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Too Late Not to Fuck

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My sister has plans for my girlfriend and me.
7k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 07/22/2024
Created 10/30/2023
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We were just sitting down to our Christmas breakfast when my phone chimed. I'd set alerts for messages from Aisha to a neutral tone, instead of the heavy breathing that she'd programmed it for. She had a strange sense of humour.

As it was, Mum and Dad frowned at me for looking at my phone at the table. "It's from Aisha," I told them, and the frowns disappeared. My new girlfriend had been approved. "Wish her Merry Christmas," Mum said.

Aisha's message was full of emojis and Christmas wishes for the family, which I duly passed on.

"I didn't know she'd met you, Sally," Dad commented as I tapped out my reply.

Sal looked up from the mince pie she'd stolen, even though Mum had given express orders to leave them for lunch. "Just for breakfast, before she had to leave. We had coffee and gossiped."

My heart gave a sudden lurch. I'd managed to forget that they'd been by themselves for a bit while I dressed. My mind raced as I suddenly wondered what they'd been talking about. A glance at Sal was enough to know she was hiding something.

"Ask her whether she'll make it for New Year's," she said. When I looked a question at her, she added, "The big bonfire on the Common. She said she'd try and make it down."

This was news to me. I wasn't expecting to stay with Mum and Dad for another week, and I hadn't really planned on returning for the celebrations either.

A local historian had discovered -- or decided -- that our little town had been founded fifteen hundred years ago, and had managed to convince the Council to mark the occasion with a series of celebrations and pageants during the year. It would kick off with a big bonfire and fireworks on New Year's Eve.

"That would be nice," Mum said brightly. "Having the three of you here."

When Dad added his own encouragement I knew it was useless to protest. Sal gave me an impish look. "And tell Aisha to bring that perfume she was wearing the other day. I really liked how it smelled."

Inwardly I groaned. So much for not getting up to any of her tricks.

To my surprise the week flew by. It was good to catch up with friends. The old haunts were the same as ever, but smaller somehow, and strangely empty. As if the spirit imbued in them by the hours we'd spent there had dissipated in our absence.

I was sitting on the gang's old bench by the brook on New Year's Eve when Sal came walking up. "Hey, big brother." She came to stand before me and rested her hands on my shoulders. "You're looking glum. Particularly for a horny bloke who's about to see his girlfriend for the first time in a week."

I glanced up at her, searching her face for a trace of sarcasm. Her look was serious, though. For the past week, ever since Christmas morning, she'd behaved exactly like a twin sister should. Nothing sexual.

So now, instead of the wariness I'd have felt earlier in the week, I was glad of her company. "Glum is how I'm feeling. Loss of innocence, perhaps. This place doesn't feel the same."

She pulled my head against her. The material of her coat was stiff and cold, but I didn't protest. "You lost your innocence before you went to uni. Don't tell me I was your first."

I couldn't help grinning. "Don't worry, you're not going to Hell for leading me from the path of virtue. For other stuff, perhaps, but you can rest easy on that count."

"Speaking of which." She lifted my head and turned it up towards hers. "Your girlfriend's on her way. Dad's gone to pick her up from the station."

My heart gave that now familiar lurch. On the one hand, I could barely wait to see Aisha, touch her, smell her scent, kiss her, feel those full lips against mine, feel her hips under my hands... But my mind also flooded with suspicions. Sal had that impish look again.

I decided to just ask. "What evil plan have you concocted?"

"Evil plan?" Her eyes opened wide. "What makes you think that?"

I didn't think, I only suspected, so I glared at her until she grinned. "What? I like Aisha. She's sweet." Just as my suspicions were starting to settle down Sal licked her lips. "Very sweet."

This time I didn't try to hide my groan. "Sal! You're going to get us into so much trouble. And if you mess up things with Aisha..." I tried to put a note of threat in my voice. Very hard when you're looking up at your little sister like a faithful hound gazing adoringly at his master.

"What are you worried will happen?" She leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips. I inhaled her scent: something flowery, with vanilla undertones. My cock gave a twitch as it remembered the last time I'd smelled her.

"I don't know. That's the problem. You'll walk in on us again and this time demand to join in?"

"Hmm." Sal's face was still close enough to mine that her breath was warm on my face in the cold afternoon air. "Would you let me?"

