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Toni Goes Hunting

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One wife's journey toward discovering her inner slut.
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Author's note: I was recently contacted by a reader named Toni, who asked if I would be interested in writing the true story of her life as a hotwife. I found her story intriguing enough to inspire me.


Toni stood in front of her full-length bedroom mirror wearing nothing but a dirty grin. The next day was her forty-fifth birthday, and she and her husband, Pat, were planning to celebrate that night with a nice dinner and some drinks afterward. Pat had insisted that she open her present early. It was folded neatly on the bed beside her.

She picked up the tiny denim skirt. There was no way it would cover her, she thought. She held it up against her hips and looked into the mirror. Perhaps she could pull it off after all. She had to admit, she looked damn good for a woman her age. Hell, she looked better at forty-five than she did at thirty-five. All that time in the gym, and watching what she ate, had paid off.

She gingerly stepped into the skirt, taking care not to smudge the lotion on her freshly-shaved legs onto the fabric. She fastened the skirt with plenty of room to spare. Maybe Pat knew her better than she knew herself. She examined herself in the mirror, turning from side to side. The skirt was very short, but it left enough to the imagination.

Next, she picked up the light yellow blouse that he had bought for her. It was lacy and sleeveless, and revealed a hint of her midriff over the top of her skirt. She didn't mind. Years ago, she would have protested about wearing something so revealing in public, but she had grown used to it.

For twenty-five years, Toni and Pat had enjoyed a loving and faithful marriage. They raised two children together, and endured all of the trials and tribulations that comes with parenthood. Toni immersed herself into motherhood, and took great pride in being a good, selfless, respectable, devoted wife and mother. It wasn't until the children moved out of the house that she began to notice the way that men would look at her whenever she left the house.

She enjoyed seeing that look of ravenous hunger in men's eyes. All she needed to do was say the word, and they would take her immediately and use her in ways she could only imagine. There was an undeniable feeling of power that came with that knowledge, and she dreaded the day when men would no longer look at her with such desire. When Pat began encouraging her to dress provocatively, and deliberately entice strange men to ogle her, Toni came to the realization that she was an exhibitionist at heart.

She couldn't quite understand why her husband wanted his wife to display herself in front of other men, but eventually she realized that it was simply a matter of male ego. Pat enjoyed having other men leer at his wife because he knew, in the end, that she was his. In a way, she had become his "trophy wife", which was an ego boost in itself.

She placed her four-inch stilettos on her feet and swiveled in front of the mirror. She may be forty-five, she thought, but she could compete with any twenty-five-year-old out there. There was no doubt about it.

As she descended the stairs, she saw Pat waiting at the bottom. He inhaled sharply, and his eyes surveyed her from head to toe, causing her to smile and blush.

"Damn," he said. "I must be the luckiest man alive."

"And don't you forget it," she teased. He kissed her with intensity until she had to push him away. "If we don't leave now, we'll never get there."

They drove out to Watkins Glen, New York. After checking into their hotel, they hurried off to a steakhouse, where they enjoyed a delicious dinner. Despite being married for so long, Pat couldn't keep his eyes off his bride. In his eyes, she had never been more beautiful than she was on that night.

After dinner, they walked hand-in-hand to the bar next door. They found a seat along the window at the front of the bar. Toni felt a little uneasy sitting at such a high bar stool in front of a window, but she soon relaxed after another glass of wine.

She was in the middle of chatting with her husband when she noticed that he was trying not to laugh. His eyes kept darting toward the window.

"What?" she said, glancing from Pat to the window.

"Oh, nothing," he said, snickering.

"No, seriously!" she scolded. "What are you smiling about?"

He leaned in over the table, and she followed his lead. "I've counted at least half a dozen guys," he whispered, "who have come to the window to look at the menu."

She slowly looked to her left, and saw a menu posted to the window.

"So?" she said.

"So...I don't think they're looking at the menu."

She gave him a perplexed look. Then, suddenly, it dawned on her. Months ago, when Pat first began requesting her to dress more provocatively in public, he asked that she not wear any panties. She protested at first, but eventually relented. Since then, it had become part of her daily routine to go "commando."

"You don't think..." she said. Her eyes widened, and her lips parted.

