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TOPF - Crimson moon (1873)

Story Info
Persephone awakens, Vampire.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 04/09/2024
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The dust and blood below Persephone's hands began to lose texture. As each fervent tug on her throat sent more of her blood out of her body all of her senses seemed to dim, the pale light from the moon fading. Her body littered with wounds, bruises and holes seemed to lose their ache as her body grew colder.

Persephone began to close her eyes letting the abyssal darkness that was leaking around her eyesight claim her but she was stopped in her tracks. A firm grasp on the back of her neck pulled her forward and suddenly a wet object was forced between her lips as it began to drip onto her tongue.

At first she felt nothing but the buildup of fluid on her mouth but it quickly awakened something within her. Her tongue tasting the metallic heat present, urged what last dregs of energy her body had to swallow and as she did it unleashed a flood gate. It felt like all her existence was focused on the blood pouring down her throat, all she knew was heat, desire, hunger.

All too soon the blood stopped coming and in her desperation Persephone bit down, the sharpened canines that had already begun to grow as a fledgling piercing the flesh and drawing more blood into her willing mouth. With the blood she felt wounds seal, her senses grow but her body remains cold, no longer absorbing any heat or creating its own, the only source of it the dwindling blood in her mouth.

Shortly after the grip on her neck tightened separating her from the bleeding limb and with it her connection to the mortal coil, as fast as her senses and energy had blossomed they faded once more, her collapse into the abyss hastened with its retreat.

As awareness left her she heard two words ring out over and over and over again as she spiralled down into the depths of death. Alexander's voice slowly morphs into a shapeless sound.

"Rest well."

Persephone thought the void she sank into would be just that, a void. One without senses, thoughts or memories, and that it would be permanent, but her body and mind seemed to resist its pull. Every so often consciousness would return and she dreaded it. Every time she awoke and could feel again it was only pain.

At first she could feel an ache in her gums, her jaw creaking as blood began to leak onto her tongue as her sharpened canines grew into true fangs lengthening into ivory daggers. Her nails began to cut at her own hands, the blades, hardening into a pointed talon, digging rivulets into her palm as she clenched from the pain. She slowly felt her organs shutting down and then felt them wither inside her. When her heart stopped she felt the tightness in her chest as her lungs failed to expand, she didn't get a chance to think on it before falling but now she could feel each organ, each as useless to her new changing body as the last and in need of reshaping.

This continued for as long as she could think, sometimes when the sensations came back she would fight against them, begging with a desiccated throat for the pain to stop but nobody heard her. She would fight and claw with all her might ready to destroy the confines of her spiritual prison, but it was all for naught. It continued and as she ebbed between the void and agonising consciousness. She felt strength growing within her, senses growing once again and with each awakening the pain did finally begin to lessen. In a final wave, awareness clawed its way out and her eyes shot open. For a second she was encased in wood, deep scratches in the wood and filth and blood splattered across the walls, but before she could register what this meant, her mind fled. Leaving the mortal realm for something... Comforting.

The world she awoke in was as crimson as the blood she spilled. Opening her eyes she found herself on her hands and knees, the surface covered in a thin layer of the carmine liquid her life seemed to revolve around, blood. The scent of the planet was almost overwhelming, the urge to let go, her humanity shedded until naught but a beast surged through her, but she resisted. Looking up she saw barren wasteland, blood and viscera for as far as her eye could see. The sight both horrific and enticing was almost distracting enough to stop her releasing her improved sight, being able to take in the land around her so much further than before.

The most startling thing in this world however was the twin moons in the sky, blood red like the rest of the desolate wasteland. They hung in the sky and felt oppressive, being under them felt like being trapped in a cage, the moons acting as her guards.

Trying to get her bearings was near impossible, the allure of the blood before calling to her as nothing ever had, falling back onto her haunches Persephone tried to take a deep breath but finding no comfort in it, her dead lungs no longer inflating as they once had.

Opening her eyes she saw approaching a figure, shock surged in her body but she felt unable to rise, remaining on her knees. The figure appeared to be a man, a beautiful man at that, his body almost looking like sculpted marble, she could make out the blond crop of curls on his head. His visage seemed angelic if not for the black horns and black feather wings and finally piercing crimson dots peeking out of black eyes.

