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Trapped in a Glory Hole Pt. 02

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Danielle's attempts to get over her ordeal don't go to plan
6.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/16/2022
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Our story takes place three weeks after the events of the first chapter. Danielle is a 24 year old professional woman with long black hair. She is the image of a young Demi Moore.


I sat in my chair as the meeting drowned. An hour and a half in and I was already listening to the 3rd analyst explain about the changes in stock in the US between Adidas and Nike.

As he prattled on, my mind began to wonder. I thought about getting myself a new blouse as my favourite white one had been ruined after the incident two weeks ago...

Slowly dark memories began to flicker slowly into my mind. Memories of being stuck between those pitch black walls while faceless men used me for their own pleasure. Their thick, veiny cocks pounding my helpless pussy, and other dicks slavered in pre-cum being driven into my mouth.

A wet feeling began to rise up between my legs. I began to imagine my bare ass hanging there defenceless, as a man fitting the vague description of the shop assistant began to slide his cock slowly into me, stretching my pussy open.

Without realising it, my hand had begun to slowly make its way down my skirt. I had just touched the soft cotton of my panties when a raised voice broke me out of my trance.


Back to reality, I quickly pulled my hand up and back onto the table. "Y, yes?" I replied flustered.

"Do you agree with going in that direction?" her boss Rupert repeated with an air of annoyance.

I had no idea what he was talking about. I had been completely lost in my own head.

"Erm, yes, yes that's fine with me" I replied having regained my composure.

Once the analyst returned to his presentation I leaned over to my boss and whispered.

"I'm feeling a bit sick, do you mind if I step out for a few minutes?"

Rupert looked at me with an air of surprise. I never left meetings, even when I had the flu. But he nodded in agreement.

I hurried down the corridor as quickly as I could, not even stopping to apologise when I knocked into the old janitor as I turned a corner.

I burst into the women's bathroom, I checked to see if any of the cubicles were occupied. Then once I confirmed I was alone I hurried to the last cubicle and slammed it shut, locking it behind me.

What was wrong with me!? Why am I still thinking about that night? And why does it make me feel so... I had essentially been raped, both my mouth and pussy had been violated by their cocks.

But even as I tried to dismiss these thoughts, my hand was already back on my clit and slowly rubbing my white cotton panties. I felt my wetness begin to grow as I remember the taste of thick white cum spraying onto my tongue.

"No!" I shouted out loud. And pulled my hand away from the now soaked pussy.

This isn't the kind of woman I am. I'm not some cheap skank that gets turned on by being used like some sex toy.

I exited the cubical, splashed my face with some cold water in the sink and then fixed my outfit. "Right, back to work" I said to my reflection and then returned to the meeting.


I stood wrapped in my warm coat, looking out for a cab. The dim street lights flickering on and off as my only source of light on the dark street.

As the different cars whizzed by me, not a black cab in sight.

Then I heard the distinct sound of heels on concrete behind me. As the sound passed I looked behind me and watched as the young women walked down the street.

I couldn't see her face but I was transfixed. She was wearing the longest thigh high patent black boots I had ever seen, the shortest black patent leather miniskirt paired with an even tighter black PVC corset. Her long dark hair and large silver hoop earrings swayed in the wind, almost like in a film, while her firm ass moved up and down gracefully as she went.

I couldn't believe my eyes, I had never seen a prostitute before. I mean I had seen them on TV and stuff but never one in the flesh!

"How cheap" I thought to myself. But as I stared at the women, I quickly saw a cab in my peripheral vision fly past.

"Fuck!" I flung out my hand trying to get its attention and ran a little further up the street before watching the taxis' tail lights disappear into the distance.

I looked back up the street, and the woman was gone.

I decided to walk and try my luck further up the road. There was no point in just standing around I thought to myself.

I made my way up the street, I was thinking about the girl and where she might be now. The streets were deserted, I began to quicken my pace.

Then as I walked I began to hear a strange sound ahead. I couldn't quite make out what the noise was but as I got further up the road it was definitely getting louder and there was more than one noise.

