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Tomboy Titties

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An accidental flash of big beautiful titties leads to more!
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For Teddy Kim, being home for the summer after his first year in college absolutely sucked. He had gone from complete freedom back to living under the constant gaze of his mother and the rules of his father. Compared to his life in college, living at home felt like being in prison.

On top of all that, he lived in a quiet suburb on the outskirts of Los Angeles, and there was absolutely nothing to do. Especially without a car. Even though his break had just started, he couldn't wait for it to be over. It was turning out to be the worst summer ever.

He was feeling so trapped, he needed to get out and there was only one thing he could do. He got out his old skateboard and rode it a few blocks to the basketball court of a local park. It wasn't much but at least, he wasn't in his prison cell at home.

The last time he skated was during his senior year in high school. It had been a while, so he started off slow with a few old tricks, but no matter how hard he tried, he kept messing up. Then he tried doing a kickflip, but still, he couldn't even land that. After a few more failed attempts, his frustrations got the best of him, and he finally gave up. With nothing else to do, he ended up sitting on his skateboard throwing pebbles at a can. This sucks, he thought. This fucking sucks.

Just about then, Cathy Cho showed up. They had grown up together. She was a year younger, so he treated her like a kid sister, but more than anything, he treated her like one of the guys because she was a total tomboy.

She wore baggy basketball shorts, tube socks pulled up to her knees, skater shoes, and a big baggy, bright yellow hoodie. He stared at the hoodie for a second because it looked familiar, and as she got closer, he realized that it was his.

On the front, there were a bunch of black chess pieces flying out of the way of a white queen that was about to be slammed down on the center of the board. Across the top were the words, Kennedy High Chess Club. On the back, there was the profile of a king with his first name written above it and his last name below it. He had gotten it his senior year for being the captain of the chess club. It was his favorite hoodie, and he had totally forgotten that he had loaned it to her.

When she made it up to him, he continued to look at her. It had been a while since they had last seen each other, and Teddy noticed all these little things that were different. She had gotten a little taller. She was still shorter than Teddy but by not as much. Her body seemed to fill out as well. She looked more athletic and not so skinny. Her jet black hair was longer than before and was tied off in a single ponytail that fell down to the middle of her back. There was something else different about her, but he couldn't quite figure out what it was.

One thing that had stayed the same was her personality.

"Sup, dork."

"Sup, skater girl. What are you up to?"

"Nothing. Bored. You?"


"So, how was your first year?"

"It was actually pretty fucking dope."

"What did you do? Jack off in your dorm room?"

"All the time," he said. "No, but seriously, it was pretty cool."

Then he gave her a quick rundown of some of the more epic parties he had gone to, the new friends he had made, but most of all, he talked about how great it felt to be free.

"You'll find out soon enough. Heard you're going to Boulder in the fall. Why there?"

"Hiking and rock climbing in the summer and snowboarding during the winter."

"Of course."

"And plus, training at high altitude will give me an edge."

"That's smart."

"I know."

Cathy was more of a jock than Teddy. At one point in her life, she tried almost every sport that she could. Everything from soccer to volleyball to softball. She even tried her hand at gymnastics, golf, tennis, and even Tae Kwon Do. She was physically gifted and was a highly competitive person, so she excelled at everything she tried, but tennis was by far her best sport. She got on the varsity team early in her sophomore year and was one of the top players on her team.

Teddy thought of himself as half jock and half nerd. While he had been the captain of his chess club and was always at the top of his class academically, he had also been the backup point guard on his high school basketball team. He even had a red belt in Tae Kwon Do, one belt below a black belt, and was a decent golf and tennis player as well. Jocks underestimated him because he was a nerd, and nerds underestimated him because he was a jock. It was something that he took advantage of every opportunity that he got. Because just like Cathy, Teddy was extremely competitive.

"What about you? How was your senior year?"

"It was all right."

"Did you do all the senior shit? Like ditch day and homecoming and... Hey, who did you go to the prom with?"

"I didn't go."

"Why not?"

"Didn't want to wear a stupid dress," she said in a tone that he recognized. He knew better than to push the subject. She was a tomboy and everyone treated her like a dude. There was a good chance that nobody asked her out. He didn't feel like prying, so he changed the subject.

