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Trading Secrets Ch. 03

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A new secret emerges between two friends.
11.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/14/2011
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To those who are devoted followers of this series: I apologize greatly for this chapter taking so long. I had been writing/publishing for Kindle now, and working on two novels at once, so I completely forgot about Trading Secrets until recently. I really just wrote it for fun at first, but the second chapter did so well that I'm compelled to finish the third. I cannot promise that the fourth chapter will come any sooner, since I have novels in progress and about a million other projects, but I will do my best to try to fit it in between them sometime.

Thank you for reading and giving me the confidence to write professionally!


Both Kevin and Andrew looked at Kyle like two deer caught in headlights, and neither of them knew what to say at first. Kevin was still awkwardly mounted upon Andrew, panting heavily through his nose, his sweaty hair sticking to his face.

"Well, come on guys, are you going to answer me, or what?" Kyle sounded as if he were beginning to laugh.

"About a year..." Andrew finally confessed, his legs still around his father's back. Kevin quickly grabbed a blanket and covered both he and his son with it, his face and shoulders suddenly turning a bright shade of crimson.

"It's a little late for that, Kev!" Kyle cackled. "I just saw a live porno featuring you and your son. I don't think you have any room to be coy, here."

Kevin, who was still blushing, finally allowed Andrew to lower his legs and he hid his ashamed face in his son's shoulder. He was using the comforter to wipe off the sticky mess between his and Andrew's legs while Andrew began to frantically wipe the semen off of his own face. "Look, Kyle," he began. "I know it looks bad and disgusting, and honestly, we've been trying to think of a way to tell you guys for a long time." Kyle was strangely silent and was patiently listening to him. "We wanted you guys to know. We wanted to tell you, so badly, but we couldn't lose your guys' friendship. I'm really sorry, we should have told you. The both of you."

Kyle heaved a sigh, looking over at his brother, who was sitting up in the neighboring bed, staring in their direction. "I can't believe this."

"I know, I'm so sorry, Kyle. I understand if you're upset with us, and if you want to stop being our friends, I'll let you go with respect, knowing that we had let you down."

"Kevin, hold on, buddy, okay? Chill for a second. Before I say anything else, just know that Jack and I would never leave you guys."

Kevin looked down at his son's face, and Andrew was covering it in shame with his palm. He then looked at Jack, who was watching them with enlightened curiosity, and he seemed... pleased?

"Kevin, Andrew," Jack was saying in amusement. "I always kind of thought something was going on between you both." He then smirked and snickered.

"I guess it's hard for us to keep secrets..." Andrew muttered with his hand still over his face.

Kyle leaned over his friend and second cousin, who were both naked on top of each other, and switched on one of the bedside lamps. "Well, yeah, especially when you make them really obvious by fucking each other while we're in the room."

"We couldn't help it..." Andrew groaned.

"We were holding it in pretty much all day," Kevin admitted. "I think I especially was going to go insane if I didn't touch him soon. He's my drug, okay?"

Kyle and Jack eyed each other and swapped matching grins. "Jack and I are going to have a chat with each other alone for a minute, okay guys?" Kyle said to them. Kevin and Andrew stiffly nodded, not looking at either of them. Kyle got out of the bed the Neils were playing in, then motioned for Jack to follow him into the bathroom. Jack obeyed him and got out of bed, following him into the restroom as Kevin and Andrew hid from their gaze.

Once the Phillips brothers were inside, Kyle shut the door and looked at Jack intensely. "Can you believe this?!"

Jack shrugged, then nodded. "Yeah, I can, actually."

"Well, okay, I can believe it, too. I always suspected it. But, what I mean is, this is fantastic! We don't have to hide from them anymore!"

"I was thinking the same thing! I've always felt so guilty for never telling Kevin about what we used to do together, even when I thought he'd get a real kick out of it."

"Oh we both knew he would have liked it, but we were still afraid that he'd feel like we weren't normal. Now we can relate with him and Andrew!"

"I know. I'm excited about it, too."

"So." Kyle looked at Jack seriously. "Do you want to tell them, then?"

"Of course I do! Now, there's no reason not to!"

"Also, was that or wasn't that really hot to watch?"

Jack smirked and nodded. "You know, I wasn't going to bring it up to you, but it did make me pretty hot."

"I've never really felt anything close to sexual arousal when it came to Kevin, or Andrew for that matter. I don't personally want to have sex with them, but, watching them do it with each other... I don't know. I got a hard-on. Is that bad?"

