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Tom and Luke Get a Family Pt. 02

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Introducing Alberto. Olivia has a second baby.
12.2k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/18/2014
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[Pt. 01 should be read first.]

Chapter XI Another baby?

A few days after Giovanni's first birthday, which they had celebrated just as a small family occasion, after he had been put to bed, Olivia asked the men to join her in her room. She said, "You boys have been amazingly kind and supportive over the last year. You have been all that a father should be to our little boy. You have really made me enjoy motherhood, so much in fact that I want another baby! What's more, I want one of you to be the father! My periods have started again, so in a month or so, we can try."

Both men were bowled over by this. Luke said, "Cara Olivia nostra, this is wonderful news. Of course we want to have another baby, but Tom and I need to talk between ourselves about how we might do it. We have solemnly promised before God that we will forsake all others. We'll tell you in a couple of days what we want to do. But I presume that if we decided to do it by artificial insemination you would have no objection?"

"Not at all," she said, "as long as I get pregnant! That's all that matters."

They left her and went to bed. Tom said, "We have several things to decide. The most important is how we feel if we decide that one of us should fuck her, and the implication for our vows to one another. But if we reject that route, we still have to decide whether she should be inseminated by you, by me or both of us using mixed semen. If we go for the fucking option, I see one or two problems. One is that one of us might enjoy it and start to fall in love with her. The other problem is if one or both of us is unable to get an erection, then we will not be able to manage it. In that case we would have to fall back on A.I. I don't think that we should try Tadalafil to get an erection."

"I don't think that I could get my cock hard without using Tadalafil. Remember my first time fucking you! I'm sure that I would be totally impotent with a woman!" said Luke. "So if we decide to go down the route of natural conception, I hope that Olivia chooses you."

"But it's likely that we may have to make several attempts," said Tom, "so really we may have to take it in turns."

"But it would be totally frustrating for her if we got into bed and I lay there with a totally limp cock! We have to consider Olivia's feelings. Whatever we think, we have personal knowledge that sexual union is not purely mechanical. There is the sacramental/spiritual side of it that means so much to you and me. It would be akin to rape if we were to shag her without any tenderness or romance. I know a lot of married men have mistresses that they conceal from their wives, whom they shag without feeling any sense of guilt towards their wives or of love towards their mistresses, but I'm not sure that I could do that. In contrast, A.I. is not much different for a woman from sex using a pessary." After much similar discussion, they decided that they would initially try fucking, and if conception was not achieved within three months, they would resort to A.I., even though that would be the worst of both worlds.

However, it was now August, and Luke was on holiday for four weeks, and Tom felt able to take three clear weeks holiday. Since they had applied for a passport for Giovanni as soon as he was a year old, they decided to go to England for two weeks and stay with Luke's fathers at Rockwell's Barn. Going away would give Costanza a few weeks break. Tom asked Arturo to keep an eye on Carlo while he was away, and give him any help that he needed. Preparation for the trip was hectic, but eventually the four of them were on a flight from Valerio-Catullo-Villafranca airport to Bristol.

At Lulsgate (Bristol) Airport, they were met by David and Jonathan in two cars and driven to Ixton, where they found to their surprise and delight that David's parents were already in residence. Giovanni had slept for most of the journey, but was now awake and interested in all that he saw. His great-grandparents made a great fuss of him, and he enjoyed every bit of attention. David had obtained a supply of baby pool-napkins so that Giovanni could go into the pool without peeing in it. Consequently, the boy played in the water every day with one or other of his parents or grandparents. Even Olivia ventured once or twice into the pool.

Giovanni benefitted from the change of scene and from the English summer air. He was even trying to pull himself up onto his feet. His fathers enjoyed every minute of his company. Even changing his shit-filled napkin was a pleasure! They both found that they did not see enough of him in everyday life. David's parents went out of their way to get to know Olivia. This required some effort on their part, but did result in Olivia getting more confident in speaking English. David's father told his grandson and Tom that they must never let Olivia feel sidelined, as if she were just there because she was Giovanni's mother, and that they should love her as much as they loved their parents.

