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Toyboy Hits the Road

Story Info
She's 37, he's 18, their romance takes a twist in the forest.
7.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/16/2020
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Author's note: This story follows in timeline from the previous story TOYBOY. It stands alone as a story, however. It is not necessary to read TOYBOY first.

Toyboy Hits the Road

1986, Yorkshire, England.

Part One

Chapter 1

Eight weeks had passed since, from my bedroom window, I saw for the first time a stunningly beautiful, dark haired woman, more than twice my age, moving into the house next door.

It was six since she had claimed my virginity, after a night that began with food and dancing, where she declared proudly that I was her Toyboy to anyone who would listen, then ended with a night (and morning) of passion.

Emiliana Marianelli was Italian born and Yorkshire bred. The name was as pretty as the woman herself, although something of a mouthful for the English tongue. Thankfully, she went by the shortened version of Millie.

The mother of a girl, Kelly, with whom I shared my first kiss at school a few years before. It's not many people can say that the daughter was his first kiss, but the mother was his first fuck. Millie said she loved my wavy, dark hair and blue eyes. With the compliments and life-tips she gave me, my self-confidence was growing rapidly.

I had been given a full-time job at the local steelworks. It was hot, heavy work, but it kept me pretty fit. I had a secure job and a decent wage every week. The priority for me was to move out of the house in which I grew up and find an apartment to rent.

Sharing with four younger siblings and my parents was fine, but when I am seeing the woman next door with walls as thin as the ones on our street, it becomes a bit of a problem. "A bit of a fucking screamer, your lass," my dad had said, straight to the point as he always was.

I had tried keeping Millie quiet on one recent occasion. As I was taking her from behind, her favourite position, she started shrieking loudly, so I put a firm hand over her mouth. She opened wide and took a massive bite out of the base of my thumb on the fleshy webbing, drawing blood and causing me to yell "Aah you bitch!" in pain and making her scream even louder, presumably getting immense pleasure from causing it.

It must've sounded like we were murdering each other!

Considering it was only a short time since I had lost my virginity, the sex was fantastic. Millie had said I was a fast learner and a natural. If ever the saying 'learning on the job' was apt, this was it.

I was just eighteen, Millie was thirty-seven. Since the night she took my virginity, her appetite for sex had been insatiable. The more sex we had, the hornier she was and the more sex she wanted. Which was absolutely fine by me!

I knocked and Millie opened the front door with a radiant smile and that sexy twinkle in her deep blue eyes. My lover liked to dress in a manner that showed plenty of her naturally tanned flesh. She was almost always in shorts and her arms and shoulders were rarely covered.

This evening, she was wearing an ivory coloured silk nightwear top with a tiny strap that went around the neck leaving her long, dark brown hair to fall freely down her lightly tanned, bare back. There was plenty of her slightly larger than average breasts on display with the plunge neckline, and definitely no bra, as I could see nipples pushing invitingly, through the fine, smooth silk.

Her top didn't quite reach the tiny, matching silky shorts which accentuated her slim waist, full hips and peachy ass perfectly.

If it had been anybody else who happened to be knocking the door, he'd have had a fantastic eyeful!

Dressing quite as provocatively as this was for my eyes only, although my guess was that she would enjoy the attention of salivating men, as she had plenty of admiring glances even in her normal attire.

People of our terraced street, in the terraced town of Trembley, Yorkshire, would gossip as a pastime. It was a surprise to me that the news of my relationship with Millie had been met with very little chit-chat, possibly because we did little to hide the fact, leaving nothing to gossip about. However, if she started leaving the house wearing what she did for me, rumours and name-calling would be rife.

After a long kiss in the doorway, she showed me through. It was to be a night in, with a rented movie, lots of wine and, hopefully, lots of sex.

Millie opened a bottle of her favourite Bordeaux and I sat on her brown, leather couch.

She put the bottle and two glasses on a side table, then, in that childish way she loved to do, Millie climbed on top and straddled me where I sat. With the now familiar, lusty grin, her deep, red lips met mine and we started kissing passionately. "I've been waiting for this all week," she said and kissed me some more.

