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The Vampire Hunter Ch. 03

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Elena dodges a trap and the Master Vampire makes a plan.
2.9k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/13/2018
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Early the next evening, Elena stopped by the warehouse she and the guys had purchased and were using as their base of operations. She waved at Jake, who was seated at his usual spot in front of his computer, and then headed towards the workshop area in the back. She nodded to Max, who smiled and nodded back as he worked on some new item.

"So Elena, how'd those new bolts work in the crossbow?"

"They worked great Max. Even quieter than your last ones. Tagged another one last night. What are you working on now?"

Max grinned and tossed her something that looked a lot like a black baseball. Elena turned it over in her hands, looking at it closely, noticing nothing unusual about it other than a red circle on one side, then looked at him and shrugged.

"Ok, I give. What is it?"

Max chuckled. "That, my friend is a sun grenade."

She looked at him in surprise. "You mean you finally got this thing to work??"

Max smugly smiled and nodded. "Told you I would figure it out, and there it is. That little baby will put out enough light energy to fry any vampire within 20 feet of it, without harming any normal humans in the area. Just press the red circle and toss it. Only has a 2 second delay so it'll go off quick and it just pops open, so no explosive to injure anyone."

Elena laughed and hugged him. "This is awesome!! Way to go Max!"

She felt a sense of relief and of renewed purpose now. One of her biggest concerns was that she had never dared go after the vampires in any real way before now. She had always had to try and catch them alone as she had no way of taking on more than one of them at a time. With these new grenades, Elena now planned on taking the battle to them.

Jake hollered at them "Hey, what's the occasion??"

She laughed and shouted back "Max got the grenades to work!"

Jake walked into the workshop area chuckling. "Told you he would. The egghead always figures it out in the end."

Max grinned and shook his head. "Egghead?? That's funny coming from you, Captain Calculator."

Elena smiled as she listened to her two friends trading good natured insults back and forth. She thought about them for a moment and considered how much harder her life would be without the two of them. She smirked at the thought as she considered how hard it was anyway.

She watched the two men banter as they always did, amused as always at how different they looked, yet how alike they were. Jake was tall, broad shouldered and looked like the trained athlete he was. With his sandy blond hair and rugged good looks, he looked as if he walked out of a GQ magazine. No one who saw him would ever guess he was a wizard with numbers, could calculate advanced equations in his head and held PhDs in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics both.

Max, on the other hand, could easily be identified as a techno geek. While he was reasonably good looking with his dark hair and tanned skin, he was never without his iPad and laptop. Constantly looking up the latest tech gear or new ideas coming down the pipeline, it was about all he liked to talk about most of the time. Still, Elena and Jake had worked on his social skills and he could now carry on a decent conversation in a social setting. A brilliant young inventor and tech head in his own right, Max was always in his element when he was working in his lab.

Thanks to Jake's financial genius, they had plenty of funds and could devote all of their time to hunting vampires. With Max's techno savvy and creative building skills, she had weapons that gave her an edge over her undead opponents. Still, it wasn't easy. Elena had barely survived on more than one occasion and had learned hard lessons on several occasions.

She was always methodical and cautious in her hunts, scouting out potential nightclubs, listening to rumors while hanging out in potential vampire hunting grounds. She always made sure to dress and look older when going into such places on her forays, as most vampires who hunted in such places were always looking for younger, more attractive prey.

It was a predictable weakness in the male vamps.


Elena left the warehouse that evening just as the sun was going down. She moved into a shadowed alcove overlooking the entrance to the nightclub, using her special optics to look for vampires as people began heading into the club. She knew where one vampire hunted, one or more others would inevitably show up as well.

She was scanning several groups of people moving towards the entrance when she spotted the two vampires heading towards the alleyway. She cursed silently, hoping that she wouldn't have to try to take them both on at once, even if she did have a couple of Max's new grenades to use. She was even more aggravated and concerned when she saw one of them go into hiding near the entrance of the alleyway and the other turn and head back towards the entrance.

"What the fuck is going on?" she wondered. "It's almost as if...oh shit!"

It rapidly dawned on her that the two male vamps were setting a trap, and three guesses as to who they were waiting for. Somehow, they knew someone had killed their fellow vampire the night before, and now they were here to try and catch whoever did it.

