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The Twelve Zenati Pt. 37


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Her tongue flicked the backside of his shaft going down and pressed firmly along the length moving up. Slurping noises came as she swirled the cockhead with her lips and tongue before pressing herself back down the length.

The slow movements became too passionate and too intense for Genesis. He had wanted to finish this game by skull fucking her and coming deep inside her throat, but she had other plans and was winning him over to them with the way her wonderful mouth and tongue worshipped his cock. She would pay for this titillating moment, though, and his mind began to fill with delightful ways to punish her for pushing him too close to the edge, so soon he realised.

She felt him tense, his balls drawing in, and his hips thrusting up with stronger movements. This was what she had wanted and what she had been waiting to see. Knowing he was close; she relaxed her throat to take him to the back and hold him there. She began sucking his cock harder, holding her lips as a seal around the base and feeling the head of him pulsing within her mouth.

His hands began to clutch at her hair, pushing and pulling and holding her head in place just where he wanted her. Her nose pressed into the area above his shaft. She felt him shift, heard his breathing get harder, then, with a sudden thrust, the moment happened. He pulled back slightly, and hot liquid filled her mouth, splashing into the back of her throat. She held him there, loving the feel of him emptying into her mouth. Knowing the pleasure she was giving him gave her pleasure all her own.

He came harder than she had expected after their day in the sun and the sea, and she almost couldn't swallow him all, feeling a tiny dribble fall from the corner of her mouth. Then, with one last spasm, she pulled her mouth slowly upwards off of his softening cock and swallowed the warm sweetness of his release.

He had called her name in his moment of release, making her feel as if she had received a great reward for her efforts, and now he was breathing hard and watching her utterly relaxed in the chair. She stared at him for a moment and allowed him his time to collect himself again. But before she knew it, he was pulling her into his lap again and kissing her.

"You're are everything I have ever wanted in my life. You are amazing," he whispered, "that was amazing. I am truly the luckiest man in the world to have found the woman who holds my heart so gently in her hands."

Olivia curled herself into his arms. She was happy she had pleased him and glad to be here in the one place she wanted to be. Together they watched the water, content to just touch for a moment and find peace. Only there was a strange thumping sound that disturbed their tranquillity.

"What is that?" Olivia asked with a frown, leaning forward to sit up and ensure what she was hearing was real.

Genesis opened his eyes and looked around. A distant explosion and flash of light sounded from the shoreline, and Genesis swore, leaping into action. He dragged Olivia to the side and forced her into a life vest before taking one of his own.

"Don't inflate it yet. They may not realise who or what we are," Genesis murmured. A glance at the closest boat told him that they had heard the danger as well and were scrambling to prepare for an attack. He held his breath, clutching Olivia to him, and waited, his eyes on the dark shadow in the sky and the fire on the shoreline where they had been only a few days ago.


Only a few of the men from each of the tables knew they had all come together to meet the threat based on the vision of Phil Sergi, who was unquestionably the greatest oracle of their age. Valdemar and all of the men with him knew without a doubt t they would turn the tide of this battle. They just didn't know how.

"Alright, fellas, follow me to the border, then Zenati can take us into Kriol country. We need to avoid main routes for now. It seems someone tipped off the AFP that some bikers were defying the laws in Queensland about known motorcycle organisations gathering together," Red said. "Fuel up. It will be a long ride, and we'll each need a spare tank.

"I thought those laws were repealed," Larry frowned.

"Probably, but it's a big scary threat, so they're looking into it," he grinned.

"Us or them," Chase grimaced.

"Both," Red laughed and swung his leg over his bike.

"It's started," Val said quietly, making the others fall silent. "We need to move with speed now. Stay together. The more light we have on those bush tracks, the better. I know you're all experienced riders, but it's blacker than the inside of a demon's arse out here at night so take care and watch out for each other. I'll lead because I know the terrain best," he said, then looked directly at Paolo Farnese and Mick Gambaro. Did everyone in your families make it?" he asked, demonstrating to the others just how serious this attack and threat was.

"Yeah, we were ready," Paolo nodded

"Collateral damage only. Everyone will survive," Mick spoke quietly.

"Then we better get on the road and play our part in this game because I will always bet on our families to not only survive but to win," Zed said, starting his bike and pushing his helmet over his head.

The others did the same and rode out into the night rather than setting up camp as planned.

At three in the morning, Red led them into a station owned by distant cousins of his family near the border. Finally, they'd be able to refuel their bikes and their bodies as well as grab a couple of hours sleep before continuing their trek in daylight. Driving through the outback in the dark was dangerous enough with the rough road surface and wildlife, but adding fatigue to the mix was just plain dumb, so they agreed to a two-hour nap and start again at dawn.


"Thank you for agreeing to see us," Tabitha lowered her head slightly to the woman and her two mates, who sat stiffly before her. The two men behind her bowing their heads in the same way.

