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Click hereQuick note. Lookwise, Gerri is based on a former porn star named Gerri Marlow whose husband started to shoot her with young guys when she was in her sixties. Just google her if you need or want a visual reference.
Nancy pulled her car into her daughter Cheryl's driveway and put it in park and shut the engine off. She stayed in the car for a minute and thought about the conversation she had with her daughter Connie last night. She then opened the door and got out and walked up the driveway to the house. It was nine AM in the morning.
Even at sixty three years old Nancy was a total stunner. It wasn't that she looked much younger than she actually was, although she could easily pass for a woman in her fifties if she wanted to fib. It's that what she looked like was absolutely amazing for her age. She had plenty of lines in her face but her enviable bone structure kept everything firm and age defying. She had a taut jawline, beautiful high cheekbones, and a radiant smile that showed off the sexy dimples that she had passed down to her two beautiful daughters. Like Connie and Cheryl she kept her hair short and in a style somewhere between Connie's feathered pixie cut and Cheryl's very short, almost buzzed cut. She kept it dyed a dark red.
Her body looked incredible for her age thanks to the constant tennis, hiking and workout classes. She of course had some wrinkles and some sag on her thighs, upper arms, and ass, and her ample boobs were obviously not as perky as they used to be. But that was to be expected for someone her age. She was tan like her daughters and she was covered in the types of freckles seen in most older sun worshippers.
There was nothing in the world that Nancy loved more than her three grandsons. She lived to spoil them and she absolutely loved whenever they came over to her home, mowed the lawn, helped her move furniture or did other chores, and then raided the fridge, or just simply stopped by to have dinner and take in a movie with her. She loved watching them all turn into strapping, handsome young men. And she was amazed at how much they all reminded her of their grandfather, her deceased husband Gus.
Nancy was wearing a light green and white striped stretch sundress that hugged her amazing body tightly. It was secured by two spaghetti straps that went over each shoulder. The dress showed off plenty of leg, as well as her arms, shoulders, and ample bosom. On her feet she was wearing slip-on white sandals with a three inch wedge that accentuated her shapely calves and thighs. On almost any other woman her age the outfit would have looked ridiculous. But on Nancy it just made sense. She turned heads regardless of what she was wearing. If you looked like she did at her age, then why not?
Whenever someone who knew Connie and Cheryl met Nancy for the first time it was always an 'Aha' type of moment, discovering just where the sisters got their beauty, gorgeous bodies, amazing skin, and killer legs from.
At the pool parties, her grandsons' friends would just stare back and forth at her daughters and her and marvel how lucky a guy would be who ended up with a beauty who was going to age like that.
She entered the house and was immediately greeted by her daughters who both hugged her.
"Mom! I'm so glad you're here! We really need your help," said Connie as she embraced her mother in a hug. Nancy released her hug with Connie just as Cheryl came in for her own hug.
"You both look gorgeous! You've got that good.....uh...." She trailed off. "Uh listen, you both know that I'll do anything for those boys. Where are they," asked Nancy, who was used to getting bear hugs from her handsome grandsons as soon as she walked in the door.
"They're in the living room. Let's go to the kitchen and get some mimosas first," said Cheryl.
The three of them walked into the kitchen where Cheryl had already poured the drinks and handed one to her mother. Nancy took a very big sip and then her face got serious.
"I really want to see my grandsons. I can't bear the thought of them suffering."
"Of course mom. But we should really talk first, ok," responded Connie.
Nancy took another big sip and Cheryl went to make her a second drink.
"So I've been reading a lot on the internet about this virus and I just have to ask. Is everything they are saying about it true? Are the boys in pain in that way?"
Cheryl and Connie looked at each other and then Cheryl spoke as she handed her mother a fresh drink.
"Yes mom. It's all true. Without steady treatment they're in a tremendous amount of discomfort."
Nancy took a big sip of her fresh mimosa.
"And this 'treatment' is...." she trailed off.
"The treatment is exactly what you've been reading it is," said Connie who tried to keep a serious face but couldn't help crack a smile.
"Oh my god," said Nancy as she drained her second mimosa. Cheryl went and fixed her another one, but this time she added some high proof schnapps to it. If this plan was going to work, she knew her mother was going to need plenty of liquid encouragement.
"So the two of you have been, helping those boys to......." Nancy trailed off again, unable to complete her sentence.
