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Transformations - Sinful Suburbia Ch. 05

Story Info
Captured family. Margaret seduces. Churches. Conclusion.
21.7k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/13/2019
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Transformations: Sinful Suburbia Ch. 5

This is the final chapter of Sinful Suburbia. Thanks for reading!


Dean Spencer sat in the safe house and took a sip of vodka.

His life had become a nightmare.

Two months ago, he and his wife, Erin, had decided to take a wild vacation to Cuba. They had all heard the rumors: wild orgies, plastic bimbo hookers on every corner. The entire island was a red light district.

They hadn't gone there to take part in any of it. They just wanted to see it. Something they could tell their friends about with giggles and laughs at dinner parties.

There was a complete news blackout in the new Cuba. No video, no pictures, only wild stories from people who went there for a 'sexcation'.

The trick, they had been told, was don't drink. Take a suitcase with sodas and bottled water. Don't get drunk. Don't wander down strange alleys, and, whatever you do, don't talk to the hookers. Keep your distance - gawk, but don't get too close.

And, stay away from the nuns, the priests, the perverters - beautiful women in white latex, and the massive bodybuilder looking whoremasters. Steer clear of all of them, and you could return safely.

He and Erin were in their early forties, married for twenty years, with no kids. It had been a mind blowing experience. The stories were true. Seconds after getting off the plane, they saw a man taking one of the tall, black latex clothed bimbos in the middle of the airport.

Throughout the week, they managed to avoid all the dangers.

It was difficult, not that they were tempted by the sex at all. No, the difficulty came from avoiding the alcoholic drinks that were constantly being offered to them. At least a hundred times a day, they were offered Pink Panty Soakers and Blue Pile Drivers.

Anyone who drank them joined the party.

They had seen mild mannered people suddenly dive into piles of tangled bodies in street orgies after imbibing.

He lost Erin at the airport, ten minutes before they were to board their plane.

It was stupid. He hadn't left her side the entire week.

But, they were in the terminal, they were safe, and Erin needed to pee.

She had gone into the crowded restroom.

Dean stood outside and waited.

Ten minutes went by. Fifteen.

And, then Erin came out.

But, she wasn't alone. A tall woman in white latex had her arm around her.

Erin was looking at her in rapt adoration.

"Erin?" Dean had asked.

The woman in white led her right by him without pausing.

"Hey, that's my wife! What are you doing?" Dean had yelled.

People stopped and looked at him as he chased after the towering woman who held his wife in an embrace.

Then, Dean saw him.

He was huge, nearly seven feet tall and almost as wide, wearing nothing but baggy shorts. His body was hairless and chiseled with muscles.

"Look what I found in the loo, Luv," the woman in white said to the towering behemoth. Her accent was British.

He looked down and smiled, caressing Erin's face with a hand bigger than a bear's paw. "Beautiful little thing."

"Take your hands off her!" Dean yelled as he grabbed Erin's hand.

The woman in white looked over her shoulder at him. She smiled. "Pain."

Dean screamed as every nerve in his body fired in agony. He dropped to his knees.

The giant picked Erin up with his hands around her waist. "What's your name, little one?"

She stared into his eyes and smiled. "Erin." Her eyes were half closed.

"Erin. That's a lovely name. What do you think, Renee? Sub slut or cheerleader whore?"

"Sub slut, I think. Imagine her in bondage gear? She'll be very popular with the dominants, I think." The woman in white, Renee, reached out and unsnapped Erin's shorts, sliding them along with her panties down her legs. "Nice and shaved, this one." Then she reached up and ripped off Erin's blouse and broke the back of her bra, leaving her naked as Erin's clothes fell on the floor.

Dean struggled to move, but it was impossible. All he could do was grovel as the pain lanced through him.

The giant pushed Erin up against the wall and pawed at her pert breasts. "We'll give you a proper rack." Then he reached down and slid a finger bigger than Dean's cock deep inside her. "Lengthen this little pussy as well."

Erin moaned and rocked her hips against him.

"Mark her," the giant said.

Dean screamed not just from his own pain, but from the sight of Erin's skin sizzling.

Renee held a small metal box and aimed it at Erin's left thigh. A laser light flickered and drew a barcode on her thigh in smoking black lines.

Erin moaned, seemingly oblivious to the branding.

Below the barcode, the words: RAUNCHY ERIN, PROPERTY OF MAGNUS, SUB SLUT, G CUP, DOUBLE SLUTIFIER, were etched into her skin.

