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Tom Billionaire Ch. 08


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"Tohm, Tohm," Vivienne giggled, interrupting me. "I just want to be with you."

"You are. Right here. Right by my side."

She gave me a puppy dog look, a *sad* puppy dog look. "No, not right by your side. Taylor and Cassandra are always with you."

My eyebrows furrowed and I sighed. "Vivienne, it's not-"

"No, no," she cut me off. "You don't have to explain. One is your wife and the other has been your assistant for years. It is what it is. And it is just as you told me in Athens."

"I'm sorry. I know you've been feeling a little neglected lately. That's why I'm trying to make it up to you. We're here, aren't we? Just you and me? I know you want more time with me, and I'm doing my best to give it to you."

"Tonight it is for me. But tomorrow it will be for Taylor, and for Evie. And I will be left behind again."

I sighed in resignation. "I'm sorry."

She pursed her lips, looking at me intently. She scanned my eyes as if she were looking for something. And I tried to just stare back at her with all the warmth and affection for this enchanting young woman I'd built up over the past couple of months.

I suppose Vivienne saw what she was looking for, because after a moment, a smile spread across her face. She breathed a sigh of relief, then tilted her head and beamed even brighter. "Je t'aime, Tohm," she said endearingly.

"Je t'aime, Vivienne," I replied just as warmly.

"I believe you."

"You should."

She nodded. "I know we have only been together for a short time, and while we have become close, it is not the same as with the others. Such would just be impossible after only two months."

I nodded, starting to feel relaxed as she was thinking quite reasonably. "Feels like it's been forever. But you're right: it's only been a couple of months."

"Still, I have hope for the future that this will change. Today, I am only your girlfriend. But someday, I hope I can be more. Please, there is room in your heart for one more, no?"

I smiled and nodded. "I think so, yes."

"Then I will dream of that future." Vivienne grinned and reached up to hold my head. "But for today... please... Make love to me, Tohm."

I arched an eyebrow and quickly scanned the open field we were sitting in. The sky was rapidly darkening as the sun disappeared behind the mountains, but there was still a lot of ambient light around us. "Here? Evania promised to leave your bedroom empty tonight."

"Here, there, anywhere. I only have so much time alone with you." She sat up a bit and smiled. "Perhaps we can do it once here, in this wonderful meadow. And after you have cum deep inside me, we will go back to the room and do it again."

I smiled. "Sounds like a plan."


Just a few weeks ago, while we were fucking in the Common Room of my own home, Vivienne had proclaimed that she would fuck me anywhere, in front of anyone. At L'Abreuvoir restaurant in Athens, Vivienne had given me a semi-public blowjob and not only insisted that she would suck my cock at any meal, _every_ meal, but she promised that she would strip naked and dance on top of the table at my slightest whim.

So I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that she had no qualms about a little public sex with our meal here in the meadow. I wouldn't say it was a special turn-on for her or anything. She wasn't necessarily hotter or more aroused because of the risk of discovery. Whether or not someone saw us really didn't _matter_ to her, as long as she got to be with me.

At least the long grass hid our bodies once she bent over to dangle her tits in my face. We were a hundred feet away from the nearest trail, and someone would have to practically be on top of us to actually see anything. Even if they did, we were still sort of wearing our clothes. I still wore my shirt, but my shorts and boxers were around my ankles. Vivienne still wore her dress, though her skirt was bunched up around her waist and her shoulder straps had been pulled down to allow me access to those great, wonderful melons on her chest. On the other hand, Vivienne wasn't doing anything to muffle her ecstatic moans, and when she came, I was sure her screams carried for miles and echoed off the valley walls.

Fortunately, she wasn't screaming very often. Now Vivienne and I had engaged in some pretty wild sexual encounters in the past few months. She was an energizer bunny in the sack, and liked nothing more than to throw her body around and contort herself into whatever position would lead to the most pleasure for both of us. We'd certainly fucked each other into oblivion a few times since we'd met. But this time, Vivienne had asked me to "make love" to her, and that's exactly what we were doing.

Her body movements were slow and languorous. While she was on top, she undulated herself up and down my pole, using every last millimeter, feeling the full length of my cock sliding out of her pussy until she almost came off before descending just as deliberately to the point that our loins could be pressed together no further.

When I was on top, she hugged my chest to hers, gripping my shoulders like she never wanted to let go and hooking her feet around my ankles to feel my skin against hers along the full length of our sweaty bodies.

