

"Yeah, Brady is great," Mick acknowledged.


Matteo sat with his friends and considered what was happening. Extra security was being placed on everyone, and there were recent photos of both Nik, or the woman pretending to be her, and Maria circulating amongst the watchmen. The thought that someone pretending to be his mother could possibly show up at the church tomorrow and throw the wedding into chaos loomed large in his mind, and he worried about it. It was with some relief that he saw Ricco return, knowing that people he trusted were in the house with Cat and the rest of her wedding party.

"You know this is what they wanted, right?" Massimo sat back, his large frame dwarfing the armchair he sat in. "They want to ruin the wedding for you. The rest of the future chairs are all married, you're the last. It wasn't hard for them to work it out. If they stop the wedding they have more time to plan an attack. Let's face it, we all know it's a shotgun wedding with the speed at which you did it."

"She's not pregnant!" Matteo said defensively. "Not that it would matter if she were."

"No, man, the shotgun is pointed at her, she has to marry you cause, let's face it, you're not the most eligible bachelor around anymore. You're getting old and grey, and you could use a little more exercise," he teased. "Not everyone can be born blessed with my machismo." He chuckled, knowing his friend was super fit from daily workouts and eating healthy in an almost obsessive way.

"What can I say, she likes old and flabby, and I am putting a ring on it before she changes her mind and realises I have much younger brothers," Matteo shrugged.

"Shotgun wedding," Massimo pointed out. "I knew you were rushing that woman down the aisle for some reason. Now, where's the booze and strippers? I came here for a bachelor party, not all this drama." He looked at Ricco who had invited them all to his gathering of friends.

"Who knew you'd all be here early and eager, must be a tough life in Adelaide," Ricco chuckled.

"Friggin' city of churches, man. Fun was outlawed there decades ago," he rolled his eyes. "Why else do you think I put up with these freaks?"

"Same reason I do, they get the girls," Ricco shrugged, holding back his smile. "Wait until you meet Cat, you'll understand."

"I met her already," Nathanael said with a grin, knowing how curious the group was about the woman who brought Matteo back into the fold. "She's lovely, if you like that tall, leggy Victoria's Secret model type of thing," he chuckled as Massimo's eyes widened. He'd seen her picture, but he knew reality was always different.

"Yeah, not my type these days, but she's pretty hot," Dante chimed in, "If you like the whole supermodel thing," he chuckled, looking at Massimo. "I imagine Matteo will keep her as far away from you as possible. You could break her with one of your hugs."

"I'm good with delicate things, just asked Connie," he waggled his bushy eyebrows.

"I can't do much about strippers, that's not my choice, but booze I can do, follow me," Ricco invited and led Massimo to the wet bar in the living room. "You can play barman until the caterers get here."

The evening wore on and the men gathered became more relaxed as their families took over the warnings and the precautions needed to ensure the safety of everyone attending the wedding the next day, as well as their own family interests.

Good food accompanied by good wine flowed seemingly without end as the friends, along with Matteo's brothers and a few of the cousins, all lounged around the beautiful penthouse. Lucca and Sebastian sat out on the deck enjoying the small breeze that flowed around them and talking quietly. Ricco joined them, sinking into one of the thickly cushioned wicker chairs.

"Care to let me in on the secrets?" Ricco asked.

"Never seen Logan look so happy," Sebastian said, not skipping a beat. "He's not saying much about why, but I get the feeling it's not the hunt, not if Matteo stayed out of it like he agreed."

"Have you given him his clues?" Ricco tried not to smirk.

"Yeah, he pinned me down that night," Sebastian narrowed his eyes.

"I think Matteo's exact words to Lucca were, he wouldn't help from that point on, he was holding the clue list at the time," Ricco let his lip curl. "Luckily Cat had only asked for his help that morning, or you could have been in real trouble."

"Shit, I knew he gave in too easily," Lucca said. "They probably didn't even need our hints."

"They need them, but maybe not as badly as you think," he let his smirk show fully then. "Logan's good mood might have something to do with the new job Matt offered, though. So I wouldn't be too worried about the hunt."

"New job?" Sebastian asked, wondering if Logan was going to make it onto the table as one of the four or five cousins who would be needed to make up the numbers. He'd been hoping to be included in that number himself.

"He's going to be working with Cat on renovating or rebuilding the house out on the great ocean road. Matt gave it to her as an engagement present, or an enticement to say yes, I haven't quite worked out that deal yet," he chuckled.

"Are they going to keep the stable?" Lucca asked.

"I expect so, I taught Cat to ride out there, she loved it. I can't imagine her wanting to tear it down," he said thoughtfully.

"Anyone else that we know coming on board in your household once he makes her Mrs. Vitali?" Lucca asked, just taking it for granted that this was Ricco's household now too, even though it hasn't been announced yet.

"We all know it's coming," Sebastian shrugged. "We just don't know when."

