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There I Was Again Ch. 1

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When you least expect it is when you find it.
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There I was again. I lost count of how many days I had spent sitting out at the park. Of course, I had a reason to, being a member of the Emergency Medical Services Team gave me a great excuse to get out and enjoy the weather. These warm sunny days were the reason why I went into business for myself, so I could enjoy them. The nice thing about coming to the park was the women. Seeing as how I was currently unattached, and the last attachment had left me in no mood or condition for finding another attachment right away, sitting at the park and watching was about the best I was looking at for a while.

Not that I was complaining, being thirty, sex was no longer a driving force in finding what I was looking for. Not that I did not want it, it just had a different level of priority than when I was eighteen.

So here I sat during the afternoon and evening, in a big, white, official looking car. It never failed to get a lot of second looks as people went by. After all, a twelve-year-old former police owned station wagon with a red bar light on the roof was a little odd to see at the park, despite the fact that I spent almost every afternoon during the week out here.

I looked at my watch and noticed that it was almost three-thirty. "Time to get out and look important," I said to myself. I knew that one of the regulars would be coming by in a few minutes, and she was worth getting a look at.

I grabbed my portable radio and stepped out of the car and moved to lean against the hood of the car. I adjusted my mirrored sunglasses, turned on the portable radio, and leaned back against the hood of the car to wait.

I had been standing there for about five minutes when I saw her coming. She was about five foot nine, toned but not waifish, beautifully tanned, and had brunette hair that fell in dark waves to her mid back. She had that body type that has all the right curves without looking heavy.

Gliding on her rollerblades, she looked like an angel swooping down the trail. I leaned there, watching her approach.

"Afternoon," I said as she glided by.

"Hey there," she responded cheerfully as she passed.

I sighed as I watched her move smoothly away from me. What I wouldn't give for a night with her, I thought to myself as I watched her finely shaped ass receded down the trail. I knew that she would be back in about a half hour, so I grabbed my book from the car, and went back to leaning on the hood, reading.

Each time I heard that definitive whirr that announced an oncoming rollerblader, I glanced up to see if it was her.

Finally, I saw her coming back my way again, and I pretended to be reading as she approached.

I was rather surprised, when she broke the routine of the past few weeks and skated off the paved trail, walking over to where I was leaning against the car.

I set my book down, thinking that she was coming over to ask for a band-aid, like most of the people who approached me.

"Maybe I am a little out there," she started, "but aren't you out ehre every day?"

"Yep," I replied, "Out here watching the people and read for an emergency if it should ever occur."

"And they actually pay you to do this?" she asked.

"Nope, this is all volunteer. I work it around my work schedule, and having my own business makes that fairly easy."

"That's great, by the way, my name is Kathy," she said.

"Tony," I responded as we shook hands.

Suddenly feeling bold, I asked her if she wanted to go out this Friday. She surprised me in return by saying yes.

We made our plans, exchanged pone numbers, and then sat on the hood of the car talking.

It seemed like we talked for hours, but it was really only about forty-five minutes when she looked at her watch and groaned in dismay.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There is no way I can make it back to the parking lot in time to get to work," she said.

"No problem," I told her, "Hop in the car, I will give you a ride up there, after all, it is kind of my fault that you are late."

I grinned as she accepted and hopped in the passenger side of the car.

After dropping her off at her car, I returned to my usual parking spot along the trail, and made the mistake of thinking about what had just happened.

I spent the next three days worrying about what would happen Friday evening. Kathy was a nurse working the second shift at a local hospital, but had this weekend off.

We had been talking on the phone for hours at a time each day, and were fairly comfortable talking about almost anything.

Friday arrived, and I followed the directions Kathy had given me, and arrived almost ten minutes before I was supposed to pick her up. Gathering up the flowers I had picked up earlier, I walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

A middle aged blonde answered the door and looked me over. At six foot, two hundred twenty pounds of mostly muscle, Mediterranean complexion and winning smile, I am not too hard on the eyes.

"Kathy!" she yelled, "Your date from the park is here!!"

"I'll be right down," I heard yelled back from somewhere further in the house.

"C'mon in, have a seat," said the blonde.

True to her word, Kathy came down the stairs about two minutes later.

Dressed in a spaghetti strap, white gown, with her hair done in a French braid, she looked as radiant as ever.

Not knowing what to say, I handed her the flowers and said the safest thing I could think of, "You look great!"

"This isn't too much for a theater show?" she asked, looking at my slacks and jacket with the shirt and tie underneath.

"Nope, absolutely perfect," I replied.

We got into my car and headed out. We started with dinner at a small Italian restaurant. The food was, as always, phenomenal. Then we headed back towards downtown to the theater.

This is when I surprised Kathy with a small corsage of white carnations with a white rose in the center. After we parked, I pinned it to her dress for her, being careful not to poke her with the pin.

We walked the two blocks to the theater from the parking lot, and sat through an enjoyable performance

I was fine until this point in the evening. Now came the point where I had to make a decision, and try to make it one that she would approve of, after all, I enjoyed the time I had spent with Kathy this evening, and did not want to be shot down in a flaming wreck.