The giant smiled. "Can't be too careful. The temple is full of people waiting for transformation at this time of day. Can't have you getting lost in the crowd, now can we? Smile, darling, you're the seventh whore in my coven."

He slung her over his shoulder and walked away.

Dean watched helplessly. Erin smiled at him as the Whoremaster carried her away out of the terminal.

Renee knelt beside him. She tore open his shirt and then undid his pants, feeling for his cock. "Too small. I'm throwing you back, dearie."

She had turned and walked away, wide hips swiveling in her rubber skirt. "You can go now," she said as she disappeared into the crowd.

The pain stopped. Dean struggled to his feet, his pants around his ankles.

People passed by and ignored him for the most part. Some laughed, but most just looked mildly amused - just another weird happening in a weird place where erotic dreams came true.

And, nightmares.

He yanked his pants up and fastened them, then he ran into the crowd looking for them.

They had vanished, taking the only woman he had ever loved.

Now, he sat in the apartment provided by his lawyers for his protection.

Two detectives played cards in the living room.

And, Dean drank. Because there was nothing else to do.

All he wanted was to have Erin back. The state department had done nothing, especially after Erin had recorded a video deposition telling them she had left Dean of her own free will.

He could still see her face - this wasn't his Erin. This woman was wearing too much makeup, and, though the camera was only showing her from the shoulders up, he could tell that this Erin had breasts much larger than his Erin.

So, he had filed suit against the Church of Morpheus for wrecking his marriage.

He downed the vodka and poured another. The bottle was empty. They were only lasting about a day and a half now.

Dean got up and walked out of the bedroom. "Hey, I need another bottle."

His guards were standing in the living room looking out the window. They said nothing.

"Hey, fellows? Is there any more vodka?"

They stood motionless.

"They can't hear you," a man said.

Dean almost jumped out of his skin. He turned to the left to see a tall man with thinning blond hair sitting at the kitchen table.

He was thin, his skin was pale, and he wore dark sunglasses even though it was night.

The man wore a black leather coat over a black suit.

Around his neck was a white clerical collar.

Dean took a step back. He had seen enough priests of Morpheus in Cuba to know one when he saw one. He turned to the detectives who still faced the window. "Help!"

"They can't help you, Mr. Spencer," the priest said. "Please have a seat."

Dean faced the priest.

The priest motioned to a chair on the opposite side of the table.

Dean looked over his shoulder at the guards. Both wore shoulder holsters. He could see the butts of the nine millimeters under their arms.

"No, Mr. Spencer. I won't allow that. I'm here for a civilized conversation, but if you want to turn it barbaric, I'm more than your match. Now, please, have a seat."

Dean sat down in the chair and stared at the man in sunglasses. "How did you find me?"

The priest smiled with thin lips. "No great feat, I assure you."

"Where's my wife?"

"My name is Bishop Styx, named for the river, not the band," he said pleasantly.

"Where's my wife?"

"Havana, where you left her."

"I didn't leave her, she was taken!" Dean growled.

Styx smiled coldly. "Semantics. Mr. Spencer, I'm hear to offer you a deal."

"Unless it involves you returning Erin to me, you can fuck off."

Styx shook his head. "Not exactly that, I'm afraid."

"What then?"

"I'm here at the behest of a colleague. She's requested I not harm anyone, and, I agreed, which is why your guards are still alive." Styx said. "It's also why I haven't killed you outright and gone back to tend to more important things."

"What's your deal?" Dean repeated.

"I will return you to your wife. You can be with her, ostensibly forever, and happy, in a way."

"In a way?"

"There are conditions, which I will outline shortly. But, I want to tell you what happens if you refuse."

Dean nodded.

"If you refuse, your law firm is going to drop you as a client. There will be no suit, you will not get your day in court, you'll go back to your miserable, pathetic little life. Perhaps you will find a replacement for Erin in time - consider that Mr. Spencer. You could find happiness for a time without your wife."

"What are the conditions of the deal?" Dean asked.

Styx smirked. "You will board a plane this evening for Havana. As a shemale whore. Feminine curves, full breasts, just with your cock and tiny little balls where a proper pussy should be."

Dean swallowed. "Fuck you."

"Personally, I don't have an interest in transexuals. The whoremaster who owns your former wife, Magnus, however? He enjoys all types of women, real ones and those created through science. He has agreed to add you to his harem. You'll be another mate along with Erin, and you will serve the Church on your back, as a proper whore."

"No thanks."

Styx shrugged. He slid a phone across the table to him.

A video chat was up.

Erin smiled at him. "Dean? Can you hear me?"