"Hugh is going to be her driver. I'm not sure if you know him, he doesn't usually make it to gatherings, that family is a bit far removed from the table. Arturo is coming on board as her assistant, and Logan will pretty much have stewardship of both properties once the project on the house is done, and if it gets done well," Ricco said quietly, keeping his voice low, just as they had. There was no need to make any announcements before Sunday. "But, of course, a lot can change between now and then," he shrugged. "Nothing is ever guaranteed."

"Too true," Lucca agreed.

"What's up?" Chase asked, coming to join them with Arlo.

"Just realising that I am far too trusting of my devious older brothers," Lucca lamented. "Did Tate get her hints from you yet?" he asked.

"Sure, the same night," Chase narrowed his eyes.

"Matt's legal counsel, here, just pointed out that we should have taken more notice of the fine print in that deal," Lucca said disgustedly. "I think Logan and Kalum are playing with us."

"I doubt Kalum has any idea," Ricco chuckled, "And that's just the way Tate and Logan like it. I think they like the idea of pretending to be martyrs helping the newbies while making the most of every opportunity that presents itself. You know, Papa gave them a choice to change teams on the first day, and they both refused."

"I'm guessing Tate would love beating you as much as Logan will gloat over beating me for years to come if they pull it off," Sebastian chuckled to Chase.

"She won't get far on my hints, they were as cryptic as the clues themselves," Chase chuckled.

"Mine too," Sebastian said. "So it seems no one played fair except probably Lucca, he's never been good at lying and deception. For someone who loves puzzles and games, he's surprisingly bad at playing them."

"Yeah, it's a shame, really, because he could have been our biggest threat this year," Chase nodded seriously as Lucca eyed them both as if about to defend himself, but burst out laughing instead.

"I don't know how I grew up to be such a nice guy with shits like you in my family," Lucca accused. "Didn't you and Aria have some plan to sell Chase to the circus?" Lucca turned to Zion for help.

"He wanted to go too badly, and, seriously, it was pretty doubtful we could get past Cosimo and Angela to pull it off," Zion admitted.

"Disappointing, really, because I would have fucking loved that," Chase grinned.

"It's not too late, we could probably still do it," Lucca said urbanely.

"Nah, it's too late, he's got no talent, and he's too old to learn anything that would make him attractive to the circus folk," Zion pondered the proposition.

"Look at him, he's a freak, they love that shit," Lucca chuckled.

"Don't be hating because I'm beautiful," Chase said with a grin. "So, did you give Cat her hints?"

"She hasn't asked," Lucca admitted. "I expect she will next week. I don't think she's getting a honeymoon for a while."

"She doesn't have a passport, she's got to get that organised first," Ricco shrugged as curious eyes turned on him.

"As I'm not the groom, I might go check on her before it gets any later," Ricco came to his feet.

"Sit down and let her have her girl's night," Chase said grumpily. "Tell me more about how you think Tate and Logan will beat us in the hunt."

"Because I'm on their team and they respond well to motivational military speeches," Kalum said in a serious tone. "Plus, I told them that I hate to lose, and that second is the first loser and totally unacceptable. Logan's been carrying our team all week; he's been practically playing on his own most of the time. Cat and I went along with a couple of team ones, but he's been pulling all the big weight, while we sit back and reap the rewards. I think he likes having Tate as a side-kick though, nothing seems to bother that girl."

"That's Tate, Little Miss Sunshine," Chase chuckled. "It can be annoying at times."

"I'm surprised she gets on so well with Logan's gloom and doom persona. Maybe it's a counterbalance," Sebastian mused. "Or maybe she's rubbed off on him a bit, he does seem happier lately."

"Well, Kalum, I'm happy to make you the first loser," Chase grinned. "I had planned to make Sebastian the first loser, but he can be second to you."

"We'll see how the dust settles at the end, shall we? It might be a nice wedding present for Cat if you let her win though," he grinned. "I'm sure Lucca is already on board with that idea."

"I might have been, until I realised these two don't see me as a threat at all," Lucca grumbled. "Seems like we have a real contest now. Anyone care to make an extra wager?"

"I think I'll wait to see the standings on Sunday after the wedding," Sebastian said, considering the proposition and narrowing his eyes at Lucca.

"Ricco, got a few minutes?" Nathanael asked, joining the group of Vitali men.

"Sure," Ricco said, getting to his feet. "What's up?" he asked, walking away from the group of men he had been sitting with to the far dimly lit end of the deck.

"It's a tough gig being the third wheel at the top of the table," Nathanael said tentatively. "Matteo says he's all good with you though, and tried to explain why. I imagine it's different from his point of view, and I wanted to ask you about how you felt about it, seeing as you both seem pretty happy about the situation."

"It's probably different for me." Ricco let out a large breath. This was the last thing he expected to be asked about tonight. He skirted over his relationship with his twin brother, Jacobi, and how, if as they had thought he had become the chair, Ricco could very well be in the same position as Nathanael and living with a Kept rather than being involved in a real relationship. He talked about his failed relationship with Cat because of that commitment to his brother and his subsequent heartache when he found out about Matteo and Cat.