She switched the magnification sight on her optics and zoomed in to look at both men. The one going into hiding was short and wiry looking, with a lean featured and rather attractive looking face. He wore jeans, sneakers and a black muscle tee. His partner was large, built like a bull, with a blond ponytail and average looking features. He wore jeans, biker boots and wore a denim jacket over a shirt.

"Hmmm, no offense boys but neither of you look like the type to think this little trap up. I wonder who your Master is?" Elena mused silently to herself.

Every instinct she had screamed at her to bug out and disappear pronto, but she had a sinking feeling that she knew what they were going to do to lure her into their trap. She was standing there thinking of her next move when she saw the big blonde vampire come strolling out of the nightclub, a dark haired woman following him docily along.

"Shit, I hate being right." she thought, being thankful at least that the two vamps weren't overly imaginative in their trap and that she knew exactly where they both were ahead of time.

Having scanned the area very carefully earlier, she was very certain that the two men were the only vamps in the vicinity, so hopefully she could pull this off. She'd already discarded the idea of trying to take them out one at a time, as the other one would know what happened before she could dispatch him too. She was well aware of the fact that she could not go toe to toe with a vampire and could only strike them when surprise was on her side.

Muttering a curse and a prayer that she wasn't signing her own death warrant, Elena left her vantage point and began circling around to the other end of the alleyway. She had one chance to maybe pull this off and hoped like hell Max's new toy worked like he said it would.


After making it to the opposite end of the alleyway, Elena stealthily peeked around the corner. She wasn't really surprised to see the dark haired woman on her knees, hungrily sucking on the big vampire's cock. Elena couldn't help but wonder what it was with male vamps. Couldn't they at least take their prey to a motel and screw them properly one last time before draining them? Give them one last bit of courtesy instead of fucking them and killing them in an alleyway? Ugh.

She knew it was a morbid thought, but after hunting the undead for the last several years, most of her humor was of the gallows variety. It was hard to maintain anything remotely resembling a sunny outlook on life when that life revolves around hunting what are basically serial killers after all. She mentally shrugged, palmed one of Max's special grenades, took a deep breath and then slowly and silently moved into the alley.

The blonde haired vampire, who went by the name of Alexi, was enjoying himself, his eyes on the raven haired beauty as her rosy red lips slid up and down his throbbing cock. He had spotted her in the club and simply had to indulge himself, even as he knew she was just bait to bring in this supposed vampire hunter. He knew his Master believed that Michael had been slain by one, but he still found it a little hard to credit.

There had never been a vampire hunter in this city as long as he'd been undead, which was nearing 30 years now. He had heard of one showing up in some of the major metropolitan areas of the world over the years, but they were very rare. Still, the Master was never wrong about anything as far as he knew, so Alexi kept his senses on alert, even as he thoroughly enjoyed the hot, wet mouth of the mindless slut on her knees before him.

He grinned and ran the fingers of one hand through the woman's hair, thrusting his hips back and forth as he fucked her mouth. He loved using compulsion on women, using them as his fucktoys before he drained them. Alexi watched the brunette beauty lavish his cock with her tongue, but concluded that while he was thoroughly enjoying her, he couldn't wait to take out the vampire hunter.

"Yessss, suck that cock my mindless slut. You will help bring out the hunter and then I will kill him, fuck you and drink you dry. Doesn't that sound wonderful?" Alexi chuckled evilly to himself, knowing the poor woman couldn't answer him, even if she wanted to.

It's rather difficult to talk with a cock down your throat after all.

Alexi knew that Miguel was also waiting for any sign of the hunter, but figured he didn't really need the other vampire's help. Once they took care of the hunter, he would finish off this little slut and Miguel would go find his prey for the night and that would be that. He was just beginning to wonder if the hunter would ever show up when he heard a voice.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with your food?"


Elena had managed to hug the shadows of the alley to such an extent that the vampire was unaware she was there until she was already in place. She had intentionally mocked him to not only startle him, but to bring the other vampire's attention on her as well, knowing that it would hear her. She mentally crossed her fingers and hoped this would work.

Alexi immediately focused in on her, shocked to his toes that not only was the hunter a woman, but that he hadn't detected her at all until she spoke. Such a thing was unheard of and he could scarcely credit it. He smirked though and shrugged it off, knowing that Miguel was moving down the alley towards them. He slid his cock out of his prey's mouth and turned directly towards her to taunt her.