"I don't know," he said. "I'm just saying, if I were walking by, I sure would stop to take a look."

She fidgeted nervously on her chair, and tugged her skirt a little lower.

"Go take a look," she said.

He smiled, hopped off his chair, and exited the bar. He walked around to the front of the bar, stood directly in front of Toni, and smiled. When he returned to his seat, he was all smiles.

"Well?" she asked.

"It's a helluva view," he said. "I would definitely take a look if I were out there."

Toni blushed, and hid her face in her hands.

"Oh, stop it," he said. "You know you love it! Just embrace the fact that you're a fucking hottie and let these poor bastards get a treat!"

She paused for a moment and looked at him, bewildered. Fine. If he wanted to play this game, she was up for the challenge. She turned toward the window and uncrossed her legs. Anyone standing outside would now be able to get a full view under her skirt.

Pat looked at her in amazement. Was she really going to stay in that position if someone came to the window? She flashed him a look of insolence, took a big gulp of wine, and smiled wickedly.

A man stepped to the window. Pat looked at his wife, wide-eyed, but didn't say a word. He simply waited to see what she would do. To his amazement, she remained frozen, knees apart, fully exposed, in front of the window. Pat eyed the man on the other side of the window. The expression on his face told him everything he needed to know.

The man scurried off, and Pat looked at Toni. She gave him a naughty grin, and turned toward him, crossing her legs at last.

"I can't believe you did that!" he said, smiling widely.

Toni took another sip of her wine. "What can I say?" she said. "If you've got it, flaunt it!"

When they returned to their hotel room, Pat attacked her like a voracious animal. He practically tore off her top, yanked down her skirt, and threw her onto the bed. He held her hands over her head with one hand while lowering his pants with the other. He managed to drop his pants only halfway, but it was good enough. He plunged his hard cock into her warm and wet pussy, and she inhaled deeply with her lips pressed against his.

She spread her legs as wide as they would stretch, and scratched her fingernails along his back as he rammed himself into her with great force, shaking the bed with each thrust. Within moments, she felt a powerful orgasmic wave begin to crest, just as Pat elicited a loud and sustained groan. She held him tightly in her grasp as a massive orgasm shook her entire body, and her pussy filled with his hot cum.

She held him there for a moment, enjoying the warm and tingling aftershocks. Pat rolled off of her, still fully dressed.

"Wow," was all she could manage to say between heaving breaths.


In the months that followed, Toni and Pat would often go out to bars and restaurants with Toni dressed provocatively. She grew a little bolder each time, allowing men to look at her a little longer, and crossing and uncrossing her legs a little slower. It provided such a rush of adrenaline for both of them, and they would hurry home and attack each other as soon as they returned home.

When the next door neighbors threw their annual Fourth of July party, Pat encouraged Toni to dress in her sluttiest attire. She hesitated for only a moment, worried about dressing that way in front of people she knew, but eventually she relented. When they walked through the door of the neighbor's house, Toni couldn't help but smile in reaction to the stunned expressions on the husbands' faces as well as the piercing looks she received from their wives.

The beer and wine flowed freely throughout the afternoon and into the late evening. As it seems to happen at most household gatherings, the majority of guests congregated in the kitchen. Toni stood in the center of the kitchen surrounded by a mob of people, and she could see Pat chatting with a few of the husbands through the window. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her ass.

She stood, frozen on the spot, unsure of how to react. She thought that perhaps the contact was accidental, but then she felt a squeeze before it was removed. It was definitely intentional, she thought. She wanted to turn around and see who did it, but she didn't want to make a scene, so she pretended it didn't happen.

Later that night, she confessed to Pat what had happened. She expected him to be angry with whoever had done it, but instead, he found it so arousing that he flipped her over onto all fours and mounted her from behind. As he drove his hard cock into her, he held her ass tightly in his hands, in the same way the stranger had grabbed her. This sent her over the edge, and they both ended up collapsing on top of each other, exhausted and completely drained.

"So, you don't mind that another man touched me like that?" she asked after a moment of silent reflection.

"I guess I should want to punch the guy's lights out," Pat said, "but I feel...I don't know...proud. I'm glad that other men see what I see, and I'm proud that they want you as much as I do."