Jack smirked. "No. I got one, too."

"Maybe they'd find it hot watching us."

Jack scratched the fuzz on his chin. "Possibly. I've never done it in front of people, though."

"Oh, come on, Jack, they're not just any people, they're Kevin and Andrew! They're our best friends, even more than that, they're like our second family!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Jack could hear heated arguing coming from outside of the bathroom. "We better go calm them down, I think they're pretty scared right now."

"You're right, come on." Kyle and Jack quickly exited the bathroom, and Kevin and Andrew ceased their argument. "Guys?" As the brothers approached the bed Kevin and Andrew were on, Kyle saw that they were now lying side-by-side covered by the comforter, and they both looked incredibly tense. "Okay, guys, relax, all right?" Kyle soothed. "Everything's just fine. We're not upset, and I know you think we're grossed out, but we're not." Both Kevin and Andrew stared at him. "The truth is... Jack and I have a little confession of our own."

"You do?" Kevin incredulously asked.

"Most of the reason why we understand you both is because..." Kyle took a deep breath and sighed, then smiled on the corner of his mouth. "Jack and I just recently reactivated a long dormant physical intimacy we used to share, back when we were all in our twenties."

Both Kevin and Andrew looked surprised. "You're fucking with us," Andrew concluded.

"On the contrary, Andrew, I'm not. If you'll let us, we'll explain how it happened."

Kevin smirked with intrigue. "We're all ears. Please do."

"Do you remember when I was twenty and I ended up moving back home for a while? That music store I worked for ended up letting a bunch of the newer people go, and I was one of them. Jack was still living with our parents, so he was there when I moved in." He sat down on the bed, and Jack did as well. "Well... I got my own room, and moved my futon couch into it to sleep on, had the space all to myself for a while." He grinned and wiped a hand over his mouth. "To make a long story short, one afternoon I decided to watch some porn in my room and jack off. I was lying down with my back to the door, just mindlessly rubbing my dick, and I didn't even hear or notice my door open."

Kevin instinctively glanced at Kyle's younger brother, already fully aware of where the tale was going. "Jack was watching you, wasn't he?"

"Ohh yeah. He sure was." Kyle tried to smile at Jack when he hid his face in humiliation. "He wasn't just watching me, either. When I caught him, he had his dick out, and it was pretty hard."

"Of course, naturally and understandably, Kyle was really shocked to see me there stroking my cock at the sight of him masturbating," Jack continued. "He was a little mad at first, told me to get out, and threw his underwear at me. I was so fucking embarrassed. I ran to my own room and hid." He laughed at the ridiculous memory. "I still had a huge boner, though, and I needed to get off as soon as possible. I couldn't stop thinking about Kyle playing with his dick. It got me so fucking hot. I never thought I'd have a thing for my brother, but when I saw him sprawled out there on that futon, naked, beating on his cock, I just lost it. It was one of the hottest things I had ever seen."

Kyle was nodding in agreement to the list of events and how they played out. "I felt bad for being so harsh with him. When I saw him, it felt worse than it actually, truly was. After thinking about it for a minute or two, I went back to his room to apologize to him and talk, because we have always been so close, and I didn't want something like that to affect us badly. I didn't bother getting dressed. Maybe I wanted him, subconsciously, and that was the real reason I wanted to speak to him. Regardless of the reasons, I snuck into his room, and now I was watching him instead, only he noticed me right away."

"We were both jerking off," Jack lustfully remembered, a clear erection forming in his underwear. "He had come into my room and shut the door, standing naked in the doorway, just watching me. He asked if there was something I... wanted. I couldn't even believe he asked, and I said, 'Like what?'"

"I told him that we were obviously both really horny, that we might as well do something together." Kyle shrugged matter-of-factly. "Then he told me, in the hottest voice I had ever heard, that he wanted to see what it was like for me to fuck him. I took him up on it. Seemed harmless enough."

"No, don't stop there," Kevin interjected with a wide, horny grin on his face. "Give us the juicy details."

"Yeah, please do," his son added.

Kyle tossed his hands into the air, then draped his torso across the bedspread beside his younger brother. "All right, all right. So, my dear brother was lying spread eagle on his bed... naked as the day he was born... begging me with his eyes while stroking his hard-on. I had never seen Jack look at me like that before, nor had I watched him pull on his cock, but I found that when I did see it, I liked it. Our parents were gone, out to dinner or something, and we figured we'd take advantage of our alone time. So I climbed into the bed with him... and we started making out. I had never, ever before thought about sticking my tongue in my brother's mouth, but when I did it, I was blown away by it, and at how much I just fucking loved it! Almost like we were always attracted to one another and never said anything to each other about it."

