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She wants revenge.
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This time he would pay, Jaci swore to herself. The bastard boss of hers. She had tolerated a lot from that guy in the last four years since they had started working together, but this was the final drop. She recalled long trips through the jungle with one ill-tempered and ill-mannered brute that had no tolerance for women being weaker when carrying 20 kg of equipment, or spending far too much time in the bathroom – especially the way he considered it.

She had tolerated it all, and only smiled when he stated for the billionth time that women were too weak to manage on their own and that it was a miracle they had survived beyond the Stone Age. From experience she knew the fruitlessness in pointing out the fact that males would not have survived either since they were incapable of locating their own socks, not to speak of where they put their gear last evening.

But this was the final straw. That job was hers. She had withstood loads of insults, and still that bastard boss of hers had nominated someone else for what she considered to beher future job. She was practically glowing with rage.

But now was not the time for raging. It ruined her aim. She tried to calm down, clasping the tranquilizer gun to her chest while hiding behind a large rock. Her target would soon come into sight, and then..... She smiled just by the thought of giving this stupid jerk a taste of his own tranquilizer-dots. Usually they where used on far larger prey like elephants and lions, but she had estimated the dosage to fit a male of about 100 kg. That should do it, she thought. No fun in killing the guy. Or perhaps she should leave that for later.

Finally he was in sight. He was stamping through the bushes as if he owned the whole forest. She recollected his few positive traits, like a firm and muscular body and his friendship with her older brother Stan. "We males have to stick together," Stan always said. "Otherwise you females will take over the world, and then we might have to start thinking. A dreadful idea," he always laughed easily.

Boom. The gun fired strait on the target and hit him in his left buttock. Great shot, she congratulated herself. Her prey turned around. Total shock was visible on his face, before the tranquilizer started working and he collapsed on the spot. She almost yelled with joy. Those firing lessons had really paid off. In triumph she moved closer to her prey.

He was definitely out cold, but breathing easily. The dosage was fine. So, on to the next step of the plan. Getting him into the cottage. Finally it dawned on her. There was a major leak in her plan. How could she move a 100 kg male 300 meters? Drag him? She tried pulling on one of his feet. Not a chance. For God sake, how could she forget something so trivial? That's what happened when you were too impulsive, she thought. Damn.

Ok, there was only one thing to do. She picked up her mobile phone. "Stan? I need some help up here. Gray has caught the tranquilizer in his but, and I'm unable to move him. Could you give me a hand? Oh, and bring Craig as well, will you? He's quite heavy."


"And this was all an accident, is that right, sis?"

"Of course," she replied. "What? Do you think I did this on purpose?" she asked innocently.

"Definitely yes," Craig laughed, and mumbled something about desperate females walking around with shotguns. Her brothers were obviously not fully convinced of her innocence. But apart from laughing, they only helped her carrying her immobilised prey into the cottage.

"I didn't think you would become this desperate," Stan said. "The ordinary thing is to invite the fellow home and cook him some dinner. You should try that next time," he chuckled. "You're not that bad looking, you know." Great, now they thought she had the hots from Mr-high-and-mighty here. Could this farce become any worse, she wondered.

"Undress him also, will you?" she asked, when they carried him into the small bedroom.

"What are you planning to do?" Craig asked with a horrified expression.

"Tie him to the bed and rape him, of course," she instantly replied. They just gaped at her. "Just joking, you dolts. We're putting him to bed so he can sleep it off. He sleeps naked, remember? I figured that out when last we had a fire in our camp." Lucky me, she thought, while contemplating the sight that had her drooling for days afterwards. The incident had also provided fuel for an endless amount of fantasies afterwards. No matter how she disliked him; she still had eyes, didn't she?

Finally they did as she asked and covered him with a blanket. She was not allowed to watch the process. Gee, did they really think that she had never seen a naked man before. Women were born caretakers, weren't they? She couldn't wait to get rid of them.

"Be careful, sis", Stan said. "He will be really pissed when waking up. Are you sure you don't want us to stay?"

