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Together Again

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A brother and sister are reunited, this time for good.
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Together Again......For Good

A repost from when I was on here under a different username.

A Brother and Sister are reunited after years apart. This is a slow burner with not much sex involved.

Growing up Jamie Duggan and his sister Karen were close, very close. They had to be to protect each other from their parent's. Their father Don was an abusive drunk and their mother, Anne suffered mental and physical health problems, mostly caused by her husband's violent behaviour.

The children suffered verbally for years until just after Jamie's sixteenth birthday his father snapped and punched him in the guts, Jamie dropped to his knees winded and hurt. He wouldn't cry as that would have made things worse, his sister Karen cried for both of them as she helped her brother to his feet.

Don meanwhile was in the kitchen yelling at his wife. Anne wanted to check on Jamie, she knew if she moved she would be the recipient of the next punch or slap. Jamie sat on the stairs as he got his breath back and assured his younger sister he was okay.

"That's the last time he will ever hit me." Jamie said quietly.

"Please Jamie, please don't do anything. It will only make him worse." Karen sobbed.

"He will never hit me again and if he hits you I will kill him." Jamie whispered.

Don never hit Jamie again, but their mother ended up bruised many times. The day after Jamie's eighteenth birthday his father came home drunk and in a foul mood. He staggered past Jamie and Karen without so much as looking at them, he was heading for the kitchen, the scream made both Jamie and Karen jump. Jamie stood up and looked into the kitchen to see his mother lying on the floor.

"Get out Karen. Go to Kenny's and stay there."

"But what about?" Karen asked." Just go Karen. Get the fuck out now." Jamie yelled at her.

Karen ran out of the house as Jamie grabbed a heavy carved wooden lion.

"Leave her alone you bastard." He screamed as he hit his father on the back of the head.

Don collapsed in a heap on the floor, Jamie dropped the lion and called an ambulance for his mother. The police arrived, after questioning Jamie they were satisfied he acted in defence of his mother. Karen returned to the house a while later with Kenny, Jamie's best friend.

Jamie explained what happened and that his mother was badly hurt, the three of them set off for the hospital hoping Anne would be okay.

Don had been checked over, after the doctor passed him as fit he was arrested and charged. Anne was asleep in a side room when her children arrived. Kenny had dropped them at the hospital and returned home. Anne woke and smiled at her children and whispered she was sorry.

Karen hugged Jamie as she burst into tears.

A week later in court Don showed remorse for his actions, as it was his first offence Don was placed on probation and fined several hundred pounds. Jamie was disgusted, he knew the remorse was play acting and nothing else. That evening he took Karen to Kenny's house and spoke with his parents.

Jamie asked if things got bad would it be okay if Karen stayed with them, knowing the family history Kenny's parents agreed immediately.

Anne applied for a protection order, it stopped Don coming within fifty feet of her. Karen took her mother out for the day when Don packed his bags and left. With Don out of the way it was peaceful at home for the first time in many years. Knowing his Mum and sister would be safe, Jamie applied to join the army. He was accepted and joined the Parachute regiment. The training was hard, mentally and physically. Jamie buckled down and got on with it, he knew it would be hard work. Luckily he was fit.

Karen stood beside her Mum, their friend Kenny and one other male as they watched the passing out parade. She was so proud of her brother, particularly as he was named best recruit for this intake. Their Mum smiled, she was pleased for Jamie, he had realised his childhood dream. Jamie discovered later the other person was Mike, Karen's boyfriend. Jamie quietly and politely warned Mike of the outcome if he ever hurt his sister, Mike assured him Karen would be safe with him.

Jamie was flown home on emergency leave when his mother was killed. Don turned up drunk and beat her to death. Karen and Mike found her battered body on the kitchen floor when they arrived home from a night out. Don was questioned, several hours later he was arrested and charged with murder. Mike attended the funeral and looked after Karen leaving Jamie with his thoughts on this sad day. After the trial, Jamie and Karen severed all contact with their father.

Jamie and Karen kept in touch as best they could via email, as he was posted to Afghanistan she knew replies might take some time. Over the next few months the contact between them slowly dwindled. Jamie knew Karen was safe with Mike and didn't worry too much about it. He was unable to get home when she wrote saying they were getting engaged, sadly the same happened when she got married. He did email whenever he got the chance, Karen looked forward to hearing from her brother.

