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The Wrong Cot


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We took things slower the second time around, soaking in the sounds rather than contributing to them. While some of the couples had grown quiet, there were still a few who were actively and vocally fucking each other. And as I continued to slide in and out of Ady, other couples began to join back in, clearly on their second go around, like us. After a good long time and a slow build up, we were again both nearing orgasm. Ady was actively stroking herself, something she rarely did under normal circumstances. At the very end, I rolled Ady onto her stomach, pressing her into the cot as I plowed into her from behind.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, Jake, I'm coming again," she panted as I kissed her ear, grunting as I came too.

By then we were so exhausted, emotionally and physically, that we both fell asleep on top of our sleeping bags, still naked.

DAY 3: Can It Be Night Already?

When I woke near dawn, needing to pee, I stood up groggily, forgetting that I was completely naked. It was light enough at that point to see around us and I immediately noticed that several other couples were still in various states of undress. To our right, Allyson was only half covered by her sleeping bag and I could see one of her large breasts hanging out. A voyeuristic thrill coursed through me.

After enjoying a good, long look, I pulled on my shorts and walked in the opposite direction, toward the bank. On my way to the river, I passed by Amy, the one with the short hair and the nose ring. She was lying naked on top of her bag, as was her boyfriend, Keith (I had learned the night before that they weren't married). It occurred to me that they were lying in roughly the place where all the sounds seemed to originate the night before. Picturing Amy as the mysterious moaning woman somehow made the memory even more powerfully erotic.


Breakfast that morning was a fascinating study in group psychology. There was no question that the craziness of the night before was on the forefront of everyone's minds, to the point where it made normal chit-chat and small talk nearly impossible. But no one felt comfortable acknowledging the elephant in the camp. So most of us just sat there and drank our coffee in silence.

That is until Arlo strolled up from the river with a big grin on his face and said, "did you folks save any energy for the river today? I mean, damn, when I said that modesty would be one of the first things to go, I had no idea. You guys are animals." We all started laughing, with sheepish grins on our faces, while glancing around awkwardly at each other. But acknowledging the craziness of the night before did seem to ease the tension.

I spent most of the rest of that day thinking about the night before and hoping we could replicate some of that magic once the sun went down. Based on the frequent looks and occasional touches I was getting from Ady, I knew she was thinking the same thing. And lest there be any doubt, as we were disembarking the raft at the confluence of the Little Colorado River that afternoon, Ady leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I'm going to fuck you so hard tonight." Then she winked and walked ahead to catch up with Allyson and Lori. You've gotta understand, my wife never says anything like that. I couldn't remember a single time she had ever said the work "fuck" to me in a sexual context. Something about this situation had really brought out another side of her.

And it wasn't just her. We all hiked some distance up the Little Colorado, admiring its stunning turquoise water. Eventually, the guides stopped us and Tom and Sam jumped into the river to demonstrate how to body surf down the miniature rapids. Perhaps not surprisingly, Sam again chose to go topless, something that didn't even seem all that odd in light of everything else that had happened. But what was surprisingly was how many of the other women chose to follow her lead when their turn came. Serena, the other guide, also went topless. As did both Amy and Kara, both of whom had done so the day before, though Kara seemed much less self-conscious about it this time around. But a few others did as well, including Lori, whom I'd always wanted to see naked. Her breasts weren't large, but they were firm and sexy. Both Ady and Allyson kept their tops on, despite Lori's best efforts to convince them to join her, but I could tell they both at least considered taking them off, which is something I never would have believed even a day ago.

Most interestingly, none of the women who took their tops off appeared in any hurry to put them back on once they got out of the water. It was only when we got back to the rafts and risked being seen by other raft groups that the bikinis and tank tops came back on.

NIGHT 3: The Wrong Cot

That evening, once we arrived at the campsite, Ady and I carefully scouted the terrain. As there hadn't been a cloud in the sky all day, we were looking for a spot that offered at least some visual privacy but was not too far from everyone else. We found what seemed like a perfect spot, near the center of camp but with some bushes blocking the view on three sides. There were several of these little bush-encircled "alcoves" at the site, and we noticed that Lori and John took the one just upriver from us and Jason and Allyson the one just downriver.