"Tohm..." she breathed, staring deeply into my soul with big, liquid brown eyes. "Mon amour..." she cooed, her face filled with delight.

I just smiled and gave her what she wanted to hear, cooing right back, "Mon cheri..."

She had her second climax just then, an orgasm that built like an ocean wave rolling up the beach. I felt her quiver in her loins, the tremors spreading to her thighs as she clamped them against mine. The undulations carried up into her midsection, and then higher still until she was writhing uncontrollably beneath me. Her breath came in shorter and shorter gasps, noiseless save for the air rapidly shooting in and out of her throat. And when that orgasmic wave finally crested over, she screamed out once, her body locking up along with her inner muscles that clenched at my cock like a vise.

I was nearing my limit as well, although the feel of her orgasm beneath me wasn't quite enough to set me off. I reached both of my hands down to Vivienne's hips, holding onto them as I bore down and started driving myself a little harder into her body. And once she recovered from her climax, she helped me out by finally lifting her legs up around my waist and rolling her hips upwards to let me get even deeper.

This position also raised her ass off the blankets. My hands shifted a little lower, letting me fill my palms with her buttcheeks. I suddenly remembered the encounter I had with Cassandra a couple of hours earlier, when my devoted assistant had offered me her asshole only to have me turn it down because I recognized her fear.

Vivienne, on the other hand, was well-practiced at sodomy, willingly accepting me and enjoying it every time we did it. I felt a surge in my loins as I thought of buggering my gorgeous young French babe, and my fingers inched closer into her asscrack to begin probing that crinkled rosebud.

But Vivienne jerked and pulled her butt away. "Please, Tohm. Not this time," she entreated quietly.

I arched an eyebrow in surprise but kept pumping.

She took a shallow breath and canted her eyebrows to the side, giving me those puppy dog eyes again. "Finish in me. I want to feel it in me. Please?"

How could I say 'no' to that face? I smiled and nodded. There would be plenty of opportunity later for assfucking. My Vivienne had asked for me to make love to her, and now reminded, I intended to finish that way. I raised my hands back up, cupping the sides of her face as I tilted my head and kissed her. She moaned happily and extended her tongue out. And as our kiss built in passion, so did the pressure in my balls.

"Cum in me, mon amoureux..." she moaned, cinching her arms and legs around me tighter. "Fill me!"

"Oh, Vivienne!" I groaned, nearing my release. Her inner walls clamped down around me, squeezing and releasing, coaxing out my sperm.

"Cum in me!" she moaned louder. "Cum in me s'il vous plait!"

I felt the release a split-second before it actually came out. One moment, I was pumping madly, delighting in the exquisite friction of her clasping tunnel around my prick, as well as the slicker friction of her sweat soaked tits being crushed down by my chest. The next moment, I was gasping out, "CUMMING!" as I dropped all my weight down onto her, stopping my pumping entirely as I sank down until my cockhead was pointing at the very entrance of her womb.

And then I blew. Like a nuclear bomb had gone off, the explosion of my loins made the world go suddenly silent around me. My eyes were filled with white light. And as if there were a sudden vacuum created at the very center of Vivienne's womb, my sperm madly rushed in to fill the void.

"UNGH!" I grunted, my hips retracting and then jerking forward like they were spring-loaded, with another great burst flowing out of me.

"UNGH!" I grunted again, blasting off another wad.

Vivienne giggled, clutching all four limbs around me. She rubbed my back, stroking my spine and gasping into my ear as I sprayed more and more spunk into her body. She shivered and moaned, things that only inspired me to flood her with even more cum. And she whispered something so softly in French that I didn't understand.

"Nggaaahhh..." I finally sighed, sagging my forehead onto the blanket next to her head as the rest of my body collapsed like so much dead meat. I was gasping for air, surprisingly tired from the final sprint despite not having to exert much energy for the twenty minutes before. And my adoring girlfriend simply cuddled me, cooing more endearments in French that I could now clearly hear, even if my tired brain didn't want to attempt translation.

"Someday... maybe soon," she finally said in English. "I will give you a reason to love me as much as you love them."

Inwardly, I groaned. The last thing I wanted was for Vivienne to continue comparing herself to Taylor and Cassandra. Still with my half-naked body pressed up against hers and my cock inside her pussy, I sighed and levered myself up onto my elbows. "It's not a comparison."

