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The Valentine Next Door

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A widow gets a surprise from her young neighbor.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/17/2019
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Eva sat curled up on her couch, the TV playing some cheesy rom com and a glass of wine in her hand, sighing as the loneliness she had been experiencing all day sat in. Since her husband had died 5 years ago, Valentine's Day had become a chore for her. Sure, every holiday was tough since Michael's death, but Valentine's was especially difficult. Seeing all the loving couples on Facebook or all the advertisements out in public left her in a constant state of longing. She missed having a man who looked at her with love and affection and who treated her like a queen. Michael had his faults of course, but he always made her feel warm and loved. Now she felt cold and empty.

She sighed as she finished her glass of wine and looked at the bottle. She considered pouring another one when there was a sudden knock at the door. Confused, Eva got off the couch, pulling her wool sweater tighter around her as she went to open the door. When she did, she was surprised to see it was her neighbor, Adam.

Adam was a kind young man who had lived across the hall from Eva for a couple of years now, ever since he'd graduated from college. Despite being quite tall at 6'2", his glasses and the awkward and shy way he often held himself made him look a lot less intimidating. Sure enough, Eva knew just how smart and sweet he was. She would often ask him to come over for a variety of reasons, whether to use his brain to help her with her daughter's homework, for his muscle if there was something heavy like her new couch, or just to come over for a cup of coffee and talk. As a young man in his 20's and living alone, Eva was sure he must've gotten lonely at times, and having found him easy to talk to, Eva would do her best to make sure he felt welcomed.

"Adam. This is a pleasant surprise," she said with a smile. "What can I..." she stopped herself when she noticed that one of his hands was behind his back and the other was holding a pink and red striped bag with some stuff in it.

"Well," Adam said while blushing slightly, "I know how tough Valentine's Day can be for you, especially with Kimmy off at school. So I thought I'd give you some stuff to try cheering you up." He pulled his hand from behind his back and revealed a bouquet of roses. He also held up the bag to her. "Happy Valentine's Day, Eva"

Eva stood there, unsure what to say or how to feel. She felt a strange concoction of emotions run through her. Joy, nervousness, guilt, love, and so many others that she didn't know how to process. In the end, she just smiled wide and took the stuff from Adam.

"Adam... this is so... I don't even... thank you," she finally settled on. She stepped aside. "Here, come in!"

Adam nodded and he stepped inside. Eva closed the door after him and walked to the living room. She returned to her spot on the couch and set the roses on the table and the bag on her lap. She opened in and her smile widened as she started taking some things out. Inside was a stuffed giraffe, her favorite animal, a box filled with Kit-Kats, her favorite candy, and a bottle of french vanilla lotion, her favorite scent. The final thing inside was a gift certificate for a free spa day to a brand new spa in town. She had spent weeks complaining to Adam about how she couldn't get a reservation there, so how we managed to swing this blew her mind.

The whole time, Adam just stood there awkwardly, watching her reactions as she looked at everything. When she was done, she sat there with her face in her hands, her shoulder shaking. Adam's eyes widened when he realized she was crying.

"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered. "I thought this would make you happy I... I can leave if you want..." Eva laughed a little as she got up and threw her arms around Adam. This took him by surprise but after recovering, he hugged her back, holding her tight.

"Adam, this was amazing. Thank you so much." She pulled back and placed a hand on Adam's cheek, admiring the contrast between her light skin and his dark skin as she stared into his brown eyes. Adam smiled as he stared back into her hazel eyes. Eva always suspected that Adam had a crush on her, and if she was honest part of the reason she liked him being around so much was the way he looked at her. At 43, Eva got quite a few looks from men of all ages with her 34E-28-36 body, especially when she wore dresses or leggings. But the way Adam looked at her was different. Not just sexually, but lovingly as well, as if she was the most beautiful creature in the world. That was how he was looking at her now, and it took all her willpower not to act on the sudden desire she had to kiss him.

After a few more moments of looking at each other, Eva finally broke the eye contact and picked up the roses.

"Well," she said, almost out of breath for some reason she couldn't explain, "I'm gonna go put these in some water. Feel free to have a seat or pour yourself a glass of wine." She picked up the bouquet of roses and walked to the kitchen. She was aware of his staring, and decided to tease him a little by swaying her hips. When she got into the kitchen, she suddenly became aware of what she was doing and shook her head.