We got back to the car, talking about the performance, and how much we enjoyed it. After we got into the car, that akward silence hit.

"Would you like to do something else, or would you prefer to call it a night?" I asked her.

"I'd love to go somewhere we can sit and talk over coffee, after all, it is only eleven thirty, I am still in the early part of my day," she answered.

We drove to the all night diner, and passed when it was full to overflowing with teenagers.

"I wish I could invite you over," she started, "but with both my room mates off this weekend, we would not get a moment to ourselves to talk."

"Would I seem too forward if I were to invite you back to my place for coffee?" I asked hesitantly. "I don't have room mates, but I would understand if you were hesitant."

"Actually, that sounds great," she said.

"Just pardon the clutter," I told her as I turned towards home, "I was not expecting company."

We pulled into the driveway of the two-family house that was both home and business to me. The first story had been converted into a shop and work area for my computer business, while I lived on the second floor.

Going up the back steps, I turned off the alarm as I walked in the door and flipped on the lights. A clean living room greeted us, as I did not spend a lot of time there.

Kathy wandered around as I went to the kitchen and started the coffee maker. While I was in there, I also tossed the last couple of dirty dishes from my lunch into the dishwasher and started it.

I walked out into the living room and asked Kathy if she wanted a pari of scrubs to change into.

Retrieving the scrubs from my room, I showed Kathy where the bathroom was, being thankful that I had cleaned it yesterday, and went to check on the coffee.

When Kathy came back out into the living room wearing a pair of scrubs that came from the hospital that she worked at, I was ready with the coffee in a carafe, two mugs, sugar, cream, and spoons.

"I wasn't sure how you would take your coffee," I said, "so I brought everything."

I poured us each a mug of coffee, warning her that it was strong, and inhaled the nice strong vapors of the coffee.

"This is great," she said as she sipped. "What brand is it?"

"Actually, I go to the store and kind of mix and match the different coffee beans and then grind it, it's different each time, but always good," I smiled.

We started talking about her work, and my volunteering as an Emergency Medical technician, and moved on to each of our previous relationships, going into more detail than either of us thought we would.

I excused myself to make some more coffee, and heard Kathy go into the bathroom. I came back to the living room before she did, and sat back down on the couch, facing the chair hat she had been sitting in.

I refilled our cups just as she was returning, and was surprised when she picked up her cup and moved it next to mine, and sat next to me on the couch.

"Do you mind?" she asked.

"Not at all," I said.

With that, she curled her legs under her and leaned over against me. I draped my arm over her shoulders and we went back to talking.

We were on the topic of what we missed most by not being in a relationship, and came to the mutual conclusion that it was definitely the little things like cuddling ona couch, or waking up with someone curled against you.

After coming to this conclusion, we fell into a comfortable silence. Kathy curled up closer to me and we both sighed one of those great sighs that indicate a feeling of peace and oneness with the world around us.

I was sitting there, basking in the comfort of having another human next to me when Kathy stirred. Thinking that she had to use the bathroom again, I started to move to make it easier for her to get up, when she laid a hand on my shoulder. Turning, I realized that she had brought her head up level with mine.

I think that if this had been a movie, there would have been some sort of music playing as she gently brushed her lips against mine. I hesitated at first, but as the passion in her kisses grew, I started to return it, feeling the beginnings of a stirring in my groin.

I had abandoned the jacket and tie when we first walked in, and left the top two buttons of my shirt undone. Now, I felt her hand move against my chest and started to unbutton my shirt. I ran my hands through her hair as we adjusted ourselves to more easily touch each other.

I lowered my hands down to her back, and started to make small circles on her lower back with one hand, while moving the other around her shoulder blades. I realized that she had also taken off her bra when she had changed out of her dress, and felt her nipples start to harden through the thin materiel of the scrub top as she moved against my chest.

She slowly slipped my shirt off, running her hands over my chest as she did. I took a chance and moved my hands under her shirt to the bare skin of her back, and was rewarded by the little moans that escaped her throat. Feeling a little bolder than I had a few minutes earlier, I raised my arms and slipped the scrub shirt over her head. Her breasts sprang free like a caged animal, standing out from her chest like a pair of prideful lionesses. I tossed the shirt on the floor and leaned over to suckle her.

I took one nipple into my mouth, rolling my tongue over it, inhaling deeply to send a chill through her that brought even more moans. The feel of her body against mine reminded me that I was still human, and was one of the most exquisite feelings I had known in a long time.

"Do you want more?" I asked her, barely able to speak through the rising passion.

"Please make love to me," she moaned into my hair.

I picked her up and stood. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I stood, and I slipped my hands under her nicely rounded ass. I walked slowly to the bedroom, savoring the feel of her chest against mine as I moved.

Once in the bedroom, I leaned over and gently set her on the bed, on her back. Standing back up, I reached down and tugged at the drawstring of the scrub pants and slowly slid them off, revealing a black, lacey thong.

She sat up and pulled at my belt in a manner that was almost urgent. Suddenly, my pants were on the floor, and I was standing there in my boxers, with my manhood poking out to say hi.

