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The Undercover Paralegal


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Cheryl slowly turned around -- and quickly fixed her robe, as she read the blonde's roaming eyes.

"Hello, my name is Eddie, and this is Maria. From what I understand, you will be meeting with Mr. Carrasso," the well-dressed man said. He looked at Jack, who merely nodded. "And you will be enjoying the pool and Maria's company," he continued, this time looking at Cheryl, who also nodded. The beautiful blonde was now wearing a sly smile. Her eyes focused on Cheryl. "Good, nice to see we are all on the same page," Eddie said, before he added. "Frankie, escort Maria out to the pool."

Cheryl watched as one of the men walked away with the blonde, who flashed a smile back over her shoulder. Cheryl was puzzled, wondering why she wasn't going along with them.

Eddie moved over in front of Jack. "Ok, before you enter for your meeting, I must insist on a further search." Jack began to sputter. "I know, I know, you wouldn't dream of concealing anything. But let's be sure... Strip."

"What? You can't be serious," Jack argued.

"Do I come off as anything but serious?"

"I really don't think this is...ough." Jack's protest was cut off by a punch to the stomach, from one the goons. He sank to his knees. Cheryl could only gasp, as the bald guy had her by the collar. She also realized, from the way the men were positioned in the hall, that they were trapped."

"Now, it didn't really have to come to this," Eddie said, bending down in front of Jack. "And believe me, we aren't going to get some sort of thrill out of seeing you naked. It's just our job to make sure you're clean."

He helped Jack to his feet and stepped back. Jack brushed off his suit and wiped his eyes. "Look guys...knock it off."

Cheryl's heart pounded as second after nervous second passed. Jack seemed frozen.

"That is a very nice suit. Is that the problem?" Eddie said. "Just hand in to Vinnie here, and he'll give it back good as new. It's not like you have to go to the meeting naked."

"It's not that," Jack said, before glancing at Cheryl.

"Oh, I understand," Eddie said. "Well, it's time to swallow some pride. Wouldn't you say it's better for her to watch you a little humiliated than to watch you get your ass kicked?"

"Please Jack," Cheryl moaned, as she thought she understood the real reason he looked her way. And when Jack finally started to undress, she looked down at the floor. She kept her eyes there until it was time for Jack to lower his briefs. Then curiosity got the better of her, and she peeked. She had to clench her teeth to keep from gasping -- the rumors were indeed true. Jack was allowed to pull his briefs back up, and then Vinnie, with a sneer, escorted him deeper into the house.

Cheryl gulped, as the three remaining men all seemed to turn towards her at the same time. She didn't like that look in their eyes.

"Sorry, honey, I didn't catch your name," Eddie said. The two other men moved over to stand on either side of him. They had to be a foot taller than him. It seemed almost humorous to her.

Eddie cleared his throat. "Did your parents give you a name?"

"Cher - Cheryl."

"That's a pretty name...for a pretty woman," Eddie said, as he reached out and brushed aside a lock of blonde hair that had fallen across her brows. "And such pretty eyes."

Cheryl trembled and flinched. His coolness made her uneasy.

"You saw your companion's search, no?"

Cheryl nodded, starting to get teary. A bad feeling started to wash over her.

"So you know what's coming next?"

Cheryl knew, but didn't want to say. She was also still clinging to a vain hope.

"I said, 'You know what's coming next?'" This time Eddie spoke with more force.

Cheryl looked into Eddie's eyes and fluttered her dark lashes, but when she did, a small teardrop escaped and rolled down her cheek, ruining the desired effect.

"No need for the water works, babe...no one'll hurt you here," Eddie said. He crossed his arms and added, "Just strip, and you'll be soaking up the sun in no time."

Cheryl played with the sash on her robe. She suddenly remembered her red bikini. She breathed a sigh of relief. ("Surely they'll be able to see I couldn't be hiding anything in it.")

She untied her robe. When she slid it off, she stood confused, until one of the burly men, who Cheryl thought was really mean looking, held out his arm. It startled her at first, but she took a deep breath and draped the robe over his arm, wishing the men weren't standing so close.

The largest of the trio laughed. "Fuckin' Hawks jersey. I di'n't think nobody wore that shit no more."

"Quiet!" Eddie barked with a snap of his thumb and fingers. "Jesus, you talk like a retard... Sorry my darling, please continue."