'What are you doing?' she thought to yourself. 'He's young enough to be your son.' Although she was very aware of his age, at the same time there was a part of her that didn't see his age. All she knew was that he was a handsome, kind young man who went out of his way to make her feel better on Valentine's Day. He didn't have to do any of this, he wanted to. For the first time in a long time, Eva felt happy.

However, there was still Michael. Eva still loved her husband of 17 years even now after his passing. She hadn't been with any man since his death. The problem wasn't that she didn't get any offers. The problem was that she just wasn't ready. She felt like she was betraying Michael and Kimmy, like she was a horrible person for wanting to be with someone else. And that's exactly how she felt now. Guilty that she let someone else make her swoon the way Michael did, guilty that she actually had feelings for him. Guilty that she was happy.

She stood at the kitchen counter, the battle between her happiness and her guilt putting her on the verge of tears, when suddenly she felt a hand on her arm. She turned around and standing there was Adam, who looked concerned. Without even thinking, Eva through herself at him, hugging him while sobbing into his chest. Adam just held her, rubbing her back gently in an attempt to calm her down.

After a few minutes of the two just hugging, Eva calmed down and pulled back, wiping at her face with her sleeve.

"Sorry I just... this was all so nice. This is the first Valentine's Day in a long time where I don't feel like shit and it feels good but it also feels wrong." Eva looked up at Adam, who just stood there listening to her. The way he looked at her made her turn away from him.

"You didn't have to do this. You could've just gone out to some bar and hooked up with a girl who's way hotter and way younger and saved yourself all that time and money. A cute guy like you probably has half a dozen girls you could've called instead of spending your night with some old, crying hag. I just... I'm sorry I must look like a fool. Maybe... maybe you should just..."

Eva was cut off by a sound coming from Adam. She turned back to him and saw that he was smiling and trying to hold back a laugh.

"You uh... you think I'm cute?" Eva's eyes widened when she realized that's what he was laughing at and she immediately started to blush.

"No I... well I mean... you're... oh shut up!" She laughed and hit his chest, causing him to put his hands up in mock surrender as he laughed as well.

The two of them stood there laughing together for several minutes. Eva hadn't laughed this hard in so long that she almost forgot what it was like. Sure she always had fun when she was around Adam, but there was always some kind of tension between the two. That wasn't there this time, and it felt good to just have fun with someone.

Eventually the two calmed down and Eva let out a sigh.

"Thank you," Eva said with a smile. "I needed that."

"You needed me being an awkward spaz?" Adam asked with a laugh. "Hm I think I can do that." He then stepped forward and brushed Eva's hair out of her face.

"For the record, you're not some old hag, I don't have half a dozen girls on speed dial, and I would much rather spend my night here with you. You're the smartest, most beautiful woman I've ever met Eva." Eva blushed heavily as he said this, not sure if he was being honest or just nice.

"Oh stop it. You don't mean that." Eva looked away but Adam tilted her head back toward him so they were looking into each other's eyes.

"Yes I do," Adam continued. "Remember that Christmas party you had a few weeks ago? That red dress you wore got me so excited that I spent all night in my apartment jerking off to pics of you in it. I know that sounds weird, and if you're creeped out then I'm sorry but... I couldn't help myself, you're just so beautiful." Eva was stunned to hear this, but if she was honest she wasn't weirded out. In fact, the thought of a young, handsome stud jerking off to her was a turn on.

"Really?" she asked. "Do you um... do you jerk off to me often?" She bit her lip, sure she knew the answer but wanting to hear Adam say it.

"Yeah... yeah I do," Adam admitted. "Surely you've noticed how I felt about you."

"Well I had a feeling," Eva responded with a slight smirk. "So you really think I'm beautiful? Even now, when I'm just in a baggy T-shirt and sweatpants?"

"Eva, you could be wearing scrubs or a nun outfit and I would still think you're beautiful." Eva thought about this for a moment then stepped back.

"Hm... I'll be right back," she said as she walked past Adam and out of the bathroom. Adam blinked and gulped, hoping he hadn't gone too far. He grabbed another wine glass from a cabinet then went back to the living room. He poured some wine into the new glass and the glass from before then sat down on the couch with one glass and waited.