"It was just as amazing for me," Jack contributed in an aroused, wicked voice. "When he was on top of me, kissing me really hard, I could feel just how into it he was, and I was so incredibly excited, and I felt like my balls were going to explode, because especially at that moment, I wanted him so badly. I couldn't explain it and, hell, I didn't really want to. I just wanted him to fuck my brains out. He went down on me and sucked my dick, and he was so great at it, and it drove me crazy. The fact that we were doing something in secret, that we weren't supposed to be doing with each other, really got me going."

Kyle nodded and picked up the story once more. "I sucked his cock like I had been craving it his whole life, and it was so much better than I expected. When I heard him moaning and sighing while his dick was in my mouth, I just knew that I wanted to keep going, and I wanted it to go on as long as possible. Soon, I was on top of him, his legs were on my shoulders, and my dick was in his ass. I pounded him harder and better than I ever had to a woman, and loved it ten times more."

The two brothers stopped their storytelling to kiss each other for some time, and Kevin groaned. "Don't tell me that's the end," he complained.

Jack giggled at him. "Sort of. We had that sexual, and quasi-romantic relationship for a while. Every time we'd have the chance, we'd do sexual things together. He'd tell me to sleep in his room with him and we'd end up fucking or sucking each other off late at night when our parents were asleep, and it was so exhilarating. It made the sex twice as good when we were doing it with each other. Had we done it with anyone else, it wouldn't have felt the same at all."

"That's how dad and I feel about our sex," Andrew spoke up. "If we ever split up, I could never have sex with another person. It wouldn't be as good. It wouldn't feel the same."

"Right?" Kyle answered in agreement. "Unfortunately though, Jack and I did end up... well... 'breaking up' you might say."

Kevin frowned with innate certainty. "I guess that explains how I never found out about it."

"For that entire summer, we fucked like animals. Sometimes we'd sneak into the shower with each other, we'd spend the night together, I mean, you name it, and we did it together. We even washed dad's car together just so we could play around and get wet and eventually end up going inside and fucking. When mom and dad were gone, we'd watch a movie, but of course, end up fucking on the couch, or making out, whatever we had time to do before they got home. We did everything together. We were inseparable." A sudden crestfallen look befell him. "But... I kind of turned into a royal dickhead."

"How so?"

"I couldn't just get past the fact that Jack was my brother. I mean, I loved it, a lot, but at the same time I felt so fucked up that I liked it that much, being with him and fucking him. See, when we finally moved out of our parents' place, got jobs and moved in together, we were like naïve teenagers all over again, excited and joyous, but I ended up starting a lot of stress-induced arguments with Jack regarding our forbidden relationship. I was coming down hard on him for him acting so publicly involved with me, and I became afraid, almost paranoid. So we 'broke up,' but continued to live together, only Jack fell apart, and I knew it was my fault. He got so depressed, and I got even more stressed out, a lot more than I was about our initial relationship."

Jack put in his explanation. "I tried to mend things between us. I tried to fix it, tried to make him feel better about everything, and did my best to rekindle the partnership, but..." He sighed and shrugged. "He turned me away, and told me to never bring up our intimate relationship ever again."

Andrew suddenly looked at Jack. "What'd you do?"

Jack faked a small smile. "Oh, after I cried for weeks straight, I just tried to move on. Kyle and I went back to being 'just brothers' and we got along just fine, but every once in a while, there'd be tension between us. Kyle would go to bars without me sometimes, and I would get jealous, and we'd fight. I would go over to Kevin's house and hang out with him without Kyle, and I'd spend the night at Kevin's house, too, and Kyle would always get upset. He even went so far as to try to tell me he didn't want me to see Kevin anymore because he thought I was sleeping with him. There was always an undercurrent flowing beneath us that a relationship was still happening between us, but neither of us accepted it or wanted it. It was hell having to deal with it for so long."

Kyle quickly hugged his brother. "But that's behind us now. The whole time we weren't together, I hated it. I hated pretended to be someone I wasn't, to love people I didn't really love just to help me get over the fact that what I really wanted... was my younger brother. I'm never doing it again. I know I want Jack. I don't need convincing otherwise."