Jamie spent a total of twelve years in the army, most of it was spent in hotspots across the globe. The day he finally got out he breathed a sigh of relief as he drove out of the barrack gates. He spent the next four years working for a private military contractor as a bodyguard, the day one of his friends was killed Jamie knew it was time to find other work. Jamie had money saved, with that and what he had from his Mother's life insurance would see him okay for a while. Back in the UK and not knowing exactly where his sister was he drove north to Yorkshire for a few day's peace and quiet. Leaving the B&B Jamie went for a walk.

"Are you alright young un?" The old man's voice snapped Jamie back to reality.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just out walking and admiring the view."

"Aye it's grand up her lad."

"Do you come up here often?" Jamie asked.

"Aye, too bloody often. I own all this land, it's my farm." The old man informed him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to trespass." Jamie apologised.

"It's alright lad. Just so long as you stay at the edge of the fields then no harm done." The old man laughed and coughed. "My name's Ted."

"I'm Jamie." The men shook hands.

"That cottage looks lovely, stuck in the middle of nowhere. Just the sort of place I wouldn't mind having." Jamie said.

"It looks good from up here, but close up it isn't too clever. Come on, I'll walk with you and show you around."

Jamie followed Ted to the cottage, right now he had nothing better to do with his time. When they got close Jamie could see what the old man was getting at, the grass that looked so green from a distance was waist height and full of weeds.

"Told you it wasn't so good close up." Ted smiled.

"It's not that bad. I'd live here if I had the chance." Jamie replied, looking at the cottage.

"I'll sell it to you if you really want it?" The old man replied. "Nobody has lived in it for over twenty years though, my wife died in it."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Jamie said quietly.

"I'm bloody not! She was there with her lover, a bloke from the village. His missus caught them in bed and shot the pair of them with his shotgun." Ted laughed and Jamie just humoured him with a smile.

Ted explained to Jamie that he had cancer and didn't have a great deal of time left, his sons were not interested in the farm and they would sell it as soon as they possibly could. He offered Jamie the cottage and the ground that went with it for thirty-five thousand pounds.

"Bloody hell Ted! That's almost giving it away."

"Maybe, but the money Is no good to me and you want the place. Besides I know you soldiers don't get paid a fortune."

"How did you know I was in the army?" Jamie asked.

"You can tell lad. You blokes wear it like a badge, even when you're out."

Ted and Jamie shook hands on the deal and two months later Jamie became the owner of Meadow View Cottage. About this time he has finally established some semi-regular contact with his sister. Karen promised to come and visit him once the cottage was finished. Ted passed away a few weeks after Jamie started work on the cottage. Ted's sons fenced off the land so they could sell the farm easier, the land Jamie owned included the drive for access to the cottage.

Jamie employed a local builder to carry out the work he was unable or un-qualified to do, four months later Jamie stood outside and admired his new home. He was proud of what the cottage had become, considering the poor state it was in when he bought it. A van arrived with the last few items of furniture Jamie wanted. He helped the driver unload and carry the items indoors, Jamie tipped the driver and watched him leave.

Karen was due to visit in a few days and Jamie still had things to do, he needed to go grocery shopping and get the last few bits and pieces to finish the place off.

Standing in the kitchen Jamie heard a car on the gravel drive, he opened the front door and stood looking at the car as it drove up. It was his sister, Karen, not having seen her for several years he couldn't believe how much she had changed. Karen had put on a few pounds, luckily for her in all the right places.

Her breasts were bigger and with a curvy arse and slim waist she looked good. Karen practically ran from the car towards her brother.

Karen had studied her brother as she drove towards the house, dressed in sweatshirt, jeans and timberland boots she admired his rugged looks.

"Jamie. I can't believe it, after all these years." Karen squealed as she jumped at her brother for a cuddle.

"It's great to see you again Karen." Jamie said, trying to stop her momentum knocking him over.

After they had finished hugging each other Karen asked Jamie to help with her bags.

"How long are you planning on staying for Karen?" Jamie asked as he studied all the luggage in the car.

"Yeah about that. Can we go inside and talk? I'll just take this bag in for now." Karen replied.

They sat at the table and talked about what had happened in their lives since they last met. Karen was surprised that Jamie was single and didn't have a girlfriend. Jamie had an uneasy feeling because of all the questions so he asked Karen a few of his own.