"Aw what's the matter honey? You jealous and want some of this" He thrust his hips suggestively towards Elena as he leered at her.

"No thanks dude. I choke on small bones."

She threw his taunt right back in his face, knowing it would piss him off and hopefully make him less likely to wonder why she didn't appear to fear him. Elena was pretty certain he had to be aware she was the reason he and his partner were there, but she wanted him off balance and not thinking.

Alexi scowled at her and opened his mouth to throw another insult her way, when he felt Miguel's presence at his side. The other vampire male was looking at Elena very intently, his eyes widening slightly as he tried to use compulsion on her and it had zero effect.

"Yo Alexi. Compulsion doesn't work on this chica man."

"What the fuck do you mean it doesn't work on her?"

Alexi mentally threw his own compulsion at her and felt his mouth drop open as it had no effect on the hunter at all. He looked at Miguel and shook his head.

"What the fuck is the deal? I couldn't sense her earlier and now compulsions don't work on her either? Hey woman, what the fuck are you anyway?"

Elena grinned evilly at him as she subtly moved her hands together. "I'm your worst fucking nightmare fangface." She pushed the circle on the grenade and threw at the two men, closing her eyes just before it almost immediately went off. Even with their heightened speed and reflexes, neither one was able to move more than a few feet before the sun grenade went off.

White light blazed in the alley and both vampires screamed as their bodies turned to ashes under its purifying rays. Gray ash fluttered down the alley as the breeze blew through, soon leaving nothing but small traces of it here and there.

Elena sighed with relief that her trick had worked, then quickly went to the kneeling woman, who was looking around her in bewilderment.

"What am I doing out here?" She looked up as Elena came up to her.

Realizing that the poor woman had no idea what had happened and not wanting to traumatize her, she simply shrugged.

"I have no idea. I was walking by the alley and saw you here. Are you ok?"

The dark haired woman slowly stood up and looked around, not having the faintest idea of how she got outside in the alley. She muttered and rubbed her temples with her fingertips.

"I...I think so. I was in the club and now, suddenly I'm out here and don't remember coming out here."

"Have too much to drink and needed some air maybe?" Elena hoped that the woman would buy her suggestion, as the truth would definitely not help in this situation.

"I guess so. I have had a few tonight. Oh well, thanks for checking on me." The woman gave her a wave and headed back inside.

Elena watched her go, then shook her head and slowly walked out of the alley. She was glad the evening had been a success, but was worried all the same. If the master vampire knew she had killed the first vamp last night, he would probably find out she killed the two tonight, if he didn't know already.

She would have been far more worried if she had been able to see the dark figure floating high above her in the night sky.


He hovered high above the hunter, his thoughts whirling rapidly as he processed what he had learned this night. With his preternatural hearing, he had overheard everything and could scarcely believe all he had seen and heard. A female hunter who could not be sensed, even with vampiric senses, and was immune to compulsion too? In over a thousand years of living, he had never heard of such a thing, in either male or female hunters.

That she was dangerous, he had no doubt. After all, she had killed three of his minions in the last two nights, two of them while they were standing within easy striking range of her. Whatever that light source was, he didn't want to be anywhere near it again, having felt it even as high as he was. Even with all his power, if he'd been down there with them, she'd have slain him too.

No, this young woman must definitely be dealt with, but in what way?

He mulled the thought over in his mind for a moment, then his lips curved in a wicked smile. He would turn her himself. Since compulsion would not work on her, he must use other means. He would have to find another way inside her mind, use his wits and his power to bring her to him.

Then he would make her his.

He soared high above her, following her as she moved through the night. He watched her enter a warehouse, then used his enhanced hearing to listen to her quick conversation with the two men inside. Realizing these two were working with her, he made a mental note to deal with them as well. Removing them would make her angry and upset, leaving her more vulnerable to him in the end.

She left after a few minutes and he followed, watching her enter a townhouse not far away. He watched her go into the building and turn on the lights, then make her way upstairs. He could've just smashed into the place and physically overpowered her, then drained her dry he supposed, but what would be the fun in that?

The vampire chuckled silently to himself. He didn't just want her beaten and then turned. He wanted her to suffer first. It would make her end even sweeter when it came. He licked his lips and felt his cock stir as he watched her undress, his hungry eyes roving over her long legs, magnificent tits and firm round ass.

Oh yes indeed, she would be very, very sweet in the end.

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