"When it became obvious that Matt and I would be forced together, and I had an opportunity to start a new and very different relationship with both Matt and Cat, I laid it all on the line. I was brutally honest and demanded the same from Matt." Ricco explained. "I never said a word to, or went near Cat until Matteo was fully on board with the relationship. He knows I love him and would never do anything to hurt or betray him. He trusts me implicitly, not just with Cat, but with his heart too."

"Matt said I needed to date my brother, I don't think I understood what he meant at the time, but what you're saying is that I need an intimate relationship with him even more so than with the mother," Nathanael seemed to be thinking it through as he spoke.

"Not sexual, but loving and intimate. Talk about everything, including her," Ricco shrugged. "Let him know what you need, it's not just about his needs or her needs, you need your needs to be met, or else how can you be effective as a team if you don't have that level of trust and respect?"

"I've been thinking about it a lot since seeing Matt and Dante in Kuala Lumpur," Nathanael admitted. "You know why the tables were set up this way. You've got to admit it's a bizarre tradition to have been kept in place for so long, even the most progressive families still insist upon it."

"The families have always been under attack; where there is light there is always a shadow. I expect they did it so that if one head of a family was cut off, there was another to stand strong while a new head grew in its place, like the Hydra," Ricco mused.

"I always thought it was to protect the mother and the bloodline. Until recently, travelling could take weeks or months, and a man in such a position wouldn't want to leave the mother alone. It's also not out of the realm of possibility that more than one man throughout history was infertile," Nathanael spoke as if he'd given it some thought.

"We're probably both right, but I was thinking of the Donatis'. Christo died pretty soon after becoming the Oracle," he said sadly. "Just like this whole deal today with the look alike, we're all so well protected by the tables, we forget there are real threats out there."

"You seem worried, more so than the others," Nathanael looked at Ricco. "You do realise all twelve tables have security here, now. I can't see anyone getting through the net they've constructed. Still, it doesn't pay to be complacent, I guess."

"We have another skeleton in Ghost Town, and I have a feeling they'll try to disrupt the wedding and cause panic, considering today's appearance didn't work," Ricco said. He wondered how Cat would cope if someone who looked like his mother stepped forward when the priest asked if anyone had a reason to object. She already had deep insecurities about being good enough for Matteo.


Cat woke early. The wedding still seemed a long way off, and she tried to lie in bed and rest, if not sleep. In the end, she gave up and picked up her phone. She knew Matteo would be awake already, she doubted he slept more than a couple of hours each night. She contemplated texting or calling him, but, after the strangeness of her meeting with Veronica yesterday, she wanted to hear his voice and know that he wasn't stressed or anxious about the day. She pressed his name and listened to it ring once before his voice sounded in her ear, making her smile and calming her nervousness.

"Good morning, Kitten," Matteo smiled through the phone. "You're awake early."

"I know, and I thought, rather than cursing you silently for always waking me up so early, I'd call and curse you for it out loud," she teased.

"Are you nervous?" he asked softly.

"A little. Are you?" she asked in return.

"A lot," he chuckled. "Just promise me you will be there on time and say all the right things in the right places without any buts or ifs or second guesses."

"I promise I will do nothing to mess up your big traditional fantasy wedding, I might even wear a pretty dress for you," she grinned.

"Well, if you have one lying around, that would be nice," he chuckled.

"I'll see what I can dig up, but you know me, I'm not into the whole girly frilly thing, so don't get your hopes up too high. I can, however, promise no yoga pants, if that helps," she offered.

"It does, but I was really hoping for lacey and frilly, something especially girly," he continued to laugh.

"Now you tell me! Geez some warning next time would be nice! I wonder if I have time this morning to run out shopping? Probably not, with the schedule my minders have me on," Cat sighed.

"Speaking of minders, you'll have a lot more security today, and Knox is going to stay with you, don't get in any car that isn't being driven by him. The woman yesterday may have been a look-alike, but I'm not taking any chances with you until I see you at the church," Matteo instructed.

"Yes, Sir!" Cat responded in a clipped voice, rolling her eyes at him, even though he couldn't see her.

"I know you just rolled your eyes at me, but this is serious, Cat. I mean it! No one but Knox is to take you anywhere. I trust him to bring the woman I love safely to me at the church where I can finally tie her down with a gold band on her finger," Matteo's voice softened. "I missed you last night; let's not do this sleeping in different beds thing again."

"I'd say yes, but I don't want to be dragged along on every business trip you take," she laughed. "How's Ricco this morning?"

"Pouting because you called me first," Matteo teased.

"Is he even awake yet?" she asked, looking at her watch and seeing it was barely five thirty.

"Yep, he's sitting on the other side of my desk pouting, though it's not as bad as it was, because we're talking about him," Matteo laughed, and Cat imagined Ricco saying something unkind under his breath. "He said something about saving the best for last. I'm trying to ignore it, seeing as he's my best man and all, and I don't want to have to hit him this morning."

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