I hesitated. The thought had crossed my mind a few times, and resulted in several sticky wank rags. I opened my mouth, but Sal interrupted me with a chuckle.

"Ooh, my big brother's a pervert! Don't deny it. You want to watch me eat out her pussy while you fuck me from behind, don't you?"

My cheeks flushed with a red heat. That was precisely the image that had been in my mind. Aisha on her back, legs apart as she pulled Sal's face into her pussy. Writhing on the mattress, looking up to meet my gaze as I held on to my sister's hips and thrust into her from behind...

My mouth was still open, I realised, and I closed it before I began to drool. My cock was throbbing in my jeans. "I don't think..."

"I do." Sal's eyebrows wiggled. "Leave it to me."

We were having dinner when I saw the first signs of Sal's plan unfold. I was still in a bit of a daze, a combination of my conversation with my sister and the kiss Aisha had given me when I'd run to meet her.

She'd greeted Mum with friendly politeness, but Sal had received a big hug and laughing kisses on her cheek. "We've been texting all week," Aisha confided. "We're becoming firm friends."

"You need to be careful," Sal added. "I think she likes me more than you."

So it was grins at my expense as we sat down to eat. Mum and Dad were going to the bonfire as well, but had decided to only stay until midnight. "Unlike you young lot, some of us have to be up early," Dad explained. Mum sighed. They were expected at a special New Year's do for Dad's work. She'd expressed her thoughts on a company that made plans for its employees on New Year's morning.

"Good luck getting enough sleep," Sal said.

Something about her tone made me look at her sharply. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you'll probably wake them when you come thumping up the stairs."

Everyone's eyes turned to me. I felt my cheeks flush. "I'm not that loud!" Eyebrows shot up. "I'm not! But I promise to be quiet."

It was clear Mum and Dad didn't believe me. Mum's look was resigned, Dad was frowning.

"You should make him sleep in the garage." Now everyone turned to look at Sal. "Well, why not? It's not like we're expecting Nan tonight."

Sleeping in the garage wasn't as bad as it sounded. Mum and Dad had converted it into a studio for when our Nan visited: just a bedroom, a sitting area and a separate bathroom, but it gave her some privacy. I remembered being shocked when Sal wondered whether Nan was sneaking men back there.

"Good idea," said Dad. Mum agreed, if not with the same enthusiasm. I guessed she'd been hoping to use a bad night's sleep as an excuse to stay home.

Aisha had been following this in silence, her eyes moving from face to face. Sal quickly explained about the garage. "And because I like you, I'll remind my big brother to turn on the heating after dinner. If it was just him," she threw me a grin, "I'd let him come back to a cold room. But you deserve better."

The conversation turned back to the bonfire then, but I saw Sal's lips curl in a tiny smile.

An hour or so later I took Aisha to see the garage. The air was cold and slightly damp, just as Sal had predicted. I hurried to turn on the underfloor heating while Aisha looked around.

"It's nice," she said. "Where shall I put these?"

"These" were the pile of sheets and blankets that Mum had pressed into her arms. "How about I make the bed while you put your toiletries in the bathroom?"

The toiletries accounted for most of the weight in her bag, and by the time she returned from the bathroom the bed was ready and the room was warming up nicely.

When I saw Aisha, the temperature seemed to soar.

She'd stripped off the denims and sweater she'd been wearing, and was dressed only in a dark green bra and knickers. Lacy, making enticing promises about everything that was covered. My cock began to swell at the sight.

I found myself struggling for something clever to say, but instead my tongue seemed stuck to the roof of my mouth. Apparently that was the best response: a pleased grin appeared on Aisha's face and she climbed onto the bed.

"No-one's expecting us for a few minutes," she said. "Sally said your parents want to watch some documentary before the fireworks."

I kicked off my shoes and hopped onto the bed beside her. Her skin was warm and smooth under my fingers, and the scent of her body -- sweet, with the faintest hint of some delicate spice -- turned my cock into a hot shaft pressing against my leg.

"I've missed you," I murmured into her neck as I let my lips nibble away.

"I've missed this." Her hands were tugging at my sweater, and I pushed myself upright long enough for her to pull it off me. Her fingers ran over my shoulders and chest. "Oh yes, I've missed this."

Our lips met, and we kissed. It had been a week, and sparks were nearly flying. When we finally broke off the kiss, we were both panting -- both for breath and for desire.