Then just before an off road that led into an alleyway. I stopped. Whatever was making this sound, it was down this alleyway.

I hesitated at the turning but I could now make out what the sounds were. They were moans, moans of ecstasy.

I poked my head around the corner as quietly as I could. But let out a gasp at the sight my eyes were fixed on.

It was the woman from earlier only now she wasn't alone. She had her back up against the alley wall and a bald man between her legs, a man holding her up in the air. Her leather skirt was now up by her waist, leaving nothing to the imagination. His girthy dick was deep inside her shaved pussy.

I watched as he drove his cock up into her. Thrusting with a grunt as he pinned her up against the alleyway wall like a doll.

I was mesmerized by what I was witnessing. My eyes were locked onto the sight of her.

For some reason she looked amazing to me. The material of her thigh high boots shimmering in the moonlight, the sounds of their skins slapping together, as her black hair fell around her face and her tits bounced out of the confines of her leather corset.

"Oh yeah! Fuck, Ahh your cock feels so good!" she moaned as he adjusted his weight and pulled herself higher up.

Then gripping her boots hard he lifted her off his raw prick before slamming her back down impaling her once again on his thick shaft.

"Ahhhhhh oh God!" She moaned.

"I'm gonna cum" I heard him yell before beginning to suck on her exposed tit..

"Oh Yes! fill up my whore pussy!" she replied as she dug her nails into his back.

"Take it all, you fucking slut" He let out animal like moans as he fired his load into her. She tightened her legs around his waist as he began to pump her full of cum.

They stood there for about a minute, both breathing heavily. Before he slipped himself out of her. I watched as his seed began to drip out of her and onto the floor. Then he let her fall to the floor with a thud.

Then he put himself away and zipped himself up. The girl just sat there against the wall with her head down.

He took out his wallet and threw a few notes at her feet.

"Baby, that was a great fuck" he said looking down at the poor girl at his feet.

Then he turned and without a second glance began to walk back down the alleyway towards me.

He was coming straight towards me! I tried to make myself move but I was frozen in place, transfixed at the sight in front of me.

As the man came back up towards the main street, he looked down both sides of the street before noticing me crouched down around the corner. He turned and smiled.

"Enjoy the show?" he said with his cockney twang through a toothless grin.

I just stared at him with a look of disbelief, then he turned and walked off back down the street.

I watched him for a while until he disappeared around the corner. Then I slowly walked down the alleyway towards the women lying there broken on the floor.

"Hey, hey are you alright?" I called out as gently as I could.

There was no reply. Only the sound of a car zooming down the street behind me.

I slowly made my way towards her. I had no idea what I was doing, but I felt impelled to go over to her.

"Hello?... Can you hear me? But still not a word from the dark haired beauty.

Now I was directly in front of her. I looked down on the girl. Her knees up, arm dropped by her side. If it wasn't for the faint sound of her breathing you could be excused for thinking she might be dead.

I bent down so I was at her level. I watched as cum continued to seep out of her like blood from a wound. Rolling down onto the heel of her black boots.

I felt a great swell of pity for the girl, what could have happened to her to end up like this? "I'm here to help," I reassured her.

Then she began to giggle. "Help? Why would I need help? I've never felt so good!"

Then she raised her head, her long dark brown hair falling to the side revealing her pale white face clearly for the first time.

I fell back in shock. The women staring back at me looked just like me! No.. It was me!

Only the make up was different, she had thick black eyeliner around her eyes, with blue eyeshadow and smudged dark red lipstick. She just looked at me and continued to giggle hysterically.

I stumbled backwards to my feet in complete disbelief of what I was seeing.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and was face to face with assistant from sex shop.

"Anything I can help you with?" He said with a wicked smile I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily.

"A dream, it was just a dream" I said to the darkness.

I laid my head back down on my pillow and tried to get back to sleep before I felt something wet by my thigh?

I reached down to investigate. My pussy was soaking wet...


The next few days were incredibly difficult for me, I was distracted at work and making mistakes that I never had before. Even at the gym, where I was normally super focused. I couldn't get what happened to me out of my head.

