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The Witcher's Legacy: Pt. 05

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The night before the wedding at Crow's Perch.
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{Thank you for taking the time to read this one - I have been having fun writing these, though this one miiight be a little rushed - sorry}

A quick Disclaimer - I not the owner of anything Witcher-related. This is fan-fic and is purely written for fun. I will take it down if requested by the actual owners. All characters are adults and this is all just kinky fiction.

I wrote a lengthy and detailed summary of the previous chapters. Then I remembered that the whole point of the previous stories was to read them, so I took the summary back out again.

The Witcher's Legacy: Part 5

Penni gave him some space. She was by no means staying away, she was just being less obvious, less aggressive. Somehow, in the three days before his wedding, she managed to fuck him three more times, blow him twice and jerk him off with her mouth-watering tits until he painted her face and cleavage with the entire contents of his swollen balls.

And ever since Penni forced her way into his life, his balls were constantly swollen. It really was lucky that she was so eager to drain them.

Every moment that he wasn't having her beautiful face buried in his lap, deepthroating his long, girthy cock, he was either preparing for his wedding, organising for a search team to locate Lysanna, and doing his best to take care of everyone at the Perch, his bride and her sister included.

Sarah, Charlotte's 18 year old sibling, seemed to be recovering nicely. She was barely scratched in the entire ambush and kidnapping. Talus could attest to this, since he had spent a night guarding her as she pressed herself close and slept in his protective embrace. Her choice of sleepwear had barely been enough to keep her modest, not that a girl with a body like hers had ANY reason to be modest.

He had not seen her in four years, and during this time, she had blossomed from a pretty, but gangly teen into one of the most spectacularly attractive young women he had ever seen.

The poor girl had seen and experienced a lot but was remarkably resilient and would not discuss it with anyone but Talus. Neither of them talked much about what had transpired in the woods that night.

"Talus saved me."

Sarah would say nothing about what happened.

She had asked Talus not to say anything and, even though it meant Charlotte could not learn what had happened to her sister, she loved Talus even more for protecting her sister.

Sarah's bad habits started to reveal themselves all too soon.

Exquisitely proportioned to the point of being downright angelic, she was still stubborn and delighted in teasing her older sister. The girl might be a brat, but it didn't help that she clearly knew she was more attractive than her older sister.

Like, a lot more attractive.

But her being distractingly gorgeous was not the problem. Neither was her brattish behaviour.

The problem was that she spent all of her time getting between Talus and Charlotte. It was like a game to her. Any time the two of them got together, Sarah would appear and plant herself on Talus' lap or cling to him before the soon-to-be married couple could so much as hold hands.

She was sweet at first, but it became apparent pretty quickly that, for whatever reason, she was enjoying ruining any tender moments between them whenever she possibly could. The two of them were understanding, they even indulged her behaviour initially, because of all she had endured.

Within a day, Talus was still giving her the benefit of the doubt, but was growing concerned. The teen knew all of Charlotte's insecurities and weaknesses as if she were reading them straight out of her head.

When Charlotte mentioned she was looking forward to lunch, Sarah commented on her thickening midsection and then flaunted her tiny waist at Talus, asking him which looked better.

She pointed out when Charlotte made mistakes or misspoke, making fun of her older sister, especially when she had an audience.

Talus could feel his patience wearing thin the day before the wedding. Charlotte managed to steal a soft kiss before sitting down to breakfast.

Sarah held off long enough for Charlotte to take a single bite of breakfast before she started.

"Really Charlotte, do you absolutely have to stuff yourself like that the day before your wedding? Talus shouldn't have to marry a woman who takes such poor care of herself."

While the putdown was aimed at his beloved, it was Talus who reacted. He kept kept his eyes on his plate, his voice coming as a low growl.

"Sarah, your sister does not deserve this and I will not stand for it. No one insults Charlotte. Not you. No one. Clear?"

"God, you just get cuter, the angrier you are." Sarah smiled. "I'm only telling her because I love her. If she lets herself become a fat sow before you are even married, how long will she be able to hang on to you?"

Charlotte fled in tears while Sarah settled in and began to eat as if nothing untoward had happened. Talus pursued Charlotte, but she closed her door and told him she wanted to be alone.