This was all Kathy needed in the way of invitation. She leaned forward and pulled down my boxers, catching my member in her mouth as it sprang back up to attention. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as she took my entire length and I felt the back of her throat against the head of my cock. She continued sucking hungrily on my cock, gently massaging my balls as she did.

I knew that I would not be able to handle this much longer, so I slowly pulled out of her mouth, and gently pushed her shoulders back down on the bed. Leaving a trail of kisses, I moved my mouth from hers, down to her breasts, across her ribs, past her belly button, and down to the waistband of the thong. Gripping it in my teeth, I pulled it down and away from her. Relinquishing control of the thing to my hands, I removed it and let it join our pants on the floor. I slowly spread her legs apart to see a beautifully shaved cavern, awaiting my exploration. Not a single hair could be seen in the dim light of the bedroom. Before I started, I inhaled deeply, basking in the rich scent of excitement that was emanating from her. Gently touching her folds, I carefully spread them away and saw her clit standing there, beckoning me on. I started to lick and suck on it, occasionally making my way down to plunge my tongue deep into her. She started writhing under my ministrations and her moaning became louder and more insistent. Suddenly, she clamped her legs around my head and let loose a scream that could only be called primal. Her climax seemed to last forever, but I kept licking and sucking and nibbling as it went on.

Finally, she pulled my head away from her, and sighed, "I need to feel you inside me, now."

I rose from kneeling on the floor, and moved her more fully onto the bed, where I joined her.

"Is there anything in particular you want?" I asked.

In response, she pulled me on top of her in and then guided me into her. I began slowly working myself in and out of her, getting into a nice easy rhythm. Her breathing became ragged and gasping, and I started to gyrate my hips as I pistoned, causing even more moaning. She climaxed again, and I knew that I was not going to be able to hold off much longer. I slowly pulled out of her, and reached into the drawer of the night stand, and pulled out a condom. I quickly put it on and began moving in and out of here in quick, hard strokes. As that familiar tightening began in the area just below my shaft, I started ramming even harder as she yelled out, "Oh my God, I'm cumming again!!"

With that, I plunged as deep as I could, and kept pushing trying to get deeper, as I released my load into the condom. The orgasm seemed to last for hours instead of the minutes that it really was, but as it surged, I rode it with wild abandon.

Finally finishing, I collapsed on top of her, and we lay there holding each other, panting.

I knew that I would be going down shortly, so I sat back on my heels and removed the condom, dropping it in the trashcan next to the bed. Grabbing the towel off the foot of the bed, I cleaned up, and offered Kathy the other towel that was sitting on the other side of the footboard.

As he cleaned herself up, I sat there on my heels, eyes closed, enjoying the surge of raw energy flowing through my body, focusing and finding my center once again.

Kathy looked at me inquiringly as she held out the towel I had given her. Taking it, I tossed it on the floor next to the one I had used. Then we lay down next to each other in the bed, cuddling, touching, caressing, kissing.

We talked some more after we had caught our breath, and held, and talked, and caressed, and finally, tired and happy, we both drifted off into a pleasant sleep in each other's arms.

I awoke about five hours later, with that urgent need to use the bathroom. Disentangling myself, I made my way to the bathroom, and as I stood there relieving myself, I looked out the window, and saw that it was going to be another beautiful day.

As I walked over to the sink to wash my hands, I looked into the mirror. 'What the hell am I doing?' I asked myself. Painful memories of the extended breakup with Annie flashed through my mind unbidden. I knew that a lot of it was my fault, even if indirectly, because of a lot of issues that I had come to face and deal with since then. That still did not make it any easier. Annie was the one person I have ever been truly in love with, and I was still convinced that she was my true soul mate.

Running the cold water, I splashed some water on my face and stood there thinking, trying to figure out what would come next. I did not regret what happened between Kathy and I last night, but at the same time, I was not prepared for where it could lead. Realizing that I had let my need to feel human again override my distrust of relationships was something that I had not allowed to happen in the eight months since Annie and I broke up. My therapist said that this was natural, and would pass in time. She was still amazed that I was able to learn to deal with my various issues as quickly as I had. She decided that it really did make sense though, as I am not one to sit there ans wait for life to come my way, I know what I want, and if it is at all possible, I go out there and get it.

I decided that standing in the bathroom looking at my wet face in the mirror was not going to solve anything, so I went back into the bedroom to see if Kathy was awake yet.

The morning sun was just peeking in the bedroom window, and cast a soft glow through the curtains, that caused Kathy's hair to glow almost auburn. She moved a little as she slept and reached over as though to cuddle up with me, and then opened her eyes as she did not find me.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Going on eight in the a-m." I told her, stretching.

"Come back to bed then," she said, "we have plenty of time before we have to be up, unless you have something that you need to take care of."

Deciding to deal with the whole potential relationship thing later, I got back into bed and curled up next to her, inhaling her warm scent as I did. The last thing I thought as I drifted back off to sleep was how nice it felt to be in someone's arms again.

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