As the man grew closer his body seemed to shine a white light building to engulf him, almost blinding Persephone. Once the light dimmed she was able to look back and see he had slowly shifted, his body remained similar in build but shrunk as his hair grew into loose brown curls she knew well. In an instant the man crouched before her and Alexander's clawed and blood stained hands took her face in a gentle caress.

"Be not afraid, child. I mean you no harm." Persephone felt a strange familiarity in the imposter's embrace. A kinship almost.

"Who are you? Is this, is this hell?" A soft smile grew on his face, with no sense of fear, anger or mockery which Persephone feared.

"No sweet. Well not the hell you imagined anyway. You're in my prison, but you won't be staying, do not worry."

Alarm rang in Persephone's foggy mind, her body still unable to listen to her commands; she just stared at the man before her.

"Who are you?" She hoped the fear she felt didn't leak into her voice, if he did he did not react or pull away.

"Who I am is unimportant, it is who you are, who you will be, that concerns me. Know that I have watched over you since birth and you have been chosen, Persephone."

"Chosen for what?" The man smiled rising from his crouch and as he did he pulled Persephone up with him and steadied her as her balance tilted.

"You will understand when it is needed, enjoy the unlife that has been chosen for you. Know that I will watch and guide you as needed." The riddles and cryptic nonsense was finally starting to crack through the haze shrouding her mind but before anger could bubble to the surface the man laughed the rumble through his chest shaking Persephone.

"I can practically feel your indignation pouring off you in waves, relax please, I am not your enemy, although you have had many." At his words her body reluctantly calmed, her mind unable to fight against his will. "First I have one task for you, then I will give you a look into your future." Leaning to his side the man cupped his hands into the carmine liquid swimming around them, in the light the blood seeming so dark it was almost black as he lifted the cupped liquid to her face. "Drink deep childe, let the waters of this world flow through you. Find strength in the shadows and power in the blood." Persephone's body reacted on instinct and before she knew it the blood had been tipped upwards and spilled into her waiting mouth. The liquid had all the usual hints Persephone associated with the vampiric blood she had drank but this... it was like wine, heady and surprisingly fruity on her palette, a hint of pomegranates.

As the imposter released his hands the last of the blood spilled down her bare chest. Persephone felt the dark power settle within her, it wasn't what she expected when she had been a fledgling but there was always a taste of this darkness in Isabella's and Alexander's blood. It felt evil, wrong, blasphemous but yet everything inside her rebuilt body craved it, she was unable to deny herself as it settled into the pit of her stomach.

Once her eyes returned to the man who bore the same easy smile, he raised his hand and Persephone followed to where he was pointing. Rising from the blood was another body and as the blood sluiced from its form Persephone could make out familiar features, the face and hair made her feel like she was staring into a warped mirror. The woman before her resembled her to a degree but the additions left her equally horrified and intrigued.

She could picture the claws and fangs on herself, she understood what it was to become vampire, the pallor of her skin could be explained the same way only it seemed more shocking surrounded by so much of the carmine liquid. But that was where any recognition ended. The man motioned forward and the carmine illusion moved forward, gliding along the surface of the liquid with more grace than Persephone had ever managed. As it stopped before them she tried to pull away from the man's grasp but his grip only tightened.

"Do not fear, it's your destiny, a vision of what is to come." It felt so wrong, she had done a lot to shake off the restrictions placed on her by her religious upbringing but this blasphemy, the woman before her stealing her visage was demonic, and the snake had her in his clutches.

The woman had horns similar to his, black fading into blood red at the tip and curling around the top of her head before jutting out. Her eyes crimson like a vampires, but resting in a inky bed of darkness. Red leathery wings with bone protrusions on its top rested languidly behind her as well as a spaded tail hanging loosely at her side. Worst of all was her hands, stained by the abyss itself from claw to forearm black stained her skin and seemed to move and undulate by its own free will, like liquid trying to hold a constant state. She looked magnificent and horrific. But her confusion was broken through by the imposter Alexander.

