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The Walking Dead: Sister's In Heat


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Maggie was at a loss; she had thought Beth would hate her for what she had done. Instead her sister-in-law was now looking at her with an expression bordering on lustful. This was a girl that still hadn't even had a real alcoholic drink!

"I really don't know about this Beth..." Maggie stated carefully, hoping to avoid an argument. Beth spoke up for herself quickly:

"What's the downside? I'll sleep better, work harder. You were right before, what you did for me, it, it really helped. I want more."

Maggie watched the young blonde explain herself, wide eyed. Beth did seem more outspoken, that was for sure. And the last thing the older brunette wanted was another argument. But could she really do this again?

Beth, apparently treating her sister's silence as an answer, leant forward determinedly.

Now it was definitely Maggie's turn to be startled, letting out a small whimper as her mouth was taken by her own sister. Closing her eyes she gasped in panic, only for Beth to take advantage, sliding her tongue past her lips.

As the initial shock dissipated, each sister began to navigate this new terrain moment by moment, trying to simply enjoy the sensation without thinking about the larger repercussions of what they were doing.

After about a minute Maggie realized the kiss would not be the end of it, as she had hoped. She was tasting her baby sister's lips and tongue, feeling her soft body pressing against hers, perky breasts mashing against her own fuller globes. Maggie knew Beth was not just going to stop here; She would have to make the girl climax again.

So the older brunette sheepishly returned the favour, still in mid-make out, slowly massaging one of the breasts before her with a free hand.

Maggie then glided her more experienced tongue along her half-sister's teeth, spending an extra moment on a chip in her front right incisor. Ignoring this familiar little trait, Maggie breathed the girl in, trying to suppress her own lust for the younger girl she had watched grow up. 

Beth sensed Maggie's increasing arousal, and moved her lips to her older sister's neck as she leant over the brunette.

"I cannot believe we're doing this," Maggie gasped, clutching her sister's waist desperately as the blonde got more intense, sucking on her neck greedily.

"Take, take off your pants," Beth murmured in response, pulling away from the older girl finally.

"What?" Maggie yelped worriedly, "Beth We shouldn't..."

"I know!" Beth muttered, exasperated, taking it upon herself to unbuckled Maggie's belt as she explained:

"But it's a hundred degrees outside and I'm sweatin' like a pig, so lets get these things off!"

Beth climbed out of the bed, tugging down Maggie's worn, skin tight, black jeans over her hips as she went. The blonde grinned triumphantly as she pulled the garment free, tossing them aside before looking down at her older sister once more.

Maggie now felt even more uncomfortable, her long, toned legs now exposed to the hot Georgian air, the blonde's eyes taking her in lustfully. All the brunette wore now was her loose, burgundy woolen top and a pair of skimpy lavender panties.

Beth however, returned to the bed completely unperturbed, climbing over the nervous brunette before finally squatting in the uncomfortable girl's lap, effectively straddling her older sister.

Both girl's shuddered as the bare skin of their thighs came together, Beth finally setting her hot pussy against Maggie's tensed limb, enjoying the feeling of soft flesh meeting her own.

Again the brunette panicked, attempting to move away from the young blonde's trap, only to feel her bare leg rub along Beth's barely covered crotch. The young girl whimpered, enjoying the sensation of the sweaty limb sliding against her swollen pussy. Swooning the girl moved down against Maggie, this delicious pressure causing her to gasp lustfully.

Slowly the younger girl leant over the brunette, till they were practically nose-to-nose. Then she began tentatively gyrating against her older-sister, grunting with renewed effort as she rubbed herself against the incredulous girl beneath her.

Maggie just laid on her elbows, amazed as her sibling began to pump rhythmically against her raised thigh, in return simply keeping her leg bent and elevated for the young girl, able then just to watch as Beth got herself off. She could handle this right Maggie thought desperately? It was basically just masturbation after all, just with a little more... intimacy.

The blonde leant back on her knees, avoiding Maggie's wide green eyes, running both hands through her long wavy hair. Slipping into a lustful haze as she moved, Beth almost fell off her female scratching post a couple of times, lost in a trance as her instincts gradually took over. The second time she almost collapsed however, the blonde had no to choice but to reach desperately for Maggie's raised shoulder and, just to keep her balanced, the brunette gripped her sister's waist once more, her finger's becoming tangled in the girl's panties as Beth continued to flex determinedly.