One day, the four of them drove to Womble in Jon's 4x4 along with Jon, David and Tommy. It was the weekend, and Dom and Sandro were delighted to see them all. Anne and Jane, their adopted daughters, were thrilled to have Giovanni to play with and the whole party spoke Italian for most of the day, even though Dom and Tommy struggled a bit! Well primed in advance, Elizabeth had prepared a huge buffet lunch, and the weather was warm and dry, so they all ate outside in the back garden at a long trestle table that they had borrowed from the church hall. The party did relapse into English during lunch, which also enabled Elizabeth, Dom and Tommy to relax. They all made Olivia welcome, and she was visibly enjoying herself talking to the twins. It was the kind of super-family occasion that Italians love.

Luke and Tom noticed Tommy's struggling, and Tom said to him, "Tommy, if you are studying Italian at University, you need a LOT more practice in speaking it. Come back with us to Italy for a couple of weeks. We will pay your fare, you don't need to ask your fathers. You will have your new nephew Giovanni to entertain you and Olivia will be able to take you out when we are at work. You need to be in a situation where no-one speaks English. Luke and I don't speak English at home, except to Giovanni and when we're in bed or if we have visitors." Tommy looked surprised but excited and said yes, there was time for him to do that before term began. He had completed his two years of Classical Languages, in which he had got an upper second class, and was about to begin his third year in which Italian was to be his major.

Chapter XII Introducing Alberto

The next week, Arturo Sescantanto called Tom into his office and informed him that a new postdoc was starting in the lab the following week. "You'll have something in common," Arturo said. "He's gay! He makes no secret of it. He told me that's why he applied here. He knows that I am gay, so he knew that he would get a fair consideration. And he's good, he's already got a dozen papers on his CV. Make sure that you and Ben help him to settle in. Don't exclude him by talking in English!" The new colleague was about thirty, tall and slim, with black wavy hair. He was called Alberto Giranova. It transpired that he was, like many gays, a fitness fanatic, so Ben and Tom invited him to join their three times weekly jog round the Parco Emilio Guzzoni, in which they now changed to speaking Italian.

They spent some time finding out about each other. Ben said that he was an American with a Ph.D. from Harvard married to an Italian girl and they had a baby son.

Tom told Alberto that he was English with a Dottorato di Ricerca from Trabizona, living in same-sex civil partnership with another Englishman, but with a ménage à trois with an unmarried Italian girl and her fatherless son, of whom they were foster parents. The baby was now a few months over one year old. Tom said that the boy's birth had totally changed his attitude to male beauty. Previously his ideal male had been tall, slim with a flat belly, reasonably good musculature, rounded arse and a good-sized package between the legs, but now what he found most attractive in a male was a sweet, smiling, frequently smelly, baby boy with a damp garment round his belly covering his tiny male equipment, and a gurgling laugh.

Alberto said that he was single, but actively seeking a permanent partner. He was a graduate of the University of Palermo in Sicily, but with a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Indeed, Arturo had been wrong about his English. It was pretty fluent, considerably better than Olivia's. Both Tom and Ben said that they could tell him about the location of gay bars and restaurants, but did not frequent them much themselves and could not be of much help in that respect. However, there would be Professor Sescantante's party at Christmas, at which pretty well every educated gay man in Trabizona would be present, and some would be unattached.

As it happened, Sescantanto took the initiative by inviting Alberto to join him in his monthly dinner with Bastian, Tom and Luke. Bastian was able to give Alberto more information about where he might meet prospective dates. It turned out that Alberto had a good tenor voice, so he was added to the musical entertainment list! Being Italian, he settled in very quickly in the lab, and Tom was impressed by his competence. Soon they were actively and fruitfully working together, which caused some sly comments among the research students and technicians about gays, but Tom did not find Alberto sexually attractive. Family life meant more to him.

Chapter XIII More about Carlo

When they got back from England with Tommy to Trabizona, a difficult period began. Whereas a married couple tend to have a fairly good approximate idea of the right time of the month to conceive, and some women actually can feel when they are ovulating, in the case of Olivia, these intimate details were not things that the men really wanted to know, but of course could not ignore! Olivia said that she would prefer Tom to be the first to try it. She said that she was pretty regular with her periods, and had been keeping careful count of the days. They agreed that to increase the chances of conception, Tom should sleep in her bed for five nights round about Olivia's approximate ovulation date.