As it turned out, visual privacy wasn't an issue, because, like the night before, a bank of clouds rolled in during dinner. By the time we all turned in, it was again pitch black. We were now in the heart of the canyon, with its looming walls blocking out most of the night sky and the clouds blocking the rest. After brushing my teeth and taking a leak in the river, I made my way back to our cots. Ady, who preferred to use the camp toilet, told me she was going to go get in line for it. Before she left, though, she grabbed my crotch firmly and said "don't you dare fall asleep before I get back. I'm not done with you." And then she left me alone in the pitch black.

As I lay on my cot, waiting for her to return, I listened for the sounds of intimacy we'd heard the night before. It didn't take long. It was intermittent and hard to pinpoint just where it was coming from, but I heard what was unmistakably a woman's moan. I couldn't be certain, but it sure sounded a lot like Sam, our river guide. In my mind, I pictured her straddling Arlo (or maybe Tom?), her guide shirt unbuttoned and falling to each side, her breasts exposed. In a matter of seconds, I had a raging erection. The night was still so warm that I was lying on top of my sleeping bag, not inside of it. Nevertheless, I slid off my shorts, confident that the darkness would hide me. I lay there stroking my cock, soaking in the sounds, waiting for Ady to return.

A few minutes later, I heard steps approaching, accompanied by the bouncing beam of a flashlight. I wondered momentarily if I should cover myself, in case it wasn't Ady and the flashlight's beam happened to shine down on me and my exposed cock. Before I could act on that impulse, though, the flashlight switched off. I couldn't see Ady as she approached the cots, but I heard her footsteps. She stopped just in front of the cots and stood silently. The sounds of sex in the camp were unmistakable by now, and they seemed to be coming from at least two locations. I could tell Ady had just noticed the sounds and, like me, was trying to figure out who was making them. I continued to stroke my cock with my right hand, but with my left, I reached up for Ady, finding a leg and then moving slowly up her thigh. When I eventually reached her pussy, I felt her hand already there. She was touching herself. A moment later, her hand pulled away, and I felt her sleep shorts slip down to her feet.

She stepped out of them, and I felt her lean toward me. Her hand touched my leg first and then quickly worked its way up to my cock. If she was surprised to find it already exposed and rigid as a flagpole, she gave no indication verbally. She wasted no time. I felt her swing her leg over me and climb onto the cot, straddling me, and then guide my cock inside her with her hand. Something felt odd, and it was only when I reached out for her that I realized she was facing away from me. My hands touched her back just as hers reached forward and touched my thighs. Now, Ady and I have a pretty good sex life, but I couldn't remember the last time we'd had sex in this position. It just wasn't in our normal bag of tricks. But damn if she's wasn't good at it. She slid up and down on my cock effortlessly, rolling her hips rhythmically as I gripped them with my hands. I could tell that she'd resumed touching herself with her hand.

As she gradually picked up speed, she began to moan softly. That was when the first twinge of disorientation hit me. I was lost in pleasure and distracted by the unusual surroundings and sounds around me, but I wasn't so far gone that I didn't notice how unusual Ady sounded. Why was she acting so strange? Was she pretending to be someone else? Was this some kind of role play fantasy for her? Whatever it was, it was incredibly arousing. I sat up, pushing her forward onto all fours, while I disengaged briefly and got up onto my own knees behind her. Then I drove my cock back into her and began fucking her doggy style, my hands firmly planted on her hips. She whispered, "oh yes, fuck me." I reach around and grasped her tits through her tank top. They felt large. As my blood-diminished brain tried to make sense of that, she whispered again, "fuck me, Jason, just like that."

I stopped cold, the sudden realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. "Allyson?" I managed to say. She must have recognized my voice because, in a heartbeat, she had pulled away, scrambled off the cot and was fumbling in the sand for her shorts, muttering "oh shit. Oh shit. Oh my god." And then finally, she asked, "it's you, isn't, Jake?" She already knew the answer.

I was too stunned to respond at first. After a long, awkward moment, I said, "yeah, it's me, but I swear, Allyson, I didn't know. I thought you were Ady."