Maggie choked out a gasp as the blonde's knee began to press against her own sex, clenching her teeth and suppressing a guttural moan as Beth accidentally ground against her older sister's business. For the senior Greene this was too far and losing her composure the brunette fell backwards, bringing the younger girl down on her as her back hit the hard mattress.

Not even missing a beat, Beth continued to undulate against Maggie, thrusting downwards even harder as their tangled limbs created an even greater sensation of friction, now unintentionally stimulating two pussies.

Maggie began to panic as she felt her sister's hot, wet cream drip down her leg, still aware that their proximity and this brutal friction was now stirring up her own desire. Was she really so desperate to please Beth that she was actually turned on by her younger sister's heat?

Apparently yes, because as the inexperience girl mewled, her scrunched, determined face lolling closer to Maggie's own with each thrust against her leg, the brunette felt her own loins begin to boil uncontrollably.

Maggie whined, disgusted with herself, as her younger sister diddled the brunette towards a mind-shattering climax.

"ohhh...OHHH Maggie yesss...!" Beth groaned, sweat running down her brow as she looked down at her confused sister, too hot and close too even notice the brunette's anxiety.

"This feels sooo amazing Maggie! Thank youuu!!"

Again Beth leant forward and captured Maggie's soft lips with her own, kissing her older sister with overwhelming intensity and need as their bodies mashed together hungrily. Somehow, in-spite of their increasing heat, it was still loving and tender.

Arching upwards, her spine stretching, her back dripping with sweat, Maggie clung to her younger sister, fighting the orgasm that threatened to overload the dirty brunette. Beth meanwhile, loving the contact which had been denied of her for so long, finally broke down, the dam in her body shattering, pleasure exploding from her very core.

"ohh, OHHH! Maggie!!!" Beth cried, a feeling of intense heat passing from her pussy and enveloping her entire body as she rocked involuntarily, shuddering violently in place as she lost control of her motor skills. 

Falling onto the brunette, the young girl spasmed, her hands grabbing the first thing they came into contact with.

Maggie yelped as warm, tough palms cupped her hard, sore breasts; finger nails digging into sensitive flesh:

"Umm...ummmm!!!" the brunette whined into her counterpart's mouth, holding the blonde tightly against her body as she shook, hoping the girl would make a good buffer between herself and her own need. Unfortunately Maggie inhaled her sister's orgasm, feeling Beth's muscles twitch, her pussy churning against her thigh. It all simply proved too much.

Eyelids flickering Maggie went limp, going to her happy place as her body lurched beneath her sister, whom thankfully was still caught in her own orgasmic bliss. Attempting to stay still and quiet, the brunette then came harder than she had ever before, eyes watering as she suppressed a shriek.

A few seconds later Beth collapsed onto her sister's chest, relaxing fully into the brunette's fuller body, finally feeling calm and safe for the first time since the outbreak. Resting her head under Maggie's chin, the blonde breathed in her scent, smiling serenely, eyes still closed. Eventually the happy girl spoke:

That felt so amazin' Maggie, thank you sooo much. D-do you mind if we just bunk together tonight? I don't see much point in getting up again..." The blonde glanced up at the older girl, whom nodded silently.

Smiling contentedly, the blonde snuggled up, quickly falling asleep.

Meanwhile Maggie suppressed a freak out. She had cum watching her sister masturbate in her own lap! Even now the two girl's lay together, their hot pussies practically spooned together, wet and sticky!

Agitated by her loss in control the brunette tried to lay still, afraid to wake her baby sister in case this broke the spell. Wrapped up in the thin, prison issue blanket, the older girl had no choice but to stay, listening as Beth snored away contentedly.

Whatever way she looked at this Maggie felt guilty. Was protecting her sister's innocence in this way even working? Could she control the girl's increasing libido?

That night Maggie didn't sleep a wink.


For the next three weeks things continued that way, Beth regularly demanding that Maggie help her deal with her increasing sexual appetite. Maggie struggled to refuse, reluctantly giving in whenever her sister asked, even making out with the blonde if she was feeling needy.

Soon however, Maggie began to feel over worked, becoming anxious and tired; her days filled with fending off zombies; her nights consumed by pleasuring her insatiable baby sister.