She snuggled up next to him and placed her head on his chest. "I'm glad you're not mad," she said. "I guess it is flattering. It's nice to be appreciated."

"I appreciate you every day," he answered.

"Yes, I know. But you're supposed to appreciate me. You're my husband. It's different when another man feels the same way."

"And how would you feel if some strange woman grabbed my ass?" he asked with a smile.

She paused for a moment. "I think I'd feel proud, too. I can't say I'd blame her."

"I guess we're both a couple of weirdos, then," he said with a laugh.

"Not weirdos," she corrected. "We're just very comfortable with each other. I know you're not going to fall in love with some strange woman and leave me just because she grabbed your ass. So what's the harm in it?"

"I feel the same way," he said, stroking her hair. "I trust you completely, and know that whatever happens, it doesn't change how we feel about each other. So none of that stuff bothers me."


Over the next several months, they spoke often about what had happened at the party, and how they felt about flirting with other people. As time passed, Toni admitted that she was intrigued to know who it was that had grabbed her at the party. She found that it was arousing, and she couldn't help but wonder what would have happened next if she had turned around and faced her admirer.

An opportunity to discover the identity of the "Mystery Groper" presented itself when the same group of people gathered for a thirtieth birthday party in October. As was now her regular habit, Toni dressed seductively in a short blue skirt and heels. All heads turned when she walked through the door, and Pat's chest swelled with pride.

About two hours into the party, Toni went to the garage, where the beer keg was stored. As she filled her red Solo cup, she realized that her neighbor Tim had joined her. Tim and his wife Sarah had been good friends for many years.

"Save some for the rest of us," Tim joked.

"Oh, please," she said. "I'm a lightweight compared to you. I've seen how you chug them down."

"Guilty as charged," he responded.

She stood and sipped her beer as he filled his cup. He took a big swig and smiled at her. His gaze slowly drifted down the length of her body and back up to her eyes.

"I have to say, you look amazing tonight," he remarked.

Toni's cheeks reddened. "Well, thanks."

"I mean it," he said. "You look better and better every year. I don't know what you're doing, but keep doing it."

"That's really sweet of you to say," she said with a smile. She touched his arm lightly.

"And I'm probably out of line for saying this," he said, pausing to take another gulp of beer, "but you have the best ass I have ever seen."

She stared at him, frozen on the spot, speechless.

"I have a confession to make," he said, placing one of his hands on her waist. "At the last party, in the kitchen, that was my hand on your ass. I apologize for that."

She felt a jolt of electricity surge through her body, and her naughty parts began to tingle. "No need to apologize," she said, taking another sip. "Actually, I kind of liked it."

"Oh, really?" he said. He stepped closer to her and moved his hand around to her backside. He gave it a squeeze. "Like that?"

"Mmm-hmm," she purred. "It's...even nicer under the skirt."

He smiled widely, and walked his fingers down to the bottom of her skirt. He lifted it slowly and placed his hand on her bare ass, caressing it gently. "That is nice," he remarked. "You're right. It's even better."

Just as she began to wonder how far this would go, they heard the sound of someone walking down the hallway toward the garage. Tim quickly withdrew his hand, and Toni scurried out the door, brushing past a neighbor walking into the garage. She found Pat talking to a group of neighbors at the far end of the kitchen. He looked at her and instantly recognized her flushed expression. Excusing himself, he ushered her down the hallway and into one of the empty bedrooms.

"What's up?" he asked.

She took his hand and guided it under her skirt to her soaking-wet pussy. No words were necessary.

They left the party early, and enjoyed a feverish session of raw, uninhibited sex. Toni recounted what had happened with Tim, and was once again surprised to discover that her husband was more than okay with it. Rather than feel guilty about what happened, she felt reinvigorated.


Toni continued her exhibitionist ways, to the delight of her husband, for many weeks to follow. Oftentimes, Pat would choose the outfit she wore. They would select a bar that was far enough away to avoid encountering anyone they knew. Toni would then position herself in such a way as to allow the men in the bar to get a good, long look at her.