"No, I can manage", she replied. And it wouldn't be much fun if they stayed. She had some major plans for this bastard and that didn't include some overprotective males. As for the angry part, she meant to ensure he was angrier than he'd ever been before. It was time to get even.

As soon as she heard their truck pull away, she brought out her gear. She had "borrowed" Stan's entire collection of sex-toys. Hopefully he would not make the connection, she laughed. What on earth were all these things for, she wondered. But first the most important thing: the bindings. She pulled out 4 long leather strings, and tested their strength. Yes, they might contain her victim.

She started dragging both his arms upwards and tying them to the bed posters. Goody. Now, the legs. She spread his legs and tied them to the bottom bedposts. Very nice. She checked the knots, and tried to pull the strains. They should hold. She looked at his face. He was still breathing quietly as if sleeping. Well, wonder when he'll wake up. According to the dosage, I have another half-hour I think. Unless she had miscalculated his weight. She turned up the heater and waited for the next stage to begin.


Finally he began to stir. She dragged off the blanket, and admired the full grown body beneath. This was definitely going to be fun, she thought, just itching to touch him. Well, why not. Her original plan was to tie him up, take a few pictures and publish them at their office. But, why not get something more out of the bargain. She touched his thigh. It was warm and covered with a small mat of hair. The muscles indicated an active life, and she roamed her hand down his leg.

Very nice, she thought. Moving upwards to the more interesting body part between his thighs, she felt a small stirring in his body. His cock moved slightly. He likes this as much as I do, she thought. She moved her hands up over his flat stomach and used both hands to massage his chest. A strange idea about licking his entire body from head to toe came to mind, and she was shocked to admitting she liked the idea.

Instead she touched his small nipples and noticed them tighten. Flattered by the response she teased them more and they tightened even more. Her hands moved further upwards, feeling his collarbone and tracing his neck. His face was now slightly flushed, but the eyes still closed. She continued touching his forehead, his high cheekbones, before lowering a fingertip to his lips. They were dry, and she had an involuntary urge to moisten them. She stretched across him and placed her lips on his. Her tongue darted out and followed his lips, moisturising them. Gee, he felt good.

She trailed his cheek with her lips, dropping slight kisses against the stubbled cheek. He hadn't shaved since this morning, and her skin rasped when moving her cheek against his. He smelled of soap and something definitely male. She breathed heavier. This felt too good to be true, but her mouth continued tracing along his throat. His skin tasted salty and warm, and she continued feeling his chest with her hands. Slowly up and down his chest her hands moved.

His nipples were still answering her call, and she put her mouth on the left one and sucked lightly. A hiss was heard and her victim was obviously reaching sanity again. She looked up. His eyes were still closed, but a smile was pasted on his face, making him look younger than she'd ever seen him before. He probably thought he was having a wet dream.

Reaching downwards the evidence was apparent. His cock had reached an unknown size, and the sight blocked her view. She gasped and carefully placed her hand around the crown. It moved. Her hand followed and closed around the base this time. She tightened her grip. It jerked again, and swelled even more. Oh my, she thought, and squeezed again. The swelling continued until the member pointed straight up into the air. She moved her hand from the base and stroked the underside. Several jerks were evident against her hand and she felt complimented.

Just below the crown, she touched carefully the sensitive area. Moisture had formed on the top of the crown and she wiped it out over the rest of the member. She squeezed the top again, and felt his thigh suddenly tightening. He tried moving his legs, but could not move beyond flexing the muscles. He was waking from the drug induced sleep, and she noticed him flexing his arms as well. Suddenly a gasp was heard and a rasping sound ground out.

"What are you doing, woman?" His eyes were now open and he stared straight at her. "Release me at once," he yelled, and tried forcibly to break the ties. The bed creaked, and the bonds were tightened, but everything stayed in place. She had moved away in case he would manage to get free. Good, she smiled when realising her plan was working. Now, where was that camera?

He groaned again, and cursed. "Release me, do you hear? Jaci, come back here!" he yelled after her, when she went for the next room. Returning with the camera, he froze, then sent her a hateful look. "What are you doing with that?" he asked.

