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Too Big

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His girlfriend says he is too big. What can mum do?
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Thank you so much for reading my story, I love to get feedback about what you liked. Everyone is over 18. Love Mica xx

Josh's dad had been gone a fair few years now. To this day I don't know what I did wrong, he just announced one day that he was leaving and he was gone. A ghost. No idea where he is, if he stayed local, moved away, went abroad, what. They couldn't find him for maintenance or to serve divorce papers, he just vanished. Since then I haven't even seen anyone that even looks like him. I eventually got a divorce by having him declared missing presumed dead.

I managed to get Josh through his teenage years and to finish school, and now he is over eighteen and a fine-looking lad, he makes me so proud. We don't have many rules, one is fully dressed downstairs, life is too short upstairs. If I cook a meal, Josh washes up, if he cooks a meal, I wash up, it's pretty much as easy going as that. He doesn't cook a lot, but he is learning. I am trying to get him to be a rounded person, not afraid around women, and able to be self-sufficient and capable in the home.

"If you want to impress a girl josh, cook her a nice meal, and then wash up, that is going to get you into her panties much quicker than a bunch of flowers from the supermarket." He did blush at that and I laughed. The clothes rule blurred in the summer, I would often wear a bikini and sit in the sun, Josh just shorts, sometimes budgies, but always presentable and decent if someone happened to call.

We would sit on sunbeds, Josh as often as not would set his up facing mine, and we would just chill in the sun. I listened to audio books, Josh music, I think. I would put lotion on his back, and he on mine. Just pretty normal stuff. Sometimes when it was really hot, we would have a BBQ, I let Josh be the BBQ master, we would have burgers, sausages and chicken cooked over the flames, I would prepare some rolls and perhaps a little salad to go with.

Tv was rarely watched, we would sometimes sit and watch a Marvel film, or a murder mystery, but generally TV was just moving wallpaper that we didn't need.

I would sit on my bed to do my toenails. Always one leg folded underneath me, the other one I was working on in front of me. Upstairs, I rarely wore much more than panties, Josh rarely more than boxers. The house was well insulated, and upstairs was never cold or draughty, and just underwear upstairs meant we got more benefit from outerwear when we went out.

Josh would stop by and talk to me, sometimes he commented on the colour of the polish, but he never hung around long if I was doing my toes, for some reason he always rushed off. I couldn't quite figure it, I was usually wearing panties, and yes, they were tight across my crotch, but they covered it.

I was sat on the edge of the bath tidying up my garden. When I say my garden, there isn't one, nor do I want one. When I say tidying, I mean using the epilator trying to kill of follicles that stubbornly refuse to die and grow back prickly hairs. Awful things. So, obviously I was naked, and sat there with legs apart trying to find the follicles and zap them when Josh walked past.

"Hey," I called.

"What mum," came the reply.

"Can you help me, I am struggling to see down there."

"Really mum?"

"Yes, really son."

He came into the bathroom and looked at me hunched over on the edge of the bath with an epilator in my hand and the smell of burnt hair in the air.

"You really can't see down there?"

"No, I really can't see down there. The follicles are small, I have to line up the thing with the hair, and if I get it wrong I just burn myself, and the hair still grows. I know, I know, but I have no one else I can ask, and I trust you, okay?"

"Okay." There was a mental sigh if not an actual one. Good grief, what is up with him?

He knelt before me.

"Can you see the follicles?"

"No, I really don't know what I am looking for."

I moved my finger across my skin until I found one. "Here, look."

He looked, admittedly it was on the edge of my labia, but it was there and it had to go.

"Okay, I can see it."

"Right you have to zap that one, and then find another, zap it and so on."

He took the epilator and put it over the follicle and aimed. There was the sound of singeing hair.

"Excellent Josh, thank you, can you find some more?"

He managed to find a fair few more, even though finding seemed to involve more running his fingers over my labia than I expected. But I ran my fingers around and all seemed smooth.

"Good job, excellent. Right, I just need to rub some lotion in and I am done."

"I could do that for you if you wanted." Ever helpful my son.

"Okay baby, thank you." I passed him the lotion and he poured some onto his fingers and runs his fingers over my garden area, especially it seemed, my labia. Anyway. Job done.

Josh bought a girl home. Sandy, with black hair, which seemed odd, given her name, but there you are. She seemed nice enough, they chatted downstairs, ate a corned beef and tomato sandwich that I had made, and then went off to his room. Door shut. Ooh, what shenanigans could be going on in there then?

I turned the radio up and left them to it, I didn't want to hear anything that would get my mind boggling. They were either going to have sex, or they weren't. Either way made no difference to me. But it did make me wonder if I should think about getting 'out there' and trying the dating game again.

Did I really want to go through all that nonsense? Getting all made up to go out, to chat about inconsequential, just so I might be able to get my hands inside a guy's trousers? Did I? Do I really actually want sex anymore? Yes, okay, so it can be fun for a few minutes, but it can be messy, involves a lot of bed laundry, and has risks of the owner of the trousers wanting to move into your life.