"Hey, is that my hoodie?"


"Maybe? Bullshit. It has my name on it. Give it back!"


"I didn't know you had it. I thought I lost it."

"I'll wash it and give it back tomorrow. I swear," she said and then quickly changed the subject. "Hey, guess what I can do?"


"A kickflip."

"You can't do a kickflip."

"I so can."

"Let me see."

She tried and failed several times.

"Wait," she said and set up for another attempt and again she failed. "Fuck. I had it down last time."

"Whatever, liar. I knew you couldn't do it."

"Bet you I can."

"Fine. First one to do a kickflip wins."

"Wins what?"

"Loser buys lunch."

"Deal," she said extending out her pinky finger. He grabbed her pinky with his.

They went in turns. Three tries each. She went first. Got close once but fell off on the landing. He went next but kept messing up too. She went again but this time, she landed it.

"Yeah!" she said pumping her fist in his face. "Suck it bitch!"

"Damn it!"

"Good game," she said and raised her hand to him.

"Good game," he said as he gave her a high five.

"I want a hamburger. No, a cheeseburger. I want a hot dog. I want a milkshake. I want potato chips," she whined out like a little brat. It was a quote from Caddyshack. One of their favorite movies.

"You'll get nothing and like it," he replied like in the movie but his response was unenthusiastic.

"Aw, you okay? Did you break your pussy or something?"

Teddy was already in a shitty mood and losing to her didn't help him feel any better. He hated losing more than anything. He hated it more than he liked winning. And what made things worse was that Cathy was good at taunting him. They had been friends for so long that she knew exactly how to get under his skin.

He tried doing another kickflip but stumbled again. The more he tried, the worse it got until he finally gave up.

Cathy laughed at him. He turned to her and watched her as she wiped her sweat from her face with the forearm of his hoodie.



"Stop wiping your sweat with my hoodie!"

"Shit, my bad."

"Why are you even wearing it? It's freaking hot!"

"Dang, you really that pissed because I'm a better skater?"

"You're not a better skater."

"Or is it because you got beat by a girl?"

"Whatever. Just been a long time since I skated."

"Excuses. Excuses. All I'm hearing are some lame-ass excuses."

"I had better things to do than skate," he said and then his frustration got the best of him. "Give me back my hoodie. Right now!"

"Really? You're that bent out of shape? Are you being for real?"

"Seriously. Give me back my hoodie."

"You're seriously going to pull the seriously card on me?"

"Yes. Seriously. Hand it over."

"Dang, college turned you into a little bitch."



She reached for the bottom of his chess hoodie and pulled it up over her head, but the t-shirt she wore underneath got caught up as well and ended up being pulled up with the hoodie. She wasn't wearing a bra and her naked breasts were fully exposed.

They were by far the most amazing titties that Teddy had ever seen. They were shaped like big beautiful raindrops dripping down from above. They looked huge too. A solid C cup, but they looked even larger on her because of her thin, athletic frame. He wasn't sure what mesmerized him more, the shape or the size. But in both regards, they were perfect.

Her arms were above her head trapped in a tangled mess of clothing. She struggled for three seconds. Three long Mississippi seconds. Her titties shook a little as she tried to get the sweatshirt off of her. The sight of her jiggling titties took Teddy's breath away. It was a sight, he would never forget for the rest of his life.

She was stuck and was forced to retreat. She pulled the hoodie back down over her to cover herself up. Her cheeks were bright red. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't look at him.

"What did you see?"

"Nothing, just you being stupid. Stop stalling. Give me back my sweatshirt."

Teddy played it cool because he was hoping that she would accidentally flash him again, but this time, Cathy was more careful. She made sure to hold her t-shirt down with one hand and pulled the sweatshirt up and over her with the other. When she finally got his chess hoodie off, she threw it at him.

The t-shirt that she wore underneath the hoodie wasn't very baggy. It wasn't skin tight either, but it was tight enough to show off the outline of her huge titties. It also made it obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. She did her best to cover herself up by folding her arms in front of her.

He didn't know what to say and just skated a slow circle around her staring at the ground. Neither one of them said a word until finally, he blurted out, "Dude, your titties got huge."

"Shut up!"

"Holy shit. They're fucking huge."