Connie and Cheryl looked at each other and failed to suppress their smiles, and finally Cheryl said, "Yes mom. We have been."
"I, I...I just don't know what to say..." replied Nancy as she drained her third drink.
Connie then spoke, "Mom, before we explain more I think it's important that you see what we are dealing with ok? Let's go show you the boys. It's been several hours since Cheryl and I have, uh...been with them."
Connie led Nancy into the living room as Cheryl stayed behind and made her another drink, this time adding even more schnapps to the champagne and OJ.
Nancy entered the living room and on the couch was Eric and Colin and on the recliner was Jimmy. They were all only wearing gym shorts. Usually the boys would jump up and each give her a bear hug, with Jimmy typically twirling her around in the air. She lived for those hugs, but this time they all remained seated.
Nancy immediately noticed the bad shape they were in. All three boys were extremely pale and breathing heavy.
"Oh my lord," Nancy said. "My poor babies!"
"Hi Nancy. Please don't be worried," said Jimmy. They all called her Nancy because while she loved being a grandmother, she hated how old being called 'grandma' made her feel. And because of that they had been calling her Nancy ever since they could speak.
Cheryl walked in and handed her mother her fresh drink. Nancy took it and turned to her.
"Oh my god girls! They look terrible! It's exactly how it's being described everywhere I read about it!"
Then Connie spoke, "Mom, you really need to see this next part. Guys?"
All three of Nancy's grandsons got up and removed their shorts, revealing massive hard ons. They lifted their dicks and displayed their incredibly swollen testicles.
Nancy stared at their huge members, completely speechless.
"Have a drink mom," said Cheryl. Nancy looked over at her and then took a huge gulp from her glass. She then covered her mouth with her hand and looked at the boys and back at her daughters with a shocked expression.
This was all part of the plan. The night before, when Connie and Cheryl had been thoroughly fucked senseless, and were no longer able to get the boys hard again, Connie explained the plan to them. No more sex until the morning when Nancy came over. She wanted the boys to be displaying the full effects of the virus so that her mother could witness it for herself. And knowing that her mother would do anything for her precious grandsons, Connie would hopefully get some relief for her and her sister. The boys reluctantly agreed. They were very excited at the prospect of getting to be with Nancy, who they all had major crushes on, but were very nervous about sliding back into the pain and discomfort caused by the virus. It was Jimmy who convinced his cousins to suck it up and go along with the plan.
Nancy stood in the middle of the living room in shock at her grandsons' conditions. She was too shocked to notice their eyes wandering all over her body, lingering from her wedge sandaled feet, up her shapely, smooth, tanned legs to her body hugged tightly in her summer stretch dress.
Connie led her back into the kitchen and Nancy took another large gulp of her drink. Cheryl took her glass from her and refreshed it.
With a stunned look on her face, staring ahead of her but not really looking at anything, Nancy said, "Gus...."
Connie and Cheryl looked at each other and then Connie asked, "Dad? What does dad have to do with this?"
Nancy moved her hand down to her crotch and motioned like she was holding her own imaginary penis.
"Gus! They take after Gus. Just so big.....they are all massive like Gus.....god I miss him so much....."
Connie and Cheryl exchanged stunned looks.
"So that's where they get it from! I knew it definitely wasn't from my useless ex," said Cheryl.
"So big and.....," Nancy trailed off and then took another big gulp.
"Yes mom. So big," said Connie. "And I have to be honest mom, they feel really good too. Cheryl and I have had so much fun treating them."
"So much fun," repeated a smiling Cheryl.
Nancy gave a stunned look to each of her daughters.
"So mom, you can see that we need your help right," said Connie, getting the conversation back on track. "The only thing that helps what you saw in there is getting those boys to orgasm. The color comes back to them, they breathe easier and they are back to their normal selves for a while. But then of course, you have to eventually do it all over again."
"And it's doctor's orders too," said Cheryl. "Sandra has a ton of experience with this virus and this is what we have to do. Thank god it feels so good for everyone involved."
Nancy stared at the floor, "I understand girls. I do. It's just shocking to read about it but then even more shocking to actually see it."
She paused and took a deep breath.