"Erin?!" He snatched the phone off the table. "It's me." His voice cracked.

"I miss you. It's not a horrible life, Dean. Magnus is kind. Come home to me."

Dean began to cry. "I... can't do that."

"Yes, you can. Just do what they say. You've seen what they can do. They're taking over, Dean. Even if you don't join us now? You'll join them later, on their terms. Come home, Dean."

The screen went blank.

Dean stared at the phone.

"You drink, constantly from what I can tell considering the trash in this kitchen. How long will you last without her?" Styx asked. He pushed three injections toward Dean: one was a large needle with pink fluid, the other two were smaller with red fluid. "Inject your penis with the pink, your nipples with the red. Simple, somewhat painless. You'll be passable as a woman within two hours, and then we can leave this dreary apartment."

Dean stared at the pink injection.

"I have places to be, Mr. Spencer. Decide quickly," Styx said.

Dean stood up. "You people are monsters."

Styx chuckled. "Oh, we're far worse than that, I assure you."

Dean turned around and looked once more at his guards.

"Decision made then. I see. Well, have a nice life, Mr. Spencer. Oh, there's more vodka in the freezer."

Dean closed his eyes and swallowed.

He turned around and unbuttoned his pants.

"That's the spirit, Mr... or should I say, Miss Spencer?"

He pushed his pants and underwear down. He picked up the pink syringe and pulled off the cap. "You promise me I'll be with her."


He touched the needle to his limp shaft. "I... where?"

"Anywhere. Just push it in about a half inch and inject the liquid."

It stung as the needle went in, and it burned as he pushed the pink medication into his manhood.


Tyler and Emily sat in the car in front of Tyler's house.

"As scared as I am of the Church? I'm scared of meeting your parents more," Emily said.

"You'll be fine. Just don't make eye contact or show any fear."

Emily looked at him and laughed.

"Do you think you can keep your mind off sex?" He asked.

She sighed and nodded. "It's not easy."

"Tell me about it. Are we always going to be like this?"

She smiled at him. "I hope so."

"Me too," he said and kissed her.

Her fingers wandered over and squeezed his cock through his pants. "Oh... okay. There's a lot more there than there was before."

"Hey, I wasn't that small."

She giggled. "No, but I have to tell you... I like big ones."

He rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm glad I meet your standards now."

She shrugged. "At least you're not going to try to split me in two with it."

Tyler's eyes narrowed. "Levi?"

She nodded.

"If he touches you again, I'll kill him."

She touched his face. "No. It's okay. He means nothing to me. Less than nothing. He's cruel, and I don't like him. But, if he wants to use me? Fine. He's not in my heart."

Tyler smiled. "Just me?"

She looked shy. "Not quite."

He nodded. "Stacie too."

"I don't want her to be."

"I feel it too," Tyler said. "I don't want to love her either..."

"But, you do."

He shook his head. "Not so much that I won't run away with you."

"Maybe one day, we can be with her again," Emily said. "I'd like that."

Tyler sighed. "That's tomorrow. Tonight, we have to brave chez McGee. Ready?"

"Yes. Just, make sure not to leave me alone in the room with any of them."

Tyler frowned. "Why?"

"Pheromones. If I'm stuck alone in a room with them, especially a small room? My pheromones may cause them to... get frisky."

"Jesus," Tyler breathed. "I hadn't thought about that."

"Just stay close."


"It's done," Bishop Styx said over the cellphone.

Stacie nodded as she looked out her bedroom window.

At Margaret's house, Abe and Melissa were asleep in Abe's bed, their bodies transforming. Melissa's mind was being molded by the video goggles.

Abe required no training. He had willingly chosen Professional Caste.

As a whore, Melissa would train him herself in a manner of speaking. She would mold him into a wonderful lover.

They were going to be very happy together.

Happy, productive members of the Church.

Her cellphone rang. She smiled at the display and answered. "Naughty slut, shouldn't you be fucking right now?"

Margaret laughed on the other end. "I've fucked him five times already. I think I might have broken him. He's passed out on the bed."

Stacie laughed. "How's his cock?"

"Eight inches. I'm tempted to inject a few inches so he can reach my deeper spots. Come play with us," she whined.

"God, even a slut like me needs a night off."

"Come on. I'm lonely. He's so fucking... human."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Hotel Meridian?"

"Yes! Room 218. Bring toys... and meds."

"God, I've created a monster. You do realize you're going after the minister tomorrow?"

"I'll sleep later. Fuck now. Get over here. We have something to make a guy grow a second dick, don't we?"