"Damn. I mean daaaaamn!"

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up!"

"But seriously, they're really nice."


"What do you want me to say? They're fucking amazing! Like wow! Where the hell did those come from?"

"Shut up! Shut up! I said shut up!" she yelled. "I'm going to go if you don't shut up."

"Okay. Okay," he said holding his hands up in a sign of surrender.

She stood there with her arms folded in front of her covering herself up as he continued skating around her. Her face was still flush with embarrassment, but her eyes narrowed down at him in anger.

"You ever seen those YouTube videos of a deaf person hearing for the first time?" he asked her after a moment of silence.

"Yeah," she cautiously said.

"Or when a colorblind person puts on those glasses that lets them see color? And they're crying cause they can see color for the first time, and it's all beautiful and shit. You know those videos?"

"Yeah? What of it?"

"Seeing your titties felt kinda like that for me."

"I knew it. Stop talking about my boobs!"

"I was deaf but now I can hear. I was colorblind but now all I see are colors everywhere. Your titties are so fucking amazing, they almost made me want to cry."

"Fuck you, Teddy!"

She hopped on her skateboard and headed back home. Before she got too far away, Teddy yelled out, "You want to go for a hike tomorrow?"

"Okay, fine!" Cathy yelled back as she disappeared from his view.

Teddy didn't stay at the basketball courts for that much longer. He couldn't stop thinking about Cathy and her titties. And because he was a total boob guy, the more that he thought about what he had just seen, the stronger his obsession grew as well as his boner. Since he was young and horny, there was only one thing that he could do. He rushed home and jacked off thinking about Cathy's big, beautiful tomboy titties. Then later, he jacked off again.


The next day, Teddy tried to act normal, but he couldn't help himself. After seeing her amazing titties, everything changed. All these new thoughts raced through his mind making him see Cathy in a completely different light.

As she drove them in her dad's big SUV to a hiking trail that they normally went to, Teddy checked her out. As careful as he could, he glanced over at her trying to get a glimpse of her titties but they were well hidden under an oversized, long sleeve t-shirt.

He kept checking her out and looked at her tight athletic leggings. Her legs looked long and fit. She had nice legs too, he thought. They were tone and firm. In fact, everything about her was tone and firm, and he realized that her titties weren't the only amazing thing about her body.

Then, he looked up at her. She had an oval face with full lips but a small mouth. Her nose was turned up, and her ears stuck out a little making her look like a mouse. Overall, she was cute except for her eyes. They were a little thin and made her look like she was angry all the time. But he never thought, her eyes looked bad on her. Because to him, she looked strangely pretty when she was angry. It made her look like a cute, little, angry mouse. Then at that moment, Teddy suddenly realized that he was attracted to everything about her.

All of a sudden, he felt like he was sitting next to a completely different person. One moment, she was an annoying, bratty tomboy, and the next moment, she was this totally hot babe. So he did what he normally did when he was next to a totally hot babe, he just sat there and felt a little nervous.

The car ride to the hiking trail took about twenty minutes. It would usually whiz by filled with stupid conversation of them talking shit about each other, but this drive seemed like it was taking forever. An uncomfortable silence hung over them.

"Stop being so weird," she finally said.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you being so quiet?"

"I don't know."

"Is it because you saw my boobs?"

"Yeah, I think I'm still in shock. What the fuck? Last time I saw you, you were flat as a board."

"Wish I was still flat. I hate them," she said and then started to let everything out. "I'm all top-heavy. They're throwing everything off. My serve is off. My game is completely gone. Even jogging is painful. I can't do anything. It fucking sucks!"

"What happened?"

"I don't know. One day they just started growing and then the next day boom. I got big boobs."

"Well, at least they look good."

"Like I care."

"You should be proud."

"Proud?" she asked and then laughed.

"Seriously, I've seen a bunch of tits in my life."

"Mostly online."

"Oh, absolutely. But still, of all the titties I've ever seen, yours are way up there."

"What about in person?"

"In person? Best titties ever. No question."

"Better than Jenny's?"

"Jenny who?"

"You know Jenny Lee. The girl you went to prom with."

"Oh her?" he said. He hadn't thought about her in forever. They had gone out for about three months during his senior year. They made out and groped each other but nothing too serious. Then he remembered that Cathy absolutely hated her.