"Oh god. I've gotta go." And with that she was gone. I collapsed back onto my back, my stiff cock still in my hand, my mind racing. I was still in a state of stunned disbelief when Ady finally stumbled back into our campsite. It couldn't have been more than a minute after Allyson had stumbled away.

After listening to her rummage through her bag a little, I felt her sit down on her adjoining cot. She said, "sorry it took me so long. The toilet line took forever." Then she leaned in and whispered in my ear, "listening to all that moaning made me horny as hell. I couldn't wait to get back." With that, she reached over and I felt her hand grasp my cock.

"Whoooaa, big boy! Looks like you're ready to go!" I thought I should stop her, be honest with her, tell her what had just happened. But before I could even begin to formulate the right words, she was straddling me, guiding my cock inside her. And while my encounter with Allyson had left me shaken and confused, it had also left me incredibly turned on and desperate for release. So I just went with it and didn't say anything.

Ady, for her part, was more locked in than I'd ever seen her. Like the night before, she made no effort to be quiet. She rode my cock aggressively, despite the loud creaking noises the cot made with every up and down motion. She was clearly getting off on the thought that others were hearing her and wanted to put on a show. And she wasn't alone. The sounds of sex coming from around the camp had only intensified, and I was pretty sure some of that noise was coming from Jason and Allyson, whose cots were no more than 20 feet away.

Just before Ady climaxed, she belted out "oh god, I'm coming, Jake!" loud enough for much of the camp to hear. At that point, I sat up, lifted her off of me and maneuvered her onto all fours. As I got onto my knees and thrust my cock inside her, the memory of being inside Allyson, in the exact same position, less than 20 minutes earlier, was disorienting. But it was powerfully arousing as well. I grunted and came hard.

As we lay there afterwards, thoroughly spent, Ady kept kissing me on the cheek and whispering things in my ear. "I can't believe how fun this is! Who knew this trip would be such a constant turn-on?" I didn't say much back. I just kept thinking of the mishap with Allyson and its repercussions. Had Allyson told Jason? Did she plan to? Should I tell Ady now? Should I wait until I could talk with Allyson about it? In the end, I decided not to ruin the moment. I'd sleep on it and try to talk with Allyson in the morning.

DAY 4: The Talk

I had a hard time sleeping that night. I kept playing out imaginary conversations in my head, trying to imagine how I would tell Ady, how she would react, whether she'd be able to forgive me or move past it. On the one hand, it hadn't been my fault. I genuinely thought it was Ady up until the last second. On the other hand, would she believe that? Would she believe that I couldn't tell I was fucking another woman? And even if she did, would she be able to get over the fact that I had my penis inside another woman's vagina? And how would she react to learning that, instead of telling her right away, I just went ahead and fucked her? Ady had always been a perfectly reasonable person, but no matter how I played things out in my mind, I couldn't envision the conversation going well. And I knew that the longer I put it off, the harder it would be.

But I had to talk to Allyson first. That morning, I got up early, hoping she would too. But she didn't. The first time I saw her was during breakfast, when we made some brief, awkward eye contact. I wasn't able to get her alone until just before we climbed back in the rafts for our first river run of the day. I was brief and to the point, knowing we didn't have long: "I've gotta know. Did you tell Jason? Are you going to?"

She looked completely mortified, almost white. After an awkward pause, she answered "I think I have to, Jake. I don't think he'll take it well, but I think this will eat away at me if I don't. I swear to god, Jake. I didn't know. I thought you were him. I just wandered into the wrong area. It was so dark..."

"I know, Allyson. Believe me, I didn't know either. I thought you were Ady until the last second..."

"I believe you too." She looked up at me with her puppy dog eyes. She really was very beautiful. "Are you going to tell Ady?"

"I think I have to. I'm scared how she'll react, too, but the longer we wait, the worse it'll be. Maybe we should try to do it at the same time, though?"

"Yeah, agreed. Maybe lunch?"

Just as she said that, Ady and several others walked up behind us. I gave Allyson one last look of understanding. The moment of truth would be at lunchtime. Then we all hopped on the raft.