"Not here, we don't. Demona might have something..."

"Forget it, just bring toys. Big ones. Love you."

"Love you too." She hung up.

A few days in and she had already destroyed two homes. Not bad - the Church might give her a reward.


It wasn't enough.

Levi lay sandwiched between the mother and daughter, their bodies transformed.

Amber was a knockout now with big breasts and full hips.

Marie was built like a fetish model with her enormous rack.

He should be happy to have two enthralled love slaves at his beckon call.

But, it wasn't enough.

He wanted more.

In the dark bedroom, he rolled Amber onto her stomach and lifted her ass off the bed.

She stirred in her sleep and then moaned as he pushed his cock as deep as he could within her, pushing against her cervix.

He fucked her hard and she arched her back, trying to take more. But, she was still human.

The word disgusted him, though he was still one himself.

Not for much longer.

As he fucked her he reached down and rubbed her clit with his thumb and index finger.

She slammed her crotch back against him in rhythm with his thrusts.

Her pussy was well lubricated with her own juices and his cum from their previous coupling.

Beside them on the bed, Marie moaned. She was awake and rubbing her clit, watching Levi take her daughter like an animal.

Levi laughed. "Wait your turn, whore."

"Yes, Levi," Marie moaned.

Amber was holding onto a pillow tight enough to rip the cotton, her mouth pressed into it. She screamed and moaned as her body convulsed in orgasm.

Levi grunted and filled her with seed.

He held her down as he drained his balls into her.

Then he pulled out, letting her collapse onto the bed.

A moment later, he had jacked himself hard again.

He grabbed Marie's ankles and lifted them onto his shoulders, sinking into her. She wasn't as tight, and he was able to push deeper as she thrashed and moaned.

He fucked her hard.

She rotated her hips under him, squeezing with her internal muscles as he thrust in and out. His balls slapped against her.

"God, so good!" Marie moaned.

He pushed three fingers into her mouth, and she sucked them as he fucked her.

He felt her begin to spasm and then he unloaded into her already full cunt.

She passed out as a second orgasm went through her.

Levi crawled off her.

It wasn't fair. As a Professional Caste subject, he could probably have two or three live in whores, not the dozen available to Whore Caste. Worse, he wouldn't be able to transform humans the way Whore Caste could.

He growled out loud.

Then he stood on the floor and turned toward Marie and Amber. "Clean me."

They crawled to him, his seed dripping out of their pussies.

Together they licked and sucked his cock, his balls, the skin below his balls, cleaning away his cum and their juices with their sucking lips and tongues.

All the while, Levi brooded.


"So, you work for this Fuchs woman?" Christine McGee asked as they ate spaghetti in the dining room.

"Yes," Emily said. She was sitting close to Tyler while Christine and Nathan sat at the ends of the table with Elizabeth sitting opposite them.

"What do you do?" Nathan asked.

"Cleaning mostly."

Christine smiled. "You're working as her housekeeper?"

"Oh, just for room and board. I go to Ithaca College." She looked down at her plate. "Though I'm taking the semester off."

"Well, I think it's admirable to work your way through school," Nathan said. "What are you studying?"

"Women's Studies."

Nathan stared at her. "I didn't know that was a thing."

"Yes, Dad, it's a thing," Tyler said.

"Enough of the third degree, Nathan," Christine said.

"Just making conversation," Nathan said.

"That's a beautiful sweater," Christine said. "Isn't it, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth looked up from her plate. She was wearing her simple cotton blouse. "Yes, it's very nice."

"I keep trying to get Elizabeth to add some color like that."

"Mother," Elizabeth said.

"I want dessert," Christine said. "What about everyone else? I have apple pie."

"Sounds good, Mom," Tyler said.

"Come on, Emily. Give me a hand in the kitchen," Christine said.

Emily blanched. "Uh..."

"Mom, we'll both help you," Tyler said.

"Nonsense, come on, Emily."

Emily stood up and followed Christine to the kitchen.

"I wanted to get you alone all night," Christine said as the kitchen door closed behind Emily.

"What?!" Emily said in terror. The damned pheromones.

Christine took her hand. "You've made him so happy. And, that makes me happy. Thank you."

Emily blushed. "Oh."

Christine opened the refrigerator door. "Honestly, I half expected you to be someone he made up."

"He wouldn't do that," Emily said.

"It's hard being Nathan McGee's son. He's a good man, but a terrible father." Christine pulled an apple pie out of the refrigerator. She turned around and set the pie on the counter. Then she opened the drawer and looked for a knife.

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