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Threesome a Gift from 2 Friends

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Based on events that happened one summer.
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The following is a journal of some sexual escapades I had one summer in the early 70's. The incidents are described pretty much as they actually happened, of course names and locations are fictional to protect my privacy and that of others. It was a summer to remember and full of first. We did things that sound pretty silly now, but it was a different time, we had no Internet and cable TV was even in its infancy. Yes we were young, dumb and bored, but we found ways to have fun. I enjoyed recalling it, hope you enjoy it.

Let me start by describing the setting and situation that started this event.

It was a rare warm summer night in Michigan, my girlfriend Heather and I were sitting on the on the couch watching TV in the living room. We lived in the city but had only one direct neighbor on the side of us, the other sides were pretty private other than the traffic on the two roads that bordered the property.

A knock on the door set things in motion. I then got up, answered it and welcomed her friend and mine Elizabeth who goes by Liz. As usual back then Liz had brought some new kind of recreational drug she had acquired.

At the time we usually asked few questions as she did this often and we were all still alive. We all three took whatever it was and I got the bong out, pot usually enhances anything else you are on. We had no plans or need to go anywhere so why not get stoned.

We smoked a good bit of weed and settled back to wait for the effects of it and the mystery drug to kick in.

As time went on there was less conversation and more just listening to music and watching a old black and white movie on TV without the sound on. Why try to follow a story when you just want to veg out.

By now I was laying down with my head on Heather's lap enjoying the wonderful feeling of her running her fingers through my hair. I was a Happy Camper.

We did not have an air conditioner back then, we had the windows open and were dressed accordingly. I had a pair of cut off jean shorts and a tee shirt on and was commando. Heather had on shorts and a tube top, pretty much the standard attire back then for young women in the summer. Liz had shorts and a tee on like me, she was never one to dress very feminine.

Not sure what came over Heather, but she grew tired of just stroking my hair. She had reached down and started to probe under my waist band. She followed that by undoing the snap and zipper for better access and started playing with my cock. I was soon rock hard and was trying to keep her from pulling it out.

I don't know why but I protested and stated the fact that we had a guest in the room. She would not quit, my pants were unzipped and my hard cock was out. She was no longer stroking my hair, now it was my cock. Again I protested and was embarrassed to even look at Liz, I may have all been stoned but this did not feel right to me.

Now with my cock in her hand Heather continued to try to get Liz to come and join her. Trying to talk sexy, telling her how hard and awesome my cock was, and how good it felt in her hand and that she could not wait until the two of them could suck it together.

The part about them both sucking my cock sounded pretty good to me and with Liz not protesting or saying anything I finally started to cooperate. I shimmied out of my shorts so my cock was no longer rubbing the metal zipper, then removed my shirt.

Heather now had a play toy and I was adjusting to and started enjoying being naked with my hard cock being worshiped in front of our friend.

I was not sure what was going to happen next, Heather was in control. She was determined to get her BFF to come over and join in the fun. She was not going to give up, not sure where this threesome idea came from, we never discussed it and porn was not commonly available.

After not getting anywhere with talk she tried a new strategy, she took her clothes off and then chided Liz for not getting naked with us. So now I had company in the nude, but was in favor of us all being naked, why not.

Heather said, "so here we are, naked and and ready to have fun and you are sitting there like a lump with all your clothes on."

Heather and I were now on the floor sitting against the couch when she finally cut a deal.

Alright Liz said, "I give up, I will undress but only if someone turns the light off."

The deal was accepted of course and I was the one that had to get up naked with my hard cock protruding as I walked by our clothed guest to get to the switch. Pretty awkward, but a warm feeling occupied me at the same time, a feeling of joy and pride overtook me. Pride? It's a man thing, shy to show it soft, proud displaying it when it's hard.

I switched off the light but it was only a matter of moments till our eyes adjusted, we still had the light the TV and large aquarium provided.

As I sat myself down by Heather, Liz kept her part of the deal and stripped down to her panties and sat beside me. Why she still had panties on, I don't know, still shy I guess.

I finally spoke and said "the panties have to go and helped her remove them."

I felt in good company, being naked with two people I felt affection for, both in different ways though. I also felt a little like I could be on thin ice and did not want Heather to think that I wanted Liz instead of her. I decided just to lie there with Heather in charge and see what happens. She continued to be the leader and she started to lick and suck my cock, without any coaxing Liz joined her.

I was now naked between two naked 20 year olds who were busy giving me a blow job. If there is one vision that is seared in my memory, it would be looking down and seeing two female friends sharing my cock. One would suck and the other would lick and then switch jobs. They were not porn actresses, but were going by instinct I assumed, but it was a awesome sight and feeling.