"My cousins said it was important that I meet with you, but I must warn you that tensions are high at the moment. While you and your people have been nothing but helpful to this point, outsiders are viewed with suspicion at this time," Catriona Vitali placed a hand on her extended belly.

"Again, I will thank you for suspending that suspicion to allow this meeting to happen," Tabitha smiled gently, and her eyes glistened. "You look so much like your grandmother. I have seen it in the pictures, but to be here is quite something. Forgive me, I know so much of you, and you know nothing of me," she apologised. "I am your Aunt Tabitha, and I rule the Tartar in your absence."

"What is it you want from my wife exactly?" Matteo said. "There was no way he was giving up his wife without a fight to these people. Not as pregnant as she was.

"We have come to apologise. Some of us are good readers of people, and fewer still have the gifts of second sight. It is what we are known for in your circles. But, in general, we are a peaceful people aside from one or two who have blemished our history and that of our royal family," she admitted.

"We know this much is true," Ricco nodded, wanting to hurry the woman on as his older brother bristled and scowled at what was essentially royalty amongst his wife's family.

"We entered into a pact with Konrad Van der Kemp in good faith that his information was true and correct. However, while it was true that our missing princess was with the Twelve Tables and held to them as tightly as any prisoner would be, she was not imprisoned by them but rather freed," Tabitha admitted. "We have severed our pact with Konrad Van Der Kemp and his Varangian knights. He will no longer have forewarnings of your attempts to discover him. Catriona has clearly chosen her family from love, not force."

"She tilted her head as she looked at Ricco Vitali. I do not expect to need to tell you that his plan has always been to divide and conquer. Some few rebels remain with him as he closes in on his heart's desire. Even if you warn them the meeting must happen, we have seen it in many futures. It will only be a Black Blade that ends his reign of terror," she foretold.

"Why come to us now? Why should we believe anything you have to say after leaving Catriona in tragic and dangerous circumstances for most of her life?" Matteo pushed the woman. "He wanted her gone. She wasn't telling them anything they didn't already know.

"Had we have known of Catriona's suffering, we would have intervened, but we didn't even know of her existence because she was shielded from our sight by her Mother. Our assistance in the destruction of your tables was reliant on us acquiring our lost royal. We have found her now and confirmed her linage. She offers her protection to your tables, and so must we as her people. We have severed the pact we made with Konrad as it was a worthless agreement and one he never planned to honour," she said without emotion.

"I see. Well, that is a good thing, and we thank you on behalf of all twelve tables," Ricco said.

"You don't understand, Ricco Vitali," she smiled gently. "We tell you this so you can tell your brethren that we will move against the threat when the time is right as their allies. As proof of our changed allegiance, I would ask you to contact Anthony, or Gianni Zenati ask them who told them to evacuate their house before it exploded. There have been similar warnings issued to the Farnese and Gambaro's, and while there were some superficial injuries in Perth, there were no fatalities due to the forewarning. Tell only your circle and remember he has some rebels with the sight beside him. He wants the girl with three faces because she is completely unpredictable. He cannot guess her next moves, and neither can the Tatar who have the sight. He is obsessed with her and exterminating the Zenati who he blames for his original plans falling apart around him. He will stop at nothing to take her from them."

"Okay, we will talk to our circle, but the choice is theirs. Particularly the Zenati, but I am sure they already know they are the focus of his wrath. I trust you will not harm Catriona. You have also helped remove the Suebi, though I believe now that it was part of Konrad's game. But, beyond that, I don't trust you at all," Matteo said. He felt his wife stiffen beside him. "No, Cat, if they want our trust, they can start earning it."

"Thank you for coming in person, Queen Tabitha," Cat spoke softly. "I had wanted to meet you and tell you that I would not be returning to take up the mantle of my grandmother. The right woman for the job has that title already," she smiled softly. "And I am exactly where I am supposed to be," she laughed lightly as she felt her men relax beside her.

"I believe you are right about that," Tabitha grinned. "Your cousin will stay close to warn you of any fallout of our parting of ways with the Varangians, but I trust you will be safe with your men." Tabitha stood and stepped forward to embrace Catriona. "Never forget you are a queen to more than just the men who love you."


Dante and Joshua Donati had suffered more than most at the hands of this game master. First, the early loss of Christo, then the loss of a brother and a sister, a sister-in-law and the heartache his brother felt for that. Finally, they lost their remaining parents and closest Uncle. They would have done anything to exact their own vengeance on the man who continually threatened their family and friends. So it was with suspicion they sat waiting for the circle meeting that Matteo Vitali and his brother had called.

Peri sat across from them in a comfortable chair, nursing the new additions to their brood. Dante gazed at her feeling all his dark thoughts wash away. They had entered a new era, and there was only sunshine and lollipops from this point on.

"Fuck, Josh! How did we get here?" he asked seriously. Of course, it was a regular question and needed no answer. "The emo kid and the spoilt brat? Us?" he shook his head, not taking his eyes from the answer as she finished feeding and lifted the babe to her shoulder.