"I owe you," I told her.

Her eyebrows shot up. "I suppose you do. What are you going to do about it?"

I gave her another kiss on her lips before tracing my way down her throat and across the mounds of her breasts. Making sure my tongue was dry enough to give a little friction, I explored the bare skin above the lace. She shivered and gave a small gasp that turned into a moan when I squeezed gently.

Much as I wanted to spend an hour worshiping her boobs, though, there was somewhere else I wanted to be even more.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I made my way down her stomach. My lips brushed her skin, bringing more shivers and gasps. Her scent filled my nostrils. Her skin, the colour of dark caramel, was warm and soft beneath my fingertips.

My fingers found the edge of her jockey and ran over the lace. She was squirming beneath me now, muttering to herself and almost pressing her body up to meet my face.

My lips glided further down. I could feel the heat rising up through the green material of her knickers. Tugging carefully at the waistband, I rolled them down an inch or so, then another, until the first traces of dark hair appeared.

"Take them off!" she whispered. There was urgency in her voice.

For a moment I thought about teasing her, dragging out the moment as long as I could. Then I realised that we'd both been waiting for a week and that was long enough.

She raised her hips to allow me to pull her knickers down over her hips. There was the usual awkwardness of moving out of the way of her legs and avoiding her foot, but moments later the knickers were on the floor and I was back between her legs, this time gazing at the folds of her pussy.

She'd trimmed, and I could see bright pink showing between the black hairs and her dark outer lips. They were wet with her arousal. I couldn't resist, and stuck my tongue out to lick along their length.

She gave a moan and grasped my head. "That's it," she whispered, "lick me there!"

Her scent and flavour had me raging hard in my trousers. I shifted my weight on the mattress, trying to get more comfortable without letting go of her hips. After a few moments I gave up and turned all my attention to pleasing her.

My tongue slid up and down between her lips. Her button was hard and eager, and she flinched when I sucked at it. My chin was already coated in her cream, and I felt more fill my mouth as I probed at her entrance.

From the way her breath was coming in ragged gasps I could tell she was close. I turned my attention back to her clit, and slid my hands from her waist to grasp her buttocks. Squeezing with my fingers, pulling her up against my face, I pursed my lips around her.

In and out I sucked, maintaining a steady rhythm despite the bucking of her hips. Pressing my fingers harder into the soft flesh of her arse, I flicked at her clit with my tongue and was rewarded with a strangled moan.

Another flick, and she tensed. Her thighs clenched tight around my head but I continued to suck, feeling her body shudder and spasm as her climax swept through her.

At last she pushed my head away. "Enough," she gasped. "Can't take... any more..."

Feeling very pleased with myself, I moved up to lie beside her. The skin below her throat was flushed, and her nipples were trying to force their way through the material of her bra. I reached out and stroked them gently, first one, then the other.

She shivered again. Her breathing had almost returned to normal. "Is that your way of telling me we're not done yet?" she asked. Her hand stroked my chest, then moved down to my belt.

"I can't go back to the house like this," I told her. "Unless you want to explain why my cock is bursting out of my jeans."

"I'm not sure I'd have to explain," she murmured. She managed to unbuckle my belt and undo the buttons. Her lips explored my chest as her hand slid into my jeans and grasped my cock. "But it would make your sister uncomfortable. You know she hasn't had sex since the summer?"

I managed to turn my choke of surprise into a moan of pleasure. Is this part of Sal's plan? "I didn't know the two of you talked about that kind of thing."

Aisha's fingers stroked my shaft. "We're girls. We always talk about that kind of thing. Take off your trousers."

I let her pull my jeans and shorts down until they were bunched around my ankles. Her hand immediately returned to my cock, stroking and teasing in a slow, regular motion.

"She's getting very frustrated," Aisha continued. "She was expecting university life to be one long sex romp, but there's no-one to fuck in her town."

"I can't imagine that," I managed between clenched teeth. It felt weird to be talking about Sal with Aisha's hand on my shaft, but if it was part of the plan, I'd let her continue. "She's never had difficulty getting boyfriends before."

"She says they're all skinny, or pretentious, or immature." Aisha's hand slid down to cup my balls and tease my taint for a moment. "Apparently Sally likes her men big and strong. Like her brother." She nibbled at my chest.