Cheryl took another deep breath, lifted the shirt over her head, and draped it over the mean man's arm. Today it hadn't been so lucky.

"Holy bazooks," the tall goon muttered. Cheryl quickly threw her arms up in front of her chest. The bald guy that searched her earlier just smiled, knowingly.

"Can I go now? I really could use a swim." Cheryl wasn't lying; it felt like she was on fire. Their lusty, roaming eyes weren't helping.

"Sure," Eddie said, nodding his head, "but finish what you've started."

"What?" Cheryl gasped.

"Yeah, we've seen why you're with that scum bag lawyer, now let's see why he's really with you."

Cheryl was insulted. (Even though she wasn't really with Jack, she knew what Eddie meant.) She made a throwaway gesture. "You guys just want to see me naked!"

"Wow! Beauty AND brains," Eddie said. "Plus, we are just doing our jobs. Can't be too careful these days; there is a lot of shit going down...sorry, pardon my French."

Cheryl stood frozen, but her mind was a-buzz. Maybe she knew all along that she would be getting totally naked, especially after what had just happened to Jack. She also remembered her boss said something about a wire being found. And she also felt that these weren't the type of guys who would settle for her in just a bikini, when they could have more. She shivered, wondering just how much more.

When Eddie cleared his throat, she knew it was show time.

A mother of two, Cheryl wasn't completely satisfied with her body, but knew that that her 36DD breasts would surely hold their attention. She untied the top of her bikini, spun it around to untie the back, and handed it over. She took their gasps as a strange compliment, although they made her blush even more. But she also hoped her breasts would divert their attention while she quickly slipped off her bottoms. She didn't hand them over though. Instead, she kept them balled up in her hand. They were too distracted to notice.

When Eddie instructed her to make a slow half turn, Cheryl was happy to have those stripper-like shoes, for the first time since she got them. She felt as if they were helping her strut. Although it did made it a little harder when she had to bend down to touch her toes. She also knew the guys weren't really interested in her flexibility. A lone teardrop fell to the cold tile floor when she had to reach back and spread her ass cheeks apart, next. Then (omigod!) Eddie suddenly asked to see some "pink." Cheryl was too embarrassed to argue and just wanted it to be over, so she readjusted her fingers a little deeper and pulled apart again. She was sure they could see everything now, but apparently they wanted more, so she had to pull deeper and wider. Her eyes were so watery that Cheryl couldn't see much, but she knew Eddie had moved in for a closer look. She braced for his touch.

"That's good. You can turn back around," Eddie said, lightly slapping Cheryl's ass. "And if you ever need a job, my buddy is always looking for new talent." Eddie handed a business card to Cheryl, who was somewhat confused. He also wiped her tears with a hankie. She pulled away from his touch and then, finally realizing that Eddie's buddy ran a strip joint, resumed her indignant pout.

"Ok, you can get dressed now. Enjoy your stay. I gotta go. Take care of her, guys."

Cheryl heaved a sigh of relief. She bent to put her bottoms back on, as Eddie went out the front door. When she looked up, both of the men left wore similar sly smiles. "Ok, guys, you had your fun with me, ha ha," she said, as she tucked the card in her bikini's waistband.

"Are you looking for this?" the bald man teased, holding up her bikini top. She saw that the other one held her robe and shirt behind his back.

"Very funny guys, giv'em back," she said, nervously, as the men began to circle her. "C'mon, guys, quit it!"

The two men, teasing, tossed her bikini top back and forth over her head just out of her reach. She bounced between the two of them, like a topless pinball. Because of their size, she felt so helpless. To make matters worse, they were also taking every opportunity to pinch her ass or cop a quick feel.

The bald man finally turned and started walking through the house, holding the scrap of cloth over his head. Cheryl slowly followed, her hands clutching her breasts. Her ass was also receiving playful slaps from the other man as he herded her along. She was thankful that the house was otherwise empty. She saw the bright light of day and figured, with some relief, that she was finally being led out to the pool area.

Cheryl stepped out onto the patio. The bright sun temporarily blinded her, and its heat hit her like a fist. When her eyes focused, she saw the blonde nearby sitting in a pool chair, wearing only a small Confederate flag bikini. There was an empty chair next to her. Cheryl wanted to sit down, but she wanted her top back, too. She saw the bald man waving it in the air, standing by a small pool house. Sighing at this juvenile game, she walked towards the pool house. But she stopped suddenly, as she realized she was acting like a rat following the scent of cheese, and she didn't want to be trapped like one.