Then there was that dream and that image of me on the floor, dressed like that with cum dripping out of me. It had been burned into my mind.

As I sat at my desk I tried to think of what I should do. I needed this whole thing to stop, it was just something that had surprised me. I didn't actually enjoy it... I just hadn't had sex in ages so my body responded. Yes that was it, I tried to convince myself.

But then why am I thinking about it so much? Maybe It was trauma?

Yes! I probably had unresolved trauma. And why wouldn't I? I was abused and completely taken advantage of and that was not something that happened to a woman like me.

And that man, he must have been in my dream because he was the first one who...

And the image of me in that glory hole once again appeared in my mind. I quickly dismissed it and forced myself back on to my trail of thought.

I needed to confront that man, confront him and tell him that I knew it was him and that he had essentially raped me and make him accountable for what he had done!

And with that I decided that tonight I would go back to that store and confront that man.

The rest of the day went smoothly. I was focused again and really got stuck into my work. This really reinforced my belief that this was what I needed to do to overcome whatever all this was.


So just like that night, I took the train to Leicester square and walked towards Soho.

I walked with purpose up the concrete streets, it was busy. To be expected for a Friday night I guess.

I slid past a few groups of clubbers until I finally came to the pitch black door of the 'HellFire Store' its crimson letters glowing ominously.

I stepped forward but all of sudden I felt anxious, but why? I had dealt with more powerful men and put them in their place. So why should I be afraid? I was in the right, I was the one who had been wronged.

And so, I steeled my resolve and opened that black door and stepped into the HellFire Store.

The store was the same, the same random sex toys, DVS's scattered around the shelves and the same twin doors at the back.

I walked up to the counter, only now it was not the gray haired man she had come to confront, now it was a woman with dark red hair, piercings and dressed in a tight black Guns N Roses t-shirt paired with tights and a pleated leather skirt.

She seemed to be unboxing what I assumed to be new stock.

"Don't normally get gals like you in here" she said with an air of surprise as I walked towards the desk.

"Yes, well I don't plan on staying long" I replied cynically. "Shame." She said with a cute smile. "Well what can I do for ya?"

For some reason this question took me by surprise. I didn't know this man's name and only had a brief memory of what he looked like. I could exactly say I wanted to speak to the man who helped gang bang me three weeks ago could I?

"Erm, I was in here a few weeks ago and I think I left my phone. There was a man working here, longish gray hair, slicked back. I wanted to ask if he had found it?"

She looked at me puzzled but then smiled and said

"Oh that's probably Michael, He's in the back" she said and gestured to the twin doors.

"You go and have a look for him if you like or I can try and give him a call on the radio?" There was no way I was going to go back through those doors.

"Do you mind calling him?" I replied.

"Sure. Who shall I say it is?" She enquired with a smile.

"Oh he doesn't know/.. Its Danielle"

"Right, give me a sec"

She picked up the radio and punched in a key.

"Mike you there?"

There was a moment's silence. Then I heard a familiar voice from across the other line. "Yeah, I'm here Amy, what is it?"

It was him. I remembered that sleazy voice clearly in my head.

"There is a Danielle here to see you, says that she left her phone here, about three weeks ago?"

"Huh? I don't remember..Wait what does she look like?" He replied with a tone of confusion.

Amy looked at me.

"Pretty, corporate type, long black hair, blue eyes... a bit taller than me?" she said, trying to describe me as politely as she could no doubt.

There was silence for a few moments before Micheal spoke again.

"Yeah... actually I think I remember now. I just got to finish up here and I'll be right out as soon as I can." Then his line went dead.

"Well you heard him, you happy to wait?"

Having heard his voice my heart began to race again in my chest. "Yes, that's fine." I replied

"You can sit over there if you like?" she gestured to a battered old cushioned bench in the corner.

"Thanks" I replied and made my way over to the bench.

I sat down and just caught my breath. I put my Mulberry down between my legs and stared around the shop.

There was an assortment of different heels all poorly spread out along these cheap battered looking shelves. They had a good selection I guess?

Platform heels, ballet heels and heels with grotesquely large heels everything a stripper could want I thought.