With my hands on her ass, I gripped tightly as she raised herself up so that my face was pressed between her firm breasts, the plunge neckline of her silk nightwear fell away readily, allowing me unfettered access.

Releasing my neck temporarily from the tight hold of her arms, in one movement she pulled her silk top over her head, threw it to the floor and pressed her chest into my face once more.

With her tits either side, I wrapped my mouth around one, while using my fingers to play with the other. Her large, dark red nipple was between my teeth.

My older lover adored pain. The harder my bite, the more she moaned. Feeling the bulge in my jeans, she rubbed against it and I could almost feel the crevice of her warm, wet pussy through her shorts. My dick was already rock hard inside as I caressed, bit and licked her pert, firm tits.

I could feel she was turned on by the size to which her nipples had grown, and by the strong grip she had on my dark, wavy hair, guiding my mouth to the place that would give her maximum pleasure. Groaning her approval, she kissed down the side of my face and onto my neck.

Just as I was about to pull her shorts down those long, tanned legs and bury my face in her sweet, wet pussy, she stopped suddenly and pulled away.

Chapter 2

Climbing off me, Millie took a large drink of wine and handed me my glass. With my hot lover in just a pair of tiny silk shorts and nothing else, wine wasn't the first thing on the list of things I wished to consume right then.

"I'm sorry if I always come on too strong with you, Edward. I just can't help myself," she told me, with a regretful tone. "The time we spend together, the way you kiss me, the way we make love, it's fantastic, I don't want it to end, ever."

It sounded like the next word was going to be a big, fat "but". I felt a nasty, dry taste in my mouth, the kind that tells you bad news is imminent, the kind of feeling that you get when your girlfriend is about to dump you.

I recalled the first day we had met and kissed. She told me specifically not to fall for her. "I'm on the rebound. Women on the rebound make poor choices." She had said. It was too late for that; I had fallen for her straight away.

Still, she was almost naked and had been kissing me passionately just ten seconds earlier. I needed to know what was on her mind.

"But?" I prompted her.

"There's something that I haven't told you, Edward," she said, after another large drink of wine. "It's about Brian, my husband." She picked up her silk top from the floor and put it back on. The signs were ominous, she's getting back with him, I thought.

Millie's marriage of fourteen years had recently ended when we met, which is why she had moved home a couple of months ago. She had a first marriage before that, he was a thief and a stoner who had died sniffing glue.

"It's a long story, really," she said, knocking back the last of the wine in her glass and pouring some more. She smiled, but there was a look of melancholy in her eyes. "I'll keep it short, though. My husband is gay. That's why we split."

A whole heap of emotions went through my head. One was relief that she wasn't dumping me, well apparently at least. Another, rightly or wrongly, was HIV. At the time, little was known about HIV and AIDS, but it was definitely a death sentence, associated, as far as anyone knew, with gay men.

Millie appeared to read my mind, "Oh, don't worry about that, it's many years since we did anything sexual. The first few years were kind of fine. But, deep down, I always knew it wasn't right with us. He really is a sweetheart, but never completely satisfied me in bed and eventually we just stopped trying. A year ago, he confessed all to me."

I watched and listened as she told me the story of her marriage to Brian. A handsome, kind man who was a great stepfather to Kelly and provided them both with love and security for fourteen years. Then, last summer he said he just couldn't go on with the pretence. They tried to keep the marriage together, but it was doomed from that very moment.

I felt sympathy for her, but pleased that she felt she could open up to me. Millie was always chatty, smiling, sexy and confident. To see this vulnerable side to her was new to me.

"So, when Kelly moved in with her boyfriend, it seemed silly to pretend any longer. Promise me you won't say anything, Edward. It's only me he's come-out to."

I promised and Millie hugged me. It seemed like a burden had lifted and she cried an emotional release on my shoulder.

"When I moved in here, I met you and it seemed like an opportunity to be eighteen again. With having a kid so young, I never did the stuff I should have at that age. I had to grow up quickly.

"So, if you feel like I'm coming on too strong with you, just tell me," she continued after wiping her teary cheeks with a tissue. "It's been a long life so far without a proper lover. My first husband was a waste of space, then Brian. You're only the fourth person I've ever had sex with."