"I'll get him," Josh said, standing and moving over to Peri. He leaned down to kiss her as he took the baby from her shoulder and transferred him to his own. "Daddy's little man is getting so big now," he crooned. "I'll come with you to the nursery," he said as Peri stood and righted her clothing before holding her arms out for her son.

"Okay," she shrugged. She didn't bother arguing when tensions were high. They needed the peace of mind she and their babies were all safe and sound, and she didn't mind giving it to them. She made her way over to Dante so he could kiss their daughter and her before she left and smiled. "I'll send him straight back to play with you and your friends," she laughed. Then she turned and left the room with Josh. She said nothing until they had put the babies to bed under the careful watch of Heather, their long-time nanny.

"Josh, I know what this man represents to you, but, remember, nothing that happens now will change the past. We need to move forward as best we can, okay?" she asked. The anger and vengeance he had been exuding in the last few weeks were eating him up, and she needed him to be the man she fell in love with again. "I need you, and the kids need you, the good you who isn't all torn up inside. It will be okay. I know it will."

"It will," he agreed and hugged her close. "How could it not be when you love me the way you do," he chuckled. "I have to go help catch a bad guy, and then it will be over once and for all."

"So, it seems the Tartar have been playing both sides of the fence, which is how he has stayed one step ahead instead of all the planning and pre-empting we thought he did," Dante tried to get Josh up to speed as he continued to listen. The Tatar broke the pact and are offering us help now because the person he promised was in the Papillo prison was in Melbourne the whole time and here with us for a bit. It turns out Catriona is Tartar royalty, and their allegiance is to her, now they have verified who she is."

"That explains the attacks on the Papillo, at least," Josh nodded.

"So, they will come to each family if there is an imminent threat. The Zenati evacuated a house that was subsequently blown up thanks to the forewarning of similar stories from both the Farnese and Gambaro's, so it's your choice whether to trust them or not," Ricco said to the circle.

"Phil? Care to weigh in?" Dante asked.

"I don't feel any threat from them. But honestly, there are so many moving pieces now I am unsure of what moves to make, so my thoughts are staying with the riders," Phil said. "I can't even tell you why, but I think they will be important."


Gideon raced through the streets of Darwin heading for his Madrina's home. The silly old woman had come home from the gathering early. As he pulled into her street and saw her house, he breathed a sigh of relief. Now to get her to a safe house if he could. He stepped out of the car and approached her door taking long rushed strides in his urgency. Taped to the door was a note with his name on it. He pulled it off to read the message.

"Dear cheeky boy, I am not so old and senile that I would not head for safety on a night such as this, but I knew when I couldn't get hold of anyone that you would come. Trust that I will be around to embrace my grandchildren." He could hear her cackle in his head but it was interrupted by a rumble, then a flash of light and Gideons world went dark.


Genesis and Olivia had already left the ship when the first of their small fleet was hit with a missile of some kind. They were swimming as stealthily as they could toward shore when a hail of bullets sprayed the water and the boat they had been aboard a few minutes before. As Genesis kept Olivia close to him, she cried out in what he thought was fear until she cried in a high-pitched whine and clutched her shoulder.

Looking up at the sky as the helicopters veered away, Genesis made the decision to head back to the boat rather than try for the shore while there was blood in the water attracting sharks of all kinds. Distant cousins helped him back onto his boat having got there first from their own vessel intent on protecting the couple.

The helicopters did not turn to ensure they had completed their job and Genesis lead their small group inside the ship so he could see how bad Olivia had been hurt.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Oh man!

First, you give us back to back chapters, I was so happy, then you give us the mother of all cliff hangers, you are so mean.

Please don’t wait too long for the next chapter, I’m on pins and needles to see what happened to Gideon.

As always you are a great writer, Thank you for your time and effort. KS

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love you. This is incredible. This is you, working it hard. This is what I've been looking forward to... some real action. Not since the Donati's have I been so effected. Yes the mother's, yes crazy escapees, but Marcie rulez. I just don't want the independent push of hers to end. Loving the riders. It's like B characters taking over. Of course they are usually expendable, but I doubt that will be your use of them. Oh Gideon... I want to see Konrad go down hard! I want to see an end to the male BS of the tables letting all resources, ie smart women, hold any position in the tables. It amazes me how you are able to work all of these characters together! Just amazing!

So glad you are back and fighting on from the amazon nightmare.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Another 5 stars! You make this look easy *sigh*. Quite literally ALL of the excitement.

Humble thanks for all your hard work.

Tess (uk)

Bammerman76Bammerman76almost 3 years ago

Spoiling us with so many chapters being released. Love it!!! Thanks for sharing your stories with us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I´m happy. While the last parts where great writing as ever, the story needed an acceleration in pace of some kind.

I´m looking forward to the next parts of this exciting series.

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