Then she locked it.

Talus had no idea what to do. Charlotte was upset, but didn't want him to see her, feeling too self-conscious after Sarah's barbs.

He had no idea how to deal with Sarah either. When he rescued her, she was so fragile, frightened, and gentle. As soon as the shock of everything wore off, a petulant, brattish side had flared. He knew that Charlotte considered this to be a reaction to the lingering trauma of her ordeal, so she was just taking it. Worse, still his reaction woulld further upset Charlotte while Sarah just seemed proud of the trouble she had caused.

His anger in defense of Charlotte had disappointed her and now she was alone and suffering, the day before they were to wed. He leaned on the doorframe, contemplating his failure.

"I'm sorry, Talus."

Sarah's presence and contrition took him by surprise. When he turned he found the spectacularly proportioned girl pouting, her brow furrowed. Behind her, arms folded, was Penni, every bit as sexy as the bratty teen, with fuller curves and a wickedly ruthless smile on her face. She winked at him.

"Apologising to Talus is a good start, but if you don't convince Charlotte to let us in, so help me, Sarah..." Penni said, taking on a stern tone that just made her sexier. His cock swelled and she bit her bottom lip as she eyed him over.

Penni, pretending to care as his foundling 'sister' - a fiction she created to embed herself as deeply in his life as Charlotte. Weirdly flattering since it was so much work just to get fucked by him. She could have anyone, but was singularly focused on him despite, or maybe because of him being truly in love with Charlotte.

Sarah huffed and knocked on her sister's door.

"Char... It's me. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean it. I don't know what's wrong with me. Please let me in?" She sounded completely sincere even though she was being compelled to apologise. There was a minute or two of silence before Charlotte replied.

"I really want to be alone. I accept your apology, but please just go away."

Penni stepped in. Talus watched as she ran her hand up her body casually, from mid-thigh, hiking her short skirt, exposing an indecent amount of thigh before those fingers roamed over her hip and onward, cupping and gently squeezing one of her incredible tits before clasping the cursed locket containing strands of Charlotte's hair.

"Right now, Charlotte. You don't get to mope the day before your wedding. Now you can open up and we can talk, then raid the kitchens for some wine and candied fruits, or I can turn Talus loose with a siege axe, turn your door to splinters, then we talk, drink and ogle his sweaty man-muscles."

There was a stifled giggle from behind the heavy door.

The lock clicked open and Charlotte peered out, a shy smile on her sweet face. Relief flooded Talus and his eyes met hers, grinning adoringly.

Penni groaned.

"Oh come on Charlotte! He was gonna get sweaty for us! Ugh! Talus, go and chop some wood or rule something, would you? Us girls are going to find something to drink and spend the day spoiling Charlotte. We promise she will be ready in time for your wedding and she'll be reasonably sober. Now shoo!"

The sister's hugged and then kissed him, one of his left cheek, the other on his right, before they headed downstairs towards the kitchen.

Penni walked over to him a little slower, swaying sensually. She stroked his chest and then kissed him, deep and hot, purring by the end.

"Don't worry Baron, your bride will always be safe while we have our understanding. Today she will enjoy herself and her sister WILL behave. You have my word. Tomorrow you wed and no one will interfere. You have been so obliging with servicing my needs that I have decided to let you have today and tomorrow free from giving me the fucking I deserve. We'll play after."

Penni's nails dragged down his chest and abs before she gave him one last smile and then strutted away after the others.

Talus knew she was evil but his body was bellowing demands to fuck her and he found it harder and harder to justify his resistance.


All of the important tasks related to the wedding were complete at this point. His clothes were already cleaned and hanging in his study. The chapel was clean and decorated, ready to be sanctified by the new priest. The kitchens were in a frenzy, preparing the feast.

The only thing left to do was to meet the coach and greet the new priest.

As Talus walked through the house and out into the yard, his mind was mostly filled with thoughts of Charlotte. Indeed, much of his thinking was genuinely about his sweet, loving bride to be. But it wandered at times.

Each time he spotted a place where he and Penni had fornicated, his mind was dragged back to those moments.