"Looks like I'm going to be sunbathing topless," she said, and then she stuck her tongue out, in the bald man's direction.

As she started to turn around, the man who was following her scooped her up off her feet and carried her squirming body into the pool house. She cried out to the blonde for help, but only heard a giggle, as the pool house door slammed shut. Cheryl was tossed onto an old wicker love seat. She got up quickly and tried to run to the door, but just bounced off the bald man and fell to the rubber matted floor.

"Please, guys, don't hurt me," Cheryl pleaded.

The men turned to each other and shared an evil laugh. The bald man turned back to Cheryl with a sly smile. "Didn't you hear what Eddie said? No one will hurt you here."

"Then let me out of here!" Cheryl cried out.

"But didn't you also hear him say 'take care of her, guys?'"

"C'mon, guys, let me go!" Cheryl pleaded, as she shifted back over to the love seat.

"Oh, we will," the bald man chuckled, while he tapped on the front of his pants. "But first you're gunna have to 'finish what you started.' Eddie also said that. Remember?"

When he moved his hand, Cheryl gasped, seeing that his pants were definitely "happy."

"No way!" Cheryl cried, as the men crept forward. "I'm marr..." She reflexively covered her mouth with her hand, her heart pounding in her chest. Suddenly pushing papers didn't seem that bad.

But they didn't seem to notice. "Talking time is over. Time to use them sultry red lips for a better purpose," the bald man sneered. He pulled her off the love seat and onto her knees. "Don't say you never dun this before."

She tried to scamper away, but the bald man grabbed her ponytail. When she looked up, the other man had already dropped his pants and was pulling his cock out of his boxers. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure looking in one of the windows (and it had blonde hair). Cheryl tried to move out of the way of the advancing cock, but the bald man was controlling her head. She felt a hand on her breast and it quickly went for a nipple twister. She let out a squeal. It was the opportunity the man standing in front of her was looking for, and he quickly stuffed his semi hard cock into her open mouth. She gagged, as the bald man began pushing her head back and forth on his partner's cock.

She gasped (for air), when they finally gave her second to breathe. She also gasped (in surprise) when she saw another face in the window. Recognizing Jack's slick black hair, her mind was racing. She took the cock back in her mouth. This time the bald man didn't need to push and pull; now she slurped on the cock, freely.

("Was this Jack's plan all along?" she thought. "To seduce the blonde.") She felt the bald man's hands wrap around her breasts, and this time he caressed them. It reminded her that she had never been with two men before, except in her dreams. Her husband's face suddenly flashed before her mind's eye, and she stopped sucking. But the big goon just grabbed her ears and started fucking her face.

("Geez, what choice do I have?" she thought.) She started sucking again to try to stop the gagging face fuck. Her quick excuse to herself: She was undercover, and with Jack and her target, Maria, watching, she figured she wasn't in any real danger...if she just cooperated, anyway. She hoped Jack knew what he was doing. And she also hoped her husband would understand... Besides, though she'd never admit it, sucking cock while being pawed at -- with an audience watching -- was starting to really turn her on. And when she felt a hand slip into the front of her bikini bottoms a couple of minutes later, she wondered if the hand's owner would know. His quick laughter was the answer.

"Man, this bitch is good to go," the bald man said, pulling on her hair. "Here, have a taste." His slimy fingers slipped into her mouth, and after a slow start, she licked them with real enthusiasm. Although it had been a while, it wasn't the first time she had tasted her own pussy juice.

("If they want to freak me out, they're gunna have to try harder than that," she thought with a smirk.) She didn't even get flustered when, a few minutes later, the goon in her mouth started cumming; she had used the interval to prepare for the inevitable. It also brought back some "backseat" memories.

The bald man pulled back on her hair again. She opened her mouth gratefully when she saw a silver flask in his hand. But she gagged and shuddered, as the flask's contents burned her throat. ("Cheap men, cheap whiskey," she thought.) Still, when she saw the bald man unzipping his fly, she hoped he had more whiskey in that flask. She had a feeling she was going to need it.