"So you're both back together now?" Kevin asked.

Kyle gave Jack a tight, loving squeeze, making him smile. "Yeah," he told his friend. "In fact, we just restarted our relationship earlier this afternoon."

Kevin and Andrew's jaws fell. "Right underneath our noses?!" Kevin exclaimed in shock.

"I suppose so," Jack said, shrugging. "But what made it difficult this time around was that it was hard keeping the good news just between us. We really wanted to share it with you guys, but knew we couldn't. Well, we thought that we couldn't."

Kevin and Andrew exchanged heartfelt expressions. "I suppose we were in the same boat, weren't we?" Kevin mentioned. Andrew nodded.

"Yeah... we were... and now the four of us all know about each other..."

"Kevin, I can't believe I saw you have sex," Kyle decided to bring up. "In the same bed I was lying in!"

Kevin grinned. "Did you enjoy the show?"

Kyle scratched his goatee slightly, then nodded. "I have to say that I did."

"I'm so embarrassed..." Andrew groaned as he sank down into the mattress to hide.

"Oh, don't be, kiddo. They liked it!"

"That's why I'm embarrassed. I'm not a fucking porn star."

"You could be, Andrew!" Jack praised. "You were hot!"

Andrew's cheeks turned red. "Was I?"

"Of course you were. You always are." Kevin lovingly stroked Andrew's hair. "You can always get my motor running. You'd think by age thirty-six I'd run out of juice."

"You? Never." Andrew smirked as he sat up to kiss his father's mouth.

"So, Andrew, what's your dad like in the sack?" Kyle joked. "I don't think we could tell from all of your moaning and groaning."

"Shut up, Kyle," Andrew growled, burying his face into Kevin's armpit.

"I think at this point, you guys, it would only be fair to force you to watch us have sex."

"I don't think any forcing would be involved in trying to get me to watch two men, especially two brothers, fuck each other." Kevin winked.

Kyle cackled. "I suppose not."

"I'm up for that," Andrew casually noted, looking at his father who was reaching for his pack of cigarettes on the nightstand. "It's only fair... right, dad?"

Kevin beamed at his son as he lit up a cigarette. "Oh, absolutely. Besides, I think I need you both to prove it to me."

Kyle and Jack smiled at each other, then aligned their faces as Kyle brought his mouth to Jack's and opened it wide, inviting his younger brother's tongue into it. Jack was quick to comply, and his tongue dove into Kyle's mouth where it wrestled with his, their deep voices moaning in harmony, their wet lips smooching and smacking together. Kyle's hand began stroking over Jack's short, messy hair as they traded saliva, and as their heads and necks twisted around as they made out, Kevin and Andrew watched them with their mouths gaping in awe.

"Well, now I've seen everything," Kevin quietly uttered to Andrew, taking a drag off of his cigarette.

Andrew looked at him. "Yeah, me too." He looked between Kevin's legs, then giggled. "Dad..."

"What?" Kevin's eyes lowered to his own erection, which was starting to poke out from under the blankets. "Well, I like it! It's different, I admit, and I kind of have a surreal sense that I'm dreaming right now, but I'm not. I've known Jack and Kyle since I was ten; I've never seen them kiss before... but I like it."

Kyle and Jack began to lie down on the bed in front of their spectators, and Kyle climbed on top of Jack while pushing his hips against his brother's, their mouths continuing to work against each other's. Kyle lifted the front of Jack's T-shirt, exposing his taught, flat stomach, and began feverishly kissing his chest, working his way downward. Jack gleefully moaned as Kyle kissed his way down his stomach to the top of his boxers, and Jack bit his lip as he felt Kyle pull his underwear down, exposing his stiffened cock to the other two men in the room.

Kevin had gone completely silent, and Andrew had as well, only he was watching the indulgent, hungry look on his father's face, and he recognized it as the same one he had whenever he watched him undress or masturbate in front of him, or more accurately, whenever he watched porn. Kevin saw his son's eyes on him and he flashed him a horny grin, and Andrew reached beneath the blanket covering them to jerk him off. Kevin immediately looked blissful, and thanked Andrew by tucking his arm under his to reach into his son's lap and grab his dick and rub on it generously. Andrew hissed through his teeth, arching his hips upward, noting how much he enjoyed his father's touch by nipping his shoulder. As they watched Jack and Kyle perform sex acts on each other, they jerked each other's dicks off, and their moaning was harmonious with that of the brothers.

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