It was my first time in a threesome and I did relatively nothing to start it, what a gift Heather gave me and it was already unwrapped.

I remember how sensitive the head of my penis was back then and I was squirming, could not help it. After awhile It was like being overly tickled and it had to end, but not without me cumming I hoped.

I finally decided to speak up and say, " You two have me more aroused than I have ever been, but I need to fuck somebody now, please let me off the hook and decide."

Heather spoke up and said she would love to but would have to just watch, she explained she just started her period and had a tampon in. This might have explained what made her extra fucking horny, the start of her cycle almost always did that.

That let me off the hook and having never fucked Liz before, I confess I was both excited and ecstatic she gave me her blessings. I then turned to Liz and she had laid back and had her legs open. She did not say a word or show any objection nor excitement.

I was excited though, I had always felt attracted to Liz sexually. But we never did much more than kiss and make out once, before Heather and I became a couple.

It is always fun to enter a unfamiliar pussy, they all seem to feel different in some way and Liz's did. It probably had more to do with the fact that she was not dainty like Heather and the whole feel of our naked body's against each other was so new. Heather joined by rubbing my ass, thighs and cupping my balls as I pumped Liz.

I am going to be completely honest here. I truly enjoyed fucking her. Guys are happy fucking even a couch cushion if we are horny enough, and I was. However this might have been the first time I felt absolutely nothing back from someone I had my cock in. My biggest thrill was probably fucking in front of Heather while having her gently stroking my body with her hands.

Liz did not even fake a moan and there was little participation from her at all. It was like, here I am go ahead and fuck me now.

I did not last very long at all, being that the blow job and the newness of the experience had me so excited. I shot a large load in her and pulled out. I went to get some Kleenex for the two of us and sat down next to her. No words were spoken by any of us.

As I sat there, Liz who was now next to Heather started to kiss her. That seemed fine with her but as she moved down to kiss and fondle her breast it was clear that Heather was not into it. It sounds hot, but only if both girls are interested. Heather was no more interested in Liz's exploration than Liz was of having my cock in her pussy.

Things were getting more defined in my mind at that point. Heather was definitely straight, but Liz was at least bisexual or more likely gay. It had nothing to do with the feelings we had for each other, but the blow job was the only sexual fun she had with me that night. Maybe it was doing it with her face so close to Heather who she was attracted to, or just the fact that we cared for each other and she wanted to please me.

The real upside for all of us was that this did not have a negative effect on our friendship. The incident itself never really came up. We did play around a few times in the remaining weeks of that summer, we all now felt more comfortable being naked in front of each other.

Heather only brought it up to me when she was pissed off. She would include Liz when she named her friends that I had fucked, like it was a bad thing, three was not a big number and two were before we were a couple.

I also remember one time when Heather was pissed off at me and pretty drunk, she just threw it out that she too would like having two men fuck her at once. I was not sure if she was serious, or if it was the booze talking, or maybe she was just trying to mind fuck me. I wish now I would have called her on it, to see if she was really serious.

I don't know if it would been a thrill or torture for me watching Heather get fucked, or participating in it with another guy back then. I was young and selfish back then, interested more in my own pleasure. If she really wanted that, I should have helped her set something up to make her fantasy happen, I loved her that much.

Although Liz was not that into fucking men she was playful and lots of fun. We both found out we liked being naked, especially in public and dared each other to do such things as going out the back door and coming in the front door while naked. The front and back door were visible to any cars that might be going down the two roads, timing was everything, streaking was popular back then.

I remember locking the door on her once, I thought it would be funny to make her stand naked outside a couple of minutes after she completed a get naked and swing on the tire swing dare. She did not even beg or knock to get me to open it. I almost immediately heard her truck start and looked out to see her driving home naked, she was not going to let me win.

The last dare I remember that ended in sex was for me to stand on my head in the side yard while naked. Heather knew I was good at standing on my head for a fairly long period so she said it had to be for at least 30 seconds. Liz bet against me as usual.

I took the bet, but it is quite a long time to keep your balance while fucked up. So I set a blow job as my reward. I was horny as usual and a blow job was a good pay off for such a stunt. The fact that it was Liz that took the bet increased my motivation.

Liz agreed so I stripped off my clothes and went out the door naked as they stood there to keep watch and keep time.

I went out in the yard and got up on my head and hands. I was upside down and naked but did not think I was visible in detail to people driving by. At least not until the girls turned the porch light on to watch.

I was pointed toward the street and heard tires screech and noticed a car trying to brake. There was not enough room to stop and my time was up so I ran to the house, just in case they were backing up for a another look.