"The fourth? When was the other one?" I asked, slightly surprised at the low number of sexual partners for her age.

Millie began to giggle while wiping away more tears and took another large gulp of wine. "I can't tell you. You'll think I'm a dirty slut, it's terrible."

"Now you have to tell me," I said, "I'm too intrigued, I need to know. Was it recent?"

"No, it was after Keith died, my first husband."

"How long after?"

"Well that's the thing. We had a wake after his funeral. I wore a black dress as would be expected. Not many people came, but some family and friends were there in the function room at the working men's club. Most of them were older, or had children to get back for, so it emptied out pretty quickly. My friend took little Kelly for the night and I ended up sitting at the bar alone, talking to the manager.

"He gave me my drinks for free. We got on well together and I told him that I didn't give a fuck that Keith was dead. He just laughed and listened to me waffling on. Anyway, he locked the doors at closing time and we drank some more.

"He was probably in his mid-forties, a big, shaven headed bruiser with tattoos. I was just twenty-two. I had seen his eyes drop down to my boobs surreptitiously a few times while he thought I wasn't looking, so I knew he fancied me. He was just what I needed at that particular moment.

"I gave him a come-on smile and that was all he required. We kissed for a while, then he unzipped my dress. I let it drop to the floor and he fucked me up against the gambling machine, which was still switched on with all of its bright lights flashing.

"As his cock was hammering inside me and my legs were wrapped around his waist, behind his back I raised two fingers on both hands as a 'Fuck you' to Keith, just in case his ghost was watching us."

Millie laughed and took yet another large drink of wine, but never took her eyes off mine, trying to gauge my reaction. "I went home that night the happiest I'd been for years. A free woman who had just had her first casual fuck and didn't regret a second of it.

"I never saw him again, nor did I want to. Working men's clubs were not usually the place for women so there was no reason I would."

I certainly hadn't expected this story when I had arrived at her house, nor did I five minutes earlier when she was telling me about her gay husband. All I could think of was what a sheltered life I'd lived so far by comparison.

"You're the only person I've ever told that story to as well, by the way," she said.

"If I'm honest, I feel honoured being just the fourth person you've had sex with." I said truthfully. "So why did you think you might be coming on too strong?" I asked, going back to her initial point.

"All this time without a proper lover, I feel there's a lot to make up for."

"Basically, you're sex-starved!"

"Fucking hell, Edward. You don't have to condense my whole life-story into one fucking headline! I've confided a lot with you here," she laughed.

"I know, I'm sorry." I laughed. Millie hugged me again and the tears started once more.

"But yeah, you're probably right." She dispensed with the glass and drank wine straight from the bottle. Offering to me, I took a drink. "How about we just say 'fuck the film' and get drunk instead?"

"Sounds good to me."

Chapter 3

Millie opened another bottle and we each took a drink from it.

"You're a good listener," Millie said.

"You're a good talker!" I teased.

She laughed and slapped my arm playfully. "I've never been with somebody I can truly open up to before, Edward."

I smiled without knowing really what to say. I hugged her instead, we kissed and I tasted the salt water of tears on her lips.

"Do you remember I said that you shouldn't fall for me when we first met?"

"Of course, it was just as I was leaving after kissing you for the first time."

"I've changed my mind. You can fall for me if you like," she said, her eyes glistening with tears.

I had already fallen for her, but this was one step closer to Millie saying she loved me. She wasn't quite there yet. We kissed again and drank more and more wine.

"So, you don't think I'm a slut, with what I did in the club with the manager?" she asked, eventually.

"Just because you did something that is slutty, it doesn't make you a slut." I affirmed.

"Well that's good then, because until I met you, it's the only time I've ever really enjoyed having sex. I've felt a little guilty ever since, but talking to you tonight has made me feel better about it."

Millie's past was not something I had thought too much about. At thirty-seven, she was bound to have some kind of history. It was refreshing to find out that I was not just one of a long list of previous lovers.

"Promise you'll tell me if I come on too strong," she repeated.

"Never gonna happen," I said, and leaned across the couch to kiss her. Millie responded and we kissed passionately.