She shrugged, as if my words didn't matter. "Still... I hope that I can be the one to give you back the son you lost."

There was a quiet seriousness in Vivienne's voice, and an extra weight lent to the specific words she'd chosen. I didn't get it right away, but a moment later, my eyebrows rose.

_Waaaait a minute. We've been together two months, and she's talking *kids*?_ My jaw dropped open and I looked down at my girlfriend. "Vivienne, I think it's a little early for us to be talking about-"

"You WANT more children. I know you do. That is why you had your medical procedure reversed. And you and Cassandra have been working hard at this, no?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Well, yes. But-"

"I told you," she interrupted. "I know that today, I am only your girlfriend. But hopefully in the future, I can be a mother of your children. That is why I stopped taking my birth control pills."

My eyebrows were already raised sky high, but now my eyelids joined them. "You _WHAT_?"

She beamed at me happily, then clenched her pussy muscles, sloshing around the womb full of sperm she had inside. And giggling, she added, "Maybe I am already pregnant now!"


In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have gone ballistic the way I did. But what would *you* do if your girlfriend of two-odd months ambushed you with the news that she'd gone off her birth control mere seconds after you filled her womb with all your sperm?

I yanked myself out of her faster than if I'd stuck my prick into an electrical socket. I pulled my shorts up and stumbled to my feet while she lay there with her dress in disarray and my cum leaking out of her pussy, giving me an ashen look of heartbroken confusion. And she started crying when I yelled, "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?"

Nightmares of Hal Reynolds marching into my old penthouse apartment with Kaitlyn's positive pregnancy test flashed before my eyes. All the paranoia from years of ensuring I didn't cum inside anyone not on "The List" created instant pressure against my brain. And I clawed at my own skull, turning around and pacing while squeezing my eyes shut so hard in a futile attempt to make the problem all go away.

Vivienne pregnant? Oh, I wasn't ready for this.

Snapping my fingers, I stuck my hand down at her. "Get up. We have to go."

"G-g-... go?" she whimpered.

"Allez!" I snapped, pointing back at the hotel and then sticking my hand out at her again.

Terrified, she reached up and took my hand, allowing me to yank her up to her feet. I immediately bent and started packing up everything, just tossing them haphazardly into the picnic basket.

Vivienne glanced around the open meadow, now fully cognizant of her nudity. She hurriedly pulled the top of her dress up and fixed her skirt down. She didn't have time to grab her panties, as I had already bunched it up in the blankets and stuffed them into the backpack.

"Tohm, please..." Vivienne whimpered.

"Not now," I barked, standing up and hoisting the pack over my shoulders. I grabbed up the picnic basket with one hand and grabbed hers with the other. And as if she were an insolent child, I half-dragged her back along the trail to the hotel.

Evania met me at the door with a bright smile that disappeared the instant she saw the look on my face.

I pushed the picnic basket into her hands and dropped the backpack on the floor. "Deal with those," I ordered. And then I dragged a still-crying Vivienne over to her bedroom.

Once there, I pointed her at her bags and ordered, "Find your pills."



Shaking like a leaf, Vivienne started rifling through her bag.

"When did you stop taking them?" I growled. She didn't answer me right away, so I barked two seconds later, "_*When?*_"

"Deux semaines!" she answered me, crying. "Two weeks!"

By now, Taylor and Cassandra appeared in the open doorway, curious as to what was going on. I pointed at Cassandra and snapped, "How many pills does she need to take as emergency contraceptive?"

Both my ladies' eyes went wide at that question. Cassandra stuttered before her mind locked in. "Uh, depends on which brand."

Taylor was thinking an extra step ahead. "Let me just get a proper morning after pill." She turned and went for a phone.

Vivienne finally came up with her pills. She turned to me, rivers of tears streaming down her cheeks. "Here they are."

"How many?" I barked at Cassandra.

"Jonathan, just wait for Taylor to-"

"Forget it," I interrupted and jabbed a finger in Vivienne's face. "Take one. Now."

"Jonathan, that won't do any-"

"NOW," I ordered.

Quivering, Vivienne gave me an agonizing look. She was trembling, and in a very quiet voice, she whimpered, "Please..."

*"NOW!"* I thundered.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Vivienne went to the sink and poured a quick glass of water. While I watched her like a hawk, she downed her pill. And then she immediately collapsed to her knees, bracing herself against the cabinet, sobbing so hard that she rattled the drawers.

