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Threesome Among the Stars

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Jane finds pleasure with two friends (MMF) for one night.
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Maybe she wasn't ready. Or was she? Maybe. Maybe not. It was hard to tell.

Biting her lip, Jane looked between the two guys.

This might not have been her original plan for after-work activities, but she wasn't too disappointed. Maybe not disappointed. No, she was more nervous than anything else. There was a fluttering in her stomach. She could hear her blood pulsing in her ears. Her fingertips drummed against her bare thighs to a tune she knew but couldn't quite name.

"Well?" Cole asked at last.

Right, this was all up to her. It was her idea, her condo, and it was her invitation that had brought them here from where they had been talking at the bar less than an hour ago.

Funny how that seemed like a lifetime ago. She bit her lip. "I've never done this before," she finally admitted.

It was Thomas who chuckled. He ran a hand through his hair, black and curly and thick, as he reminded her, "You said that twice before." She flushed as he walked forward to close the distance between them. Her gaze flitted over to Cole over his shoulder before Thomas grasped her by the chin to make her look his way. He leaned in to kiss her hard and hot until she shivered. "Do you want this, babe? We can leave."

"No," she said before she could help herself. "Stay."

Thomas licked his lips and stepped back with a smirk on his face. He was tall and thin where Cole was much whiter and much wider. Friends, they had been certain to clarify, and not related. Though no one would think that unless someone noticed how the two men picked up on each other's mannerisms. Both of them gulped down beer in the same way and tended to lean back on their dominant leg with a light sway if there was music playing. There were other similarities, too, like the way they were looking at her right now.

Like she was a buffet laid out just for them.

It was a cool evening on her work trip abroad. Cole was American as well, though Thomas was Canadian. The two of them lived here for work while she was only visiting. It was her third trip here, though the city was already feeling like home. As for now, well, it felt different. Exciting, refreshing, and even dangerous. Her stomach flip-flopped. It was dangerous in what she hoped was a good way.

"Sounds good to me," Cole said. He stripped off his shirt in a single motion before jutting out his chest. It was bare and muscled, thickly grooved. Her fingers stopped, itching to touch him.

How long had it been? Jane frowned. Close to a year. She hated that she had kept track of it. That she thought of it often. That it always brought her thinking back to Edgar. Sweet, perfect, terrible Edgar. His name was as shitty as he had turned out to be after their two years together. While she had been thinking marriage, he had been thinking about the wife he failed to mention for all the time they had known each other.

Nearly a year had passed, so it was by far time for her to have some fun. Try something new, even.

"And you're both okay with this?" she asked, knowing she'd certainly mentioned it a few times prior. "I don't... I don't want this to be weird."

"It might be awkward a bit." Thomas offered a droll grin to his friend before looking back at her. Cole seemed to take that as a sign to move forward to her side where he touched her shoulder and then laid his warm lips on her neck. She gasped. "But it'll be worth it, I think. If you get uncomfortable, just say 'Red' and we'll stop. How does that sound?"

"Good," she squeaked just as Cole nibbled at her collarbone. Her legs went weak so she grasped at him. First his chest, brushing against his nipple, where he was warm and hard, and then at his arm that wrapped around her like he understood her weakness. "Safe words are good."

"Oh, and I have toys." Thomas smirked as he brought out a small bag she had noted earlier on his shoulder. They had come from a game and met at the bar, so they'd run back to their place to wash up and then come here. It had only taken thirty minutes----just enough for her to enjoy another drink and then spend twenty-eight minutes pacing in her company's rental condo wondering if this was a good idea. "So clean they're basically new. Any preferences, babe?"

Her eyelids fluttered closed as Cole continued his caresses. One hand remained at her waist but the other was tugging down her dress strap. It was a wrap dress, basically an open invitation to this evening's fun. The thin strap slid down her shoulder with only a little pressure. Then he tugged some more before his fingers brushed over her breast. She remembered then she'd not worn a bra. It wasn't needed in this dress. The warmth sent tingling sensations through her and she gasped loudly when his fingers brushed over her nipple. It was hard.

"Doesn't seem like she does," Cole answered for her.

Opening her eyes, she said, "Huh?" And then she recalled the question. "Oh. Oh, no, I like toys. I like everything."

Thomas came over and tugged on her dress's tie. "Fuck. Everything?"