Tom had arranged time off from the lab to entertain his namesake. He would not return to work after lunch and would spend the rest of the day showing Tommy the sights of Trabizona. He insisted on only speaking Italian to Tommy, and after a couple of days struggling, Tommy developed enough confidence to carry on a proper conversation. Tom would take him into shops and bars and make him buy things, would make him buy the tickets on the tram and even got him to make a couple of phone calls. One evening he took him to see Ben and his family, and encouraged him to talk to Francesco, whose conversational level was nearly as good as Tommy's own! Tom said that there was nothing so encouraging in language learning as talking to someone who knew even less words that you did! The family introduced Tommy to Italian wine and speciality foods.

Shortly after Tommy had been put on the plane back home to Gatwick, Tom invited Carlo to come and eat with them one night when Costanza was cooking. Carlo had of course met Luke several times, particularly at Arturo's big parties. Tom said to him, "Carlo, I'm sorry that I have not been available in the lab as often as I should be lately. I feel that we need to get to know one another better. I spend too much of my life either in the company of gays, or with my partner and family. I don't even come out as frequently as I should to our departmental trips to the taverna. My partner works most evenings, but Olivia needs more company. You have only met her briefly at Arturo's big party once or twice. Come and eat with us and meet our son!"

Carlo was about twenty-five and a year or so earlier had completed his Masters study (Laurea Magistrale) in the department. It was not until he became a Masters student that he discovered how many gays there were in the department! It did not shock him, but it was a phenomenon that he had not previously encountered. His own sexuality was undoubtedly straight, but he harboured no prejudices: indeed, everyone in the department seemed to him to be normal human beings, which of course they were. He was a bit in awe of Professor Sescantanto, and so was rather relieved when he discovered that his supervisor was to be Dottore Appleton. Tom had told him that he should call him Tom. "I'm only about seven years older than you," he said. "We're all in the learning boat together. Research and learning go hand-in-hand!"

Tom was not by nature extrovert: Carlo was his first research student and it had not up to the time of the birth of Giovanni occurred to him that he should get to know his student more personally. In mitigation, it could be pleaded that Tom had been so obsessive about getting a family that he had had little thought to spare for his colleagues other than Arturo and Ben. But after his son's arrival, he realized that a life outside his new house existed, and that getting to know his student was important. So at least once a month, he would invite Carlo to come home with him on a night when Luke was not working, and eat with them after sharing the task of reading to Giovanni. Giovanni loved Carlo's visits, because on those nights they all spoke Italian, whereas otherwise Giovanni had always to speak English to Tom and Luke.

Carlo had several younger brothers and sisters, and as a young teenager had often read to them before bedtime. Olivia liked Carlo and always made him welcome. Luke was slightly uneasy when he saw how handsome and lively Carlo was, and wondered whether Tom fancied him sexually. But he told himself that here again his stupid and irrational jealousy was asserting itself.

Carlo was not a local student: he came from Genoa, so he did not see his family very often. He did socialize with the other research students in the department, but the fact that his supervisor was both English and gay made their lab somehow different, a difference enhanced when Alberto joined the lab. However, Carlo found his gay colleagues enjoyable company, as well as good workmates. Tom was always a fund of good advice, and Alberto was stimulating company. Carlo enjoyed going to work each day.

Chapter XIV Tom and Olivia

Tom said to Olivia one evening when Luke was working, "Cara Olivia, I want to talk to you about our coupling. I don't want our baby to be conceived as a result of a 'Wham, bam, thank you Mam' encounter. Although we are not in love, I want us to be as sweet and romantic to one another as we can be. I want to see you naked, and I want you to see me naked. I've never in my life seen a woman totally naked! I need for the purposes of foreplay to know what you look like. I don't want us groping under the sheets or in the dark.