"Your determination in life has brought you here to me, Persephone, and it's why I know you will be..." The man paused, his face growing still as he considered his words. Snapping back the man pressed on without completing his former thought. "It's time to return to your realm, you have been here too long as it is. You will not remember your time here until it is needed. Be safe Persephone, until we may meet again."

The world began to quake, the vision before her returning to the carmine depths it sprung from. As she lost her footing Alexander faded back to the man she had originally seen; he looked regal, demonic and yet sad. Her vision began to fade, blood floating upwards as the hard glare of the twin moons beat down on her before there was nothing.

Waking was hard, her consciousness bubbled to the surface slowly but felt like it was fighting against a barrier, her mind split between lucid thoughts and snarls and hisses. Voices made themselves aware slowly, a conversation happening around her.

"We could have used her in Greece and Italy, would have loved to see her shoot that Hapsburg prick." Persephone was finally able to open her eyes and as clarity slowly came back to her she realised she was laying down in the living room of their New Orleans home, not the dusty streets of Blackrock. Moving her tongue in her mouth almost felt like sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill. The effort needed to respond was overwhelming but eventually she managed to get out.

"Shoot who?" She felt eyes flick to her, a hand that had been carding through her hair gently stilled as she spoke, to her surprise and displeasure. Continuing to look around she was quickly pulled into a sitting position face to face with Alexander, and she felt it.

Isabella had tried to describe the tug, the bond between Childe and Sire. Alexander had always seemed wise, and caring towards her but now, it was as if being in contact with him was safety, pride, love all in itself. He was her creator. Her Sire.

"Persephone dear, are you with us?" Taking in her Sire she struggled to form any words looking around the room her new eyesight could pick up the most minute detail, she could see the specs of dust riding in the wind, she could hear the hiss of flames in the burner, she realised she could taste something, it was pleasant, like iron which was strange, earthy almost, blood.

"I, well I'm guessing it worked then, I'm. " As she began to focus again she locked in on Isabella, her beauty only enhanced with Persephone's new vampiric vision. In an instant Isabella had crossed the room and now sat to Persephone's side, to her surprise she could follow her now, her movement just as fast but Persephone's new perception was able to keep a lock on her as she did.

"Why have I died and you've gotten prettier, how on earth ish that fair?" Isabella just laughed, and everything about her was completely enrapturing to Persephone, the deep melody of her voice, her laugh took on new tones, the music calling to her like a siren's call. Her fanged smile, the dark hair caressing her shoulders. She was a goddess, Persephone almost missed her Sires response.

"Sharper senses dear. If you want a mirror to assess yourself?" Isabella had stopped laughing and just sat before Persephone with a lopsided smile on her face. Both Vampiresses refused to look away.

"No I'm fine here, better view I imagine. Also, I'm not breathing, I mean sure normal for you all but.." Before she could finish her sentence Persephone was cut off by Isabella seizing her lips in a deep passionate kiss. As Persephone began to respond with just as much vigour she felt the fangs between them, two pairs for a change making her own efforts uncoordinated, as she began to climb into Isabella's lap to gain a better angle she was stopped.

"Maybe save that till after you've learned the basics of what you are." They broke their embrace, Isabella's smile was still bright on her face and Persephone could almost feel the warmth of her joy travelling through their shared blood.

"Yesh Sir." Persephone paused in Isabella's lap, her tongue feeling around her mouth, teasing the pronounced sharpened fangs in her mouth realising the problem as she climbed out of her lap towards her Sire.

"How on earth am I meant to spheak with fucking fangs!" Isabella giggled again relaxing into the chair behind as Alexander only gave her a sardonic look.

"This would be a prime reason to ask questions first. This can actually be your first lesson." Persephone sat down on the sofa between her Sire and partner and asked with a Saccharine smile.

"Oh pleash wise mashter, pleash share some advice with your lowly acolyte." Alexander simply rolled his eyes.

"First concentrate, focus on your fangs and will them to recede. You'll learn to talk with them out eventually but I don't think I'll have the patience to listen to you speaking like that while we wait."