Penni in his study, screwing him silly, then jerking him off under a blanket with Charlotte and Lysanna (who knew where that girl had fled to) in the room before she sent them to bed and had him fuck her until she had to magically soundproof the room to contain her orgasmic cries.

Penni sitting on the edge of the well, holding the back of his head as he ate her tight pussy for the first time in a pheromone-fuelled introduction to her luscious body.

Penni desecrating the chapel by fucking him on the altar before she dragged him downstairs and sucked his cock in the crypt.

Hell, as he stood outside the barn where they had fucked, he barely had time for his mind to run over that encounter before the approaching carriage reminded him of the sordid rutting they had recently done while travelling to Claywich.

By the time the carriage came to a stop, the Baron of Crow's Perch was preparing to meet the new priest, who would officiate his wedding, with his long, thick cock at full mast.

What emerged from the coach was a leg, sheathed in a long black leather boot with a heel so high that it must make them utterly impractical to walk in. Fine Zerrakanian leather. The boot briefly escaped the flowing robes of a priestess of the Eternal Flame. Once the priestess was out of the carriage, her robe fell back into place to conceal once more.

Whoever this priestess was, she was as tall as Talus in those boots, her robes almost managing to conceal the curves of the body beneath, while the hood hid most of her face, exposing her soft smiling lips, full and red.

"Baron Talus. I am Sister Breowyn of the Eternal Flame. On behalf of my order, I thank you for allowing me to take up services here at your chapel and to officiate at your wedding. I offer my congratulations on your impending union. I had hoped to be here sooner, but the recent storms made the journey far longer than it should have been."

Talus was taken aback by the commanding presence of Sister Breowyn and, just for a moment, he was speechless. His eyes dropped for just a moment and focused on the swell of what must clearly be absolutely massive breasts. The robe could not hide them. As she inhaled, he was sure he could hear the straining of leather.

Sister Breowyn must have heard it too, her head dipping slightly. The straining leather sound did not come from her chest. It came from his trousers. For a few moments there was utter silence as the two of them seemed to be searching for the right words.

Breowyn found them.

"Weddings are a stressful and emotional time, Lord Baron. Perhaps you should take some time to rest today? I can meet with Lady Charlotte to introduce myself and then we can perhaps all meet to discuss the particulars of the ceremony later today once I have had time to settle in at the rectory and you have taken care of whatever it is that troubles men before they wed?"

Talus was mortified but managed to agree.

"Of course, Sister Breowyn, but, ah, Charlotte and I were under the impression that we would be receiving a male priest from both the Eternal Flame and a priestess of Melitele?"

The priestess raised her head just enough that he could see her smile kink slightly at one end.

"I have no wish to speak ill of the followers of Melitele. While misguided, they have cared for the people of this land well enough, but if they can't manage to show up for their people? Well, as I said, I do not wish to speak ill of those who... are not here."

Talus walked the servant of the Eternal Flame to her new abode and had his men carry the belonging of the priestess into the rectory. The rectory would have been cozy if split between two, but, assuming the priest was not actually coming, Breowyn would essentially have a comfortably sized home to herself.

She received a tour of her rooms and Talus sent a runner to find Charlotte, so that she could come and make the newcomer welcome. Charlotte would be keen to show her around the Perch and get her familiar with the people, while avoiding potential trouble with any locals who might be overeager to denounce their neighbours as witches. He knew well the church's policy regarding witches.

Burn them all.

They were known as zealots in that respect. He did not think they would find the likes of Penni easy to burn. He would do his best not to involve this new priestess in his messy situation. It couldn't possibly end well.

It was definitely not because the best parts of his day centered around pounding his thick cock into one of the most evil, but sinfully sexy, beings in the history of the world.

It was as if Breowyn read the thought straight out of his head.

"Once you are happily married, you and I will start working on drawing the sin and corruption out of you so that you and Lady Charlotte can find a way to deal with life as the Baron and Baroness."

Before he could ask the priestess what she meant, his young sergeant came in looking for him. Torgo was a good man, young for a sergeant, but he took the position seriously and took care of the men. There was no question that Talus considered him more than a comrade in arms. Torgo was a loyal friend too. The priestess gave him a polite farewell and got to work settling in after Talus made his apologies. He departed with Torgo and ran into a grinning group of his troops. They gave him three rousing cheers and led him away to celebrate his upcoming nuptials at the seedier of the two bars in the lower section of Crow's Perch.