"Ok....of course I'll help you both out. Anything for my girls and those boys. I know you both have to do what you have to do. What can I do to help? Keep the place clean? Run errands? Cook meals? Do the laundry while you both have se...uh...treat them? Just tell me girls and I'll do it."
Cheryl looked at Connie and they both stifled a laugh.
"Mom! That's not what we need. We need you to help us directly with THEM. We need you to help in 'treating' them. Do you understand what I'm saying," asked Connie.
"We went at it all night with them mom," said Cheryl. "And it was wonderful to experience just what those beautiful cocks can do, but our bodies need a break. We need our mom. Do you understand?"
Nancy looked back and forth at her daughters in complete shock over what they were asking.
"Are you both crazy!? I'm their grandmother for Chrissakes! I'm sixty three years old! I get discounts at certain restaurants with my AARP card! I'm an old lady! I mean, I completely get it with you two. You're both beautiful and I'm not so old that I don't understand what a MILF is but this is just ridiculous! And even if I agreed to something that crazy there is no way those boys would even want to be with an old lady like me...."
"You're a total GILF, mom," Cheryl interrupted.
"A what?"
"A GILF," said Connie. "'A Grandmother I'd Love to Fuck' is what it stands for. Jimmy, Eric and Colin explained it to us last night when they were describing you."
"'Describing me?!' That's just absurd," Nancy said as she drained her fourth drink. While Nancy considered herself attractive, she found the idea that any young man let alone a teenage boy, would want to engage in any sort of sexual activity with a woman her age, completely preposterous. Like Connie, who she had passed it down to, Nancy was naive and pretty clueless about the way the eyes of young men and boys lingered on her and drank in the sight of her.
"Mom, trust us. They would love nothing more than for you to join us in helping them. And besides, don't sell yourself short. You're beautiful! I mean, at the athletic club how many times do you get asked out a month? Maybe half a dozen?"
Nancy rolled her eyes as Cheryl handed her another drink, "Old men who can't get it up anymore without a pill. Completely useless."
"I don't know mom. I've seen those young tennis instructors pretty much throw themselves at you," said Connie.
"Rafael and Marco? They're just doing their jobs! They know it makes us old gals feel good is all. It's just harmless flirting."
"All right mom, I don't know what's it going to take to convince you so let's just go back into the living room," said Cheryl, who put her hand on Nancy's back and guided her now very tipsy mother back into the room where the boys were.
The boys were seated as before only now they were completely naked and the room itself was different. There was now a quilt stretched out on the floor with a few pillows. And off to the side were a couple of towels neatly folded and stacked. And on top of the towels was a bottle of lube.
Nancy observed the changes to the room and then looked at her daughters in shock. They were both smiling at her.
"What's going on," she asked.
"You're about to have a wonderful time mom," said a smiling Cheryl.
Connie looked at the boys and said, "Guys, please explain to Nancy that you need her help."
Jimmy was the first to speak up, "Nancy, Eric, Colin and I are in a really bad way. You've always been the first one there whenever we're sick or hurt? And we really need you now."
Nancy looked at their pale, anguished faces.
"Oh my dear, sweet babies..."
"Nancy," said Eric. "I can't take another hour of this. We need you so badly. Can you please take this pressure away?"
Nancy's hand went up to her mouth as she looked at the distress her precious grandsons were in. Connie gently put her hand on the small of Nancy's back and pushed her forward. She caught Jimmy's eye and nodded her head.
Jimmy got up and took Nancy by the hand and pulled her to the center of the quilt.
"Will you help us Nancy," he asked as he pulled her into an embrace. He loved the feel of her body through the sexy dress that she was wearing.
Nancy felt his hardness pressing into her stomach and an erotic sensation went through her. She was still in shock but her body was disarmed by the alcohol and she pressed herself into his erect dick.
Jimmy looked at his mom and Cheryl and gave them a thumbs up. Connie and Cheryl smiled and left to get ready to go out and meet the other moms.
Jimmy started to lightly kiss her neck. Nancy closed her eyes and quietly cooed at his advances. He grabbed her hand and placed it on his cock. She didn't resist and she squeezed him and began to stroke it. He kissed her on the mouth and inserted his tongue. She didn't protest and kissed him back. He reminded her so much of Gus.
Suddenly she felt herself pulled away from Jimmy and being spun around to face Colin who also started to make out with her. She reached down to grab his dick but was once again pulled away and was now making out with Eric.