And then there was the impact it would have on Josh.

I didn't need all that hassle, so I decided, on balance, that dating was not going to be in my immediate future.

"Can I borrow the car mum?" Josh called to me. We had an agreement; he was allowed to use the car on any one day in the week. That way he got some independence.

"Okay, suppose, this is your use this week, yes?"

"Okay mum, just taking Sandy home."


And they were gone, no goodbyes, or thankyous, no, just gone. Oh well.

I carried on pottering around downstairs, I blind baked a pastry base, and put some cubed steak on to cook, I would make a steak and onion pie for tea I decided. I went upstairs to change my top, I had managed to splash gravy on it, and I needed to treat it before the fat in the gravy made an indelible spot. Walking past Josh's room, the bed seemed made, pretty unchanged from the morning. I guess they didn't get down and personal then. Oh well.

I put another T-shirt on, took the spoiled one back down, treated it and put it in the wash. The meat for the pie was cooked, I put it to one side to cool, it couldn't go into the pie hot, the pastry would just fail. I made a cup of tea, Lapsang Souchong, I liked the slight smokiness, even though due to the problems in Ukraine, it wasn't real lapsang anymore, but it tasted close enough.

I sat out in the conservatory and pondered. Nothing specific, I just sat, sipped my tea, and thought about my lot. I decided I was pretty contented with things. Josh at some point over the next years would probably move, live with someone, and end up causing me more grief than he did whilst here at home. No man getting things wrong whilst telling me he was right, Yeah, everything was pretty much okay.

Josh came in and threw himself on the cane sofa opposite me.

"Hello baby," I said.

I got a grunt back. Oh dear. Trouble in paradise? Had I spoken too soon?

"What's up baby?"

"Bloody girls."

"Oh. And what, may I ask is the issue?"

"Mum, forget it." He get up and grumped off to his room.

I wonder what the problem was. I had bought Josh up to be able to talk about anything. There should be nothing we can't discuss, ever. So odd, I really couldn't get why he was so grumpy. A breakup would be, should be a rant, a moan, cuddle with mum, and then be over with. What on earth could cause such insular behaviour. It was most unlike Josh.

I did some new potatoes, carrots and gravy to go with the steak pie and called Josh down.

"Come on Josh, tea, it's on the table." I put us a glass of water each on the table and waited. After a couple of minutes I called again.

"Josh, Tea, now," as loud as I could.

I heard his door open and then his steps on the stair treads and he came into the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry."

"Well, that's fine, but you will damn well sit here and watch me eat mine after I have gone to the trouble of doing you a dinner." I had never seen him like this. That girl Sandy must have really done a number on him.

"Talk to me whilst I eat. What the hell did Sandy say or do that has got you so upset?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Why not, there is nothing that you and I can't talk about baby."

"Oh fuck it," unlike him to swear in front of me, "she said I am too big."

"What do you mean, too big?"

"Down there."

"What, your penis?"


"Rubbish, of course you aren't."

"She says I am, and it won't go inside and she can't get it in her mouth, and so we are finished."

I took a deep breath. "Okay." This needed dealing with quick. I put my fork down. "Come with me." I went up to my bedroom.

"Okay. Show me the problem."

"What? Mum?"

"Why the sudden reluctance. You have had no issue being naked in front of me before."

"Well, then I was just without clothes, it wasn't sexual."

"Josh. I am your mum. Where do you think you came from? Clue, you took the hairs off it the other day. Believe me, there is absolutely nothing that you need to hide from me. Now, get your shorts off and show me the problem, that is the problem as she sees it."

He took his T-shirt off and then his shorts. He was naked.

"Okay, so you aren't hard, and yes your penis is a good size, but it is not ridiculously large."

"It is bigger when I am hard."

"Yes darling, they usually are. So, get hard."

"I can't do it to order mum."

"In my experience most young men are pretty much hard most of the time."

"Yeah well, they may not have been told how useless they are."

"Okay Josh, let's see if I can't make things happen."

This required drastic action. I took my top and shorts and panties off. Now I was naked too. Nope. Not a twitch. Well, I had bought up with me naked in a non-sexual way. So possibly good.

I walked up to him and put my hand around his penis. To be fair, he was nicely endowed, my hand wouldn't go all the way round. I gripped tightly and started a slow movement of my hand, I felt a tremor and then life began to show and he hardened.

It took but a moment and he was very hard and his penis was looking at the ceiling. Yes, it was a bit bigger. Length, perhaps a little above average at around two hands, girth, large, but there are larger.

"Baby, that is not too large, that is large, but not too large."

"She said it won't go in her mouth; it is too big."

"Kiss me, I mean properly." He leant down and kissed, slowly initially, but his mouth eventually relaxed and opened, and I kissed back. I could feel his hard penis at my abdomen, it was distracting.