I sat on the couch leaned back, trying to strike a (you lost and I am ready for the payoff) pose.

Heather told Liz that she took the bet so she got the job. I was glad to hear her give the O.K..

Believe it or not Liz was naked, I liked the visual part of it. She had not bothered to dress after a dare she accepted from me earlier. Yes, she liked being naked around us now, what a change from the girl that needed it to be dark and then did not want to give up her panties. She got on her knees and got to it. Even though Heather pointed out to Liz it was her bet, she decided to lose her tube top and sit beside me to help out. She did not help with her mouth but with her hands. It was the best of both girls I was being treated to

Liz was really into her work and did some things with her tongue that made me squirm. Heather knew all the right places to put her hands on me, while Liz pleasured me with mouth and tongue really well. Heather gently rubbed up and down my inner thigh and played with my balls, this was her specialty. She did most of this by feel as we kept our mouths busy kissing and exchanging tongues. My hands were free, but I preferred to just lean back and enjoy being taken.

Liz's oral skills were so much better than her fucking skills, she was giving me one awesome blow job. She pretty much did everything but swallow my cock or its milk. I really think it helped that she enjoyed pleasing me, her way of showing our love. We did have a love for each other, it was just more of a platonic love than the love that Heather and I had.

I warned her when I felt myself start to cum, she backed up but some hit her lip and chin, the rest on her breast and stomach. She did not seem to mind my warm cum on her, but had no taste for it. I was a bit shocked when Heather moved down beside her, kissed her and cleaned the cum off her face, but that was all the contact the two of them had. Heather then took my cock in her mouth and cleaned all the remaining cum off of it.

It was just too hot of a scene for both Heather and I. We really wanted to fuck right then and there and I for one wanted Liz to watch us. But I just enjoyed one of the best blow jobs of my life, a mini-threesome you might say, why take a chance of ruining the moment.

Liz had gone to the bathroom to clean up and was now dressing to go home.

I got up and gave her a nice kiss and thanked her for not reneging on our bet and giving me a wonderful blow job.

Heather gave her a kiss on the cheek too and told her that she might have to give her a lesson on blow jobs some day, "I don't seem to please him as much as you do" she said.

Liz left and we just sat for awhile, waiting for our 2nd wind.

Heather decided it was now my turn to please her and said, "how do you want to fuck me," as she was removing what little clothes she still had on.

"How about you mounting me so I can gaze into your beautiful blue eyes while you orgasm, you will be in control of how deep and how fast you want my cock." I said.

She mounted and rode me for what seemed like a long time, so I reached down to help by massaging her clit. This seemed to work as soon her neck and upper chest were starting to turn red, she was close. She finally let out a gasp, and then a squeal before collapsing. She then rolled on to her back beside me. I decided to straddle her and finish myself off, I soon shot what cum I had left on her stomach and breast.

We were tired and now both more than sexually satisfied so we went off to bed.

The only other incident I recall in any detail involving the three of us, was one Sunday when it was too hot to go upstairs to the bedroom. We had stayed up all night partying with the help of some speed, but it wore off and Liz was asleep on our couch, and we could not get her to move.

So Liz was out of it and we were really horny, we had no choice but to make love right then and there. The ice was broken between all of us at this point and we were even closer friends.

Heather, was again in rare form, she striped naked all on her own.

She was sitting legs spread and ready and I dove in and kissed and licked her pussy lips, then tickled her clit with my tongue. I stopped to take off my shorts and we ended up 69ing on the floor in front of Liz on the couch asleep. We went at it for quite awhile before we switched to fucking and eventually passed out too. We woke up naked on the floor, she was gone.

The next time we seen her she mentioned it. I forget the context of the conversation, but she worked her statement in.

She ask, "did you ever have a dream where you wake up and see two people fucking each others brains out, blocking you from getting to the door."

We both had to pause and think before I said, "Are you referring to last Sunday."

She said, "Yes, so I just sat there while you guys finished up and seemed to pass out, then I left."

I ask how we did and she said, "Well it was a better watch than what was on TV at the time."

We all could not help but to laugh.

That pretty much is the whole story of the threesome, our relationship with Liz and other naked adventures we had.

Our friend Liz eventually identified herself as Gay after many trials and tribulations that is and she no longer was into drugs. Her parents accepted it and she has been happy and with the same partner ever since.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great read

Ah the memories of the 70s! I graduated from high school in 73. This was a great decade sexually. I had some 3somes like you described too. Never had a full fuck both the either. Very good story of our youth. Lee on writing and brining back memories!

3 stars


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