However it was the armless manakin with a battered old wig poorly placed on its head that really caught my attention.

Not the manakin itself but the pair of solid black patent leather boots that ran all the way up to the thigh of the mannequin. Paired with black PVC mini skirt and corset.

Immediately the image of me from my dream rose up like a serpent in my mind. I pushed my image back down, I wouldn't let those images distract me.

I tore my eyes away from and did my best to look at anything but those boots. Five minutes went past and as much I tried, my eyes continued to betray me and crept their way back to looking at the boots.

For a moment I wondered how much they might cost but I quickly pulled my mind out the gutter.

Then a voice from behind me made me jump a little.

"Their on sale you know"

It was Amy, she had come out from behind her desk and was now right behind me.

"Oh, okay. Not really my style though" As dismissively as I could.

"Maybe not at the moment, why don't you try them on and see?" she said with a smile.

My face turned scarlet, I could feel my cheeks burning.

"No it's okay, anyway I can tell from here those are too big for me." I said with the best fake laugh I could muster.

Amy looked at the boots and then back to me. "What size are you?" she asked.

"Four." I said with a smile. I wasn't lying I could tell those were too big for me, and I was a size four.

Amy smiled at me and then turned and went back to her desk and disappeared out of sight. I would never admit it but deep down a small part of me was disappointed that they were not in my size.

But my hidden disappointment was short lived as Amy had now reappeared holding a large white box in her arms.

"Size four." she said triumphantly.

"Erm.. I don't" I spluttered. I couldn't find the words.

"Right come on let's see how you look" she said joyfully as she put the box down by my feet and revealed the pair of fresh shining black boots.

Without waiting for a response she took my ankle in her hand and pulled off the heel of my foot.

"Right, here we go" and she took the base of the boot and slipped in onto my foot. After a quick, hard push my foot was fully inside the tight soft leather shoe. Then Amy pulled the zip up all the way up to my thigh, the boot fit snugly around my leg.

"Perfect fit" she said looking at me with her dark brown eyes. Then she proceeded to put the other boot on my other foot and zip it up tight. "Stand up, that the best way to see how they fit"

I stood up, the sound of contracting leather ringing out every-time I moved. I looked at my reflection.

I couldn't deny that my long legs looked fantastic in these boots, they fit me perfectly and I felt sexy. I felt myself getting hot...

"Wow, good choice!" said a new deeper voice. I turned and was face to face with 'Mike'.

He stood there with his arms folded, wearing an all too familiar smug expression on his face. But his eyes still had that same yearning, hungry look in them that they had the first time they met.

This could not have been worse, standing here in these whorish thigh high boots was not how I had imagined this meeting starting out.

"Erm I was in here a few weeks ago and/"

"Thanks Amy I can take it from here" he said rudely interrupting me.

Amy nodded and walked off back towards the front desk. Mike watched her as she walked away before turning back to me.

"So how can I help Miss?" he said with a smile, his learning eye now looking me up and down. I didn't have time to waste on pleasantries, so I went full force.

"So last, a few weeks ago I came in here and, and I went into that area" Pointing towards the twin doors.

"And I ended up in this room and I got trapped in a wall and you took advantage of me!" I was totally flustered, this was not how I had imagined this interaction going.

He just smiled mockingly at me "Took advantage, in what way?" "Erm, there was hole in the wall and I, I..."

"You what?" he interrupted again.

"I was abused sexually" I said, regaining a bit of my composure by this point.

"And I did this?" He replied


"But you said there was a wall, did you see me?"

"I... no but I heard you before..."

I couldn't finish my sentence, I just looked down at the floor when I noticed the large bulge in his pants.

"Okay, okay. Look i'm not sure what you're talking about but how about you show me where this supposedly happened" he said

"I told you it was in a room there! It had a large hole and it trapped me in between it!"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Sorry darling but there's no room like that back there"

I began to get frustrated, I knew he was lying!

"Yes, I'll show you!" I cut myself off but it was too late.

Mike smiled at me wickedly.

"Okay, that's fine with me." he replied as he gestured towards the dark twin doors.


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