"Well, I----I haven't tried everything, but... I haven't un-liked anything. I mean, disliked. Or hated. It's all fine," she added sheepishly while entwining her fingers in Cole's short blonde hair. Her breathing picked up with the tingling of his kisses while she watched Thomas slowly untie her dress. It was much more erotic than she thought possible.

Thomas let out a low whistle as the dress slipped apart enough to let him glimpse her red thong and bare skin. His touch was even hotter as he gently brushed over her from shoulder down to her thigh. She caught her breath as he trailed circles on her hip with his thumb. All the while, he watched her with a smile that told her he was more than ready for tonight.

"You're beautiful," he told her. "And we are about to have a wonderful night. Aren't we, Cole?"

She licked her lips as Cole straightened up to look at his friend. Her eyes followed the way their lips met. Her brain stopped working. She couldn't look away. As their kiss deepened, she felt a familiar dampness between her thighs. She'd pleasured herself often enough on her own. Mostly stories and audiobooks. But she had forgotten how great it was to see and enjoy it in person. Attraction, pleasure, sex.

Breaking the kiss first, Cole turned back to her while Thomas reached around his hips to start removing Col's pants. The man's long fingers moved expertly like they'd done this a thousand times before. Maybe, she supposed, they had. They had to be okay with each other if they were willing to do this together with her.

She plucked at the sleeves of her dress. It was already splayed somewhat open. The room felt too hot now and she didn't want it in her way. She let it fall around her bare feet. "How should we----"

"Suck his dick," Thomas instructed with a smirk. "I'll get him ready for you."

"You're so good at it, too," Cole muttered. He exhaled as Thomas cupped his balls, a grin climbing to his face.

Jane couldn't take her eyes off them. Cole removed his pants and Thomas already had a hand on his dick, kissing his shoulder up to his nose from behind. Nodding, Cole looked at Jane with anticipation. Feeling the same, she eagerly fell down to her knees to bring herself eye level with the veiny red penis out in the open. It didn't take much to bring him to full-mast. It was a thick cock, a beautiful girth and a little on the shorter side. Perfectly satisfying. She inhaled deeply, thinking of her own arousal.

"All yours," Thomas told her teasingly. "Let me turn on some music for us, shall we?" He bent down to give her a searing kiss and then moved out of her way.

Cole nodded, closing the distance between them. Stints of songs started to play as Thomas worked on finding the right playlist. Meanwhile, the fun continued. She grabbed him behind the knees to hold him there and tentatively licked his tip. Already salty. She licked off the precum before swirling the head around her lips. The man before her groaned, throwing his head back. "Oh, that's perfect. I knew you'd be good at this."

She removed her lips to chuckle. "You've seen nothing yet. Hold my hair?"

His eyes widened but he eagerly obeyed, taking hold of the knot she'd put in her dark hair just before heading into that bar that evening. His fingers dug in around her scalp. It sent trickles of hot sensation through her skull, trickling down her spine. She shuddered with eagerness before taking him fully in her mouth.

Warm skin tasted like warm skin at the end of the day. She smelled his soap as she took him in, pushing her tongue against him for added pressure. Then she moved back, playing with him. Using his moans and groans to know the best way to please him, Jane felt the moisture pooling more at her pussy below.

She removed a hand from him now that she knew they were steady, and slipped it between her legs to feel along her slit. It was wet as expected and she teased herself with gentle circles there between her thighs. Her other hand went up to grasp his balls. Holding back a laugh when he choked over the sensations, Jane resumed her ministrations. She liked this, the wide heavy girth and the shorter head. Drool spilled between them but neither of them cared. It was difficult and yet easier to take him in, and she renewed her efforts with vigor.

Then she choked when warm fingers grabbed the back of her thong, tugging it away and letting it hit her backside with a loud, sharp snap. More drool escaped her lips. Jane started to pull away but Cole kept her there with his hand on the back of her head, muttering about going a little further.

Meanwhile, there was that warm hand playing with her backside. It couldn't be ignored. Thomas demanded attention. Her eyelids fluttered close as he tip-toed his fingers up her spine. It felt innocent until both of his hands were rubbing her shoulders in firm motions. Her breathing deepened and she had to remove her hand from between her legs to steady herself on the ground.

Thomas's hands reached around under her arms to grasp her breasts from behind. They felt terribly heavy as he picked them up, rubbing them, and then twisted the nipples until she nearly cried in pain. All the while, her arousal grew. Her right breast was always more sensitive. Though she hadn't said anything, Thomas seemed to notice and gave special attention there.