"Gathering evidence," she replied, and snapped a few shots.

"Evidence of what?" he asked.

"Otherwise no one will believe my story of your sexual fetishes. Good, this will look nicely on the office wall, don't you think? You could try to smile a little bit, you know." The answer was another growl.

"Damn you woman, release me at once or you're fired."

"Don't worry; this is my resignation right here." She pointed to the camera.

But first, some more fun, she though as she put the camera away and strolled toward the bed.

He watched her carefully, waiting for what she had in mind. His naked body was still semi aroused and the thought of this woman being with him was enough to give him cock some ideas about what to do. He tried in vain to prevent the reaction, but she reached out her hand again, and touched his thigh.

"Oh, for God sake," he groaned out, before trying again to breaking the bedposts his arms were attached to.

"Just relax," she said, and continued stroking his body. Then she leaned over and kissed his stomach. His reaction was immediate and all muscles strained at the same time. Jesus, he thought, she's trying to kill me.

He tried to collect his wits and asked, "Look, why not release me so I can pleasure you as well?" His offer was tempting, but she knew he would try anything to get off the hook.

"No, this is fine," she replied, and continued stroking up his chest. Her mouth followed her hands and she was practically leaning on top of him.

What to do now, she thought. What can torment him even more? She sat up, mounted his stomach and slowly started unbuttoning her blouse in front of him. Making sure he followed every movement. Behind her she could feel his erection caressing her backside. She reached a hand behind her back and slowly stroked his member. His breathing was hectic and she had his full attention. At least for the time being.

Her blouse came undone and she slipped it unto the floor. Next, she pushed her breast forward as she reached for the clamp on the back. He moaned and stared at her. His eyes were full of fire and he obviously wanted her. She was aroused by the thought and felt a slight wetness in her pants. She had been aroused for some time, but the idea of this strong man getting breathless due to her was immense. Her breasts were released and she stroked herself while watching him.

Now he was practically drooling while his eyes almost fell out of their sockets. She put a finger in his mouth and traced his lips from the inside. Slowly he opened up as if begging for a kiss. Instead she moved her finger to her left breast and smeared his saliva onto the areola. Round and round in slow movements and his eyes were following every movement. He swallowed, but couldn't take his eyes of her.

Next, she stood above him on the bed and started loosening her trousers. Pulling them off, her socks followed next, until she only wore her small panties. He could see the triangle of pubic hair through the panties, and he grew impatient for penetrating her depths. Instead she jumped of the bed and went for the dresser.

"Hey, where are you going?" he asked with a slight worry she would leave him. His whole body was straining for release and the minx just knew it. He could tell by her smile – like a cat that has just gobbled down a big fat mouse. Only in this case, he was the prey. He didn't like relinquishing control like that. But so far he had not been able to break the bonds or persuade the irritating female to release him.

Soon she returned with a strange bottle. She opened it and poured a large amount directly on top of his shaft. He gasped. The liquid was cold, and the effect damaging to his already lacking control. Damn, she wanted him to beg for it. No way, he thought, before catching his breath as she continued stroking and fondling up and down his cock. All right, maybe begging is not so bad after all; he contemplated while trying to breath.

She smiled of his telltale reaction, and asked "Are you enjoying this?"

"Yes," he gasped. "Just continue," he managed to say. "Oh god," he breathed out. She had found the spot below the crown and was massaging it purposefully. How long would she continue this torture, he wondered. "Ok, what do you want?" he asked. He would do anything to stop this and make her start riding him instead. He was closing in on his release. Just a little bit more. His breathing grew erratic, but he welcomed the orgasm.

The suddenly she stopped. Just before he tumbled over the edge. "What?" he rasped. "Don't stop, for god sake. Continue!"

"No," she replied calmly.

"What's going on? Finish me off!" he groaned out.

She moved away and started stroking his knee instead. Closer, he thought. Just a little bit closer. After a while he had calmed down a bit, and she moved over to fondle his cock again. After smoothing the massage oil all over his balls, she started moving aimlessly along his shaft. Gripping the base, she moved upward accompanied by his gasp. A little more, he thought, just a little more. But once again, as soon as he was almost at the edge of a large orgasm she stopped again.