The noise that had once woken her up so frequently, the sound of metal creaking and springs groaning, now filled her entire late night routine, becoming louder and even frantic as the blonde became harder to please.

The problem was obvious; as Maggie became more tired Beth became more insistent, years of suppression bubbling to the surface. Soon it became apparent that even her sister's regular stimulation wasn't enough for the budding young blonde.

So three weeks into this routine, when Beth was looking for her worn out older sister yet again, Maggie was tempted to avoid her, even when she heard the young girl calling out to her from across the yard, the sound travelling all the way up to the Prison's old Guard tower.

The older Greene girl brushed some loose strands of hair behind an ear, rubbing her tired eyes, before continuing to survey the trees that surrounded the compound; as was her current responsibility.

When the yelling finally ceased she sighed in relief, glad for this brief respite. Unfortunately for Maggie, she soon heard the clang of small feet in heavy combat boots stomping up the stairs towards her.

Turning reluctantly, the brunette faced the door as it swung open, her enthusiastic half-sister bursting into the small room.

"Hey Maggie! Didn't you hear me calling you?" The blonde asked quizzically, bounding up to the older girl.

"Sorry," Maggie replied shortly, glancing around the tree line once more in the hope that a walker would soon come into her rifle's range. When nothing moved she responded slowly:

"I guess I'm just a little spaced out... you've been wearing me down recently, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," Beth grinned, her eyes glinting lustfully, sauntering up to the skeptical Guard, hands twisted behind her back. Maggie's shoulders sagged; not the naughty farm girl again. Increasingly this always led to the same outcome.

"I've been thinkin'," the blonde said carefully, still stepping up to her sister, smiling hopefully:

"You know how you couldn't, you know, get me off last night..."

Maggie blinked, turning red, eying the clearing again in the hope something had changed. Still nothing.

"Welll, I've thought of something we still haven't tried which I think might do the trick, and since things are so quiet right now..."

Beth reached for the strap over her sister's shoulder, fingering the leather gently.

Maggie turned even redder, sflicking the hand from her shoulder, replying tersely:

"Beth! We can't now! I'm on guard duty up here! Any second a walker could..."

"We haven't spotted a single dead'un in days!" Beth giggled, grabbing Maggie's arm once more and easing the rifle from her grip, dropping it to the floor beside them with a heavy metallic clunk.

"B-but the others... someone could be up here to replace me any minute..." Maggie replied weakly, backing away.

Again Beth snickered: "I'm up here to replace you sis... so now your just keepin' me company on my shift."

"Ohh..." Maggie said dumbly, her resolve weakening without the strength of several nights proper rest:

"W-what more can I even do?" Maggie croaked, trepidation causing her voice to tremor: "I mean, what haven't we tried?"

"Oh, I have some ideas..." Beth responded wickedly, rubbing Maggie's elbows gently: "Just kneel down and I'll show you."

The brunette resisted momentarily, easily taller and stronger than the elf-like pixie before her, but elected to take the younger girl's hand, dropping to her knees subserviently before looking up once more; In-spite of her reluctance Maggie would do anything for her little sister.

Beth smiled sweetly back, her hands returning to her own thick belt and quickly loosening the strap. In seconds she wiggled free of the tight confines of her jeans, allowing them to drop carelessly, becoming tangled in her high topped boots. Then, just as quickly, she tangled her thumbs in her worn panties' elastic, looking at the brunette expectantly.

Maggie watched dazed as her sister disrobed, her eyes transfixed on the young woman's crotch. The brunette blinked, her brain finally engaging as she realized that her mouth was now centimeters from her sister's pussy.

Maggie gasped, looking back up at Beth, jaw dropping in shock:

"Beth no! I-I can't..." The brunette shook her head, appalled by this implication, worried how she could swallow this latest development.

The pale blonde reached down, cupping her older sister's quivering chin, forcing her to look her dead in the eye:

"Of course you can Maggie. This is no different from what we've done before; I need you! And you'll help me, because its what I need! Its, its what the group needs. We have to be on top form?"

The blonde pouted, eyes turning suspicious once more:

"We do whatever it takes to survive, remember?"

The brunette nodded slowly as Beth ran a calming hand through her short grimy hair, fingers becoming tangled in her unkempt locks:

"Yeah... Yes of course, for us, f-for survival..."