"Just think, Talus. By this time tomorrow, you will be married to Charlotte, your Baroness, and your new life will officially begin. The least we can do for you is make sure your new life starts off with a life-changing hangover, don't you think?" Torgo grinned.

"You realise my Lady Charlotte will hunt you down like a dog if I can't manage my vows and ruin the wedding, don't you? I expect you to take care of me." Talus grinned even wider.

"Don't you worry, Baron, my Kiara would never forgive me if I ruined your wedding. She plans on catching the bouquet. I don't think she realises that I have already had wedding bands made for us. I intend to make just as good a match with her as you have with Charlotte."

"I am sure the two of you will be blissfully happy together. You know, once you prove she actually exists, my friend!" Talus made Torgo spit out the first mouthful of ale in a thick, alcoholic mist. Torgo patted his shoulder and then pointed at the gorgeous blonde barmaid who had just come out of the taproom.

"Feast your eyes on my bride to be... Once I manage to propose, of course. My Kiara." Torgo looked absolutely thrilled to see her. When the lovely creature came closer, Torgo introduced her and they found her a drink so they could toast together.

Drink flowed and the trio within the larger group laughed and regaled each other with embarrassing stories. As the evening wore on, most of the guardsmen gathered to drink and sing, so Kiara moved the Baron and Torgo to the private room to continue their storytelling until they reached the time for Torgo to stand guard duty.

It wasn't strictly essential that a sergeant stand guard, but he had volunteered to guard Talus' bride's room the night before they wed. Torgo considered it an honour, and, when Kiara reminded him that he was needed, he kissed her cheek and embraced his friend and leader in a manly hug before heading out.

As he stepped out of the private room, one of the maids handed Kiara a tray of drinks and wished her a good night before shutting the door. Talus missed the implications of the interaction, the alcohol giving him a warm glow that relaxed him nicely.

Kiara closed the door, hip-bumping it and causing the bar to drop behind her, sealing the exit. She yelped when the bar nearly hit her swaying derriere and giggled as she rejoined Talus. She handed him a drink and then slipped into his lap, putting an arm around his shoulders, so her jiggling tits brushed against his cheek. His free arm slipped around her waist to keep Kiara from slipping as she giggled and drank and teased him, bouncing and wriggling playfully in his lap, her sexy round ass massaging his cock until it began to swell under her.

Kiara placed her free hand over the one Talus was using to steady her and she rubbed it gently.

"Your Charlotte is so lucky to find the love of her life. So powerful. So strong. Mmm. So big." Kiara practically purred in his ear and her asscheeks seemed to spread against his thick, but restrained, shaft.

"Mmmm, she was right. So big. I could never have imagined. I guess I'm a lucky girl too now that we won't be interrupted. Squeeze it Talus. Squeeze it for me?"

Talus squeezed and it felt so good. Kiara moaned and her ass squirmed in his lap. She licked his ear and purred. "Mmm, good. Now pinch the nipple."

And suddenly, Talus managed to hear, rather than just do as she requested. Earlier, as Kiara spoke, she had taken his hand and guided it up under her blouse and, at her request, he was groping her round, perky breast as she nibbled his earlobe. Even as he realised what was happening. What he was doing, Talus kept fondling that big, beautiful breast as Kiara tasted and cock-teased him. He blinked and tried to shake off the alcohol.

"Wait.. Wha..?" The little blonde's hot mouth found his and kissed him roughly, hungry and sweet. Her mouth tasted so fucking good, and the alcohol just added to her flavour. Their tongues fought back and forth, Kiara refusing to let him up for air until he pinched her nipple hard, her full, soft tits seemingly magnetising his hand to them. She whimpered into his mouth, and it made it hard to pull his mouth away.

Even as he began to fight his impulses, rapidly sobering up, his hand was still cupping her until he used the other hand to slide her off him. Kiara spun back around into him, her lush breasts shaking, distracting his eyes as her hand found his abs and snaked into his trousers, gripping his thick cock, squeezing and stroking him.

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