I was so distracted during our morning river run that I very nearly fell out of the raft during one particularly big set of rapids. After what seemed like forever, we beached the rafts on the bank and our guides began preparing lunch. I watched as Allyson grabbed Jason by the arm and pulled him off into a shaded area. Reluctantly, I did the same with Ady.

It was one of the most awkward conversations I'd ever had, particularly because it took far too long for Ady to even comprehend what I was telling her, and then even longer for her to realize that I wasn't joking. I'm sure the way I was telling her didn't help. I was nervous, fumbling over my words the entire time. When the reality of what I was saying finally sunk in, the tears started. To her enormous credit, her first instinct was not anger. She seemed to believe my assurances that this was purely a mistake on both of our parts, and that we were both mortified. But that didn't change the fact that I was her husband and I was talking about having fucked one of her closest friends. It was a traumatizing thing to hear.

After her initial flurry of questions - she wanted to know every detail of what happened - she was quiet for some time, lost in her thoughts and tears. Eventually, she broke the silence with another question: "does Jason know?"

"He should by now," I answered. "I spoke briefly with Allyson this morning. We agreed that we would tell you both at the same time."

Ady frowned at me, "so you planned this out with her?" She didn't seem to like that thought.

"Not really, Ady. We just spoke for a minute this morning. I assured her that I didn't know it was her, that I thought she was you. She said the same. Then we agreed we should tell you both at the same time, so you didn't hear it from the wrong person." Ady's face was still pained, but her nod seemed to indicate she accepted my explanation. "Ady, I'll do anything to make this right. I just hope you can find a way to forgive me. Forgive us, really. I know Allyson didn't mean for this to happen, either. She feels horrible."

"Jake, I know you. And I know Allyson. I believe you. Honestly. But your real problem - our problem - isn't me, it's Jason. I'll get past this, eventually. But he's a guy. You screwed his wife. Put yourself in his shoes. How would you react to this?"

She was right. I had been so worried about how Ady would react that I hadn't given much thought to how Jason would react. Would he believe Allyson? Would he believe me? How could I even look him in the face? It wasn't like he and I were close personal friends. We were friendly and got along just fine, but our connection was that our wives were such good friends.

Eventually, we decided to head back to the group and see if there was any lunch left. By then, Ady was remarkably composed. No one would have known anything was wrong. As we walked toward the group, we caught sight of Allyson and Jason. They were down by the water, still talking. They weren't yet looking our way. Ady took my arm and interlocked it with hers. I looked at her, puzzled.

"He needs to see that we're okay, that I believe you." I understood instantly. She was doing what was best for everyone, for me, for Allyson, for our entire group of friends. She knew it was a fragile moment, that years of friendship and marriage could be torn apart, and that her reaction would influence how others reacted. She was such a remarkably perceptive woman.

While we nibbling at some sandwiches, Jason and Allyson finally rejoined the group. Allyson and Ady made eye contact, and I could see the apology in Allyson's eyes. Jason, however, couldn't bring himself to look at us. His expression was one of barely disguised anguish.

Shortly thereafter, we boarded the rafts again. That afternoon, we stopped for another side hike. We let Jason and Allyson go ahead of us while we lingered toward the rear, but after twenty minutes or so, we came across Allyson, by herself. She had clearly been waiting for us. She wanted to talk to Ady, so I walked up ahead to let the two of them have some privacy.

I kept my distance but kept them in sight. They talked for what seemed like forever. It was an animated conversation. While I couldn't make out the words, I didn't get the sense they were arguing or angry. Allyson was definitely doing most of the talking. After a hour or so, we had come full circle back to the rafts, down a different trail than the one we had climbed. I noticed Jason sitting on a rock by the bank. He was Asian-American, his parents having immigrated from Taiwan. He was on the shorter side, but very athletic, with muscular thighs and calves. We made eye contact just briefly, then his gaze shifted quickly to our wives as they came into view. They were just wrapping up their marathon conversation with a hug.

"How'd that go?" I whispered to Ady as we took our seats on the raft.

"Let's talk tonight" was all she said back.

Luckily I didn't have to wait too long. We didn't have much of the river left to cover that day. We reached our campsite by 5:30. While the guides were setting up camp and making dinner preparations, Ady and I found a secluded spot upriver to talk.

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