Persephone closed her eyes and sat thinking. She tried to clear her head and think about them receding and... Nothing. Her thoughts began to drift to the hunger she felt welling up within her, it felt like an empty pit in her stomach, her entire throat felt constricted and burned with need and her fangs. Her fangs felt so sensitive and her gums ached and her eyes burned, and she needed blood. Opening her eyes with a bit of a start she looked to her Sire who waited expectantly.

"Any luck." Persephone only responded with a fang filled grin. Before Alexander could comment she rushed out.

"I tried to, I really did and I think I was almost there but then I realised my gums ached and I realised, well I'm hungry. " she maintained her smile as she felt Isabella laugh behind her and rise from the chair.

"I'll go find her second human, see if she can avoid making a mess of this one." Persephone's face twisted her brow furrowing.

"What do you mean second?" Alexander cut in before Persephone could get a response though.

"Try to make this one a little less unsavoury, I've seen bounties on the last and we don't need the attention. "

"What do you mean less savoury? What are we talking about?" Isabella simply waved as she left the room heading for the front door.

"I'll be back soon, Tschüss."

"Come on Childe let's get you ready." Persephone huffed, rising from the chair.

"Get ready for what or are we going to continue ignoring me." Alexander made it look like he was confused before letting a slight laugh leave his lips.

"For your first meal, come on." Persephone's eyes bulged and with enthusiasm, she followed after her Sire as he descended into their chamber, she instinctively stopped at the edge of the staircase, old habits refusing to die.

"Wait, I can come down here now?"

"Come on before I change my mind." Persephone wasted no time running down the stairs.

Upon reaching the bottom Persephone took in the chamber with childish curiosity, only to realise.

"That's it?" The room was bare, four coffins sat on four equally spaced plinths and to the back of the room was a single table with some rags upon them. The chamber smelled surpassingly fresh, a lavender tone present above the constant engrained smell of blood. "I thought you'd have a whole house down here with tunnels and caves to escape too." Alexander leaning against one of the more ornate coffins responded with a laugh.

"I'm sorry but who do you think we are? This is to sleep in safety and that's all, what use would we have for anything else?" Persephone walked around the room but stopped at a white coffin, the lid open revealing a deep red cushioned interior, the scent inside was pleasant, reminding her of Isabella.

"Tunnels to escape or hide deep underground, what if the house gets burnt down around us? No this isn't acceptable, I have an eternity. I will make luxury for us underground." Alexander could only laugh.

"I'm sorry you've spent the last ten years sleeping in the middle of fields on a cot, where did you get this sudden desire for safety measures and luxury?"

"From wanting you and Isabella to be safe, and just to look a little less like the fairytales, do we really need to be so cliche? Also we had safety measures. We had a witch who left wards around the camp to keep you creatures of the night out." Persephone saw Sire's eyebrow raise ever so slightly as he responded.

"One. We creatures of the night now well and truly includes yourself. Also you had a witch? Isabella never mentioned?"

"Yeah Shana, I didn't know till Isabella tried to enter camp and couldn't. She was fine although once I started to become a fledgling the wards started to give me headaches like you wouldn't believe. She picked up on what I was becoming and was one of the first voices pushing to leave me." Alexander stood considering the information.

"Did she survive Blackrock? Is she a threat if she knows?"

"She did survive, I got her out with a few of the others thankfully, she never saw me die but we also didn't leave things on all too negative a note in the end, we had been very close friends in life, once upon a time."

"Did Isabella ever meet her?"

"Once and she was fine around her, Shana, the witch was tense but didn't say anything untoward."

"I'll ask for her opinion later, witches can be persnickety, if they think you're a threat in the slightest they can be rabid in their pursuit. Plus it's not unheard of for witches to help the brotherhood." Persephone remembered Isabella's mention of the group, some kind of supernatural Hunter. Why on earth would a witch wish to help kill their kind?

Breaking from her thoughts she heard the door go upstairs, an unfamiliar girlish giggle echoing down the chamber as footsteps approached the stairs.


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