On one such occasion, she was acting particularly audacious, parting her thighs more often than usual, when her face suddenly went pale, and she quickly brought her knees together.

"What's wrong?" Pat asked. Toni simply motioned toward the door, where Pat recognized that their neighbor, Bob, had just entered the bar. He looked right at them and waved, and Pat waved him over toward them. Bob took a seat at the barstool next to Toni, and greeted them warmly before ordering a beer.

"So what brings you here?" Bob asked.

"Nothing special," Toni responded. "Just having a few drinks to wind down after a long week."

He took a swig of beer, and gave her a once-over glance from head to toe. "You sure look like you're up to something special," he remarked.

"Umm...thanks," she stammered.

His eyes wandered south once again. "Nice shoes," he said.

"Aww, thanks," she repeated.

She could feel his eyes travel from her feet, and up along her smooth, toned legs. She wasn't sure why she did it. Maybe it was the wine. But she surprised even her husband when she parted her legs slightly just as his gaze arrived at her skirt. Bob's eyes widened, and he looked up at her.

"I love your choice of attire," he said with a smile.

"You're so sweet," she said, returning his smile, and patting his hand.

For the remainder of the evening, she made a concerted effort to face him directly and allow her legs to part at the most convenient times. After downing a few beers, Bob became a little bolder himself, and touched her on the knee as they chatted. He left it there for a moment, and then rubbed his hand along her thigh. All the while, Pat simply watched and pretended not to notice.

"Hey, Bob," Pat suddenly said. "I have a question."

Toni looked at him curiously.

"Shoot," Bob said, his hand remaining on Toni's knee.

"Well, you need to settle an argument we've been having."

"What are you talking about?" Toni asked, perplexed.

Pat took another gulp from his glass and looked past his wife. "Should she keep her pussy as is, or should she shave it?"

Toni gasped, and slapped her husband on the shoulder. Bob nearly spit out his beer, and choked out a laugh.

"Well, I think it looks just fine now," he said, causing Toni to gasp once again, "but shaved would be cool, too."

She was speechless for a moment as the two men laughed. At last, she found her voice. "Well, if you don't like it the way it is..." She crossed her legs and turned toward the bar in mock indignation.

"Oh, don't be like that," Bob protested. "We're just having fun. You've got nothing to be ashamed about, trust me."

Another bridge had been crossed. Displaying herself to complete strangers seemed innocent in comparison to doing so in front of their next door neighbor. Still, she couldn't deny her intense arousal.


It took several months for Toni to come to terms with what had happened, both with Tim and Bob. She was scared to death that either of them would tell their other friends what had happened, but Pat assured her they would remain quiet. Although she continued to dress in sexy attire whenever she and Pat would go out, she put her blatant exhibitionism on hold.

Roughly a year passed since the encounter with Bob. She and Pat were having pizza at a local restaurant one evening when they were joined by another set of neighbors, Chris and Ellen. The four of them enjoyed a nice meal and some lively conversation.

Recently, after one too many wines, Toni had confessed to Ellen that she enjoyed displaying herself in public. To Toni's embarrassment, this became a topic of conversation at the table. Pat shared a few of the stories about their nights out on the town, but chose to leave the names out of it. Both Chris and Ellen were fascinated, and seemed delighted to learn that their neighbor possessed such a naughty side to her personality.

After dinner, Chris and Ellen invited the couple back to their place for a nightcap, and Toni and Pat happily accepted. After several rounds of nightcaps, they were all feeling loose and frisky.

"Who's up for a game of strip poker?" Chris suddenly asked. Toni and Pat exchanged nervous glances. "Oh, come on," Chris said, "it's not like you haven't shown your pussy to half the town already!"

All four of them laughed, and eventually agreed to a friendly game. Ellen was the first to lose her top. Toni couldn't help but notice the look on Pat's face when she removed her top, exposing her large, firm breasts. Rather than feel jealous, however, Toni felt happy for her husband to get a good eyeful. She knew that he would be extra horny when they returned home, and she was already tingling with anticipation.

When it was Toni's turn to remove her top, the three spectators all applauded in appreciation. Pat was the first to expose his package, and Toni was delighted to see that he was fully erect. She glanced at Ellen and saw a sparkle in her eye.

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