While Adam did this, Eva went into her bedroom and shut the door behind her. She took off her clothes, standing there in just a bra and panties front of her full body mirror on the back of the door and examining her body. She thought for a moment then took off her bra and panties. She cursed herself as she looked at her bush. She hadn't had a reason to shave until today. She considered shaving, then decided that she'd just hope that Adam wouldn't mind it if it got that far.

After admiring her body for a minute, Eva walked to her closet and pulled out the red dress Adam had been talking about before. It was a tight, off shoulder dress that showed off her curves and revealed a generous amount of cleavage. Wearing the dress made her feel sexy, and knowing that it turned Adam on made her wetter than she already was.

She pulled on the dress and stood in front of the mirror, smoothing it out and studying herself in the mirror. She loved the way it hugged her body, the way her ass was really punctuated as the fabric clung to her skin. She played with her hair a bit, trying to fix it up a bit. She then grabbed a pair of black heels from next to her bed and sat down as she pulled them on. Once they were, Eva went back to the mirror and looked at herself. She didn't have on any make up and her hair was still a bit messy, but she felt good about how she looked and hoped Adam would like what he saw. Taking a breath, she walked out of the room and walked back down the hall to the living room.

Adam was still sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone while sipping his wine when he heard the sound of shoes clicking against the floor coming from the hall. He looked up just in time to see Eva walk in and his jaw dropped. Eva smiled seeing this and leaned with one arm against the archway and one hand on her hip.

"Is one of those glasses for me?" she asked with a knowing smirk. Adam started to babble in an attempt to answer, making Eva giggle. She walked toward Adam, swaying her hips along the way, until she was right in front of him. She leaned forward, letting him see down her dress, as she took the glass out of his hand and took a sip from it. She then set it on the table.

"Sorry, but I don't want you drinking too much. Might ruin what happens next." Before Adam could respond, Eva leaned in and kissed him. Both were surprised by the kiss, Adam surprised it happened, Eva surprised that it was better than she expected. It felt natural and right, and Eva wanted more.

The two relaxed and the kiss between the pair deepened. Adam places his hands on Eva's face while Eva placed hers on Adam's chest. Eva's eyes widened suddenly as she felt Adam's tongue pressing against her lips. Taking the hint, Eva parted her lips and allowed Adam's tongue to slip in.

As their tongues played with one another, Eva felt a moan escape her mouth, her desire for more taking over. Eva broke the kiss, leaving Adam feeling suddenly lonely but this quickly disappeared as Eva straddled his lap, her eyes locked onto his and her hands moving through her curly hair.

"Sorry," she whispered. "I wanted to get more comfortable." She then leaned in and kissed him again, and soon the two were making out passionately on the couch. Eva could feel Adam's bulge against her warm pussy. Likewise, Adam could feel the heat and wetness from Eva's pussy and came to the conclusion that she wasn't wearing any underwear.

Turned on even more by this revelation, Adam broke the kiss and moved his lips down to Eva's neck, kissing and licking it while running his hands down her sides. This elicited a fresh wave of moans from Eva. Her neck was always a weak spot for her, and the way Adam expertly switched between soft and hard kisses made her skin tingle.

After sitting there for several minutes letting Adam kiss her neck, Eva was absolutely soaked. Groaning, she pushed Adam back against the couch and stared at him hungrily while pulling at his shirt. Taking the hint, Adam pulled his shirt off over his head and tossed it aside. Eva's smile got even wider. She always secretly loved Adam's body. It wasn't muscular, but it was fit. She ran her hands along his chest and abdomen, his milk chocolatey skin smooth and warm under her touch.

She leaned down and ran her tongue from his neck down to his nipple, licking it to hardness before taking it into her mouth and sucking gently on it. Adam let out a soft moan as he watched her. Smirking at the sound of his moans, Eva continued to kiss down the front of his body until she was on his knees between his legs. His pants had a wet spot from her own leaking pussy, and seeing the massive bulge made Eva both excited and nervous.