Cole paused, loosening his hold on her. She felt Thomas shift around her, up and then down, and then he put his lips on her shoulder. The hand on her left breast brushed over her hand where she held Cole's balls. He tightened his grip over her fingers and Cole groaned.

"Almost," he grunted. "I'm almost there. Where should I...?"

"Your choice," Thomas murmured in her ear. He was barely heard over the music playing. It sounded familiar but she couldn't focus. Jane's eyelids fluttered as she tried to center herself on the moment with the two of them. It was overwhelming, Cole there and Thomas behind her. She couldn't think.

Thomas paused to lick her ear and she had to remove herself from Cole. Her heart pounded as she looked up at Cole, sensing the drool on her lips and the wetness between her legs. It had been a long time since she felt this horny. Maybe she'd never felt this before. There was power in this play with them, the way they made her feel loved and used all at once.

An idea came to mind at once. She'd never let Edgar do this before. "On my breasts."

Chuckling, Thomas moved his hands there to press her boobs together. She nearly felt them under her chin. Though she'd never given them as much thought as some----Edgar had always complained they weren't big enough----she felt hot and heavy and full. Thomas pressed himself behind her while he egged Cole on.

"Go on," Thomas ordered. "Do it. Cum on her. Right here on her creamy white breasts. Make them really creamy, Cole. Then she'll lick you clean while I lick her clean. Do it, Cole. Cum on Jane."

"Whoo," Cole shouted, a groan ripping through him. "God!"

He had barely taken himself in hand when his orgasm took over. Jets of warm

jizz spurted onto her. Jane gasped at the tickling feeling, holding back a laugh, and leaned back into Thomas as he cradled her. A drop fell on her tongue and she licked it, watching him enthralled. When Cole was done, he leaned forward breathlessly with a hand on her shoulder. "Not bad," he managed to say.

"Who said I'm done?" she retorted. "I'll have your eyes in the back of your skull before the night is over."

Not giving him a chance to respond, Jane went ahead to do the job Thomas promised she would do. She took his half-deflated cock in mouth to lick him clean. Up and down and to the sides, she sucked him dry until he was starting to get hard again.

"All right." Thomas laughed as he wrapped his hands around her waist. "It's my turn."

"Huh?" she had already forgotten.

The two men brought her to her feet and in a few steps had her brought around by the porch. Her stomach fluttered as she looked at the glass windows. She was on the tenth floor, a condo that her company owned and rented out to the auditors who came and went so frequently here, and there were surely other buildings where people might see them... see her.

"I don't know about this..." she started cautiously.

"They won't see your face." Thomas turned her to face the inside of her condo. The glass was cold against her shoulders and ass, making her gasp at the chill. Thomas grinned. "Maybe later. They'll just enjoy your sweet ass for now."

Cole knelt down on one knee to grab her closest leg. He took a firm grip to tug her leg out further. Her hands fell back against the glass, grasping nothing. She could barely keep her balance. Then a droplet of cum dripped down her breast down to her belly. It was cold and she shivered.

As the two men looked her over with a note of triumph, Jane felt like she was winning as well. Their confidence gave her some as well. There was something dazzling and strange about standing like this before them, before the world. Never before had she been so brazen. She was a queen and they were her people. At the same time, she felt like a slut, displayed like this before the two of them.

Thomas reached out to caress a breast before twisting her nipple until she cried out. "Much better. We'll have you cleaned up in a jiffy. But remember, don't come."


She'd barely gotten the word out when Cole was there, burying his nose between her legs. He moved aside the panties to get to her. She felt his tongue at her folds and then his hands were playing with the sensitive part of the back of her knees. She nearly toppled right over.

But then Thomas was there, his hands around her waist to hold her there and his tongue sliding across her chest. He lapped her up like she was dessert.

Maybe this was a decent spot after all. There was the coolness of the glass at her back while the men heated her up in front. Her head fell back. Everything felt wonderful. It was a relentless assault on her senses as the men used their tongues and hands.

She was trapped here and she couldn't think of anywhere else she wanted to be.

Nibbling at her breast, Thomas told her how gorgeous she was while Cole dug his tongue into her pussy. Edgar had never been willing to do that before.