Nancy found herself surrounded by her three strapping grandsons. She felt their erections pressing into her. She rubbed their chests and felt their rapid heart beats.
"Nancy, please help us," said Eric as he kissed her.
"We're really in a lot of pain Nancy," said Jimmy. "Can you please help give us some release?"
"Of course my babies. What do you need me to do?"
Jimmy placed his hand on her shoulder and gently pushed down. Nancy allowed herself to be lowered to her knees. She was now surrounded by three incredibly big, swollen hard ons. They reminded her so much of Gus' gorgeous fat dick, with Jimmy's being a complete replica.
Jimmy placed his hand on the back of her head and gently pulled her towards his cock. She opened her mouth to receive it and was soon sucking on four inches of him.
Colin took her one hand and placed it on his dick, and she instinctively began to stroke him. Eric did the same with her other hand.
Nancy suddenly realized that she was sucking Jimmy's big dong while simultaneously stroking her other grandsons' large dicks. Images of her beloved, deceased Gus kept racing through her head. When he was still alive she never let a week go by where she didn't worship his amazing tool. He died of a massive heart attack almost ten years ago and she hadn't been fucked properly since. She'd taken on lovers, but none could ever compare. And now here she was with three reincarnations of him in her mouth and in her hands.
Nancy was soon deepthroating Jimmy. He was amazed how she was able to do it right off the bat. It took his mother several attempts before she could swallow him like that, but even now she still had trouble doing it without choking and gagging. But Nancy was effortlessly taking his full nine inches into her throat and sucking back and forth on him. She had mastered this with Gus and even though he had been gone for years, it was like riding a bicycle for her. She was working up quite a bit of spit and the sight and sound of her slurping away on him was too much for Colin and Eric.
"Nancy, what about us? Can we get some of that good sucking too," asked Eric.
Nancy pulled her mouth off of Jimmy and proceeded to swallow Eric's very fat cock. She then used her free hand to stroke Jimmy.
"Holy shit that's good," said Eric as he watched her swallow his entire dick. She sucked him for several seconds and then spat him out and turned to Colin and swallowed him. She rotated between the three of them, deepthroating each boy while stroking the other two, and then switching again.
The boys were amazed at her skills and briefly forgot about the discomfort and need to cum. Just then Connie and Cheryl entered the room. Connie had a cute blue sundress on while Cheryl wore a leggy, yellow romper. They stopped at the entrance and looked at the scene before them.
"Well, someone's got their hands full," said Cheryl.
"And their mouth," said Connie.
"Your plan worked perfectly," replied Cheryl.
"Hey mom," Connie called out to Nancy.
Nancy spat out Jimmy's cock but continued to stroke Colin and Eric as she looked over at her daughters.
"We're heading out to meet Barbara and Suzy. Thanks so much for taking care of the boys for us this morning. We'll be back in a few hours."
Panicking at the thought of being left alone with the three boys Nancy pleaded "Wait, you''re leaving me here!? You can't just leave me alone wi...mmpphhh....mmmmm...."
Jimmy had put his hands on her head mid-sentence and guided her mouth back onto his cock and she obediently began to suck and forget all about her daughters.
"Atta boy Jimmy," laughed Connie, as she and Cheryl turned and left.
They headed out to the car. While walking down the driveway Cheryl asked Connie, "Do you think she's going to be ok all alone with the three of them for a few hours?"
Connie laughed, "Honestly sis, after seeing how she was greedily swallowing their big dicks, I've got this weird feeling that it's those boys who are the ones in trouble."
"Ha! Good point!"
They both laughed and drove off to meet Barbara and Suzy for brunch.
Back in the house, Jimmy kept his hands on Nancy's head and wasn't allowing her to switch her sucking to one of his cousins. They were all suffering from the virus and he knew it was time for each of them to cum. He gently held her head in his hands as he guided his dick in and out of her mouth. Nancy expertly deepthroated the entire nine inch, fat dong.
Nancy concentrated on deepthroating Jimmy's cock while she stroked Colin and Eric. She was reminded of the sexual shenanigans that she and Gus would get up to. Sucking and deepthroating always made her horny as hell and her pussy was absolutely dripping. She knew she was close to not being able to control herself. She was fully aware of her sexual submissiveness. Once she got heated up she was basically there for the taking and never said no to anything.