"Poor Sal," I gasped.

"Hmm," she replied, then lowered her head to my cock. "Poor Sal indeed."

I gasped as her warm mouth enveloped my head. "Careful!" I whispered. "I'm nearly..."

"Hmm," she murmured again, her mouth full. Her hand tugged at my shaft and her tongue swirled around my head.

The spark that her fingers had lit blossomed into a flame. I fought to hold it back for as long as I could, relishing the sensations that her mouth and hand gave me. Harder and harder it pressed against the dam, then I felt her finger tickle at my taint again and I exploded.

White fire shot along my shaft and into her mouth. Jolts of electricity ripped through my body, making me shudder and gasp. She sucked again, drawing more of the fire from me, and again and again until I collapsed onto the bed, sweating and breathing hard.

Now it was Aisha's turn to smile smugly as she lay down beside me. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and rested one leg on top of mine. "We both needed that, I think," she whispered against my chest.

I muttered my agreement and pulled her close. Her body was warm and soft against mine, and before I knew it blackness overtook me.

Hard fingers poking at my shoulder brought me back to consciousness. "Wake up, sleepyheads."

I turned my face to the sound, blinking blearily and wondering where I was. There was a blanket on top of me, and a naked body pressed against mine. My mouth tasted of sex.

Memory slowly returned as my eyes opened. Sal was standing over me and Aisha was stirring in my arms. My ankles felt as if they were tied together, and I remembered my trousers bunched around them.

"Wake up," my sister repeated. "Mum and Dad want to head out to the bonfire in a few minutes. You'll probably want to get dressed before going outside."

Aisha jerked awake. With an embarrassed squawk she was off the bed, pausing only to pick up her knickers from the floor before dashing into the bathroom. The sight of her naked arse was enough to send a pulse of blood into my cock.

I turned back to Sal. She was dressed for the bonfire, in an Aran sweater and brown corduroy skirt. Below that I saw thick tights and knee-high boots. To my surprise, her gaze was fixed on the bathroom door. The look in her eyes was almost hungry, as if she could still see Aisha's naked flesh. "Sal?"

She blinked once and looked at me. "You'll have to wash your face," she announced and leaned down to pluck something from my chin. She held it up before me, and I saw a curly black hair.

"The two of you must have been having fun." She came closer until her face was almost pressed against mine. "I can smell her on you." Her tongue snaked out and licked my lips. "I can taste her."

I opened my mouth to speak, but instead found myself locked in a kiss. She was moaning against my mouth, and when she pulled away I saw why.

Her skirt was bunched up around her waist, and one hand was inside her tights, working away. When she pulled it out, her fingers were glistening.

"Here," she said, rubbing them over my lips. "To make up for what I just stole."

I watched in stunned silence as she straightened and smoothed her skirt and turned away. "Don't take too long," she said over her shoulder, then she was gone, leaving me hard as rock as I licked her cream from my lips.

Mum and Dad very pointedly refrained from any knowing looks when Aisha and I joined them by the front door. "Good idea to have a nap," Mum told Aisha in a sensible tone. "He always used to be too excited when he was small. He insisted on staying up until midnight, and then he'd be grumpy and miss all the fun."

I put up with the teasing as we strolled down to the Common. Luckily the conversation soon turned to the night's festivities, and by the time we got there we were all chattering away comfortably.

It was more fun than I'd expected. There were some friends to complain to how stupid it was, and to show Aisha off to, and there was a booth selling mulled wine.

Sal soon had a cluster of guys around her, but she brushed them off. "Poor Aisha doesn't know anyone here except my brother," she told them. "I have to make sure she doesn't get bored." Eager offers from my friends that they'd keep them both company met with withering looks, and before long it was just the three of us.

The pageant stuff was well done, with a light show and visuals projected onto a screen. There was a light history of our town, just enough to be informative without being boring. A few local legends, some silly jokes, and a message of hope at the end. Even my Dad only complained once about where his Council taxes were going.

It was all good fun, with everyone standing round the bonfire and sipping their drinks. I made sure to go easy on the booze. Aisha had a strong head, and didn't seem to be bothered by the alcohol, but I was surprised to see Sal match her drink for drink.

"I've never seen you booze so much," I commented as Aisha went to get them both a refill. "Am I going to have to carry you home?"


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