"When she kisses you, is her mouth open, does it feel smaller than mine?"

"Yes and no, it feels the same."

Oh my. Right. A line was about to be crossed.

"Right, our mouths are about the same." I sank to my knees, kissed the end of his penis and then slowly sucked him in to my mouth and past my tonsils into my throat. I bobbed back and forth a bit, and then eased him out and got back to my feet.

"Nothing amiss there baby boy."

His eyes were a little glazed over and he was quiet.

"Okay, right Josh. Do you get her ready, you know, or do you just try and stick it inside her?"

"What do you mean?"


"Okay, get on the bed Josh, I want you to show me what you do with her when you have, or try to have, sex."

"Mum, really?"

"Yes. There is nothing wrong with your penis, perhaps it is my fault for not having taught you any technique."

"What do you mean technique? She opens her legs, I get hard, it goes in, we shag."

"Lay on the bed Josh."

He lay on the bed and I lay on his left side, he is, after all, right handed.

"Right baby, there is a little more to it than that. You would like her to suck you. Have you sucked her, you know, to get her ready, wet, loosened up?"

"No. She never asked."

Oh my, the sexual naivety of the innocent. Okay, sex 101.

"Baby. I want you to kiss me as passionately as you can, and whilst you are doing that, I want you to reach down and touch me. Gently, and I want you to explore my sex. Not jabbing, but touching, stroking, see how deep you can go with one and then two fingers. Just remember, at first I won't be ready, so you will need to be careful. Okay baby. Off you go."

"But mum, not you, I can't."

"Yes you can. Now I am just Mica. I am not mum. Should I close the blinds to make it darker?"

"No mum."

"Mica. Not mum."

"Sorry Mica."

He rolled to me and brushed his lips on mine, and then his mouth opened and his tongue probed. Good. I felt a hand on my boob, squeezing gently and then teasing my nipple. Good. His hand left my boob and travelled down my stomach, circling my navel and then carrying on down. Good.

His finger touched my crease and then slipped into my valley. I was surprised how wet I was. I gasped.

"God, did I do something wrong, did I hurt you?"

"Baby no, nothing wrong, that was pleasure, don't stop. In fact, whatever I do, don't you stop." I resumed our kissing.

His finger moved up and down between my lips, stroking my valley floor. He then moved to the lower end and found my opening. His fingertip eased inside and then started moving slightly in and out. Oh my, that felt better than it should. I reached down and held his penis, moving his foreskin down, uncovering the end of his cock, I ran my thumb over the end, he was nicely moist.

He had a fair amount of his one finger inside me and he was moving it back and forth, and then he eased it out and moved up and down my valley.

"Just at the top end baby is my love button, gently play with it. It is where the magic starts baby," I murmured as I played with the end of his penis.

Oh yes, there we go. He found my clitoris and pressed.

"Gently lover," I said, after all, I was Mica, not mum, that felt more appropriate.

He began to make circular movements on my clitoris, and then slight up and down, that felt delicious. I started to move my hand a little faster on his penis and kiss a little deeper.

I realised that I was gasping as I kissed, his finger was working well. Too soon he stopped and ran down my valley again, and he hovered at my entrance and then went inside, and I realised he had used two fingers. Oh now, that felt better, oh my goodness, did it. He moved his fingers in and out as in a finger shag, ooh that felt so good, especially when he pressed in hard and his palm crushed my valley.

"Oh yes baby that is so good," I said into his kisses.


"Yes Mica?"

"I am ready now for your penis."

"Oh. You mean you want me to, you know?"

"Yes baby, I am ready, don't let the moment go."

I let go of his penis and his fingers slipped from inside me and he stopped kissing and moved above me. I reached down and taking his penis I lined it up with my entrance. "Now baby," I said.

He pushed, slowly but steadily, I felt my entrance unfurl and his penis enter. He stretched me, a lovely tension built in my vagina and then I felt him reach my end. He could go no further, but he was fully inside me, his balls resting on my thighs. I opened my legs and wrapped them around him and as he pulled out, I squeezed my legs and pulled him back in.

"Oh yes baby," I murmured, a feeling so long missed as he shagged me. Oh my, could I only let this happen once, could I really justify this as only a teaching moment. He started to move a little quicker, going faster, pressing harder, deeper, his balls bouncing just below my entrance.

My breath held, I was not breathing, I was just gulping in air, and I heard 'Oh, oh, oh" on repeat, it was me. I was being shagged as I don't think I had ever been shagged before. Tickles started running through my body, nipples joining toes, fingers joining ears, all emanating from my clitoris.

My chest felt tight and my back stiffened. Oh. Oh my, I knew what was about to happen, and I exploded, oh my, I screamed, "oh Josh, oh yes" and my orgasm shattered throughout my body and as I slumped down I felt his spurts deep inside me, one, two, three, and then he collapsed on me.

"Oh fuck mum," he gasped.

Yes, Mum. Me.

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