I turned and walked away.


I don't know how Taylor knew where I was, but armed with only a flashlight, she found me anyways.

I was sitting on a rock by the Merced riverbank, near to the now dry Royal Arch creek bed. A tree overhead hid me in the shadows from the moonlight, and yet there she was, my wife climbing onto the big rock beside me.

The first words out of my mouth were: "Did she take the morning after pill?"

"Yes," Taylor replied quietly, her eyes straight ahead.

Together, we stared out across the bubbling water for a few minutes. Nothing was said. She simply slipped her hand into mine and waited. And when I was ready, I took a deep breath and explained, "It was a great date."

"Until..." she led me.

"Until Vivienne told me she'd stopped taking her pills two weeks ago and was hoping she was pregnant."

Taylor winced and looked at our joined hands. "Still... you could have handled that better."

I closed my eyes and hung my head, remembering how Vivienne looked huddled up against the cabinet, absolutely _shaking_. Without looking up, I asked, "How is she?"

Taylor shook her head. "I don't know. Evania and Cassandra stayed with her. I came looking for you."

"I should go back there."

"Yes, you should. But first, talk to me."

I exhaled. "Do we have to?"

"Tell me what's bothering you so much?"

"Bothering me? My girlfriend just told me, 'Surprise! I might get pregnant!' I'm not supposed to be bothered by that?"

My wife shrugged. "Don't you want more kids? Isn't that what we're trying for with Cassandra? She and I are already going through her ovulation calculations."

I sighed. "Of course I do. It's just... I want my children to be with you and her."

"But not Vivienne?"

"No, of course not."

"Why not?"

"It's not like that with her. You're my wife. Cassandra's... like a wife. C'mon, you don't really need me to try and come up with a definition for her, do you?"

"So you're saying you ONLY want kids with me and her."


"What about Ashlyn?"

I took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. "That was a completely different situation. Joey was an accident. I don't regret having her, and right now I miss her."

"Her birthday party is in a week."

"I know." I sighed. "But as much as I love her, I can honestly say I would never have *planned* her with Ashlyn."

"Perhaps. But you two were talking about having more. In Tahiti, remember?"

I closed my eyes again, remembering a simpler time. "That was a long time ago. Ashlyn and I were different people back then."

"But if nothing had gone wrong, you would have had children with someone other than me and Cassandra. Specifically: with your *girlfriend*."

"Yes. But not Vivienne."

"Why not?"

I rolled my eyes. "She's just a kid."

"She's 23. Lots of women her age have children."

I shook my head. "It's more than that. Ashlyn and I were discussing our plans together. Vivienne and I had no such discussion. She made a decision impulsively, without my input or consent."

"Birth control fails. You're consenting every time you fire away inside her, or anyone else for that matter."

"That's why we had 'The List', remember?"

Taylor sighed and nodded, looking away. "I remember."

The both of us went quiet again. My anger had built up again while remembering how Vivienne had made such a monumental decision without asking my permission, and I had to cool down again. And when I had cooled, Taylor squeezed my hand and looked up at me. "So the question now is: Does Vivienne make 'The List'?"

I blinked. "Huh?"

Taylor stared right into my eyes, holding my gaze. "You reversed the RISUG injection. You're firing live bullets again. I think we have to seriously talk about 'The List' again. It was a select group. Even as close as some of your girls have been: Kate, Kaitlyn, Rebecca, Mia... they weren't on it. The risk was too great."

I grimaced, remembering that time and the paranoia that came with it, the price to pay for my frequent extra-marital liaisons.

"I know you feel strongly for Vivienne and Evania. But you have to ask yourself: Just how much do you trust them? And before you let your heart answer, think back to how your head reacted twenty minutes ago."

Holding my forehead in my palm, I sighed and shook my head.


It was a quiet drive back to Fresno Yosemite International Airport, and an even quieter flight back to New York. Fully cognizant that I was upset with her, Vivienne's mood was that of a doomed prisoner on death row. And her attitude cast a pall over everyone else around.

Mid-flight, Taylor pulled me into the private stateroom in the back of the plane. But rather than seduce me into a fresh Mile High experience, my wife ordered me under no uncertain terms to make up with my girlfriend so that we could all move on. Taylor then marched out and ordered Vivienne into the room with me, with instructions for neither of us to come out until we'd settled the matter.

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