I didn't wait for her to make a move, pulling her ivory silk top over her head met with no resistance.

Once again, seated on the leather couch, she was in just her little silky shorts and those glorious, pert breasts were demanding attention. Millie pulled at my T-shirt and I took it off, discarding it to the floor next to her top.

Kissing my neck and chest, she began licking down my torso, heading down further with every kiss. After what she had just said about being worried if she came on too strong, I felt the need to show her I was just as up for this as she was.

With a gentle hand under Millie's chin, I guided her head up to mine and kissed her dark red lips hard. Pushing her back up on the couch she was seated in an upright position. I stood up, unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down with my boxers.

When she first saw my dick a week after we first met, Millie had told me she preferred the skin retracted as it looked bigger and felt better. For me, it seemed bigger too and gave me much more self-confidence. I stood before her naked with my big, hard cock begging for attention.

As she moved toward me to grab hold of it, I pushed her back. She was leaning back on the couch, looking up at me, wondering what I was doing.

I bent forward to kiss her. This time I kissed her hard on the lips and took hold of her hair in both hands. She loved pain, the tighter my grip, the more pleasure it gave her.

Standing upright, with a firm hold of her hair, I eased my lover's head toward my cock. Those dark red lips parted at just the right time and the head of my dick was enveloped.

With a hand around the shaft of my boner, she began tugging at it, while I controlled her head movement with my tight grip of her hair.

Soon, Millie had to let go as I forced into her mouth further and she took me in fully, making loud, greedy chomping noises. I thrust my hips in a fucking motion and felt my dick hit the back of her mouth time after time.

Still unsure as to whether this aggressive approach was the correct course of action after her emotional confessions, I was way too invested to back out now.

I fucked her mouth hard and fast, gripping her hair tightly like she was some kind of inanimate sex toy. Millie made higher pitched gargling noises as my cock repeatedly hit her tonsils. I guessed she was enjoying it too, but I was getting way too much of a kick to care.

Her long nails dug deep into my ass cheeks and she seemed to be thrusting me into her face in perfect time with my motions. I looked down to see the top of her head, with the erotic sight of my hard cock disappearing in and out of her mouth. It felt like her nails in my ass were drawing blood they were gripping so tightly.

Feeling the point of no return approaching, I went for my hardest grip on her hair, surprised I was not actually pulling it out of her scalp.

Millie sensed the stage I was at and her noises became high pitched squeals. With her lips round the base of my shaft, I stopped thrusting and, with a yell of ecstasy, I shot the full contents of my balls deep into my lover's throat.

Releasing my grip after a few seconds, Millie sucked and licked the final drops of cum from my cock as if licking the plate clean, then looked up and me with a naughty grin.

"Wow, I didn't expect that!" she exclaimed, giving a combination of cum and saliva an undignified wipe from her chin with the back of her hand.

I didn't know what to say and was still on a high from what had just happened. I hadn't planned it, that was a fact.

Millie stood up and kissed me on the lips, then on the neck. Whispering in my ear, she said with a dirty smile and a twinkle in her eye, "so, the gloves are off, then. Just you wait, my man!"

I didn't know what was in store, but the following evening I was to find out.


Chapter 4

My older lover had many assets. An infectious personality, laughing and smiling pretty much all of the time. She had natural, Italian good looks, with olive skin; alluring, deep blue eyes and a beautiful body. Another asset was that she was insanely generous.

Only a couple of months ago, I passed my driving test and bought a £100 orange wreck of a 1977 Ford Escort, intending eventually to modify it and join the Escort custom scene which was massive.

Since then Millie had bought me several performance parts for my car. The husband of client of hers from the salon which Millie owns, runs a scrap yard. The yard gets Escorts regularly from boys who have crashed their cars, so parts were cheap and plentiful.

A whole two-litre RS engine with high-lift camshaft, twin carbs, a performance exhaust, sports wheels and rally suspension, to name but some of the upgrades she had bought me.

The previous week I had sport seats delivered my friend's garage which I used to do the work. Then she bought me a top of the range Alpine stereo with amplifier and speakers, which fitted neatly in the slot where the standard old radio came out.

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