He practically screamed in frustration. All his muscles were strained and the bindings were rasping into his skin. It was a pain he welcomed. But, the frustration was still growing as she continued her massage. His body was strained beyond relief and his brain was returning to an unknown primitive level. Only focusing on the release he needed. His balls were aching and his tormentor was not helping with her slight touch. Now, she was leaning over his chest and rubbing her nipples along his skin. The feeling was exquisite.

"Mount me," he begged. "Please, Jaci, just mount me." Her breathing resembled his, both in speed and sound level. She was definitely getting aroused by the whole incident. "Please," he begged her again.

She had trouble remembering her agenda, and the idea of riding his large shaft definitely had appeal. She had not anticipated being this desperate for his body. In theory, she was not going to be affected by this. The reality was very different. She stopped thinking, and dragged her panties off, climbing on top of him. His legs were too far apart for her to sit comfortable on top of him. She reached over and loosened his legs. She straddled him again, and lowered herself slowly onto his shaft.

He was larger than she was used to, but he felt good inside of her. The large shaft was now halfway inside of her, and he gasped loudly. He used his legs to push upwards and suddenly she had his whole member inside her pussy. She felt filled to the rim, and could scarcely move for the feeling a joy that washed through her. He begged her to loosen his arms as well, but she ignored his plea, and started moving up and down along his shaft. She moaned loudly and tried to tighten her womb muscles around him to increase the friction even further. It worked and a slight pain occurred every time she moved upwards.

Still, the pleasure soon overtook the pain, and she could move faster. She straightened and watched him while she rode him in a regular pace. Sweat was visible on his forehead and he was following her pace while gasping and groaning. She stopped worrying about getting him to follow and concentrated on her own release. Very soon now, she thought, angling her clitoris directly so that each downward movement brought her closer to the edge.

Suddenly she could not contain herself any longer, and increased her movements, almost pushing him onto the mattress. She screamed loudly as an enormous orgasm ran through her veins, causing her to tighten the muscles in the womb rhythmically around his shaft, bringing him to orgasm at the same time. She continued moving for a few more times, while enjoying the feeling before collapsing on top of him. His heart was beating fast below her ear, and the rhythm almost caused her to fall a sleep. That had been the most incredible orgasm she had ever experienced. Her body was still humming with contentment, all muscles totally relaxed.


"Still alive?" a male voice asked. She was not certain who it was at first. Just clutching his body tighter and only wanting to sleep right where she was. He was still inside of her, and her legs were starting to cramp. She stretched them out carefully, and dug deeper into to the hairy chest with the nice heart rhythm. He chuckled, before deciding to enjoy the moment. It wouldn't last long.

He was sure, so he might as well make the best of it. Soon she would remember who he was, and then the calm would pass. Damn, that was the best orgasm he'd ever had. But, he was not sleepy. Instead he tried to figure out a way to keep this woman with him for a chance to experience it again. But he knew that the fantasy would remain a fantasy. Nothing else.

Finally she stirred, returning gradually to reality. That was a nice dream she thought. Very lifelike. Suddenly the dream felt very real, as her hands moved across a man's stubby face. She raised her head and froze. Oh god, what have she done? He smiled at her.

"Very nice revenge," he said. "Want a rematch? This time you'll be the one tied up and I'll be your willing slave," he suggested. Her face flushed just thinking about her previous actions. "No?" he asked. "Perhaps you could loosen my arms. They are feeling cramped."

She became even redder and her conscience where bothering her. Did she really do that? To him of all people. She must have been deranged. At least he was drugged. What was her excuse, she thought to herself. Then she remembered. This louse was the reason why her job went to someone else, and she would be stuck with him until another opportunity came along.

She fuelled her anger even more by contemplating the last expedition where she'd been his slave slash secretary slash victim-of-his-ill-tempered-outbursts. What was his famous comment that had made her see red for a week afterwards? Oh, yes, women are only good for one thing, and even that they spoil with making the coffee too weak.


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