Beth smiled down at Maggie encouragingly, though she made no move to do anything. Continuing to gently muss the brunette's hair, she just held her there; both girl's waiting for Maggie to work up the courage to take the plunge. The tower remained silent, only the harsh sound of breathing unsettling the air.

Finally, fully cradling Maggie's head in her hands, Beth spread her thighs wider and looked into the brunette's trouble green eyes:

"Please.." Beth whispered needily, the spoilt child from their youth resurfacing once more.

Maggie nodded slowly, reaching for her sister's waist; She could never say no to her. Gripping the hem of today's floral knickers, the brunette slowly tugged the soft cotton down, before guiltily staring at her sister's precious flower.

A feeling of desire, intermingling with an odd sentimentality came over Maggie, as she thought how much she loved, maybe even wanted, Beth. She just never knew her love extended this far, willing even to defile the very notion of sisterhood to help the girl.

In a second the brunette's eyes became as moist as the pussy before her, Beth's slit already dripping in anticipation. Tentatively, the brunette ran a hand up the back of the blonde's thigh, massaging soft skin.

As Maggie gazed at the perfect folds of her sister's sex, she tried to remind herself how beautiful and different it was from her own. After all, being half-sister's the girls were barely related... right? RIGHT?!

Leaning forward she flicked out her tongue, swiping tentatively at Beth's swollen lips. The blonde quivered, a barely perceptible touch that, nonetheless, sent an electric thrill coursing through her. Inspecting the expression on her face Maggie surmised she was on the right track and took another lick, longer this time and a little deeper into the girl.

Looking up again for approval, Maggie soon heard the blonde's extended: "Mmmmmmm," and then a longer, quivering groan as her tongue moved up and down several times in the girl's slick entrance.

Getting past her initial reluctance, Maggie started to eat with earnest, her tongue moving everywhere, rolling deliciously over the surface of Beth's lips, touching lightly at her clit before finally exploring deeper inside.

Moving away for a second to catch her breath, the brunette found that Beth almost immediately moved her back to the main course, grunting frustratedly at her.

To Maggie's horror, she emitted a quiet, indelicate moan as she licked even deeper into her sister's snatch, tasting her sacred honey. God, she tastes so good.

Holding Maggie's head tighter, Beth reciprocated, starting a slow, unconscious motion with her hips, grinding easily into the brunette's mouth as both made most unlady like groans of arousal. 

This went on for sometime, both women undulating and clawing at each other in place, both degenerating gradually till they lost any sense of their pre-outbreak self's. Soon they became the feral animals a Walkers' World created; Hungry and instinctual.

Digging her fingernails into Beth's delicate behind, Maggie began to devour the girl's sweet centre, cream drenching her dirty face, her tongue making wet, squishy sounds as it moved back and forth inside Beth's tender folds.

The brunette's rational mind was lost, moaning mindlessly as she burrowed further into the warmth, her mouth creating deliciously soft vibrations inside the blonde's throbbing cunt.

For an outsider this would have been an amazing sight, the brunette warrior going down on a blonde, elf-like girl 6 years her junior, nose tickled by the light blonde tuft of her own sister's muff. Meanwhile, the rest of her chin was buried in cunt, slim thighs cocooning her hollowed cheeks.

Soon Beth was humping her bedraggled sister's face, enjoying the feel of the plump lips that formed Maggie's luscious pink mouth. This meant however, that the struggling brunette found it increasingly hard to breathe and eventually the older girl had to surface, gasping for air.

Surprised by her newfound freedom, Maggie panted, eyes wide, avoiding the blonde's gaze, her breath coming in pants. The brunette realized her face must have been coated with juices and hurriedly she wiped at her lips with the back of her hand, embarrassed and ashamed.

Beth however could wait no longer, and impatiently grabbed at the brunette, jamming her face back into her own crotch roughly, crying out wantonly as the brunette's tongue determinedly went back to work.

Moaning uncontrollably again Maggie ate out her sister, aware now that she was clearly loving what was happening, the crotch of her own tight jeans had become soaked through as she served the girl before her.

Fortunately for the confused brunette, a few more licks from her eager tongue set Beth off, the blonde screaming uncontrollably as she came in her older sister's ravenous mouth:

"OHHH!!! Ohhh Maggie!! Yesss, Yesssss, I love you!! Oh my God!!!!"

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