Taking a deep breath, Eva undid Adam's belt and undid his pants. She then pulled at them, with Adam lifting his lower body to help her take them off. As she pulled his pants down, his underwear got caught on them and got pulled down as well. This caused Adam's dick to spring out suddenly and smack Eva in the face, leaving a wet mark from his pre-cum.

A bit dazed, Eva caught her bearings and her eyes widened as she took in the sigh of his cock. It was easily the largest cock she had ever seen, 10 inches long and very thick. She took it in her hand and shook her head in disbelief that her fingers didn't wrap completely around it.

Adam sat there a bit nervous. Pretty much every girl he'd been with was either too scared to even try or were stretched so much after that they were scared to go back. Seeing Eva's reaction made him scared that she may have the same reaction.

"Um, listen," he said while watching her look of awe. "If you think it's too big and want to stop, I understand. I c-" But his words were cut off by a moan as Eva leaned in and licked up the length of his staff. She licked around the tip when she reached it, tasting his salty pre-cum. It had been so long since she'd tasted another man, let alone a man that wasn't her husband, that the taste of Adam's pre-cum gave Eva a sort of high.

Suddenly feeling invigorated, Eva went to town on Adam's cock. She sucked it, licked it, kissed it. She explored every vein, every inch. She wrapped one hand around the base and stroked it while she bobbed her head up and down. With her other hand, she massaged his balls, feeling how heavy and full they were.

The whole time, Adam had his head thrown back and he was moaning into the air. He'd never had someone go down on him with such enthusiasm, and it was taking all his willpower not to blow his load in her mouth.

Eva took Adam's cock out her mouth with a pop and giggled seeing his face. She stood up and pulled her dress down, letting it drop to her feet. She kicked it away and stood there with her hands covering her pussy.

"Like what you see?" she asked teasingly as she dropped back to her knees. Instead of answering, Adam grabs her by the hair and brings her face back to his cock. Taking the hint and aroused by his sudden roughness, Eva opened her mouth to take his cock back into her mouth. As she wrapped her lips around it, Adam began to thrust his hips, forcing his cock deep into her throat.

Because it had been so long since she had given her blowjob, Eva quickly found herself gagging on the massive piece of meat. Soon saliva was spilling out her mouth and running along his shaft and her chin and landing on her boobs. Instead of resisting, Eva just let Adam use her. She pinched one of her nipples with one hand while rubbing her clit with the other, the whole time Adam fucking her throat.

At one point, Adam pushed her face down on his cock and held it there. Eva held her breath as long as she could, but eventually it was too much and she began gagging furiously. Adam let go of her hair and she brought her head back up. She sat there gasping for air, her face red and covered with spit.

"Holy shit," she said between gasps. "How long have you wanted to do that?" Adam leaned forward and tilted her chin up.

"For as long as I've known you," he said with a smile as he leaned in and kissed her. This one was much softer than before, and it was a nice contrast to how rough he was before.

As the two kissed, Eva slowly stood and pushed him back against the couch and straddled him. Adam's cock rested against her stomach, throbbing against her skin. She reached down and stroked it as she moved her lips to his ear.

"You're about to be the first man to fuck me in almost 5 years," she whispered. "Honestly, I'm terrified. Not because you're big, but because I'm afraid that you may not like it, or me." She pulled back and looked into his eyes. Gone was the lust. Now he was just looking at her with attentiveness and understanding.

"I'm trusting you Adam," she pressed on as she studied him for a reaction. "I like you a lot, and I'm trusting that you like and care about me enough that you'll tell me if you're not enjoying yourself or if I'm doing something wrong. Can you do that?" She watched him as he processed her words. Then, before saying anything, Adam leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek before whispering in her ear.

"Eva, there is no way that I won't enjoy what's about to happen. You're my dream woman, and I want this to be as pleasurable for you as I know it will be for me." He then pulled back and gave her a smile that melted her heart. Eva returned the smile as she leaned in and lifted her hips up. She lined his cock up with her pussy and slowly pressed down lowered her hips until just the tip was inside. She let out a low moan and took a deep breath before pushing down more.

"Oh. My. GOD!" she moaned out as she pressed down on Adam's cock. It was only halfway in and she already felt herself on the cusp of an orgasm. She had almost forgotten how good a cock felt inside of her, and now that she was experiencing it she wanted more.


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