"You know that this is going to be difficult for me. I have read up about fucking a woman, and I have looked at a few porn pics to see what women are like and what positions to adopt, but I am a virgin as far as women are concerned, and you are not, so I am going to need your help if we are to enjoy the experience even a little bit, because there's no guarantee that we will be successful, even five nights in a row. Besides, one or other of us may may not want to try it every night. You might find it difficult to sleep with a man in the bed, and so be tired out the next night! And what if I can't get an erection? I wouldn't want to let you down!"

"Tom, Tom, posso ti pompino dare!" (I can give you a blow-job).

This amazed Tom and relieved him enormously. It suddenly became clear that in spite of her quiet and innocent demeanour, Olivia had a lot of sexual experience. Tom said that whenever they slept together, Olivia should wear the Storing pour Homme perfume that he and Luke wore. It really looked as though she wanted him! This feeling was reinforced when, to his delight, Olivia came up with an attractive suggestion. "Tomaso, why don't we take a shower together? My shower has room for two people and if we washed one another, we would get to know each others' bodies. You could see my stretch marks! Although such intimacy isn't essential, I'm sure it would make you feel happier about us having sex. Besides, I want to have a good look at your cock!" This last comment bowled Tom over! Perhaps fucking a woman was not going to be so difficult after all. If Olivia wanted him, he would feel much more comfortable.

Chapter XV Tom and Olivia have sex

When Olivia told Tom that she was within a day or two of ovulation, he told Luke that he would be sleeping in Olivia's bed for the next few nights, and that he would be going to bed early. He would leave a sandwich in the kitchen for his darling boy if Luke felt hungry when he got in from work.

About 9-30 pm on their first night together, Tom and Olivia went to her room and locked the door. Giovanni lay fast sleep in his crib. They started to undress one another, and were able for the first time to take a good look at each others' naked bodies. Now that she had ceased lactating, Olivia's breasts had started to shrink and were now modest little hills. Tom loved them. It gave her a slightly boyish figure, although her wider hips and rounded belly were typically and delightfully female. She was really quite alluring.

Olivia inspected Tom and was favourably impressed by his broad shoulders, hairy chest and narrow hips. She was not deterred or worried about his 12 cm uncut tool, hanging limply between his legs. For her as with most women, size did not matter. She liked his trim and hairy arse and his big feet. Tom wrapped his arms round her and kissed her, caressing her small, smooth arse, before leading her to the shower. Already his cock was starting to stiffen. Olivia turned on the shower and opened a new bottle of shower gel. "This one is totally without fragrance, so that we can put on Storing pour Homme when we're dry," she told him.

She poured some into her hand, and started to wash Tom, starting with his neck and shoulders. It was a delightful sensation. Her touch was softer and more delicate and more hesitant than Luke's when he was carrying out the same operation. By the time she had reached his genitals, Tom's cock was as hard as a rock! She kissed the tip of it before turning him and washing his arse. Tom nearly went crazy with pleasure under her touch.

When it was her turn to be washed, he lingered over her tits and arse, but did not spend much time washing her pubic hair. She took his hand and made him push his index finger into her cunt. She in turn wriggled with pleasure at the sensation of his digital penetration. When they began to dry themselves, Tom was obviously all ready, his cock was dripping precum. He finished drying himself, then dried Olivia, splashed Storing pour Homme on each of them, dragged her into the bedroom and helped her into bed, before kneeling between her outspread legs as she lay on her back. She pulled him down on top of her and started to kiss him. The with her right hand, she got hold of his stiff and slimy cock and gently guided it into her cunt, adjusting herself so that it was at the right angle, her lips glued to Tom's body.

As soon as he could feel that he was well inside, and that Olivia looked comfortable, he began to fuck her slowly. Her potta was nothing like as tight as Luke's culo, (which was scarcely surprising after she had given birth), and he found it relatively easy to speed up, and had to forcibly restrain himself from going too fast. Before long however, he reached his climax and shot his load deep into Olivia with a muted cry of triumph. She smiled at him happily. He whispered "Lie on your back for as long as you can!" before rolling off her and lying on his side beside her with his arm round her waist, and, exhausted, he fell asleep, to the combined sound of Olivia's and Giovanni's breathing.

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