"Are you asking me to compare your titties to hers?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Cause they're in completely different leagues. Hers are like a decent minor league team. Nothing too shabby. They hold their own. But you know, they're minor league," he said. "But your titties? Your titties are Major League. They're a top-tier team. They're like World Series fucking champs. Your titties throw champaign showers and hold up trophies."

"Shut up," she said but this time her tone was a little softer. "Don't be stupid."

"There's no comparison. You can't compare your titties to hers. Shit, you can't compare your titties to most girls."

"All right. All right!"

"It's like trying to compare apples to watermelons."

"Enough about my boobs. Can you just forget about them? Just erase them from your mind."

As they got to the trail and started hiking, he tried to erase them from his mind but couldn't. The more he tried to stop himself from thinking about them, the more obsessed he became. The thought of seeing her titties again filled him with all this hope and joy. And then, the opposite thought of never seeing them again made him feel a little sad and depressed. It had never happened to him before, but Teddy was growing emotionally attached to her titties.

"You think I'll ever get to see them again?" he asked like a little kid asking if his best friend could come out to play.


"Oh come on."

"We're friends, Teddy. We've been friends since we were kids."


"It's weird. Don't you think? You don't think it's weird?"

"Weird? No, not at all. You've got beautiful titties. If I had titties like yours and my best friend in the whole wide world wanted to see them, I would totally let them see them," he pretended to lift his shirt and then shook his chest at her from side to side.

"Oh, you would?"

"Yeah, for sure. All day."

"Yeah, whatever."



"I think I'm dying."

"Are you being serious?"

"No, not literally dying. But seeing your titties yesterday was like showing a steak dinner to a starving man. And I'm starving to death. Come on. Let me see them again."

"No way. Never!"

"Hiding your titties is like putting a sheet over the Mona Lisa. It's a crime against humanity."

"Oh, whatever."

For the next fifteen minutes, he debated with her all the reasons why she should let him see them again. He argued. He bargained. He pleaded. He begged. He was relentless because he was young and horny and had become obsessed with her big, beautiful tomboy titties.


"God, you're so annoying!" she yelled out and stopped walking. "You really want to see them that bad?"

"Yes, I do!"

"Okay, fine! Then, let's make a bet."

"What? Really?" he asked. His eyes went wide with excitement. If he was a dog, his tail would be wagging like crazy. "Bet? Bet me what?"

"If you make it to the top of the hill before me, I'll show you my boobs again."

"Seriously? You're not fucking with me."

"Seriously," Cathy said causing Teddy to silently celebrate. He was so caught up in the hope of seeing her titties again that it took Cathy a moment to get his attention back. "But... But... But!"

"But what?"

"If I make it to the top first, you won't bring up my titties ever again. You won't talk about them. You won't think about them ever again. You'll completely erase them from your memory," she said and then turned her head to the side as she stared at Teddy. "Is that even possible? Can you even do that?"

"Oh, a hundred percent. If I lose total amnesia. Memory gone. However. However. However, if I win," he said but didn't finish his sentence. Instead, he stared at her chest, and he raised and lowered his eyebrows several times.

"You're such a fucking horndog,"

"I am what I am. Take it or leave it," he said as he extended his pinky towards her. She thought about it for a moment then grabbed his pinky with his.

"All right fine. Deal!"

"Deal," he said and as soon as she let go of his pinky, Teddy leaned his shoulder against hers and shoved her back. Then, he took off up the hill. He didn't walk really fast. He didn't double-time it. He didn't even jog. He sprinted up the hill as fast as he could. At first, she chased after him but couldn't keep up because he was a demon possessed.

Even when his lungs were burning and his legs were turning to jello, he pushed himself forward with sheer determination. He ran up the hill like he was trying to win a gold medal in the Olympics. Titties, he kept repeating to himself. Titties.

He continued to run at full speed for as long as he could but eventually, his body couldn't take it any longer, and he was forced to stop. He breathed in deeply. His mouth was so dry that he gagged and almost threw up. As he took a swig of water from his water bottle, he turned to look for her behind him. She was far away but when she saw him stop, she picked up her pace and ran towards him.

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