It was much, much later when Cheryl stumbled out of the pool house. The sun was considerably lower in the sky. She scrambled into the pool, not even pausing to take off her shoes. Submerging briefly, she ran her hands over her tender flesh. A lone water chair floated by, and she climbed on top of it. It was a struggle; her whole body ached. Once aboard, she finally relaxed, letting the cool water wash over her lower body. It was soothing.

She paddled until she could see the pool house where she had been for quite a while. She wondered just how long it had been. She could see that there seemed to be movement from inside. The big goon slowly walked out the door and offered a wave. She just shook her head, remembering that he shot off in her mouth and then still came back for more. The bald guy followed. He just smiled. She knew it was a satisfied one, since he had enjoyed both her mouth and her pussy. He seemed get a charge out of switching back and forth.

Two more of the guys walked out and never even looked her way. Cheryl laughed. She felt they might be a little more than just friends, although they still had their fun with her. When one fucked, one got sucked. But Cheryl felt like they were showing off for each other and the other men and that she was just their prop.

Cheryl could see one more figure in the pool house, and she knew who it was. She remembered the look on Jack's face when he walked into the pool house: pure lust. He had watched her with four men, and he wanted to be number five. Yet he announced that he wasn't there for a blowjob, and he wasn't there for a shot at her cum-dripping pussy. Cheryl shivered, just like she did earlier in the pool house when he said he wanted to fuck her ass. It wasn't exactly a first for her, but it was a first with a cock the size of Jack's.

Cheryl splashed some water on her face, as it burned again. And not from the setting sun. There were some things that puzzled her. She tried to work out the questions that danced in her head. Like when Jack first walked in, why didn't anyone seemed surprised? Why did she let Jack join in, especially after he announced his intentions? Where did the lubricant come from? Where did Jack learn to use his fingers like that, to open her asshole? Why wasn't she more scared when she felt Jack's impressive cock knocking on her backdoor? Was that the most powerful orgasm she's ever had? Was it the mixture of pleasure and pain? Or was it because everyone was watching? And when he was through, why did she have to suck off the bald guy and the goon one more time?

Cheryl splashed some pool water into her mouth and spit it out, wondering why she didn't do more of that earlier. She thought about the blonde, next. Why did the girl come inside the pool house and stand in the corner when Jack was butt fucking her? But why did she leave so soon and miss Jack's cum shot?

A naked Jack walking out of the pool house and into the pool interrupted her thoughts. He swam over to her. "Enjoying the water?"

Cheryl nodded with a smile, although she felt awkward.

"That's good baby, but this isn't the place we should be hanging around in, if you know what I mean."

Cheryl did. She quickly flopped off the chair, and they made their way out of the pool. There were no towels around and Cheryl couldn't find her pool bag. Jack was dressing in the pool house, and Cheryl really didn't want to go near it, but she finally made her way over.

"Jack, I can't find my stuff. Where are my clothes?" she said, standing in the doorway and primly averting her eyes.

"No clue, anything important in your bag?"

Cheryl thought about it. "Nothing really, just a towel, some sun block..."

"Alright, then, forget it," Jack said, interrupting. "Here, take this." He unbuttoned his shirt and passed it to her. She cringed, because she was wet, and the white shirt immediately turned transparent, but it was the best she was going to get. Jack carried most of his clothes in a bundle as they hurried back through the house towards the front door.

"Hey, here it is," Jack said, scooping up her pool bag from the foyer floor. Cheryl, though more confused than ever, didn't linger.

Jack opened the passenger door and helped her in. Dropping the bag at her feet, he circled around to the driver's side, jumped in, and took off with a roar. Curiously, the front gate was open.

"Jack, what the heck just happened? I mean...is the blonde coming over later? But forget that, why did you let those guys do that to me? Was there a screw-up?"

"Ah, well, interesting word," he said with a laugh. "No, I think things went swimmingly!"

"Funny, Jack," Cheryl sneered.

"Ok, we have some drive time, I guess I can tell you now." He turned off the car's radio. "Well, you see, it goes like this. It's a small world sometimes, where people know people and their kinks."

"Jack, don't talk like you're trying to bullshit a jury," she snapped. "I just want to know what the fuck's going on."

"Ok, ok, I guess you'll find out everything anyway," he said, pointing at her bag between her feet. "Look in the bag."

Cheryl opened the bag and saw some anonymous videotapes had been added to her stuff. "What are those?"

"Tapes...surveillance tapes. That's what we came after, after all."

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