"Decadent," she thought Cole said while reaching up to pinch her ass. Her hips jerked forward, which sent his tongue a little deeper.

"Oh," she groaned. "Oh, that is good."

"We promised you pleasure, remember?" Thomas chuckled in a low manner. He kissed the underside of her breast before licking her around to the top. He left behind wet trails of saliva that cooled in the evening air. Tugging at her hair, he pulled out the knot to brush the strands over to one side. "You're just gorgeous, Jane. I can't wait to have my dick inside you."

She nodded, having a hard time finding words. "Condoms?"

Moving his lips past her neatly trimmed bush to her hip, Cole answered, "we have plenty of them. Lube, toys, all of it. Your pussy is so fresh. Jane, I knew I wanted you from the moment we saw you in the bar."

"I can't wait to have my way with your ass," Thomas muttered while nibbling at her right breast again. His hand fondled her left. She was wet up there but no longer sticky. Just very, very sensitive.

Then Jane realized what he had said. Her stomach bottomed out. "My ass? Oh, I don't know about that... I haven't done that before."

Cole reached back to grab her ass cheeks. He moved his tongue over her thong, up her hipbone to her abdomen. All the way until his tongue connected with Thomas's. The two men began to roughly make out with each other with the occasional fondling of her breasts. Cole still had his hands around her, as well as Thomas, so she couldn't move. All she could do was watch them in amazement.

"Stop worrying," Thomas ordered before twisting away. He rubbed his hands over Cole's head while reaching out to kiss her. Their lips locked. She tasted Cole and Thomas and cum and heat. "You're going to love it by the time we are done, I promise. We'll do it right for you."

"If you don't want to try it, we won't force you," Cole added gently before jerking his head up to take Thomas's fingers in his mouth. She caught a glimpse between her kisses with Thomas. "But I think you'll like it. The feeling of fullness... you'll have fun. I promise you that."

Jane pulled back from Thomas, needing a moment to think.

Not that it was easy. Cole was still licking and sucking Thomas's fingers while Thomas began to caress her ear with his mouth. Then his tongue brushed over her. Her eyelashes fluttered closed. Still pressed naked against the glass, she wondered if anyone was watching. If they were touching themselves over this. She licked her lips and grinned. They would be doing it because of them. Because of her.

She'd started a threesome before, once in college before she was with Edgar. He hadn't wanted to do it when they were together, threesome or up the ass. He thought it was too dirty and then she felt it was too dirty. She hadn't had the courage to go all the way during her threesome, yet part of her had always regretted it.

Her heart pounded as she noted to herself that this was her opportunity. The two guys were taking good care of her now. Maybe the risk tonight would be worth it. The two of them clearly knew what they were doing----together and with her.

Exhaling, she nodded. It was settled. "Lube, you said?"

"Plenty," Thomas said before giving her another searing kiss.

"All right, I'll try it," Jane agreed, eager to keep up with his forceful make out ability. "Keep talking and----"

She cried out in surprise as Cole suddenly slipped a finger inside her. The gasp slowed to a moan. She was wetter than she had anticipated. He slid right in, and went deeper than she expected. Her eyelashes fluttered closed but not before she caught sight of Cole, his hand between her legs, and a dark look in his eyes. He slid out and then thrust right back in. It rubbed all the right parts inside her and she felt a small, familiar quiver begin.

Her mouth opened for Thomas to steal her gasp with his lips. She clenched Cole from inside while melting down against the wall. She couldn't feel the cold anymore. All she felt was the two men. As Thomas slipped his tongue into her mouth, she eagerly leaned forward to return the kiss. Cole continued to play with her----his thumb brushed against her clitoris but casually like he wasn't quite ready to let her come.

"Mmm," she groaned throatily. "I'm getting close."

"When you do come, then, I'll have a reward for you," Thomas promised. He bit her lip hard and then kissed her to heal the hurt when she whimpered. He pinched a nipple and moved away. She pouted as he didn't even look at her. "Cole?"

"I've got her."

She looked down, watching Cole rise to his feet. He kissed her hard while tugging at her panties to finally pull them down with his one free hand. Though she missed Thomas's ministrations, Cole was far from a disappointment. He thrust two fingers in her now and she let out a groan against his lips. Her hands stretched over his shoulders, pulling him close until they were flesh against flesh. It reminded her that Thomas had been wearing clothes last and hoped he was in the process of removing the last of them.

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