"So how long are you planning on staying for sis?"

"I didn't give it much thought Jamie, but I would like to stay for a while." Karen said shyly.

"What do you mean for a while? How long is this while?" Jamie asked.

"You know, for a while. Can I move in? Please Jamie, please say yes?"

"But, but what about Mike?" he asked.

"There is no Mike, well there is, but we are not together anymore. I threw him out a few months ago for cheating on me." Karen replied calmly.

"So you and Mike are separated and you want to move in here with me?"

"Yes." Karen smiled.

"Okay then I guess so." Jamie replied. "Look I will have to clear out the spare room, you can have my room tonight and I'll sleep on the couch." Jamie realised he would have to sort out some space in the third bedroom for storage, if Karen was going to be in the bigger second bedroom.

"Like hell you will. Jamie, you are my brother, surely we can share a bed?"

Jamie just nodded realising it was pointless arguing, he stood and checked on the meal he was cooking. Karen asked if she could have a quick shower before they ate, Jamie showed her the bathroom and went back to the kitchen.

"So what's for dinner?" Karen asked as she strode into the kitchen.

"Beef casserole, Jesus Christ sis you could have put some clothes on." Jamie exclaimed as he turned to look at Karen.

She had showered and was walking around in a t- shirt and pink lace panties, apologising she said the rest of her clothes were in the car. Jamie shook his head and smiled.

Brother and Sister sat down to eat, Karen complimented Jamie on his cooking. When the meal was finished they cleaned up and went through to the lounge, Jamie lit the log fire.

"That's lovely. You can't beat a nice log fire." Karen said as she sat on the rug in front of the fire.

"Yeah it gets a bit chilly in the evening." Jamie stated as he sat beside Karen.

"So there's no Mrs Duggan?" Karen asked. Jamie shook his head. "Are there any potential candidates on the horizon?"

"No to both questions." Jamie smiled as he stared at his sister's legs.

"Would you like there to be?"

"Well someday I suppose it would be nice. Trouble is I have been single for so long I'm not bothering to look."

Karen lay back on the rug smiling at her brother. "You know I could be Mrs Duggan if you like?"

"Sorry. What did you just say?" Jamie spluttered.

"I said, I could be Mrs Duggan if you like?"

"Karen, you're my sister. For God sake we can't."

"Why not? Nobody here knows me and don't say you don't want to or give me that sister crap, I have seen you looking at me since we sat down."

Jamie knew he had been caught, there was no denying he had been checking Karen out. When she lay back he noticed her breasts with their hard nipples poking against her t-shirt, her panties didn't cover much either. Jamie had caught a glimpse of her pussy with the small strip of hair just above it.

Embarrassed at being caught he asked. "Why Karen? Why me?"

Karen sat up resting on her elbows, her tits pushed tighter against her t-shirt. "Because I love you and trust you Jamie. After I caught Mike cheating I realised you are the only man I have ever loved and trusted. I certainly never trusted Dad. As for Mike, even when I married him I wished it had been you. I would have gone anywhere to be with you. When we were kids it was always you who was there for me, to protect me and look after me."

Karen sat up and leaned over to her brother kissing him softly on the lips, when Jamie didn't struggle she pulled him in for a deep French kiss. Jamie briefly struggled with his thoughts until Karen took his hand and placed it on her breast. Breaking off the kiss Karen lifted off her t-shirt.

"I'm yours Jamie, all yours." She whispered.

Jamie pulled off his sweatshirt and lay down kissing his sister, she mewled when he squeezed her breast. Kissing her face softly Jamie moved to Karen's neck and shoulders, her hands stroked his strong back. Karen groaned as her brother kissed her breast and cupped his hand on her panty clad crotch.

Jamie sucked Karen's nipples as his hand slid inside her panties, she sighed as his finger stroked her lips. Lifting her bottom up Karen slid her panties down to her knees, allowing her brother better access to her hungry pussy, Jamie felt the wetness as his finger probed inside. Karen undid her brother's trousers and slid her hand inside and grasped his erect cock.

"Please Jamie. Please." Karen gasped as she stroked his cock.

Jamie stood up and carried his sister to the bedroom. He removed his trousers and boxer shorts, Karen kicked off her panties and watched lovingly as her brother knelt between her legs. Leaning over to kiss his sister Jamie supported himself as his cock nudged her pussy lips, lowering himself slowly his cock slid inside her hot wet pussy.

"Oh God." Karen groaned as she felt her brother slowly slide inside her.

Slowly Jamie fucked his sister, her groans letting him know she was close. His cock squelched with each thrust into her pussy.

"JAMIE! JAMIE! JAMIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Karen screamed as his cock pounded into her.

Jamie was close, he pinched Karen's nipple as his cock twitched and filled her with his semen. Screaming Karen wrapped her legs around her brother as he thrust deep inside one last time. Covered in sweat they kissed holding each other tightly.

"Jamie, that was beautiful, just how I imagined it would be." Karen whispered and smiled at her brother.

Jamie smiled and kissed Karen. "You imagined us together?"

"Yes, many times." Karen kissed her brother. "I love you so much."

"Love you too." Jamie replied, he pulled Karen close to him.

The following day Jamie carried the rest of Karen's bags in from the car, he went to make some lunch leaving Karen sorting out her clothes. As Jamie prepared lunch he looked up to see a car approaching the house, Jamie stepped outside to see who the visitor was. A smartly dressed man got out of the car.

"Mr Duggan? Mr Jamie Duggan?" The man asked as he approached the house.

"I'm Jamie Duggan. Who are you?"

"The names Foster, Bryan Foster."

"What can I do for you Mr Foster?" Jamie was wary, he didn't like strangers showing up unannounced.

"It's more what I can do for you actually. Do you mind if we go inside and talk?" Jamie gestured for Foster to enter. They sat in the small lounge.

"Nice place you have here, Mr Duggan."

"Thanks. I'm sure you didn't come here to discuss my house."

"No, quite right. I came here to offer you a job." Foster looked across the room, Karen had come to see who Jamie was talking to.

"Sorry, I'll go and finish lunch." Karen smiled and headed for the kitchen.

"Girlfriend?" Foster asked with a wry smile.

"Wife, actually. Now you said something about a job, Mr Foster." Karen smiled when he heard the word wife.

"Yes, so I did. My sources tell me you have considerable military experience, you also spent a few years on the circuit after leaving the Army, am I right?" Jamie nodded. "I run my own security company, Foster Corporate Solutions, or FCS as we are known. We provide bodyguards and security teams for select clients."

"Sorry, but I am not interested." Jamie stood up. "I gave up the circuit for personal reasons."

"I am not offering you the job of a bodyguard, Mr Duggan. I need an operations manager. You know, someone to plan things and manage the teams. My sources tell me you are the right man for the job."

Jamie sat down. "Okay, let's talk specifics."

Foster smiled, he then proceeded to explain what the job entailed, and more importantly how much he was prepared to pay. Jamie sat and listened, he made mental notes of points to address.

"That sounds good to me, Mr Foster. Although I do have some questions." Foster nodded his head.

"If I agree, I want assurances on some things. First, can I work from home? I have just settled here and I am not interested in relocating. Will I be on call twenty-four seven?"

"You can work from home, Mr Duggan. I can get my people to set up a secure login to our system. The job is not twenty four seven as such, although we will supply you with a company mobile phone. The teams will only call you in an emergency, trust me the current person gets very few calls out of hours."

Jamie looked Foster in the eye. "One more question, why me?"

"As I explained, Mr Duggan, you were recommended. Several of my staff know you of old and have worked with you in the past. It was their recommendation that I approach you. They said you are calm under pressure and have great planning and organisational skills."

"What about your current manager, how does he feel about this?" Jamie didn't want to take the job at the cost of another person, given the circuit was a close knit community, Jamie wondered if he knew the person.

"He would be more than happy for you to accept the job, the current manager is myself." Foster smiled. "I realised I needed someone else as I have too many other things to deal with."

"Okay, I'll take the job. I want a personal assurance from you that I will not be used as a bodyguard?"

"Absolutely. I can guarantee it, Jamie. Is it okay if I call you Jamie?"

"Yeah that's fine. You get the contract drawn up with the assurances we have discussed and I'll sign it."

The two men shook hands, Foster couldn't get into his car fast enough. Jamie could see him talking on the phone as he drove away.

"What was all that about?" Karen asked as Jamie looked out of the kitchen window.


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